### - Enhancing Spatial Visualisation Skills in First Year Engineering Students - Important Thesis

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Presented in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree Doctor of Philosophy

in the Graduate School of The Ohio State University


Yosef S. Allam

One-of-a-Kind Doctor of Philosophy

The Ohio State University


Dissertation Committee:

Clark A. Mount-Campbell, Advisor

Patricia A. Brosnan

Robert J. Gustafson

Douglas T. Owens
Copyright by

Yosef S. Allam


Spatial visualization skills are a function of genetics and life experiences. An

individual’s genetic spatial visualization aptitude can be enhanced through proper

instruction and practice. Spatial visualization skills are important to engineers as they

help with problem formulation and thus enhance problem-solving ability. They are also

vital to an engineer’s ability to create and interpret visual representations of design ideas.

This study seeks to investigate the experiential factors affecting spatial visualization

skills and methods with which these skills can be enhanced. This study also investigates

the correlation between spatial visualization ability and pre-college life experiences, as

well as spatial visualization ability and academic performance. Participants were selected

from an introductory engineering course. Participants in the treatment and control groups

were pre- and post-tested using the Purdue Spatial Visualization Test—Rotations to

gauge spatial visualization ability. The treatment consisted of students being given a

series of technology-generated representations of figures from various perspectives that

may aid in visualization of these objects. Scores between the treatment and control

groups were compared and checked for statistical significance. Participants were also

given a questionnaire to complete. The answers from the questionnaire were coded for

levels of pre-college experience in certain key areas that are hypothesized to aid in the

development of spatial visualization skills. These quantitative experience levels were

correlated to pre-test results to verify the hypothesis of these life experiences’

significance in spatial visualization ability development. The relationship between

student academic performance and spatial visualization ability was also investigated.

Instructional tool utilization and access effects on spatial visualization skill gains

between pre-tests and post-tests were not significant. This is potentially due to a

substitutive rather than additive effect to student experiences through usage of the

instructional tool. Developmental experiences with stackable toys such as Legos and

building blocks were a significant predictor of initial spatial ability, confirming previous

findings. Developmental experiences with home improvement activities significantly

affected graded performance in coursework. Initial spatial ability was also a significant

predictor of course grades.

Course grade and resource web-based applications can be used successfully in the

deployment of open access electronic instructional tools. Institutional web applications

can also be used to automate and conduct large studies. Access, utilization logging,

grades, and enforcement of experimental design parameters and treatment group

segregation can be provisioned via online course grade and resource repositories such as

Carmen, by Desire-to-Learn, employed in this study. Improvements in data accessibility

must be made in course web applications to facilitate more studies conducted in this

manner. Improvements in usability, reporting, and analysis are necessary to allow for

streamlined study implementation and data dissemination for educational research in

courses employing web applications. Improvements to course web applications can

allow educational researchers to effectively capitalize on this technology.


For my family, my mother Magda, my father Serry, and my sister Dina.


It was through the guidance, support, and encouragement of many that the goals

of this researcher were realized. Great thanks and appreciation are due to those that


Dr. Clark Mount-Campbell, my advisor, for his patience and latitude to allow me

to find my own way, as well as his guidance and friendship throughout the years we have

known each other. Our conversations over the years spurred many thoughts in new


Dr. Patti Brosnan, for her support and encouragement to consider various research

methods, as well her openness to allowing me to perform mathematics education course

projects with engineering students. These projects formed the initial groundwork for this


Dr. Bob Gustafson, for allowing and encouraging me to use the First-Year

Engineering Program as a laboratory for my research, as well as the many other

opportunities which allowed me to gain experience in an environment rich in engineering

education innovation.

Dr. Doug Owens, for his help from the onset and throughout my journey into

educational research. His guidance in the realm of pedagogical theory as well as

selection of coursework best suited for my research interests and goals was indispensible.

Dr. John Merrill, who made available to me every opportunity in his power to

allow me to pursue my passion for engineering education, and for keeping me informed

of new developments and opportunities.

Dr. David Tomasko, whose energy and passion for both research and engineering

education are inspirational. Working with him and seeking his advice over the years has

enriched my journey to this goal.

All the fine people of The Ohio State University over the years who unfortunately

cannot be listed here. The institution and its people have helped me realize my dreams.

Finally, I would also like to thank my friends and family who encouraged me

along the way and listened. Of particular note are my mother, father, and sister, as well

as my friend Dr. Srikant Nekkanty, who empathized and commiserated, and my lifelong

friend and confidant, Stephanie, for her help, encouragement, and critical eye in the final

stages of this endeavor.


February 25, 1974………………………….. Born – Bayonne, New Jersey

1997………………………………………... B. S. Industrial and Systems Engineering

The Ohio State University

1997 – 1999………………………………... Graduate Teaching Associate

Industrial and Systems Engineering
The Ohio State University

1999………………………………………... M. S. Industrial and Systems Engineering

Specialization: Operations Research
The Ohio State University

2002………………………………………... Instructor and Curriculum Developer

First-Year Engineering Programs
The Ohio State University

2002 – 2008………………………………... Graduate Teaching Associate,

Lead Graduate Teaching Associate,
Curriculum Developer
First-Year Engineering Programs
The Ohio State University

2008 – 2009……………………………….. NSF Graduate STEM Fellow in K-12

Education (GK-12)
The Ohio State University

2009 – Present……………………………... Instructor

First-Year Engineering Programs
The Ohio State University


Allam, Y., & Irani, S. A. (1999). Systematic redesign of a manufacturing cell. In S. A.

Irani (Ed.), Handbook of Cellular Manufacturing Systems (pp. 661-679). New
York: Wiley.

Allam, Y., Tomasko, D. L., Trott, B., Schlosser, P., Yang, Y., Wilson, T. M., & Merrill,
J. (2008). Lab-on-a-chip design-build project with a nanotechnology component
in a freshman engineering course. Chemical Engineering Education, 42 (4), 185-


Major Field: One-of-a-Kind Doctor of Philosophy

Engineering Education


ABSTRACT ........................................................................................................................ ii

DEDICATION ................................................................................................................... iv

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ................................................................................................ v

VITA ................................................................................................................................. vii

LIST OF FIGURES ......................................................................................................... xiii

LIST OF TABLES ........................................................................................................... xiv


Problem Context ............................................................................................................. 1

Motivating Factors .......................................................................................................... 1
Problem Statement .......................................................................................................... 3
Research Questions ......................................................................................................... 4
Rationale: The Significance of Spatial Visualization Skills in Engineering Education ... 5
Theoretical Framework ................................................................................................... 6
Factors Affecting Spatial Visualization Ability........................................................... 6
Learning Theory and Cognitive Development ............................................................ 6
Piagetian Spatial Development................................................................................. 10
Representation .......................................................................................................... 15
Theoretical Implications ........................................................................................... 19

CHAPTER 2: LITERATURE REVIEW .......................................................................... 22

Historical Perspective.................................................................................................... 23
Significance of Spatial Visualization Skills in Engineering Education ......................... 24
Assessing Visualization Skills ...................................................................................... 25
Factors Affecting Spatial Visualization Ability ............................................................ 27
Alternatives to Promoting Good Visualization Skills .................................................... 30
Enhancing Visualization Skills ..................................................................................... 31
Virtual Three-dimensional Remediation ................................................................... 33
Problem-based Learning .......................................................................................... 38
Implications................................................................................................................... 39
Summary ....................................................................................................................... 40


Participants .................................................................................................................... 42
Instruments .................................................................................................................... 42
Treatment ...................................................................................................................... 46
Procedures ..................................................................................................................... 47
Research Design ............................................................................................................ 51
Sample and Initial Calculations ............................................................................... 51
Underlying Considerations ....................................................................................... 54
Data Collection and Parsing Devices....................................................................... 55
Data Logs .............................................................................................................. 55
Other Data ............................................................................................................ 56
Master Spreadsheet Data and Pre-Analysis Activities ......................................... 57
Hypotheses, Models, and Variables .............................................................................. 57
Tool Access Effects on Spatial Visualization Improvement ...................................... 58
Tool Utilization Effects on Spatial Visualization Improvement................................ 59
Experience Effects on Spatial Visualization Ability Gains ....................................... 60
Experience Effects on Initial Spatial Visualization Ability ....................................... 61
Experience Effects on Grades ................................................................................... 62
Tool Utilization Effects on Grades ........................................................................... 63
Spatial Visualization Pre-test Effects on Grades ...................................................... 64

