Journal of Agronomy and Crop Science - Feijao - Soja

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Received: 19 April 2020 | Revised: 24 August 2020 | Accepted: 27 August 2020

DOI: 10.1111/jac.12450


Bean–soybean succession under full sun and in agroforestry

systems: Impacts on radiation use efficiency, growth and yield

Jaqueline Sgarbossa1 | Elvis Felipe Elli2 | Felipe Schwerz3 | Claiton Nardini4 |

Fábio Miguel Knapp5 | Denise Schmidt6 | Alessandro Dal’Col Lúcio1 |
Braulio Otomar Caron6

Department of Crop Science, Federal
University of Santa Maria, Santa Maria, Abstract
Brazil Simultaneous cultivation of agricultural and forest species may result in changes in
Department of Biosystems Engineering,
plant community interactions, generating microclimatic changes within the under-
College of Agriculture, University of São
Paulo, Piracicaba, Brazil story and then modifying growth and yield characteristics of the intercropping sys-
Department of Agricultural Engineering, tems. Thus, this study aimed to assess the radiation use efficiency, growth and yield
Federal University of Lavras, Lavras, Brazil
of bean and soybean cultivated in succession under two arrangements of agrofor-
Department of Forest Science, Federal
University of Santa Maria, Frederico estry and full sun. To these ends, two field experiments were conducted in Southern
Westphalen, Brazil Brazil: bean in-season and soybean off-season. Absolute and relative growth rates,
Department of Biosystems Engineering,
net assimilation rate, leaf weight ratio, leaf area ratio, specific leaf area, radiation use
Federal University of Goiás, Goiânia, Brazil
Department of Agronomic and efficiency and yield of bean and soybean were assessed. The solar radiation flux was
Environmental Sciences, Federal University modified by plant arrangement and tree canopy characteristics. Shading affected
of Santa Maria, Frederico Westphalen, Brazil
growth and yield characteristics and the radiation use efficiency of the studied crops.
Correspondence From the results obtained in this study, it is possible to recommend crop bean cul-
Jaqueline Sgarbossa, Department of Crop
Science, Federal University of Santa Maria, tivation in agroforestry systems. However, for soybean, due to the reduced yields
97105-900, Santa Maria, Rio Grande do Sul, obtained in agroforestry systems, further research should be conducted in order to
Email: study more spaced arrangements and crop insertion in the early years of agrofor-
estry, in order to enable its insertion in agroforestry systems in Southern Brazil.
Funding information
National Council for Scientific and
Technological Development
annual crops, forest species, plant arrangement, shading, solar radiation transmissivity,

1 | I NTRO D U C TI O N agricultural systems, reducing the need for exploration of new areas
and then favouring the maintenance of existing biomes.
Agroforestry systems are alternative agricultural production sys- However, the simultaneous cultivation of agricultural and forest
tems where agricultural and forest species are grown simultane- species in the same production area may result in alterations in plant
ously (Benbi, Brar, Toor, Singh, & Singh, 2011; Sharma, Chauhan, community interactions (Sgarbossa et al., 2018), affecting microcli-
& Tripathi, 2016). These systems may optimize land use (Zhang mate within the understory. These changes often present positive
et al., 2019), improve soil structure (Benlhabib, Yazar, Qadir, Lourenço, aspects, but when improperly planned, they may present negative
& Jacobsen, 2014; Duan et al., 2019) and increase organic matter aspects (Bosi, Pezzopane, & Sentelhas, 2019). One of the main
contents (Pardon et al., 2017), microbial activity (Rivest, Cogliastro, changes caused by crop cultivation in the understory of agroforestry
Bradley, & Olivier, 2010) and carbon sequestration (Carvalho & systems is the reduction of solar radiation incidence within the un-
Lourenço, 2014; Sharma et al., 2016). Furthermore, agroforestry derstory. When intercepted by the tree canopy, solar radiation un-
systems may optimize the use of marginalized areas with sustainable dergoes quantitative and qualitative changes and can be reflected,

J Agro Crop Sci. 2020;00:1–16.© 2020 Wiley-VCH GmbH | 1

2 | SGARBOSSA et al.

