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Question 1 [20]

Multiple Choices: Underline the correct answer.

1.1. When was the first democratic election in South Africa held?
a. 16 December 1990
b. 9 August 2000
c. 27 April 1994 (1)

1.2. South Africa’s first democratically elected leader was.

a. Thabo Mbeki
b. Julius Malema
c. Nelson Mandela (1)

1.3. South African citizens are allowed to start voting at the age of.
a. 16
b. 18
c. 21 (1)

1.4. National elections are held every

a. 4 years
b. 6 years
c. 5 years (1)

1.5. The logo of the Constitutional Court shows justice taking place under a tree
a. There is a lot of shade under a tree.
b. They could write on the tree.
c. This is where people traditionally would meet to resolve disputes in African

1.6. A very important rule in a democracy is that every vote counts. When voting, you
mark your choice of political party with a
a. X
c. + (1)
1.7. Long questions
1.7.1. Name the two houses of Parliament?
__________________________________________________________________ (2)
1.7.2. What does the constitution of South Africa have?
__________________________________________________________________ (3)

1.8.Use the graph to answer Questions 1.8.1 to 1.8.4

National Election Results

1.8. 1. Which political party has won all three democratic elections? (1)
1.8. 2. Which political party has grown the most over the course of the last three
elections according to the graph? (1)

1.8.3. Discuss at least TWO reasons why you think the ANC has lost a lot of power over
the course of the last 3 elections. (2)

1.9. Write five sentences about Pius Langa. Tell us who he was, where was he from,
how was his childhood, what lead to his career choices, why is he so important to South
African history? (5)

Question 2: Children’s Right [5]

The Children’s Charter

A child is any person under the age of 18. Children have special rights in South Africa.
The Children’s Charter states that children have the right which come with

(Source: Solutions for Social Sciences Grade 6)

2.1. Refer to the pictures above. List 2 children’s rights that are being violated. (2)

2.2. Name three other children’s rights you have learned about. (3)

Total ( /25)

Question 3: Indigenous healing in SA [11]
3.1. Name the two types of medicine? (2)
3.2. Define medicine (2)
3.3. Match column A with Column B then write the letter in the space below.
3.3.1 3.3.2 3.3.3 3.3.4 3.3.5 3.3.6 3.3.7

Column A Column B
3.3.1. Find out what kind of illness someone
has by examining them A. Diviner

3.3.2. The place where something begins

B. Inyanga

3.3.3. Treat the person as a whole and not just the

physical illness C. Initiate

3.3.4. A person learning to be a sangoma

D. Origin

3.3.5. The period of learning from an experienced

person E. Holistic

3.3.6. Healers who communicate with the

ancestors to diagnose the problem F. Apprenticeship

3.3.7. Healers who use herbs to cure different

diseases G. Diagnose


Question 4: Some modern Western scientific medical discoveries [6]

4.1. Complete the following sentences:

a. Louise Pasteur discovered that… (1)
b. Robert Koch discovered… (1)
c. Edward Jenner found that cowpox… (1)
d. Alexander Fleming discovered… (2)

4.2. What important historical event saw the development of large quantities of
penicillin to fight infections? (1)

Question 5: A break through surgery [8]

5.1.1 Who was the doctor to perform the first heart transplant? (1)
5.1.2 In which hospital was this operation conducted? (1)
5.1.3 Who was the receiver of the heart? (1)
5.1.4 How long did the receiver live after the operation?___________________ (1)
5.1.5 What was the cause of the death of this person? (1)
5.2. List the 3 discoveries that assisted in making heart transplant a success. (3)



Total ( /25)

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