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Hello! My name is _____ and I am an addict. Welcome to the MIRACLES

HAPPEN group of Narcotics Anonymous. We meet here at St. Leonard’s
Place every Friday at 8pm. This is a closed meeting, which is open to all
addicts seeking recovery. There is one must that applies to everyone
attending: No drugs or paraphernalia on your person, this is for the protection
of our group, our fellowship, and the facility. If you have used today, please
just listen, and pull someone aside at the break or after the meeting. We
would like to stress anonymity, what you hear here let it stay here. Also, who
you see here, thus safeguarding those yet to come. We have no initiation fees
or dues, no pledges to sign and no promises to make to anyone.

Please take a moment to turn off all cell phones or onto silent mode out of
respect for this meeting.

Let’s open the meeting with a moment of silence followed by the serenity
prayer. May we have that moment now please? God...

Chairperson to qualify…

We have several readings we do at each meeting:

Can we get a volunteer to read the following readings:

What is the NA Program?

Who is an Addict?
Why are we Here?
How It Works
The Twelve Traditions
Just for Today Poem
Sponsorship interpretation (Assign to someone)
3 Slogans (Assign to someone)
Key Tags
JFT Meditation

Secretary’s Announcements
Once we are back from break if no white key tag is picked up, ask for a
suggestion for a reading or decide as the chairperson. If a white key tag
is picked up, read step one. After the reading:

“We are at the sharing portion of our meeting. Please do not be drug specific.
If you must refer to your drug of choice, call it just that. Please do not
crosstalk. Crosstalk at this group means do not interrupt a member while they
are sharing to comment directly on what is being said. It also means do not
use your share as an opportunity to solicit advice to someone based on what
they shared. Please speak from your experience and try to keep your share
solution focused. The floor is now open”.

Use your judgement as the chair. If everyone is done sharing, close the
meeting. If there are still people who have not shared, give it a few
minutes. If they do not share, ask the floor if anyone who has not had
the opportunity to share would like to share. If not response, it's time to
close the meeting. Close with the “We Do Recover” reading. After the
reading, close with the “we” version of the serenity prayer or the 3rd
step prayer.

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