Risks.............................................................................................................................. 65
Internal Validity ............................................................................................................ 66
Data Analysis ................................................................................................................ 66
Tool Effectiveness......................................................................................................... 66
Limitations .................................................................................................................... 67

CHAPTER 4: DATA ANALYSIS AND RESULTS ....................................................... 70

Treatment of the Data .................................................................................................... 70

Preliminary Analysis of DATA: General Trends and Relationships ............................... 72
Principal Analysis of Data: Hypothesis Testing ............................................................ 81
Tool Access Effects on Spatial Visualization Improvement ...................................... 81
Tool Utilization Effects on Spatial Visualization Improvement................................ 86
Experience Effects on Spatial Visualization Ability Gains ....................................... 89
Experience Effects on Initial Spatial Visualization Ability ....................................... 92
Experience Effects on Grades ................................................................................... 94
Tool Utilization Effects on Grades ......................................................................... 100
Spatial Visualization Pre-test Effects on Grades .................................................... 105
Student Feedback ........................................................................................................ 113
Questionnaire.......................................................................................................... 113
Focus Group ........................................................................................................... 116


Discussion and Conclusions ........................................................................................ 118

Discussion and Conclusions of Results .................................................................. 118
Tool Access Effects on Spatial Visualization Improvement ................................ 118
Tool Utilization Effects on Spatial Visualization Improvement.......................... 118
Experience Effects on Spatial Visualization Ability Gains ................................. 120
Experience Effects on Initial Spatial Visualization Ability ................................. 121
Experience Effects on Grades ............................................................................. 122
Tool Utilization Effects on Grades ..................................................................... 123
Spatial Visualization Pre-test Effects on Grades ................................................ 123
Survey Responses ................................................................................................ 124
Discussion and Conclusions of Limitations ............................................................ 125
Recommendations ....................................................................................................... 127
Recommendations for Practice ............................................................................... 127
Recommendations for Research .............................................................................. 128

REFERENCES ............................................................................................................... 131



APPENDIX C: SURVEY AND FOCUS GROUP SOLICITATION ............................ 155


APPENDIX E: ENG 181 WINTER 2008 DAILY ASSIGNMENT LIST ..................... 172

APPENDIX F: CONSENT DOCUMENTATION ......................................................... 174


APPENDIX H: DATA PARSING MACRO .................................................................. 188

APPENDIX I: SQL SCRIPT .......................................................................................... 197


Figure Page

1.1: Engineering graphics concepts required for creating graphical representations. ........ 2

1.2: Piagetian cognitive and spatial development. ............................................................ 15

1.3: Important spatial visualization concerns and theoretical protocol............................. 20

3.1: Power curve for one-way ANOVA, n=112, α=0.05, σ=5.3. ..................................... 53

3.1: Potential pattern of results given effective instructional tool. ................................... 67

4.1: Average spatial visualization score plotted vs. Experience score. ............................ 74

4.2: Average spatial visualization post-test score plotted vs. spatial visualization pre-test
score. ......................................................................................................................... 75

4.3: Main effects for PSVT—R post-test for the usage random factor. ........................... 89

4.4: Drawing 11 grades plotted against PSVT—R pre-test scores by animation tool usage.
................................................................................................................................. 113

Table Page

4.1: Descriptive statistics for blocked sections, excluding grades. ................................... 73

4.2: Pearson product moment correlation coefficients for initial spatial ability, various
Drawing and non-drawing grades, and Experience scores. ...................................... 77

4.3: Pearson product moment correlation coefficients for initial spatial ability, various
Drawing and non-drawing grades, animation tool utilization, and Experience scores.
................................................................................................................................... 78

4.4: T-test for significant differences in PSVT—R means between control and treatment
groups, filtered for pre-test scores, grades, and Experience scores. ......................... 79

4.5: T-test for significant differences in PSVT—R means between control and treatment
groups, filtered for pre-test scores. ........................................................................... 80

4.6: ANOVA for significant differences in PSVT—R between blocked labs, filtered for
pre-test scores............................................................................................................ 81

4.7: GLM for significant differences in blocked labs, filtered for pre-test and post-test
scores excluding zeros. ............................................................................................. 81

4.8: Descriptive statistics for data set filtered for PSVT—R and Experience scores. ...... 83

4.9: GLM ANCOVA for significant differences in PSVT—R post-test between control
and treatment groups with blocked labs and experience and pre-test scores as
covariates. ................................................................................................................. 84

4.10: GLM ANCOVA for significant differences in PSVT—R post-test between control
and treatment groups, given blocked labs and pre-test scores as covariates. ........... 85

4.11: GLM ANCOVA for significant effects of the Overall Total Time utilization
covariate on PSVT—R post-test scores. ................................................................... 87

4.12: GLM for PSVT—R post-test score effects by the animation usage factor. ............ 89

4.13: Experience effects and interactions with PSVT—R test gains. ............................... 91

4.14: GLM for PSVT—R pre-test score effects from Experience composite scores. ...... 92

4.15: GLM for PSVT—R pre-test score effects by Experience components: MODELS,
SPORTS, and MUSIC. ............................................................................................. 94

4.16: GLM for response Non-visualization grades effects by Experience score covariates.
................................................................................................................................... 96

4.17: GLM for response all visualization grades effects by Experience score covariates.97

4.18: GLM for response of drawing problem scores on midterm exam effects by
Experience score covariates. ..................................................................................... 98

4.19: GLM for drawing assignment visualization grades effects by Experience score
covariates. ................................................................................................................. 99

4.20: Effects of animation tool usage on drawing visualization grades. ........................ 101

4.21: Effects of animation tool visits on drawing visualization grades. ......................... 102

4.22: Effects of animation tool visits on midterm exam visualization grades. ............... 103

4.23: T-test for Drawing 11 scores of those using the Drawing 11 animation tool versus
those who did not use the tool................................................................................. 104

4.24: GLM for Drawing 11 animation tool usage effects on Drawing 11 grades. ......... 105

4.25: Effects of PSVT—R pre-test scores on all grades. ................................................ 106

4.26: Effects of PSVT—R pre-test scores on all but Drawing assignments. .................. 107

4.27: Effects of PSVT—R pre-test scores on all but Drawing assignments and exam
Drawing grades. ...................................................................................................... 108

4.28: Effects of PSVT—R pre-test scores on Drawing assignment and exam Drawing
grades. ..................................................................................................................... 109

4.29: Effects of PSVT—R pre-test scores on Drawing assignment grades. ................... 110

4.30: Effects of PSVT—R pre-test scores on Drawing midterm exam grades............... 111

4.31: Effects of PSVT—R pre-test scores and Experience composite scores on Drawing
midterm exam grades. ............................................................................................. 112


Problem Context

Everything concrete or tangible in this world forms the experiences and actions

for which mental representations among three-dimensional objects in space and time are

created for understanding and mental processing. The ability to statically create and

dynamically project mental representations of three-dimensional objects in different

space and time settings is often referred to as spatial visualization. Spatial visualization

skills are a result of genetics (potential) and life experiences (practice and development).

Varying levels of potential and practice and development in individuals result in varied

levels of spatial visualization skills. Spatial visualization skills in young adults can be

enhanced through instruction and practice (Piburn, Reynolds, McAuliffe, et al., 2005;

Crown, 2001, Deno, 1995; Lord, 1985; Pallrand & Seeber, 1984; Peters, Chisholm,

Laeng, 1995; Sorby & Baartmans, 1996).

Motivating Factors

Specific to this application, spatial visualization skills are an important aspect of

engineering education. They enhance student understanding and help students formulate

problems. Spatial visualization ability is essential for engineers to perform adequately in

academia and industry. Visualization ability is often indicative of academic performance

in the engineering curriculum (Yue, 2002).