absorbed or transmitted (Caron et al., 2014), depending on the angle practices with cultivation in agroforestry systems can mitigate these
of incidence of the sun's rays (Righi et al., 2007), canopy size, leaf undesirable effects. In the literature, there are still incipient stud-
area index, canopy architecture (Pilau & Angelocci, 2015) and tree ies that consider the insertion of bean (Righi & Bernardes, 2008)
leaf geometry (Behling et al., 2016). and soybean in agroforestry systems (Caron et al., 2018; Sgarbossa
Numerous strategies can be used to mitigate the effects of the et al., 2018; Werner, Balbinot Junior, Franchini, Ferreira, & Silva,
tree canopy on solar radiation, such as the use of different forest 2017), especially in a succession system.
arrangements and species. Caron et al. (2018) studying the dy- When grown under conditions of good water supply and fer-
namics of solar radiation in different agroforestry arrangements tilization, biomass production of these crops is dependent on the
(6 m × 1.5 m and 12 m × 3 m) found 82.58% superiority in the amounts of photosynthetically active radiation absorbed by the
amounts available to the understory in more spaced arrange- leaves, and their efficiency in assimilating and converting solar
ments. Similarly, Sgarbossa et al. (2018) evaluating the dynamics radiation by the photosynthesis (Heerden, Donaldson, Watt, &
of solar radiation in the understory of different forest species, Singels, 2010; Monteith, 1977). According to Zhu, Long, and Ort
found a superiority of 41.58% in the solar radiation available in the (2008), agricultural crops with C3 metabolism have the maximum
understory of Peltophorum dubium (deciduous plant) compared to capacity to convert only 4.6% of the intercepted photosynthetic
the system cultivated with Eucalyptus urograndis. In this context, radiation into produced biomass. Bean and soybean are C3 metabo-
further studies should be conducted in order to identify the most lism species and, due to their metabolic characteristics, have lower
appropriate arrangement and forest species to compose the sys- efficiency in the conversion of solar radiation into photoassimilates
tem in order to generate the balance between the amounts of ra- compared to C4 species. Thus, when conducted in agroforestry sys-
diation intercepted by the tree canopy and the amounts available tems can present modifications in growth, radiation use efficiency
to the understory. and consequently, yield.
In addition, consideration should be given to the use of crops Studies conducted in agroforestry systems have confirmed
widespread in agriculture, such as bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) and changes in crop characteristics, such as the absolute growth rate and
soybean (Glycine max), sources of protein and oil for human and net assimilation rate in sugarcane (Schwerz et al., 2018), leaf area
animal consumption. Bean is grown in approximately 100 coun- index, absolute growth rate (Yang et al., 2019) and yield of wheat
tries, with a wide range of species and varieties. Brazil stands out (Duan et al., 2019), biomass production and protein content of piatã
as the world's third-largest bean producer (Conab, 2018), with pro- palisadegrass and corn (Pezzopane et al., 2019). Duan et al. (2019)
duction for the 2019/2020 harvest of 3.05 million tons of grains, studied the responses of wheat grown in agroforestry systems with
with a planted area of 2.92 million hectares (ha) and average yield walnut trees and found a reduction in grain yield (annual crop) and
of 1,047 kg/ha (Conab, 2020). Soybean is the main oilseed grown fruit yield (forest species) when grown in a consortium. However,
in the world, with about 122.7 million hectares cultivated, produc- they verified increases in land-use efficiency and total yield
tion of 341.4 million tons of grain and average yield of 2,784 kg/ (grains + fruits) of 62% compared to single cultivation of annual spe-
ha (Fiesp, 2019). Brazil, the second-largest producer of this crop in cies and forest species.
the world, presented in the 2019/2020 a harvested area of 36.80 Little attention has been given to the use of different arrange-
million ha, production of 123.24 million tons and average yield of ments and forest species in agroforestry systems and the impacts
3,349 kg/ha (Conab, 2020). on understory microclimate conditions, as well as the effect of these
In recent years, Brazilian agriculture has been characterized by changes on the growth and yield of intercropping species. Thus, the
the search for increases in grain production, which has favoured a following hypothesis was generated: (a) radiation use efficiency,
second crop (Nóia Júnior & Sentelhas, 2019), especially those sys- growth and yield of bean and soybean grown in succession are mod-
tems in succession. The cultivation of beans in-season is a wide- ified by shading of different forest species (Peltophorum dubim and
spread practice, as it enables the conduction of another crop of Eucalyptus urograndis) and arrangements (6 m × 3 m and 12 m × 3 m)
economic importance in succession. In Brazil, bean sowing in in agroforestry systems. In order to meet this hypothesis, the present
August-November (in-season) corresponds to 31.3% of the total area study aimed to assess the radiation use efficiency, growth and yield
planted with the crop (Conab, 2019). In addition, favourable mar- of bean and soybean grown in succession in the P. dubium and E. uro-
keting conditions, coupled with the high technological input, have grandis understory in two arrangements of agroforestry and full sun.
prompted the sowing of off-season soybean (January-February), in
order to increase production as well as expand soybean cultivation
area (Embrapa, 2014). 2 | M ATE R I A L A N D M E TH O DS
On the other hand, intensification of the production system,
through the successive cultivation of agricultural species, especially 2.1 | Study area and experimental design
those with similar characteristics such as bean and soybean, can
trigger the depletion of natural resources, decreasing the accumu- Two field experiments were conducted in the 2017/2018 crop year,
lation of organic matter and the cycling of nutrients, as well as fa- bean in-season (September to January) and soybean off-season
vouring pest and disease pressure. Thus, the association of these (January to April) in the city of Frederico Westphalen, Southern
SGARBOSSA et al. | 3

