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Development perspective course explain problems facing developing countries and suggesting ways to

overcome those problems, and among of those problem facing developing countries is debt burden,
where as debt burden is a lager amount of money that a country or an organization owes to another
country and wich they find very difficult to repay for it. (Gonzaliez, A.R 1997)African debt crisis. Debt
burden can internal or external oriented, The third word countries debt crisis has been dragging on for
over 15years, in 1990 the third word world countries debts exceeded a trillion dollars. The most effect
of debt burden it decreases GNP, of a country a good example is in sub-saharan countries 30% of tr,
their GNP used to pay for loans given to private banks. Normally debt burden in third world counti, ries
is due to poor debt managment, low government revenue due to tax collection,so how can we
overcome debt burden, the following are the ways that third world countries can use to overcome
debt burden;

managing tax collection and extending the new sources of collection;collecting taxes and fees are
fundamental way for countries to generate public revenues that make it possible for countries to
finance investments.By doing so these developing countries would be in one way or another
reduces debt burden by financing their projects without borrowing from donars hence increase
the debt bigger and bigger according to (World Bank) the collection of taxes and fees is a key
development priority

introduction of better ways of fighting with shocks and crises; developing countries have to
introduce ways foe combating with these natural disasters like earthquake,floods and others alike
here special budget has to be made purposely for financing the reconstructions after
occurance,by then these developing countries would not prefer requesting the finances from
donars because they have alternatives for crisis occured

Reduce unnecessary fund expenditure;developing countries should reduce those spending which is not
important because through it a lot millions of money are losted while those money would help them to
control different project within they countries and avoid them to borrow money from developed
countries,hence led them to overcom dept burden.For examples leaders from developing should reduce
journey which are not necessary because through it we lost money also reduce unnecessary celebration
because is among of things that use alot money,and due to that we think developing countries will
overcome debt burden because will use those money to run different project within their's
countriesHansen, K, & Shaw, T. (2020)

Diversification of economy, due to the reason that the country has to invest on different sectors of
production so as to ensure increase of national income for example through participation in
agriculture,fishing,mining,transportation,lumbering,industrization so as to make the country dependent
hence it reduce debts as the country citizens have ability to get their basic needs from salaries and
others from personal jobs, also each work depend on the other in terms of production. Dixit, p. And
Rzagar R (2019)

Population control, African countries should undertake sustainable measures to control rapid population
growth,this is becouse in African countries availability of resources do not match with population
available ,meaning that increases in population growth increase demand of social basic needs like
food,water,energy, healthcare, transportation,which low developing countries will not afford to instead
try to seek foreign aids and assistance so as to sustain population ,inturn this assistance later place
African countries under high debt burden.also in these countries growth of population reduce output by
lowering per availability of resources and capital, becouse nearly 40 to 50 percentage of population is in
the non productive age group which simply consumes and does not produce anything, therefore this
made African countries under high risk of underdevelopment and high external debt burden.hence
there should be reasonable measures to be taken to control rapid population growth.Okeke C. N (2001)

Manage borrowing and lending better;careful managment f, of the opportunities, costs and risks of
different sources of borrowing is crusial for low income countries. Capacity for dept managment remains
weak in many low income countries and increased support to tackle this is important, this major must
perhaps be aiming atensuring responsible lending and borrowing behaviour, notably through increasing
accountability and trasparency of borrowing and lending activities undertaken by public and private
economic agents.(Werners R A 2014).

Ensuring proper utilization of our internal natural resources; natural resources are materials
occuring in nature and which can be used for economic gains. Most of African countries has been
blessed alot of natural resources such as minerals(like gold, diamonds, iron mineral, oil mineral,and
Tanzanite here in Tanzania), without forgeting water resources, wild resouces(forests and animal
resouces) And many more, hence if these will be exploited and be used properly inside the particular
African country will boost the economy of the country by acquiring alot of money to be used in different
developmental programs rather than dipending much on extenal loans. Taking an example on Libya
where muammar gaddafi tried as much to use his internal natural resources(oil resouce) effectively and
finally Libya won a war of depending much on extenal loans for internal developmen.Nygren A (2000).

Establishment of reginal economic intergrationlike ECOWAS, EAC, COMESA. , this is the ecinomic, social
and political relation ship among third word countries which enhance political coparation, economic
coparation and social coparation, this reginal intergration will help third world countries to absatain
from european dependence which may bring into intergration of debts burden with these third world

Improvement and establishment of local industries; This means that the third world countries should
establish those import substitutional industries which will increase our national income and reduce
borrowing money for conducing project which can be even fixed by revenue obtained from those local
industries.Example of such industries are like those processing and manufacturing industries base on
local technology,doing so much using of external technology will be reduced as one among the cause of
debt burden in third world countries

Creating conducive and favourable enviroment to attract local and foreign investors. Government
leaders should ensure presence of good enviroment in a country like ensuring and maintaining peace in
a country, improving infrastructures like roads, railways and communication lines. These will attract
investors and they will invest in our country and government could collect taxes and will increase
national fund that cuold be used o run natonal buget, and through these government could not engage
in borrowing outside countries.

Therefore, third world countries should take measure to overcome debt burden on there countries
because debt burden made poverty circle in these countries as these coutries use alot of resources to
repay for these debts, also debt burden result into dencrease of GNP, a good example is in sab saharan
countries they use 30% of their GNP to repay for their debt burden, More over to overcome debt
burden of third world countries, they should encourage south -south diague in order to overcome
dependency to european countries.

Nygren A.(2000).development discourses and peasant forest relations,Natural resourses utilization as a

social process. Developmental and change 31(1),11-34.

Okeke,C.N.(2001).The Debt Burden: An African perspective.The International Lawyer, 1489-1505

Hansen kisese and T (2020). How states can solve the student debt crisis

Werner R. A(2014). Enhanced debt managment;jounal of internatinal money and finance 49,pp. 443-

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