Today, engineering graphics instructional teams strive to develop in students the

necessary spatial visualization and graphical representation skills to allow them to

express ideas in the course of solving problems. The major requisite skills by

engineering graphics students for the generation of graphical representations are depicted

in Figure 1.1.

Manual Drafting Representing on Computer-aided design

Technology Media
Neat labeling of all of
the depictions below Transferring Figure Merging with
Familiarity With Familiarity With Other
Drafting Tools Lettering Technology Tools Technologies
(pencil, eraser, T-square (virtual space,computer, (word processor,
triangle, etc.) mouse, etc.) Presentations,
Project real object
Onto 2-D space

Project real object
Onto 2-D space

with removed
Sectioned 2-D
Depict Sectioned
Multi-View Multi-view Multi-view
with removed Multi-View
material CAD CAD

Represent interior

Represent interior
or properly show

Visualize in 2-D
Visualize in 2-D


or 3-D per view

or 3-D per view

or properly show

si z
interior sizes

interior sizes







Dimensioning 3-D
Isometric & Solid Model
Tolerancing CAD

Figure 1.1: Engineering graphics concepts required for creating graphical representations.

In the context it was defined earlier, spatial visualization is a subcategory of

visualization. Visualization can be defined as, “the ability to take an idea from one’s

mind and model it…”, and “...the ability to comprehend someone else’s model”

(Newcomer, McKell, Raudebaugh, 2001, p. 33).

Given that first-year engineering students enter the academic field of engineering

with a variety of backgrounds and experiences, and thus, varying degrees of spatial

visualization skill development, there is a need for additional attention and effort in some

students. Sometimes standard instruction and coursework at the introductory level of

engineering graphics is not enough. Students on this lower end of spatial visualization

skill development need to close the gap between the level of their skills in this area and

the level of the more honed skills of their peers.

Since spatial visualization skills are essential for success in engineering and other

technical fields of study, it is important to develop spatial visualization ability during the

developmental years of students. The need for remediation can be avoided through

activities involving building, tactile manipulation of objects, and other tasks to reinforce

these skills prior to college. Good spatial visualization skills can maintain low student

attrition rates in science and engineering, and improve general student performance in the

engineering curricula. Problem-solving and problem formulation abilities are related to

spatial visualization skills (Carter, LaRussa, Bodner, 1987). A lack of high spatial

visualization capabilities on the part of entering freshman students at the postsecondary

level may result in students selecting programs of study outside of engineering and other

technical fields. Spatial visualization competency is thus a significant concern.

Problem Statement

Undergraduate students entering a first-year engineering program arrive with a

variety of backgrounds, experiences, and abilities. Spatial visualization skills are among

those abilities that have been correlated to performance in engineering graphics and other

introductory first-year engineering courses, as well as the overall quality of engineers.

This study will examine tools and techniques that can be used to enhance the spatial

visualization skills of beginning engineering students. The relationship between grades,

spatial visualization instructional tool usage, developmental experiences, and spatial

visualization test scores will also be investigated.

Research Questions

This study will address the following questions:

1. Can a computer aided design (CAD)-based 3-dimensional animated model

of existing, assigned, paper-based engineering graphics problems be used as

an effective instructional tool that enables students to enhance their spatial

visualization skills?

2. Does participation in certain activities prior to enrolling in an engineering

degree program in college predict initial scores on spatial visualization


3. Do students’ experience levels in certain developmental activities, positively

correlated to spatial visualization ability, predict student gains in spatial

visualization tests?

4. How do spatial visualization skills in engineering students, as gauged by

spatial visualization tests, relate to performance on relevant engineering

graphics assignments?

5. How do spatial visualization skills in engineering students, as gauged by

spatial visualization tests, relate to performance on relevant non-graphics


Rationale: The Significance of Spatial Visualization Skills in Engineering Education

Engineering graphics courses develop graphical communication and spatial

visualization skills in student engineers. Spatial visualization skills should be

emphasized throughout the engineering curriculum. The use of spatial instructional

strategies in engineering courses can reinforce student abilities (Hsi, Linn, Bell, 1997).

Exam scores in engineering and other technical fields of study are significantly correlated

to spatial visualization ability. Understanding of physics concepts, as evaluated by

testing, has been to shown to be predicted by initial spatial visualization abilities of

physics students (Kozhevnikov & Thornton, 2006).

Spatial visualization skills should be promoted through remedial instruction at the

collegiate level or during the developmental periods prior to college. Students who claim

a general dislike for the sciences and technical disciplines often lack adequate spatial

visualization skills regardless of their performance in other areas (Pallrand & Seeber,

1984). Spatial visualization is also strongly related to problem solving ability, an

essential aspect of engineering (Carter, et al., 1987).

Technology tools such as computer-aided design and modeling (CAD and CAM)

do not alleviate the need for strong spatial visualization skills, nor does the practice of

blind adherence to analytic procedures or algorithms in the course of providing alternate

representations of objects and designs. Students who do not possess the prerequisite skill

set should be given options to remediate and enhance their spatial visualization skills to

prepare them for engineering graphics and the remaining engineering curriculum for

which possession of these skills is essential. Students should be discouraged from

circumventing a skill area necessary for proficiency in their future profession.

Theoretical Framework

Factors Affecting Spatial Visualization Ability

Early research on spatial visualization skills suggested that spatial visualization

ability is wholly innate (Lord, 1985). Modern studies however indicate that spatial

visualization skills can be improved through practice (Piburn, et al., 2005; Crown, 2001,

Deno, 1995; Lord, 1985; Pallrand & Seeber, 1984; Peters, et al., 1995; Sorby &

Baartmans, 1996). Those with deficiencies in spatial visualization ability can work to

develop their skills.

The source of spatial visualization deficiencies includes a lack of previous

experiences such as actions performed on objects in space. Childhood activities

involving construction games and toys, art and sketching, video games, sports, and tactile

experiences with concrete objects are among the positive socio-cultural influences listed

by researchers (Pallrand & Seeber, 1984; Peters, et al., 1995; Yue, 2002).

Learning Theory and Cognitive Development

Jean Piaget proposes four stages of cognitive development: sensory-motor, which

is pre-verbal; pre-operational representation, which creates the underpinnings of language

and symbol; concrete operational, which precedes full capability of abstraction; and

finally, formal or hypothetic-deductive operational, which allows for full abstraction such

as reasoning on hypotheses and the ability of propositional logic (2003, S9). Piaget

provides ages as guidelines to separate one stage from another: the sensory-motor stage

ends around 18 to 24 months of age; the pre-operational representation stage reaches up

to seven to eight years of age; the concrete operational stage lasts to eleven to twelve

years of age typically; and the hypothetic-deductive operational stage develops through

adolescence and onward. Piaget’s theories require that development precedes learning.

Learning at higher levels becomes possible only as the individual passes through the four

stages of development. Undergraduate engineering students would thus be in the fourth

Piagetian stage of development.

These stages are traversed as a result of four factors: maturation, limiting mental

potential; experience, or play and interaction with the environment; social transmission,

or social context; and equilibration, of which the fourth he stresses and discusses in great

depth (Piaget, 2003, S10-S14). Piaget says that individuals, upon encountering a new

piece of knowledge, always seek to maintain balance or equilibrium. Upon feeling

perturbation from a new piece of knowledge, an individual learner will first attempt to

assimilate this information into their existing structures, and, if this fails to attain the

necessary balance or comfort level, they will accommodate it via a restructuring of their

existing mental structures in an effort to avoid feeling perturbation (Piaget, 2003, S13-


Piaget talks of a structure which acts as an intermediary between “stimulus” and

“response” in the traditional S—R model (2003, S14). The response essentially already

exists if there is any response at all, as the response is only elicited by the stimulus if

there is supporting structure. The structure continues to develop through assimilation and

accommodation, potentially affecting the evolution of the response with each iteration,

thus the circular nature of the model.