Brazil, under geographic coordinates of 27º23'48” S, 53º25'45” W a Vertex II Hypsometer. Diameter of the canopy (DC) and diameter
and altitude of 490 m above sea level. According to the Köppen cli- at breast height (DBH) were measured by using a tape measure. The
mate classification system, the region's climate is Cfa, that is humid DBH was measured at 1.30 m from the ground level. To determine
subtropical, with an average annual temperature of 19.1ºC, ranging the average DC, vertical and horizontal measurements were made
between 0 and 38°C and a cumulative annual rainfall of 2,040 mm thereof.
(Alvares, Stape, Sentelhas, Gonçalves, & Sparovek, 2013). The soil of The bean in-season was sowed on 21 September 2017, with spac-
the experimental area is classified as typical Entisol Orthents (Cunha ing of 0.45 m between rows and population of 28.88 plants/m2. The
et al., 2011), with a pH in water of 5.2, 3.7 mg/kg of P (Mehlich), cultivar used was IPR Uirapuru, characterized by its undetermined
93.7 mg/kg of K, 8.7 cmol/kg Ca, cation exchange capacity (CEC) growth habit, erect gait, short guides and possibility of mechanical
of 16.8 cmolc kg , base saturation of 69.4% (V) and 3.3% organic harvesting. Soybean off-season was sowed on 3 January 2018, with
matter (OM). The soil was fertilized based on soil analysis and crop spacing of 0.45 m between rows and population of 15.55 plants/m2.
recommendations for the studied region (CQFS, 2016). The cultivar used was TMG 7,062, characterized by its semi-deter-
The experimental design was a randomized complete block, ar- mined growth habit, average gait and belonging to maturity group
ranged in a 2 × 2 factorial scheme with additional treatment, charac- 6.2. Additionally, it should be noted that a plant population of 40%
terized by two arrangements: Intercrop I and Intercrop II; two forest lower than that recommended for cultivation was used. This decision
species: Peltophorum dubium (Spr.) Taubert designated (P. dubium), was based on preliminary studies conducted with soybean under ar-
and Eucalyptus urophylla ST Blake × Eucalyptus grandis Hill ex Maiden tificial shading, in which the highest yields were obtained using 60%
designated (E. urograndis); and full sun, with three repetitions. In of the recommended plant population (unpublished data).
Intercrop I, the trees were distributed in rows spaced at 6 m and 3 m
between plants in the planting lines (Figure 1); bean and soybean
were distributed in 8 rows and arranged between tree rows, with 2.2 | Meteorological conditions
a total of 16 rows within the system. In Intercrop II, the trees were
spaced 12 m and 3 m between the plants; bean and soybean were Incoming solar radiation, air temperature (minimum, average and
distributed in 30 rows arranged within the tree rows. In total, 18 maximum) and rainfall were obtained from an automatic meteoro-
trees were distributed in Intercrop I and 12 trees in Intercrop II for logical station of the Brazilian Institute of Meteorology (INMET),
each experimental unit. located approximately 1,500 m from the study site. Water balance
Forest species seedlings were manually planted in September was run according to Thornthwaite and Mather (1955) approach at
2007, where the area was previously prepared by plowing and har- a 10-day time step from September 2017 to April 2018, covering
rowing. During the experimental period, the trees were 11-year-old, the whole period for bean and soybean cultivation, considering a
with the allometric characteristics shown in Table 1. Tree height soil water holding capacity (SWHC) of 80 mm. The SWHC was es-
(H) was measured from the ground level to the top leaf axils using timated considering the general soil characteristics (Doorenbos &

F I G U R E 1 A sketch of an experimental
unit of the agroforestry systems (Intercrop
I and Intercrop II) and the full sun
system. Black circles represent the trees,
continuous lines indicate rows where the
annual crops (bean and soybean) were
sowed, the rectangles represent the
sample plots (P1, P2 and P3), black braces
indicate the spacing used between trees
in the planting line (3 m) and between the
rows of trees (6 m—Intercrop I and 12 m—
Intercrop II) and black arrows indicate the
minimum distance between the first row
of annual crops and the trees (1 m)
4 | SGARBOSSA et al.

TA B L E 1 Height (H), mean diameter of canopy (DC) and Where T = transmissivity rate (%); I = solar radiation incident
diameter at breast height (DBH) of Eucalyptus urograndis and inside of the agroforestry system (W/m2); and I 0 = solar radiation
Peltophorum dubium trees in two agroforestry systems (Intercrop I
incident outside the agroforestry system (W/m2). To estimate the
and Intercrop II) tested during the experimental period
transmissivity of the day, the average of the values obtained at each
DC DBH evaluation time was generated.
Species System H (m) (m) (cm)

