Petroleum Meaning 2

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Petroleum Meaning

The word petroleum translates to “rock oil.” It is derived from the Greek word “petra” and the Latin
word “oleum”. When it is drilled from the ground in the liquid form, it is called crude oil. Humans
have known about its existence for 4000 years. However, the first time crude oil was pumped from
the ground was 2500 years ago in China and the world’s first crude oil well was drilled in
Pennsylvania, USA only in the year 1859.

Is Petroleum Renewable?
Petroleum is not a renewable energy source. It is a fossil fuel with a finite amount of petroleum

How is Petroleum Formed?

• Petroleum is formed from the remains of dead plants and animals.

• When plants and animals die, they sink and settle on the seabed.
• Millions of years ago, these dead wildlife and vegetation decomposed and got mixed with
sand and silt.
• Certain bacteria helped in the decomposition of this organic matter and caused some
chemical changes.
• Matter consisting largely of carbon and hydrogen was left behind. However, as there is no
sufficient oxygen at the bottom of the sea, the matter could not decompose completely.
• The partially decomposed matter remained on the seabed and eventually was covered with
multiple layers of sand and silt.
• This burying took millions of years, and finally, due to high temperature and pressure, the
organic matter decomposed completely and formed oil.
Petroleum is primarily recovered by oil drilling. Drilling is carried out after studies of structural geology,
sedimentary basin analysis, and reservoir characterisation.

Once extracted, oil is refined and separated, most easily by distillation, into innumerable products for direct
use or use in manufacturing. Products include fuels such as gasoline (petrol), diesel, kerosene and jet fuel;
asphalt and lubricants; chemical reagents used to make plastics; solvents, textiles, refrigerants, paint,
synthetic rubber, fertilizers, pesticides, pharmaceuticals, and thousands of others. Petroleum is used in
manufacturing a vast variety of materials essential for modern life, and it is estimated that the world
consumes about 100 million barrels (16 million cubic metres) each day.

Oil well

An oil well is a drillhole boring in Earth that is designed to bring petroleum oil hydrocarbons to the surface.
Usually some natural gas is released as associated petroleum gas along with the oil. A well that is designed to
produce only gas may be termed a gas well. Wells are created by drilling down into an oil or gas reserve that
is then mounted with an extraction device such as a pumpjack which allows extraction from the reserve.

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