Those in Piaget’s fourth stage of cognitive development are typified by ability to

delve into the hypothetical without having to see or interact with the concrete; abstract

thought is possible (2003, pp. S9-S10). An individual in this last stage of development is

capable of reason “on the basis of simple assumptions which have no necessary relation

to reality or to the subject’s beliefs, and from the time when he relies on the necessary

validity of an inference (vi formae), as opposed to agreement of the conclusions with

experience” (Piaget, 1976, p.148). In other words, thought is not bounded by the finite

set of experiences of the individual in that “there is even more than reality involved, since

the world of the possible becomes available for construction and since thought becomes

free from the real world” (Piaget, 1976, p. 151). Eventually the ties to “real action” are

not necessary as the individual can make “hypothetic-deductive operations concerning

pure implications from propositions stated as postulates” (Piaget, 1976, p. 153).

Lev Vygotsky (1978) defines two terms, one of which is the Zone of Proximal

Development (ZPD), while the other is “actual developmental level” (p. 85). The actual

developmental level is defined as what a child can do independently, without the

assistance of others. The ZPD is everything beyond that point which can be performed

by the child with assistance. Vygotsky (1978) specifically says the following about the


It is the distance between the actual developmental level as determined by

independent problem solving and the level of potential development as

determined through problem solving under adult guidance or in collaboration with

more capable peers. (p. 86)

Vygotsky states that learning should lead development and encourage

development. The only learning of any use to children is that which advances

development (Vygotsky, 1978, p. 89). Through the exercising of the child’s ZPD with

the help of those in the social context providing necessary guidance and social

interactions, internal developmental processes are utilized and knowledge from actual

experience in the social context is eventually re-constructed and internalized to expand

the child’s attained developmental level (Vygotsky, 1978, p. 90).

Progression of learning and development, and expansion of the ZPD thus requires

the assistance of an adult or capable peer. After Vygotsky’s time, this is referred to as

scaffolding (Bruner, 1990, p. 106). Scaffolding is any type of external aid or assistance

provided directly by or developed in proxy by someone more capable, and can take the

form of books, conversation, teamwork, computer-based exercises and instruction,

questions, discussion, or any cultural artifact in the social context which aids the learner

in some manner in their ZPD as they internalize and re-construct that which they take

from the social context. A form of scaffolding, for example, could be three-dimensional

rotated animations for students in engineering graphical communications classes.

So learning drives mental development; independent ability is representative of

actual development, while ability with assistance is representative of prospective

development. Therefore, prospective development, or the Zone of Proximal

Development, should be the target area of instruction. Two individuals may have the

same level of actual developmental ability, but they do not necessarily have a zone of

proximal development which encompasses the same scope, breadth, or depth in any given

area. This suggests the need for a variety of different types, and by extension, sources of

scaffolding. This is something difficult for one teacher to provide on their own, and

causes educators to look elsewhere for “non-traditional” models and sources of

scaffolding, including indirect instructional methods.

Discussion of Vygotsky and Piaget and their theories on the structuring of

knowledge thus inevitably leads to the theory of constructivism. The two guiding

principles, as stated by von Glasersfeld (1989) are:

a) Knowledge is not passively received either through the senses or by way of

communication; b) knowledge is actively built up by the cognizing subject.

a) The function of cognition is adaptive, in the biological sense of the term,

tending towards fit or viability; [italics in original] b) cognition serves the

subject’s organization of the experiential world, not the discovery of an objective

ontological reality. (p. 5)

Considering the documented work of classics and contemporaries on the issues of

social versus radical constructivism, it is apparent that regardless of social considerations,

the individual still constructs knowledge to satisfy his/her world as his/her perception


Piagetian Spatial Development

In Piaget’s works, there are parent and subordinate spatial abilities in a two-tiered

hierarchical tree of spatial abilities which overlap in development with some degree of

sequence but also some concurrence. These spatial abilities generally increase in

complexity and developmental level required for mastery and are acquired and honed as

the child ages and develops mentally. These spatial abilities (or “spaces”) and the sub-

abilities within each space chronologically, but loosely, follow the four stages of

cognitive development (Piaget, 1967) at different paces and points of inception. In

general, of the three spaces, the two more advanced spaces and their associated spatial

sub-abilities develop later in the four stages of cognitive development than the less

advanced space and its sub-abilities.

Before delving into the details of these spatial abilities, sub-abilities, and how

they relate to the stages of cognitive development, Piagetian terminology and nuances

should be clarified. There are five terms referred to as “spaces.” To alleviate confusion,

it is best to consider perceptual and conceptual space as types of thought, and topological,

projective, and Euclidian space as spatial abilities, under each of which are several

specific sub-abilities.

Piaget does not effectively distinguish between projective and Euclidian spatial

abilities in instances, nor does he specify defined starting points of all spatial ability

development relative to perceptual versus conceptual spatial thought (Reese, 1999, p.

167) thus eliciting many gray areas. The implication of all this is that it is important to be

cognizant of the generalities involved in the spatial abilities, their corresponding spatial

sub-abilities, and how they relate loosely—sometimes concurrently, and sometimes

sequentially—to the cognitive stages of development.

Conceptual thought lags behind but grows in tandem with perceptual thought.

Both of these develop simultaneously with perceptual thought as the original buttressing

factor of conceptual thought. Perceptual thought remains ahead of conceptual thought

throughout the spatial development of the child even as the child traverses the major

spaces of topological, projective, and Euclidian spatial abilities. Most of the topological

spatial ability develops alongside perceptual and conceptual thought. As these

developments near maturity, the development of projective and Euclidian spatial abilities

begins to flourish.

As a child progresses through Piaget’s four stages of cognitive development,

he/she first develops primarily in the area of topological spatial ability and its

corresponding sub-abilities. Topological spatial abilities are the most basic of the three

spatial abilities and include shape recognition, shape differentiation, order, surrounding,

and continuity. At first the infant is in perceptual thought visio-spatially and

simultaneously in the sensory-motor cognitive stage of development. At this point the

child performs “an imitation of the object by an action” (Piaget, 1967, p. 455) and is

unable to mentally capture objects, or conceptualize that which is not immediately

accessible. Only the most basic spatial relationships, such as proximity, separation,

order, enclosure, and continuity are available with development and time progression

through the topological space.

The conceptual spatial ability begins late in the sensory-motor cognitive stage of

development and occurs when the child can conceptualize or imagine an object or actions

on an object regardless of the object’s presence in the field of the child’s activity. “The

construction of space begins on the perceptual level and continues on the representational

[conceptual] one” (Piaget, 1967, p. 38). As development continues and the child

progresses through the conceptual level, “the image, which from the very beginning is

symbolic in character, plays an increasingly subordinate role as the active component of

thought becomes better organized” (Piaget, 1967, p. 456). The perceptual thought

development continues and allows for further conceptual thought development as the

child acquires more topological spatial abilities. Simultaneously, the child experiences

more “decentration,” corresponding to less egocentricity, allowing him/her to conceive of

spatial relationships outside his/her immediate sphere of influence in reality and the

surrounding concrete environment, allowing for a later shift in spatial perspectives.

The development of projective and Euclidian spatial abilities are minimally

concurrent with the development of the topological abilities and have unclear starting

points. These two more advanced spatial abilities trickle at first prior to the final, or

hypothetical-mathematical, stage of cognitive development while topological spatial

abilities are rapidly developing. Projective and Euclidian spatial abilities then accelerate

concurrently as the child nears or reaches full development of topological abilities and

cognitive development progresses into the fourth, or logical-mathematical, abstract

reasoning stage of cognitive development. It is the projective spatial abilities that allow

for understanding of spatial relationships between multiple objects simultaneously and,

importantly, the concept of viewpoint (Reese, 1999, p. 167). It is here that object

orientation, viewer perspective and similar advanced spatial visualization abilities


Euclidian spatial development allows for measurement, combining mathematical

understandings such as conservation, similarities, proportions, mathematical

generalizations applied to space and objects in space, systems and frames of reference

and coordinate systems, and full understanding of accurate, scaled, visual, proportioned

models or diagrammatic representations. It must be stressed that many of these Euclidian

spatial abilities must develop concurrently with projective spatial abilities. Both stem

from topologic spatial ability, but in different ways (Piaget, 1967). This study focuses on

the Piagetian projective spatial abilities.

