Tragedia Ohio

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Workshop Ohio Train Derailment case

Nombre: Deisy Fernanda Gomez Gomez, Laura Valentina Garzón Rodríguez

Codigo: 86109, 85211

1. What chemicals were on the train and what are the hazards?

Chemical products that the train carried, Vinyl Chloride, benzene, ethylene glycol
monobutyl ether, ethylhexyl acrylate, isobutylene and butyl acrylate.
Vinyl Chloride: It is a highly flammable substance, it generated several fires and when
burned it is very toxic and increases its degree of toxicity, it can cause cancer and
diseases when in contact with it for a long time, if high levels are inhaled it can cause
death. .

Benzene: Chemical substance that can generate, as a first effect, dizziness and
drowsiness, if in prolonged contact it generates leukemia and cancer.

Ethylene glycol monobutyl ether: This substance initially has symptoms similar to
caffeine consumption, but when exposed to it for a long time it causes more serious
damage, even reaching a coma.

Ethylhexyl acrylate: It is a toxic flammable substance, which causes skin allergies and a
lot of itching.

Isobutylene and butyl acrylate: It is also a toxic substance in high quantities that causes
itching and itching of the skin.

Isobutileno y acrilato de butilo: También es una sustancia tóxica en altas cantidades

que genera comezon y picazón en la piel.

2. What was the damage to local water?

The water was severely affected since discharges reached it, on the other hand, acid rains
were generated due to the fires, which generated vinyl chloride, which is a substance that
can be easily transported by series and aquatically, in addition It is a substance that
remains in the environment for many years and can contaminate marine ecosystems, for
this reason the inhabitants had to consume bottled water as a precaution and avoid
poisoning and intoxication, additionally the fish in the area and the aquatic plants were
3. List the media and environmental components that were affected.
1. The air and air quality of the area.
2. The soil (Chemical composition and fertility)
3. Water (Water quality and damage to aquatic ecosystems)
4. The fauna and flora of the area.
5. Landscape

4. What are the main environmental and social impacts that can be

Among the main environmental impacts that are evident is the impact on air and
water quality, on the other hand, there is an impact on public health, since they
were never given the exact figures of the level of pollutants, an impact is seen.
directly on the landscape due to the multiple fires and could generate acid rains due
to the combustion of these chemicals.

In the social impacts, a lot of fear and panic was generated in the inhabitants, there
was displacement of others from their homes and the fear and insecurity of the
people with respect to the quality of the air and water can be evident. On the other
hand, there was no true certainty whether the place will be cleaned correctly or not,
so that it is fit to live in again

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