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The force carrier which is responsible for force transfer in nucleus is

Select one:
a. Graviton
b. Photon
c. Quark
d. Gluon …‫هاي الصح‬

If the photon energy is converted into an electron-positron pair with total kinetic
energy = Eg - 2mc2. This process called.

Select one:
Electron capture
Compton scattering
Pair productio….‫هاي الصح‬

Nuclei are made up of protons and neutrons bound together by the?

Select one:
a. strong force….‫هاي الصح‬
b. weak force
c. Gravity Force
d. EM force

the volume of Titanium isotope consists 46 Ti are?

Select one:
a. 234 X 10 -42 M3
b. 67.6 X 10 -42 M3
c. 5.78 X 10 -42 M3
d. 4.29 X 10 -42 M3…‫هاي الصح‬
The basic of the nuclear shell model is that there is an ordered structure within the
atom in which two particle are arranged in stable quantum states in a potential well
that is common to all of them. The particles are?

Select one:
a. electron positron
b. neutron, proton….‫هاي الصح‬
c. electrons, neutrons
d. electrons , protons

Which of the following will be a decay product when 23Mg12 undergoes beta minus

Select one:
a. Si13
b. Al13…‫هاي الصح‬
c. Mg13
d. Mg13

1. Five major effects influence the binding energy of the nucleus in the
liquid-drop model

Select one:
a. Volume, energy, mass, coulomb repulsive, pairing effects
b. Volume, mass, surface, symmetry, paring effects
c. Volume, surface, coulomb repulsive, symmetry, pairing effects…‫هاي الصح‬
d. Volume, energy, surface, coulomb attractive, symmetry, pairing effects

How much mole can occupy 22.4 litters at standard temperature and pressure

Select one:
a. 2 MOLE
b. 4 MOLE
c. 1 MOLE….‫هاي الصح‬
d. 3 MOLE
(99.60%), therefore the atomic mass of argon element is close stable. Its radius of
this nucleus will be

Select one:
a. 2.03 fm
b. 1.20 fm
c. 4.09 fm…‫هاي صح‬
d. 3.16 fm

Nuclear sizes are on the order of femtometers which in the nuclear context are
usually called fermis which equal to

Select one:
a. 1 fm = 10-13m
b. 1 fm = 10-17m
c. 1 fm = 10-20m
d. 1 fm = 10-15m….‫هاي الصح‬

The Last Neutron in 4He Find the binding energy of the last neutron in 4He, IF m 4He =
4.002603 u AND m 3He = 3.016030 u and m n = 1.008665 u.

Select one:
a. 340.7 MeV
b. 102.4 MeV
c. 20.58 MeV…..‫هاي الصح‬
d. 33.25 MeV

the radioactive half-life is the same as the average lifetime

Select one:
If we collide an electron has an energy of 7 MeV with Positron has the same energy.
The production particle will have an energy equal to

Select one:
Zero MeV
49 MeV
1 MeV
14 MeV….‫هاي الصح‬

The prediction of decay can be stated in terms of half life

Select one:
True….‫هاي الصح‬

The isotopes of carbon. The element is determined by the atomic number 6. Carbon-
12 is the common isotope, with carbon-13 as another stable isotope that makes up
about 1%. Carbon 14 is radioactive and the basis for

Select one:
a. carbon dating …..‫هاي الصح‬
b. carbon radioactive
c. carbon radioactive
carbon energy
d. carbon decay

Nuclear energies are very high compared to atomic processes and need larger units.
The most used unit is MeV. The 1 Electron volt equal to

Select one:
a. 3.14 x 10-19 joules
b. 1.6 x 10-19 joules….‫هاي الصح‬
c. 2.8 x 10-19 joules
d. 1.9 x 10-19 joules
protons and neutrons are both from Bosons family

Select one:
False…‫هاي الصح‬

Estimate the half-life time of a radioactive substance whose fragmentation continual

happens to be 0.002 1/years?

Select one:
a. 742.8
b. 253.3
c. 346.5….‫هاي الصح‬
d. 365.6

The most definitive information about nuclear sizes comes from electron scattering

Select one:
True….‫هاي الصح‬

Nuclei are made up of protons and neutrons bound together by the EM force

Select one:
False….‫هاي الصح‬

The magnitude of the nuclear force depends on the relative spin orientations of THE

Select one:
a. Nuclear
b. Nucleus
c. Nucleons….‫هاي الصح‬
d. Nuclei

Which of the following decay processes results in the largest change in mass of a

Select one:
a. Neutron
b. Alpha…‫هاي الصح‬
c. Beta

The prediction of decay can be stated in terms of half life Select one :
True…‫هاي صح‬

A fission reaction is similar to a fusion reaction in that both reactions involve Select one :
d. the conversion of mass to energy…‫هاي صح‬

The fact that the nuclear density seems to be dependent of the details of neutron number
or proton number implies that the force between the particles is essentially the same
whether they are protons or neutrons…..false
d. Gamma

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