The relationships and developmental timing of Piagetian stages of cognitive

development, spatial abilities, and perceptual/conceptual phases are schematically

depicted in Figure 1.2. Note that the approximate development of each is indicated by

increasing opaqueness of each representative bar as a function of age and cognitive

developmental stage progression.

Spatial visualization skills can be honed by presenting a variety of different

representations of objects. The simplest and oldest of these are concrete representations

such as wooden blocks cut to a size and shape to be depicted graphically by the student.

Paper depictions and dynamic depictions on a computer screen are other forms that can

help students see different perspectives of objects. Research in other fields of education

has demonstrated the value of the use of multiple representations in the classroom.

Figure 1.2. Piagetian cognitive and spatial development.


A representation is a schema, transformation, model, symbol, or a map of an idea,

concept, knowledge bit, datum, or set of these. Representations in education are

commonly divided into internal and external representations. External representations

occur outside the mind and can serve to communicate organized thoughts for ourselves or

others, and include such things as graphs, text, diagrams, drawings, equations, models

and prototypes. External representations are an expression of an idea or collection of

ideas, perhaps just a bookmark for a thought, or as extensive as a full, formal

communication intended for others. The recognition and active application of

representations in the classroom are Piagetian in that:

Knowledge is not a copy of reality. To know an object, to know an event, is not

simply to look at it and make a mental copy or image of it. To know an object is

to act on it. To know is to modify, to transform the object, and to understand the

process of this transformation, and as a consequence to understand the way the

object is constructed. (Piaget, 2003, p. S8)

External representations can be static or dynamic (Goldin & Shteingold, 2001), especially

considering the current state of technology. Internal representations represent a mental

schematic, idea or picture of a concept. They are impossible to gauge directly because

they occur inside the mind. However, internal representations dictate how an individual

generates external representations, and in this sense they can be gauged indirectly. They

can also be corrected, refined, reinforced, extended, and built upon through exercising the

recursive use of representations in the classroom.

The concepts of internal representation and external representation (Janvier,

Girardon, & Morand, 1993) are similar in that they both refer to the symbolism of an

object or idea and a resultant transformation. They are distinct in that internal

representations are formed internally in the mind and consist of mental images or

schemas that exist as part of the cognitive structure of the brain. External representations,

however, exist outside the mind in the social context of the learning environment

(Vygotsky 1978). Their variety and multitude (Brenner, et al., 1997) and their

similarities to the existing internal representations and cognitive structures in the mind of

a student can enhance the learning and development of a student.

Representations in the classroom can promote or hinder the cognition of concepts.

To promote the cognition of concepts, representations, both internal and external, must be

provided such that the figurative gaps between them are narrow and can easily be bridged

by the individual. In addition, representations can serve a formative purpose. Each

student has a different mental structural content. It is thus the role of the instructor to

gauge or interpret the structural content of each student’s mind. Given such a window,

the instructor can provide (not necessarily directly) the external representations necessary

to allow the student to correctly internalize concepts without dictation through the use of

classroom discourse and the generation of verbal (discussion), written (minute papers,

other more formal papers), diagrammatic (graphs, figures, sketches, etc.), computer-

based, or other external representations from the instructor as well as from student peers.

As student internal representations develop and progress, more external representations

are solicited, begetting a cyclic development. It is important to note that students do not

necessarily have the skill set to synthesize an external representation provided by a peer

or instructor; the external representation may enhance their comprehension of a concept

without creating the ability to internalize that representation in those targeted for learning

and development.

The cognition of the student can be positively impacted through the connections

made between the student’s internal representations and the external representations in a

learning environment. As Greeno and Hall (1997) stated, “Forms of representation are

significant in the construction and communication of understanding,” (p. 122).

Therefore, it is important to establish similarities between the students’ existing

conceptualizations or cognitive structures of information (internal representations) and

the new concepts for which an instructor wishes to convey meanings through models

(external representations).

It is in this fashion that the effective use of representations in the classroom is

constructivist because “learning is possible if you base the more complex structure on

simpler structures, that is, when there is a natural relationship and development of

structures and not simply an external reinforcement” (Piaget, 2003, p. S16).

Representations, like the constructivism they stem from, are recursive and are also based

on Piagetian theory of continuous accommodation and assimilation.

The use of multiple representations in the classroom also invokes the Piagetian

developmental factor of experience. Piaget discusses two types of experience, physical

and logical-mathematical (2003, p. S11). Physical experience is empirical and deals with

the concrete and “acting upon objects and drawing some knowledge about the objects by

abstractions from the objects” (2003, p. S11). In logical-mathematical experience,

“knowledge is not drawn from the objects, but it is drawn by the actions effected upon

the objects” (2003, p. S11). To clarify, logical-mathematical experience is “an

experience of the actions of the subject, and not an experience of objects themselves”

(Piaget, 2003, p. S12). Eventually, the subject can perform such actions without the use

of the physical world or props, and can abstractly reason without the support of haptic or

otherwise reality-based interactions. Thus in the cycle of building and reconstructing

multiple internal and external representations, and internalizing external representations,

it is the inter-representational transformations of these understandings that provides

valuable experiences for the students that is most significant, not the actual media or

content of the representations.

Given that all students have different existing mental images, or schemas, and

unique cognitive structures, the presentation of multiple, varied representations allows the

concepts being represented to fit into the diverse cognitive frameworks in the minds of

more students. One size does not fit all, and presenting multiple, varied representations is

a fair response to the cognizance of different students with different learning needs and a

desire to fulfill as many of these needs as possible. Representations, both internal and

external, build on each other and are building blocks of constructivist learning.

Theoretical Implications

The Vygotskian implications of internalized construction of the history of external

experiences in the socio-cultural context, coupled with the scaffolding involved in the

Zone of Proximal Development are substantive. From this, any and all kinds of affective

socio-cultural support in the development of individuals are crucial. This includes

providing external representations to support the recursive development and advancement

of internal representations. The external representations provided in this case are

scaffolding in the form of three-dimensional animations of rotating objects in virtual

space on a computer screen.

The use of external representations in the form of virtual three-dimensional

animations of objects can serve to bridge gaps between students’ internal schemata of

how an object looks when rotated and how it should look two-dimensionally on paper or

on a computer screen. These viewing exercises also allow for students in the Piagetian

hypothetical-deductive fourth stage of cognitive development to gain what Piaget terms

logical-mathematical experience in the exercise of making the mental transformations

required to understand the provided external representation, while simultaneously

bridging aforementioned gaps in understanding resulting from potentially

underdeveloped projective spatial ability. Assimilation and accommodation continue

their cyclic structuring of knowledge through the mental operations performed on objects,

concrete or otherwise. These transformations continue to affect students in their final

cognitive stage of development, as well as in their projective spatial abilities.

Existing student spatial visualization ability is determined by genetics, life

experiences, and developmental activity. Spatial visualization abilities can be improved

through practice or further experiences in transforming object orientations in space.

Spatial visualization ability in individuals can be gauged through spatial visualization

tests. The major issues surrounding spatial visualization ability and the coupling of the

theoretical protocol are depicted in Figure 1.3.

Figure 1.3: Important spatial visualization concerns and theoretical protocol.

Throughout this investigation, student spatial visualization abilities prior to

instruction and after providing additional logical-mathematical experience in the form of

external, virtual, dynamic three-dimensional representations will be gauged to determine

the effects of these experiences on students. This investigation serves to seek evidence of

whether this Vygotskian scaffolding and Piagetian experience that result in mental

transformations from viewing the animations will significantly enhance performance on a

known metric of spatial visualization ability.

In addition, surveying students’ prior transformative experiences during the

Piagetian stages of cognitive development and spatial development shown by others

(Deno, 1995) to affect Piagetian projective spatial ability can point to the relationship

between these experiences and initial spatial visualization ability prior to treatment. A

gauge of these developmental experiences can also indicate the potential for more

substantive gains during instruction and treatment as a function of the magnitude of

developmental experiences. In other words, those students with a greater extent of these

developmental experiences would also be expected to have a greater Zone of Proximal

Development, and thus should have more to gain from the scaffolding provided.