E. urograndis Intercrop I 25.45 7.28 34.94

E. urograndis Intercrop II 28.16 8.96 38.34 2.4 | Radiation use efficiency
P. dubium Intercrop I 19.20 4.38 12.86
P. dubium Intercrop II 20.60 5.30 15.72 The radiation use efficiency (RUE) was calculated based on the
model proposed by Monteith (1977), in which RUE is a linear func-
tion between the produced dry matter and the intercepted photo-
Kassam, 1979): average SWHC for clayey soils of 2.0 mm/cm and synthetically active radiation, as follows:
average values of effective depth of the crop root system (Alfonsi
et al., 1990) of 40 cm. TDM = RUE ∗ PARi
The bean cultivation period presented average air tempera-
ture of 20.8°C, ranging from 9.3°C to 34.6°C, average solar radia- Where TDM = total dry matter produced (g/m2); PARi = intercepted
2 -1
tion flux of 20.8MJ/m day , accumulated rainfall of 649.4 mm and photosynthetically active radiation (MJ/m2).
accumulated water deficit of 10.4 mm (Figure 2). For the soybean The photosynthetically active intercepted radiation values
cultivation period, the average air temperature was 22.2°C, rang- were calculated based on the model proposed by Varlet-Grancher
ing from 10.8°C to 33.2°C, average solar radiation flux of 19.2MJ/ et al. (1989):
2 -1
m day , accumulated rainfall of 578 mm and an accumulated water
deficit of 27.1 mm. Bean requires air temperatures between 10°C PARi = 0.95 ∗ (PAR) ∗ (1 − e( − k ∗ LAI)).
and 35°C (Embrapa, 2012) and accumulated rainfall of 300–400 mm
(Embrapa, 2011), while soybean crop requires air temperatures be- Where PAR = incident photosynthetically active radiation;
tween 20°C and 30°C and accumulated rainfall of 450–800 mm k = extinction coefficient, determined during the cycle of each crop;
(Embrapa, 2013). The water deficit observed in the bean cycle co- and LAI = leaf area index. The LAI was determined by the relation-
incided with the physiological maturation period, not affecting the ship between the leaf area (LA) and the soil area explored by the
growth, development, and yield of the crop. For soybean cultivation, plant (SA). PAR values were estimated to be 45% of incident global
two periods with water deficit were observed, in the initial stages of solar radiation. This fraction represents the average of the values
establishment of the crop and in the physiological maturation. found by Assis and Mendez (1989) for the studied region. To esti-
mate the global solar radiation incident on the understory of each
forest species and agroforestry arrangement, we considered cor-
2.3 | Solar radiation transmissivity rection factors for solar radiation transmissivity, as follows: 69.23%
(P. dubium Intercrop I), 79.19% (P. dubium Intercrop II), 57.94% (E. uro-
The incident global solar radiation was measured using a pyranom- grandis Intercrop I) and 77.20% (E. urograndis Intercrop II) for bean
eter (LYCOR PY 32,164) coupled with a Datalogger (LICOR 1,400). and 61.35% (P. dubium Intercrop I), 71.03% (P. dubium Intercrop II),
The incident solar radiation was quantified outside and below the 60.52% (E. urograndis Intercrop I) and 76.85% (E. urograndis Intercrop
trees of the agroforestry system, and measurements at 9, 10, 12, 14, II) for soybean.
15 and 16 hr were collected at each evaluation point. The evalua-
tion points were selected in order to quantify the uneven incidence
of solar radiation in the understory of forest species, as follows: 2.5 | Plant growth evaluations
1.45 m (P1), 2.35 m (P2) and 1.90 m (P3) away from the tree rows for
Intercrop I and 1.45 m (P1), 4.15 m (P2) and 2.80 m (P3) away from The bean emerged on 21 September 2017 and soybean on 9 January
the tree rows for Intercrop II. Therefore, at each evaluation time, 2018. Growth evaluations were performed fortnightly, starting at
four measures were taken at each evaluation point. Measurements 15 days after emergence (DAE). In this context, five growth evalua-
were made on 10 October 2017 and 11 November 2017 for bean tions were performed during bean cultivation and six during soybean
and 15 February 2018 and 23 April 2018 for soybean, on typical cultivation. In each evaluation period, six plants were collected in
days for agrometerology. The transmissivity was calculated by the areas near the tree rows, in the north and south directions, as well
following equation: as in the centre of the alley. Afterwards, the samples collected in the
field were taken to the laboratory to separate the different compo-
(I) nents: leaf, stem, branches, flowers, pods and senescent leaves, for
T= x100.
(I0) subsequent leaf disc preparation and determination of leaf area and
SGARBOSSA et al. | 5

F I G U R E 2 Incoming solar radiation

(a), minimum, average and maximum air
temperature (b) and soil water holding
capacity and rainfall (c) (decendial base)

LAI, variables used to calculate growth rates and RUE. The leaves obtain the dry matter of each component, which together resulted in
were considered senescent when 50% or more of their leaf area was the TDM. Based on the dry matter and leaf area results, the crop growth
dead or compromised. analysis was performed. The calculated variables were as follows: abso-
After separation, the samples were placed in paper bags and kept lute growth rate (AGR), relative growth rate (RGR), net assimilation rate
in a forced air circulation oven at 60°C until they reached the constant (NAR), leaf weight ratio (RLW), leaf area ratio (LAR) and specific leaf area
mass. Subsequently, samples were weighed on a precision scale to (SLA), according to the methodology proposed by Benincasa (2003).
6 | SGARBOSSA et al.

F I G U R E 3 Average solar radiation

flux in the understory of two forest
species (E. urograndis and P. dubium) in
two agroforestry arrangements (Intercrop
I and Intercrop II) and in full sun, during
bean (a) and soybean (b) cultivation

2.6 | Yield components using ExpDes (Ferreira, Cavalcanti, & Nogueira, 2018) package R soft-
ware (R Core Team, 2019). To analyse the yield of annual crops grown
Bean harvest was performed on 19 December 2017, and soybean in agroforestry systems in relation to full sun, we compared the means
harvest on 1 May 2018. Yield components were analysed by collect- by Dunnett's test (p < .05), in the SAS software (SAS, 2003).
ing 10 plants randomly from each plot, selected on harvest day. The In order to obtain an integrated analysis of the cultivation sys-
criterion used for the selection of the sample plots was that they tems, the growth variables, productive performance and average
should reliably represent the growth and development character- solar radiation flux were subjected to a multivariate approach, using
istics of the total plants in the understory. Thus, these plots were a principal component analysis (PCA). PCA was performed using
located near the tree rows in the north direction; centre of the alley; the means of the variables in each culture system and the tidyverse
and located near the tree rows in the south direction. The number of (Wickham et al., 2019), factoextra (Kassambara & Mundt, 2020),
pods per plant (NPP) and the number of grains per plant (NGP) were dplyr (Wickham, François, Henry, & Müller, 2020) and metan
determinated by counting. The grain weight per plant (GW) was eval- (Olivoto & Lúcio, 2020) packages R software (R Core Team, 2019).
uated by weighing on a precision scale. In order to evaluate the yield, The PCA method reduces the dimensionality of the data with a large
the total grains obtained in each evaluation plot were weighed by a number of measured variables, transforming them into a consider-
precision scale, the grain moisture was adjusted to 13%, and then, ably smaller new data set that has zero averages and one variance
the yield value was converted to kg/ha. When converting the yield at the beginning of the analysis, designated of principal components
to kg/ha, the area occupied by the forest species was discounted, (PCs). Each annual crop underwent a PCA.
being 33.33% of the area occupied by trees in Intercrop I and 15.67% The variables used in the PCA analysis were as follows: average
in Intercrop II. The relative yield was calculated by the ratio between solar radiation flux (Flux), radiation use efficiency (RUE), absolute
full sun yield and yield in each agroforestry arrangement and forest growth rate (AGR), relative growth rate (RGR), net assimilation rate
species, according to the equation: (NAR), leaf weight ratio (RLW), leaf area ratio (LAR), specific leaf
area (SLA), number of pods plant-1 (NPP), number of grains plant-1
YAS (NGP) and yield. Two PCs were selected considering all variables,
RY =
and two-dimensional (with two main components) ordering graphs
Where RY = relative yield; YM = full sun yield; and YAS = agroforestry were made, in which the axes were designated as main component 1
yield for each agroforestry arrangement and forest species. (PC1) and main component 2 (PC2).

2.7 | Statistical analysis 3 | R E S U LT S

Data were statistically analysed using software R (R Core Team, 2019) 3.1 | Dynamics of solar radiation
and Statistical Analysis System (SAS, 2003). Data were initially ex-
amined for variance homogeneity and then subjected to analysis of During the bean cultivation period, the highest values of average
variance (ANOVA) to determine treatment effects and possible inter- solar radiation flux in agroforestry systems were obtained in the
actions. Residues normality distribution was verified by the Shapiro– P. dubium Intercrop II understory, followed by E. urograndis Intercrop
Wilk test. For the yield and yield components of annual crops, when II, P. dubium Intercrop I and E. urograndis Intercrop I, respectively
significance was verified by the F test (p < .05), we compared the (Figure 3a). Different responses were observed for the soybean cul-
means by the Tukey test (p < .05). These analyses were performed tivation period, in which the highest values of average solar radiation
SGARBOSSA et al. | 7

flux were found in the E. urograndis Intercrop II understory, followed compared to E. urograndis. Leaf weight ratio (RLW), leaf area ratio
by P. dubium Intercrop II, P. dubium Intercrop I and E. urograndis (LAR) and specific leaf area (SLA) decreased with increasing crop
Intercrop I (Figure 3b). age, regardless of the crop (Figures 4 and 5). The lowest values
were observed under full sun (RLW = 0.470 g/g and 0.467 g/g;
LAR = 0.018 m2/g and 0.013 m2/g; SLA = 0.036 m2/g and
3.2 | Plant growth 0.026 m2/g, for bean and soybean, respectively), compared to the
average values found in the understory of agroforestry systems.
Similar patterns for absolute growth rate (AGR), relative growth rate
(RGR) and net assimilation rate (NAR) were observed in plant growth
up to 45 days after emergence, regardless of the cropping system, 3.3 | Radiation use efficiency
coinciding with the end of the vegetative period and beginning of
the reproductive period of bean (Figure 4a–c). In general, the highest The bean crop when conducted under full sun showed higher effi-
values for AGR, RGR and NAR were verified for full sun and P. du- ciency in converting solar radiation to biomass (Figure 6a). Regarding
bium Intercrop II. Analysing plant growth between agroforestry ar- the different agroforestry arrangements and forest species, higher
rangements, we observed superiorities in the average values of AGR RUE was observed in the understory of E. urograndis, Intercrop I.
(33.05%), RGR (7.75%) and NAR (3.61%) for Intercrop II compared to During soybean cultivation, the highest radiation use efficiency was
Intercrop I. Comparing the growth of bean plants in the understory of also obtained under full sun (Figure 6b). When comparing agrofor-
the different forest species, higher average values of AGR (47.98%), estry systems, soybean plants conducted under Intercrop II arrange-
RGR (11.02%) and NAR (15.50%) were obtained for P. dubium. ment and the forest species E. urograndis presented the higher RUE.
Similar patterns were found for soybean cultivation (Figure 5a– It should also be noted that, regardless of the agroforestry arrange-
c). Higher values of AGR (141.83%), RGR (15.79%) and NAR (3.83%) ment or forest species, when cultivated in an agroforestry system,
were observed for Intercrop II compared to Intercrop I. Comparing bean demonstrate greater stability and less variation for RUE val-
the different forest species, higher AGR (41.01%), RGR (2.47%) ues, with different levels of radiation. The same is not observed for
and NAR (2.49%) values were found in the understory of P. dubium soybean.