Research in the areas of the utilization and necessity of spatial visualization skills

in life, specific experiences during development affecting spatial visualization abilities,

spatial visualization assessment methods, spatial visualization enhancement, and the use

of two-dimensional and virtual media to enhance spatial visualization skills is well

documented and crucial to this study. However these are extensive, and thus will be

discussed in depth in Chapter 2.


Spatial visualization skills are critical for success in engineering education and

essential ingredients for student understanding. Spatial visualization ability is an

important characteristic for engineers to function properly in their professional and

academic careers (Sorby & Baartmans, 2000). A variety of metrics show that students

with superior visualization abilities perform better in engineering graphics as well as

other engineering curriculum classes (Yue, 2002).

Engineering graphics instructional teams strive to develop in students the

necessary visualization and graphical representation skills that allow them to express

ideas in the course of solving problems. Visualization has been defined as, “the ability to

take an idea from one’s mind and model it…”, and “...the ability to comprehend someone

else’s model” (Newcomer, et al., 2001, p. 33).

This chapter presents the historical perspective of engineering graphics

coursework, the significance of spatial visualization skills in engineering, spatial

visualization skills assessment methods, factors affecting spatial visualization ability,

alternatives to promoting good spatial visualization skills, and methods for enhancing

spatial visualization skills.

Historical Perspective

Engineering graphics remained relatively unchanged in the 20th century until the

early 1990’s evolution of the economically-accessible computer and software

technologies that brought computer-aided design (CAD) and computer-aided modeling

(CAM) to engineering classrooms. This affordability coupled with employer and student

demand led to the merging of traditional graphics with limited use of these technologies

in the classroom until the late 1990’s. Much of the focus remained on traditional manual

drawing tools such as triangles, T-squares, compasses, and calipers.

Today engineering graphics is much more student-friendly, integrated, and

preparatory. In recent years, researchers have investigated and repeatedly stressed the

need to change the manner in which engineering is introduced to pre-engineers (Bolton &

Morgan, 1997; Condoor, 1999; Morgan & Bolton, 1998). In many institutions with

engineering programs, integrated curricula incorporating an introduction to engineering,

engineering graphics and communication, technical writing, engineering technology

tools, engineering ethics, and teamwork have been proposed and implemented.

Typically in the past, more time was spent on individual work and lecture dealing

with the creation, projection, and manipulation of manually-drawn depictions of objects

and designs. Currently, more stress is placed on the learning styles of engineering

students, who tend to be more visual rather than verbal (Scribner & Anderson, 2005; The

Ohio State University College of Engineering, 2003). Modern engineering graphics,

often taught in “Introduction to Engineering,” “Fundamentals of Engineering,” “First-

Year Engineering,” or other similar titles, use a studio approach similar to the settings

found in art and architecture where students are arranged in teams to promote peer

instruction, more attention to physical space in the classroom arrangement, and term-

length design projects (Barr, Schmidt, Krueger, Twu, 2000; Little & Cardenas, 2001).

Significance of Spatial Visualization Skills in Engineering Education

The importance of promoting visualization is illustrated by Condoor (1999):

Visual thinking is one of the distinguishing characteristics of an engineer. At a

mundane level, it is useful for documenting ideas, representing designs, and
communicating them to others. At a more fundamental level, it helps reasoning
about ideas and designs. For instance, designers use visual thinking to reason
about stress, strain, fluid-flow, electric, and magnetic fields. Recognizing the
importance of visual thinking as a means of communication and a tool for
reasoning, educators have incorporated visual thinking throughout the engineering
curriculum. (p. 13).

One of the stated goals of the engineering graphics course should include a desire

to develop good spatial visualization skills in a student engineer. It is not only important

to stress spatial visualization skills at the introductory level, spatial visualization skills

should be emphasized throughout the engineering curriculum. Engineering instruction

should use spatial instructional strategies to reinforce student abilities (Hsi, et al., 1997).

Performance on exams in engineering and other technical fields of study shows that

scores are significantly correlated to spatial visualization ability. Academic failure is

shown to be related to deficiencies in two- and three-dimensional perceptional abilities

(Rochford, Fairall, Irving, Hurly, 1989).

Because spatial visualization skills are essential to engineers beginning and

graduating from engineering programs at colleges and universities, it is necessary to

promote spatial visualization skills either through remedial instruction at the collegiate

level or during the developmental periods prior to college. Given the need for technically

adept individuals during most economic periods, industry and academia cannot afford to
lose intellectually competent individuals due to a lack of nurturing of spatial visualization

abilities in developing students. Students who are competent in mathematics and other

subject areas often withdraw or simply do not select technical courses due to a lack of the

necessary spatial visualization skills and often, as a result, claim a general dislike for the

sciences and technical disciplines (Pallrand & Seeber, 1984). In addition, as engineers

are reputed problem solvers, spatial visualization skills are indispensable to engineers not

only because of the need to represent designs, but also because spatial visualization

ability is shown to be significantly correlated to problem solving ability (Carter, et al.,

1987). The importance of spatial visualization skills to engineers and others pursuing

technical fields are also highlighted by Scribner and Andersen (2005).

Assessing Visualization Skills

Tests of spatial visualization ability usually measure the subject’s skills by

requiring the completion of tasks demanding varying degrees of mental image rotation,

cutting, folding, or other alterations. Tasks that can only be performed by mental

alterations of given images are said to be holistic or non-analytic. Tasks that require

similar actions on images, but provide some verbal cue or can be accomplished

algorithmically, are said to be analytic or not completely holistic in nature. Many

researchers who wish to obtain a measurement of a subject’s pure spatial visualization

ability often avoid tests of spatial visualization that have verbal or analytic cues as the

results can be confounded by such features (Carter, et al., 1987). It is apparent that some

researchers tend to think that providing analytic aids such as verbal cues or

algorithmically-solvable problems allow the subject to “cheat” by foregoing his or her

visualization abilities.
There are a number of spatial visualization tests available that researchers in this

field often use as instruments for gauging spatial visualization abilities of students. The

Purdue Spatial Visualization Test: Rotations (PSVT—R) is the most commonly used test

of engineering students’ spatial visualization skills. The PSVT—R is often preferred

because it effectively measures raw spatial visualization skills while allowing for

minimal verbal, analytic, or otherwise non-holistic bias to affect the scoring of those

being tested (Carter, et al., 1987). This and other tests typically measure the visualization

skills of students at the second stage of the three stages of Piagetian spatial development

(Sorby & Baartmans, 1996). It is in the second stage of Piagetian spatial development,

referred to as projective representation, where humans develop the ability to mentally

perceive the appearance of objects from different perspectives and orientations (Bishop,


The Mental Rotations Test (MRT) is also a commonly used non-analytic test that

is similar to the PSVT—R in that it includes 24 problems to be solved via internal

rotation of mental imagery, but there are two correct answers per problem. The Paper

Folding Test (PFT), an analytical spatial test, asks the participant to determine which of

several choices of patterns on paper would result if the original piece of paper were hole-

punched and folded a number of times. The PFT and other tests are available in the “Kit

of Factor Referenced Cognitive Tests” from the Educational Testing Service in Princeton,

New Jersey (Lord, 1985; Pallrand & Seeber, 1984; Peters, et al., 1995). There are also

other tests either designed anew by researchers or that are alterations of the

aforementioned tests. The technologies used and the quality and not sightfulness of these

tests vary and are often dependent on the available resources of the researchers

performing the study. A compilation of spatial aptitude tests given over the years by

military, university, and other researchers in the twentieth century through the early

1980’s is provided by Eliot and Smith (1983).

In nearly all studies where gender is mentioned as a variable, a gap typically is

reported to exist between the spatial visualization test scores of men and women, with

women typically having significantly lower scores than men. In posttests, after the

subjects of studies are exposed to some form of spatial visualization instruction, the gap

narrows between those originally scoring lower (particularly women) and those originally

scoring higher (mostly men) during pretests (Branoff, 1998; Peters, et al., 1995; Sorby &

Baartmans, 1996).