F I G U R E 4 Absolute growth rate (a),

relative growth rate (b), net assimilation
rate (c), leaf weight ratio (d), leaf area
ratio (e) and specific leaf area (f) of bean
cultivated in agroforestry systems and
under full sun
8 | SGARBOSSA et al.

F I G U R E 5 Absolute growth rate (a),

relative growth rate (b), net assimilation
rate (c), leaf weight ratio (d), leaf area ratio
(e) and specific leaf area (f) of soybean
cultivated in agroforestry systems and
under full sun

F I G U R E 6 Radiation use efficiency (g/

MJ) of bean (a) and soybean (b) cultivated
in agroforestry systems and under full
sun. RUE = radiation use efficiency,
PARai = accumulated intercepted
photosynthetically active radiation and
TDM = total dry matter produced

3.4 | Yield traits The highest values for yield and relative yield were observed in
Intercrop II, 40% higher than Intercrop I (Figure 8a,b). The ANOVA
According to the analysis of variance (ANOVA), no significant ar- showed significance for the yield of bean cultivated under full sun in
rangement x species interaction was observed (Table 2). No signifi- relation to agroforestry systems (Figure 8c), and the highest values
cant effect of arrangement and species for the variables number of obtained under full sun. In general, bean grain yield in agroforestry
pods plant-1, number of grains plant-1 grain weight plant-1 were found systems was 58.5% lower than full sun.
for bean crop. For the variables yield and relative yield, significance An interaction between arrangement x species for yield com-
was observed for the arrangement factor. When grown in agrofor- ponents and yield of soybean was found. For the variables num-
estry systems, bean presented average number of pods plant-1 of 7.3, ber of pods plant-1 and number of grains plant-1 , yield and relative
-1 -1
average number of grains plant of 28.9 average grain weight plant yield the lowest values were obtained for Intercrop I, when the
of 4.7 g (Figure 7). forest species E. urograndis was used (Figure 9). A similar trend
SGARBOSSA et al. | 9

TA B L E 2 Analysis of variance and

significance of the mean squares of the
Source of variation Yield Yield GW NGP NPP
sources of variation and coefficient of
variation (CV), of the yield traits of the Bean
bean and soybean Arrangements 348,253* 0.007* 0.883 92.593 0.0023
Species 40,679 0.008 1.502 39.725 1.687
* *
Arrangements*Species 70,145 0.014 0.8 35.021 2.224
Residuals 16,176 0.003 1.585 17.089 1.916
CV (%) 13.83 13.89 13.01 14.65 18.77
Arrangements 188,797* 0.023* 6.193* 211.82* 66.898*
Species 1,270 0.0002 0.3815 7.389 0.926
* * * *
Arrangements*Species 102,284 0.013 7.896 228.959 52.780*
Residuals 13,097 0.001 0.761 34.428 45.698
CV (%) 29.81 30.06 27.18 31.21 26.53

Note: Traits: Yield (kg/ha); Relative Yield; GW: grain weight per plant (g); NGP: number of grains per
plant; and NPP: number of pods per plant.
*Significant effect by F test at 5% probability level.

F I G U R E 7 Yield components of bean

cultivated in agroforestry systems: (a)
number of pods per plant, (b) number of
grains per plant, (c) grain weight per plant.
Not significant, based on F test (p < .05)

was observed for the grain weight plant-1 , in which the lowest systems was obtained in the E. urograndis understory under
were obtained for the Intercrop I arrangement and the forest Intercrop II, that is 38.40% higher than the P. dubium Intercrop
species E. urograndis. In general, the highest yield in agroforestry I understory, 63.78% higher than the P. dubium Intercrop II
10 | SGARBOSSA et al.

F I G U R E 8 Yield (a) and relative

yield (b) of bean cultivated in different
agroforestry arrangements and yield
of bean cultivated in different cropping
systems (c). *Means followed by the
same letter do not differ by Tukey's test
(p < .05) (panel a and panel b). **Means
followed by the same letter do not differ
by Dunnett's test (p < .05) (panel c)

understory and 279.44% higher than the E. urograndis Intercrop NAR, AGR and RUE with RLW. Regardless of the crop, the yield var-
I understory. iables were associated with greater availability of solar radiation.
The ANOVA also showed a significance for soybean yield under
full sun in relation to agroforestry systems (Table 2), and the high-
est averages were found under full sun (Figure 10). In general, the 4 | D I S CU S S I O N
yield values obtained for the E. urograndis Intercrop II, P. dubium
Intercrop I and P. dubium Intercrop II understory corresponded to 4.1 | Dynamics of solar radiation
15.53% of the yield observed in full sun. The yield observed in the
E. urograndis Intercrop I understory corresponded to only 5.26% The greater interception of solar radiation by E. urograndis is ex-
of full sun. plained by its larger canopy size compared to P. dubium. Besides
that, P. dubium trees have a deciduous behaviour (Carvalho, 2002).
During the bean cultivation period (especially at the beginning of the
3.5 | Principal component analysis cycle), P. dubium trees were still emitting new leaves, not reaching
maximum canopy density, promoting lower interception of radiation
PCA analysis for bean showed that the primary and secondary by the tree canopy and justifying the greater solar radiation flux in
components accounted for, respectively, 73.4% and 18.6% of the the understory compared to those values obtained in the understory
cumulative variation among all variables and cultivation systems of E. urograndis (Figure 3a). However, during the conduction of soy-
studied (Figure 11a). For soybean, we observed that the primary bean, P. dubium trees presented higher canopy density and then in-
and secondary components accounted for, respectively, 76.9% and tercepted greater amounts of solar radiation similar to those levels
17.0% (Figure 11b). In this context, the PCA allowed an explanation intercepted by E. urograndis trees (Figure 3b). The higher solar radia-
of more than 90% of the accumulated variance for both bean and tion flux observed for Intercrop II is related to the greater distance
soybean crop systems. For bean crop, the PCA showed an inverse between the tree rows. Our results are in agreement with those
relationship between the variables AGR, RGR, NAR and average found by Caron et al. (2018), who studied the dynamics of solar ra-
solar radiation flux with RLW, LAR and SLA, suggesting that shad- diation in different arrangements (1.5 m × 6 m and 3 m × 12 m) of
ing tends to promote higher leaf production. Similarly, for soybean agroforestry systems, and found that incident solar radiation was
crop, an inverse relationship was observed between the variables 82% higher for more open arrangements (3 m × 12 m).
SGARBOSSA et al. | 11

F I G U R E 9 Yield components of
soybean cultivated in agroforestry
systems: number of pods per plant (a),
number of grains per plant (b), grain
weight plant-1 (c), relative yield (d) and
yield (e). *Means followed by the same
letter, lower case comparing arrangement
and upper case comparing species, do not
differ by Tukey's test (p < .05)

4.2 | Plant growth and solar radiation use efficiency 45 days after emergence. Studies have shown that reductions in the
availability of solar radiation can lead to increases in leaf propor-
Reductions in absolute growth rates, relative growth rate and net tions and dimensions of understory plants. These strategies are de-
assimilation rate from 45 days after emergence are associated with veloped by plants to intercept and absorb more solar radiation due
plant self-shading because the maximum leaf area index has been to the increase in surface leaf (Bosi, Pezzopane, Sentelhas, Santos,
reached (Figure 4 and Figure 5). On the other hand, from this pe- & Nicodemo, 2014; Schmidt, Caron, Pilau, Nardino, & Elli, 2017).
riod there is the appearance of senescent leaves that contribute to Changes in leaf size and plant growth due to reductions in solar
the reduction in rates, and consequently variations between the dif- radiation availability resulted in different capacities to convert en-
ferent cultivation environments. Similar results were observed by ergy units into dry matter. Nassiri Mahallati, Koocheki, Mondani,
Schwerz et al. (2018) who analysed sugarcane growth in different Feizi, and Amirmoradi (2015) analysing the radiation use efficiency
agroforestry arrangements and full sun, and found that shading af- of bean cultivated in consortium with corn found values for RUE of
fected the absolute growth rate and net assimilation rate of the crop. 1.03 g/MJ and 0.86 g/MJ for the consortium and 0.95 g/MJ and
Similarly, Yang et al. (2019) evaluating wheat growth in the Zizyphus 0.73 g/MJ for single cultivation. Similar responses were observed
jujuba understory and under full sun, found a reduction in the abso- for soybean grown in intercropping with corn, where values of RUE
lute growth rate of the crop due to shading, especially in the posi- 1.65 g/MJ and 1.63 g/MJ were obtained for intercropping and of
tions closest to the trees. The authors attribute these responses to 1.55 g/MJ for single cultivation (Gao et al., 2010).
the reduced availability of solar radiation. These responses were attributed to the metabolic character-
The lowest values of leaf weight ratio, leaf area ratio and specific istics (C3) of bean and soybean which, under low solar radiation
leaf area were observed for plants under full sun, especially from intensity, showed reductions in photorespiration levels, making
12 | SGARBOSSA et al.