Factors Affecting Spatial Visualization Ability

Some researchers of the 1960’s and early 1970’s suggest that spatial visualization

skills cannot be taught and are innate traits of individuals (Lord, 1985). More recent

studies show that spatial visualization skills can be improved through activities involving

spatial perception (Crown, 2001; Deno, 1995; Lord, 1985; Pallrand & Seeber, 1984;

Peters, et al., 1995; Sorby & Baartmans, 1996). When differences in male and female

performance are noted, the existing gender gap often found in pretests tends to close

following effective exercises of spatial visualization skills as evidenced in posttest results

(Hsi, et al., 1997; Peters, et al., 1995; Sorby & Baartmans, 1996). The closing of this gap

indicates that those with deficiencies in spatial visualization ability can make up for lost

time by exercising their skills in this area until their skill level matches those of their

peers. This is analogous to a weaker muscle gaining strength more rapidly than regularly

worked muscles in the body and is a valid application of the ubiquitous “learning curve.”
The question then inevitably arises regarding the source of spatial visualization

deficiencies. To answer, the factors affecting visual spatial ability need to be determined.

Researchers suggest that previous experiences such as actions performed on objects in

space stimulate adolescents to develop spatial visualization skills (Bishop, 1978). Socio-

cultural factors such as childhood activities involving construction games and toys, art

and sketching, video games, sports, and tactile experiences with concrete objects are

among the influences listed by researchers (Pallrand & Seeber, 1984; Peters, et al., 1995;

Yue, 2002). These are qualitative observations grounded in experience, but can be

speculative and tend to appear in the last sentences of research papers, seemingly as an

afterthought. The constructivist argument that, “Each of us makes sense of our world by

synthesizing new experiences into what we have previously come to understand” (Brooks

& Brooks, 1999, p. 4), supports the importance of experience in making increasingly

complex understandings.

One study in particular quantitatively compares the scores of subjects who took a

spatial visualization test to an inventory of activities in which the subjects participated

during their pre-collegiate development (Deno, 1995). This study employed two research

tools. The Mental Rotations Test (MRT), used to measure spatial visualization ability,

consists of 20 criterion figures for which there are two correct alternatives and two

incorrect alternatives. The Spatial Experience Inventory (SEI), developed by the

researcher and based on a list of spatial activities compiled through research done by

Guay et. al, (Guay, 1977; Guay, McDaniel, & Angelo, 1978; Guay & McDaniel, 1979,

1982; McDaniel, Guay, Ball, & Kolloff, 1978) is comprised of a list of activities, the

frequency each activity occurred, and the time period during the student’s development

that each activity occurred. The SEI is comprised of 312 items. These items fall into

three possible categories: Formal Academic, Non-academic, and Sports activities. Each

activity can be placed in the following developmental periods: junior high school, high

school, postsecondary; pre-school, elementary organized, elementary non-organized. The

sample consisted of 396 beginning engineering students enrolled in Engineering Graphics

166 during Winter Quarter of 1993 at the Ohio State University. Of the 396 students, 324

were men and 72 were women. ANOVA was used to confirm statistical significance of

mean differences between groups, reliability analysis was conducted on the SEI, and

correlation analysis was conducted between predictors and spatial measures. The SEI

spatial ability groups were shown to be highly reliable, as were the elements of the

developmental period scale with the exception of the elementary organized activities. It

was shown through an analysis using Pearson product-moment correlation that Non-

academic activities during high school seem to be the strongest predictor of ability in

spatial visualization.

The inventory not only is a catalog of the various activities in which the

participants had previously engaged, it also relates the developmental time period of each

activity, as well as whether that activity was academic, organized, or unorganized in

nature. The findings confirm most of the other researchers’ quantitative assessments of

the importance of life experiences in predicting one’s current spatial visualization

abilities. The study shows that building activities (non-academic during high school and

middle school) are the most correlated to high spatial visualization skills for men.

Women with higher spatial visualization skills most commonly have frequent video game

and educational program viewing experiences. This difference in activities between men

and women answers some questions about the gender gap dilemma as it pertains to

spatial visualization ability. Notably, those women with the greater than average building

activity experiences have correlations to higher spatial visualization ability, but visual

activities still seem to be more correlated to this phenomenon in females.

Alternatives to Promoting Good Visualization Skills

Some may say that development of spatial visualization skills is not as necessary

as it was before the advent of affordable technology tools such as computer-aided design

and modeling (e.g., CAD and CAM). As discussed earlier, however, spatial visualization

skills are not just requisite of object and design depiction. They are also significantly

correlated to problem-solving ability and performance in the sciences. Koch (2006)

found that spatial visualization skills, as tested by the Purdue Spatial Visualization Test—

Rotations, significantly predicted technical problem solving ability, yet found no

significant difference in problem solving ability between students using manual drawing

tools versus solid modeling.

There are students who may struggle through engineering graphics courses by

blindly following analytic procedures or algorithms in the course of providing alternate

representations to objects and designs. Once again, it is important to note that this

approach towards (or avoidance of) a skill deficiency is not a viable solution given the

possibility and value of remediation in the area of spatial visualization ability (Sorby &

Baartmans, 1996). Placement exams prove effective in properly placing students in

courses for which they are adequately prepared (Sorby & Young, 1998). Students with

the necessary spatial visualization skills can be placed in regular graphics courses, while

others who do not possess the prerequisite skill set can be placed in remedial courses
designed to enhance their spatial visualization skills and prepare them for engineering

graphics and the remaining engineering curriculum for which possession of these skills is


Finally, it should be reemphasized that poor performance in and withdrawal from

courses in technical fields of study are correlated to deficiencies in spatial visualization

ability (Carter, et al., 1987; Pallrand & Seeber, 1984; Rochford, et al., 1989). This

further highlights the importance of spatial visualization skills, particularly in


Enhancing Visualization Skills

Spatial visualization skills can be honed in various ways. The most common

methods involve the presentation of a variety of different representations of objects. The

simplest and oldest of these are concrete representations such as wooden blocks cut to a

size and shape to be depicted graphically by the student. These are still in use in

classrooms today.

Stackable cubes were successfully used in a study concerning the effects of a

remedial course on students with deficiencies in spatial visualization skills (Sorby &

Baartmans, 1996). In this study, a pre-graphics course was developed and piloted in

1993 at the Michigan Technological University for the purpose of providing remedial

experience in 3-D spatial visualization skills for students scoring low on a spatial

visualization placement test. The new course utilized a text and computer lab manual,

written for the course, and I-DEAS software as a visualization tool. Of 535 students who

took the Purdue Spatial Visualization Test: Rotations (PSVT—R) placement test, 117

(22%) were women. Of the 96 students who failed (scored less than 60% correct) 46
(39.3%) were women. From the 96 students who failed, 24 were selected to participate in

the pre-graphics course as members of the experimental group. The average PSVT—R

score for this group was only 51% correct. Their average score on the PSVT—R as a

post-test was 86% with no students failing. There was a statistically significant increase

in scores between the pre- and post-test (t=12.53, p<0.0001). Student comments were

generally positive. The spatial visualization tools used all received an overwhelming

majority of ratings in the positive area when students were polled. A majority of students

also claimed they “learned a lot” from the course.

The remaining 72 students comprised the control group and were permitted to

enroll in the standard engineering graphics course. The grade point averages in

engineering graphics courses between the experimental and control groups were

compared. The average student grade point average for the experimental group was 3.0

whereas the average grade point average for the control group was 2.6. Low grades (C,

D, or F) occurred in only 8.3% of the engineering graphics grades received by the

experimental group as compared to 16.3% of the control group students (Sorby &

Baartmans, 1996).

Engineering graphics instructors often use multiple external representations in the

course of strengthening their students’ skills through providing multiple perspectives and

imagery of the same objects. These representations range from concrete, wooden models

of objects to be depicted on paper, standard two- and three-dimensional paper depictions,

to technology-driven depictions on a computer screen that can be rotated and manipulated

through mouse and keyboard commands. This approach also helps reach a wider

audience of students who, as individuals, have distinct cognitive structures and existing

mental schemas with which these visualization concepts must mesh (Friedlander &

Tabach, 2001).