intercropping plants more photosynthetically efficient than those

conducted under high solar radiation intensity. However, the same
cannot be applied to the present study, since the radiation use ef-
ficiency was higher when the plants were cultivated under full sun.
(Figure 6). These results may be related to the reduced availability of
solar radiation in the understory of agroforestry systems, condition-
ing annual crops to light stress and thus limiting the ability of plants
to convert energy to dry matter.
Additionally, it should be considered that each plant has a min-
imum energy demand (solar radiation) to produce enough photoas-
similates to at least maintain the plant structures already formed,
called as trophic limit. On average the trophic limit of agricultural
crops is around 8.4 MJ/day (Fagan et al., 2010). Of the total pho-
toassimilates produced by the photosynthetic process, a fraction is
used as a substrate in the process of maintaining cell integrity, and
the excess is used for synthesis of specific components and their
incorporation into cell structures, resulting in biomass increment
(McCree, 1974; Thornley, 1970). Thus, the increase in plant bio-
mass is dependent on the amount of photoassimilates produced,
the amount of substrate used in the maintenance processes and the
efficiency with which the remaining substrate is converted to bio- F I G U R E 1 0 Yield of soybean cultivated in agroforestry systems
and under full sun. *Means followed by the same letter do not
mass (Machado & Pereira, 1990). Based on this information, it can be
differ by Dunnett's test (p < .05)
inferred that the average radiation flux in agroforestry systems was
very close to the trophic limit of the crops, which may have reduced
the metabolic activity of the crops and thus determined the reduc- systems, and obtained the lowest yield levels in a less spaced ar-
tions in RUE, mainly for soybean. rangement (6 m × 1.5 m) and under consortium with Eucalyptus.
Werner et al. (2017) studying the performance of four cultivars of
soybean intercropped with E. grandis and in different positions in the
4.3 | Yield responses understory, found reductions in the number of pods per plant, grain
weight and crop yield according to the proximity to the tree row.
According to ANOVA, bean yield was significantly influenced by the Another aspect that may have compromised soybean yield per-
arrangement used (Table 2). Shading significantly reduced crop yield, formance, especially when grown in the less spaced arrangements,
with values found in agroforestry systems corresponding to 41.5% was the competition imposed by tree roots for water and nutrients.
of full sun (Figure 8). Similar responses were obtained by Righi and Studies conducted with wheat (Wang et al., 2014; Zhang et al., 2013,
Bernardes (2008) who analysed the bean yield cultivated in the un- 2016), cotton (Zhang et al., 2019) and corn (Gao et al., 2017) iden-
derstory of rubber trees and found yield reductions for the plants tified reductions in root growth and spatial distribution due to
cultivated closer to the trees. On the other hand, Hadi, Ghassemi- intercropping. Duan et al. (2019), Zhang et al. (2014) and Zhang
Golezani, Khoei, Valizadeh, and Shakiba (2006) evaluating the re- et al. (2019) point out that although mutual root competition occurs
sponse of bean to different levels of artificial shading did not find between the different plant strata, the competitive capacity of the
a reduction in crop yield. Thus, it is possible to associate the yield forest species is much higher than that of the agricultural crop, and
values obtained in agroforestry systems, not only to the reduction it tends to increase with the proximity of tree rows and the age of
in solar radiation availability due to the intercropping but also to the planting.
spatiotemporal competition imposed by tree roots for water and nu- When analysing soybean yield in different cropping systems, the
trients. Despite the low yield, the value found in the present study highest averages were obtained in full sun (Figure 10). Sgarbossa
for bean cultivated in Intercrop II (1,090 kg/ha) was similar to the et al. (2018) evaluating the productive characteristics of soybean
average Brazilian yield during the first crop (2019/2020), which is grown in-season and in consortium with forest species and in a less
1,174 kg/ha (Conab, 2020), which makes the bean a potential alter- spaced arrangement (6 m × 1.5 m), also obtained the best responses
native of cultivation in agroforestry systems. under full sun. Studies carried out with wheat (Duan et al., 2019; Yang
The lowest values for number of pods plant-1, number of grains et al., 2019) and cotton (Zhang et al., 2019) have confirmed the re-
plant-1, grain weight plants-1, relative yield and yield for soybean duction in grain yield of agricultural crops as well as fruit production
(Figure 9) were obtained from E. urograndis Intercrop I understory. of forest species when grown in a consortium. However, the same
Similar responses were observed by Caron et al. (2018), which eval- authors observed increases in land-use efficiency (ratio between
uated the yield of soybean (in-season) cultivated in agroforestry the area needed to obtain in intercropping the same yield verified
SGARBOSSA et al. | 13

F I G U R E 1 1 Principal component
analysis of bean (a) and soybean (b)
cultivated in agroforestry systems and
under full sun. Black circles indicate the
cropping systems: P. dubium Intercrop
I (PI), P. dubium Intercrop II (PII), E.
urograndis Intercrop I (EI), E. urograndis
Intercrop II (EII) and full sun (FS). Brown
arrows indicate growth variables, blue
arrows indicate yield components, yield
(Y) and relative yield (RY), and black arrow
indicates mean solar radiation flux (Flux)

in an area in sole cropping) and total yield (grain + fruit) of 62% for that the growth variables that consider the increase of plant dry mat-
wheat + Juglans regia (Duan et al., 2019), 5% for wheat + Zizyphus ter over time, productive performance and radiation use efficiency
jujuba (Yang et al., 2019) and 25% for cotton + Zizyphus jujuba (Zhang correlated positively to the environments with higher solar radiation
et al., 2019), thus demonstrating the productive viability of alterna- flux and less interspecific competition (Intercrop II).
tive cropping systems. The results found in this study are similar to those observed by
Pezzopane et al. (2020), who performed a multivariate PCA approach
of the growth characteristics, nutritional value and forage yield of
4.4 | Principal component analysis Urochloa brizantha at different positions in the Eucalyptus urograndis
understory, and found that increasing shading (positions closer to
The results presented in this study indicate that solar radiation flux, the tree rows) promoted a reduction in forage production. Similarly,
growth characteristics, radiation use efficiency, and yields of annual Pezzopane et al. (2019) found that dry matter production of corn
crop varied among cropping systems, particularly for soybean crop grown in integrated systems was associated with greater availabil-
(Figure 11a,b). In general, the principal component analysis showed ity of solar radiation. PCA analysis also confirmed the occurrence
14 | SGARBOSSA et al.

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