Virtual Three-dimensional Remediation

Engineering graphics instructors can look at the examples provided by other

science and technical educators. Dynamic computer-based representations and dynamic

computer-based translation between representations through computer animation and

modeling of molecular structures have been shown to be valuable in improving the

spatial visualization skills and understanding of subject matter concepts in chemistry

courses (Barnea & Dori, 1999). Animation has also been used to some benefit by

mathematics education researchers, where “animated learning materials can prove more

useful than static representations” (Taylor, Pountney, Malabar, 2007, p. 249) in topics

such as rotational symmetry and matrices.

While computer-based representations are already in use by many engineering

graphics departments, when one considers that most computer-based engineering

graphics representation systems were contrived for design and not educational purposes

(e.g., CAD software packages), they are not as instructionally suited as those employed in

other fields of science. However, one innovative example serves as a cutting plane

simulator which is also a software tool that interfaces with AutoCAD that is taught to

upperclassmen in mechanical and manufacturing engineering. Named 3D-Sim, it utilizes

an AutoLISP program (interpreted by AutoCAD). Huang, Bhura, and Wang (2000)

examined this commercially-available tool. Their primary application was for its

originally intended purpose, simulating the cutting of material from stock to form a new

finished object in a virtual environment without the inconveniences and expenses of

setting up a laboratory around an expensive Numerical Control (NC) machine and

maintaining the equipment.

An alternate application of this software tool for pre-engineers enrolled in

engineering graphics courses can be pursued. Rather than focus on the NC aspects of the

simulation, simply program the simulator to sequentially remove material from the virtual

stock to depict to the students the formation of a new 3-dimensional object. A simulated

object in AutoCAD that utilizes 3D-Sim can thus be formed, rotated, and manipulated to

display an infinite number of static or dynamic representations. This process may

provide additional means for connecting and reconstructing students’ internal

representations and spatial understandings of objects in the course of their engineering

graphics studies.

Web-based interactive engineering graphics educational applications have been

shown to be effective (Crown, 2001). Through the presentation of a series of puzzles

students are challenged to solve, they interactively learn engineering graphics

conventions and are promptly corrected with feedback if they do not solve a problem or

answer a question correctly. In this sense, web-based scaffolding is provided for students

as they progress through the exercises toward more difficult challenges. This

instructional tool allows students to learn conventions and develop their spatial

visualization skills without having to simultaneously learn the numerous functions and

commands of a sophisticated CAD package normally used by professionals.

MBLs are used with sensors and a computer to collect data and display it

graphically on a computer screen. In a study by Kozhevnikov and Thornton (2006), the

use of microcomputer-based labs (MBLs) to provide undergraduate physics students with

real-time experimental data graphing, was shown to significantly increase the proportion

of correctly solved spatial visualization problems of the Paper Folding Test (p<0.05)

when science and non-science major treatment groups were compared to a science major

control group via pre- to post-test gains. The researchers examined the proportion of

correctly solved problems rather than simply total scores because all groups were able to

attempt more problems the second time they took the PFT, perhaps due to a test-retest

effect of familiarity where test takers learn the test when the time between identical pre-

and post-tests is too short. The authors credit Lohman (1988) for information on the test-

retest effect in other studies. It is notable, however, that an entire semester elapsed

between tests and the test-retest effect may not be so significant.

In another related study, the same authors (Kozhevnikov & Thornton, 2006)

performed the same test with high school physics and science teachers to determine if

significant increases can be detected in those with strong physics and science

backgrounds. The intention was to alleviate concerns that science or physics instruction

also causes some spatial visualization development. Using a paired t-test, the teachers

showed significant improvements both in total scored (p<0.001) and number correct

(p<0.001), however apparently there was no control group used, and the test-retest effect

may have been even stronger due to the only two weeks between pre- and post-tests.

Scribner and Anderson’s (2005) substantial literature review and study yielded

three recommendations, one of which promotes the use of several types of two-

dimensional renderings to reinforce spatial visualization skills:

Incorporate tools such as sketching, three dimensional handheld models, three-

dimensional solid model software, and orthographic and isometric projections to
aid in developing spatial visualization. (p. 56)

In their study, the control group received standard, traditional drafting instruction,

whereas the treatment group received mixed methods instruction and materials to

accommodate a variety of student learning styles. More treatment group students showed

significant (greater than 5) increases in their PSVT—R scores than those of the control


Piburn, Reynolds, and McAuliffe (2005) conducted a study using computer

software “which allows the creation of detailed and realistic, two-dimensional

representations depicting three-dimensional perspectives of simple and complex geologic

structures and landscapes” (p. 517) for use by geology college student subjects. Using

two control and two treatment groups, spatial orientation pre- and post-tests showed no

significant effect. However, spatial visualization pre- and post-test scores on the Surface

Development Test and time to complete the tests showed significant improvement. This

demonstrates the potential effectiveness of two-dimensional virtual computer-based

renderings of three-dimensional objects for increasing spatial visualization abilities.

Relevant to these results, it is noteworthy that Hegarty and Waller (2004) found further

evidence that spatial orientation (different viewpoints or perspectives), while correlated,

are dissociated with spatial visualization (mental rotation). Kwon (2003) demonstrated

that both paper-based and web-based virtual reality instruction given to groups of middle

school students can be effective in improving spatial visualization skills.

Third graders in control and treatment groups were tested on mental rotation skills

to determine whether those in the treatment group, playing video games, would show

increases in spatial visualization abilities over control group members (De Lisi &

Wolford, 2002). It was shown that computer-based activities or the use of virtual media

can result in increased spatial visualization ability.

Similarly, Dorval and Pepin (1986) were able to show spatial visualization test

score gains in pre- and post-test scores by undergraduate students in the humanities after

playing the video game Zaxxon for eight sessions over a six week period at five plays per

session. At the time, Zaxxon was unique for its three-dimensional presentation and depth

which consisted of a spaceship flying diagonally through an isometric world as there

were no vanishing points as in many modern three-dimensional video games. Most

spatial visualization tests involving mental rotation present objects in an isometric format.

Gerson, Sorby, Wysocki, and Baartmans (2001) found that “multimedia software

is an effective tool for the development of 3-D spatial skills” (p. 111). After developing a

nine-piece modular software package with a National Science Foundation grant, they

found through quizzing, surveying, and various spatial visualization tests, significant

improvements in students who used the software over those who did not.

The sampling of work provided above and others that have been documented

elsewhere provide evidence indicating the viability of technology-based virtual three-

dimensional animated renderings in improving spatial visualization ability.

Technology-based virtual three-dimensional animated renderings used to improve

spatial visualization ability should be customizable to problems in the curriculum, should

not require additional purchases by engineering graphics and first-year programs, should

be easy to implement and retrofit in universities with online curriculum aids such as

Blackboard, WebCT, or Desire2Learn, should not take additional class time, should not

require special software as it is a video (AVI) file, and should be used in an on-demand

basis. Given the goal of using convenient and readily available technological tools to

enhance spatial visualization skills with minimal additional institutional investment of

resources, it is important to survey the literature to assess the feasibility and validity of

providing effective, remedial spatial visualization activities through the use of dynamic

external representations via CAD-derived animations of objects projected on a computer


Problem-based Learning

Problem-based learning can be a very important tool in educating future

engineers. It not only applies as a method of teaching; it also simultaneously provides

experiences and development of abilities and skills for young pre-engineers in the process

of problem solving. According to Wilkerson and Gijselaers (1996), problem-based

learning is defined as a student-centered process that occurs in small groups of which

teachers are the facilitators or guides. Problems presented in some form such as a written

case, case vignette, simulation of a real-life subject or computer simulation represent the

challenges faced in practice and therefore provide relevance to form the organizing focus

and stimulus for learning. Such problems also provide for the development of clinical

problem solving skills and the means through which abilities can be acquired through

self-directed learning. In this application, the problem could be one demanding the

exercise of spatial visualization skills in a term-length design project.

In engineering graphics, the majority of the coursework involves student

utilization of various visualization and graphical communication skills and abilities

applied to the solving of problems. Due to the number of topics covered and the limited

amount of time available, many of these problems are simple, lecture-based cases (Savin-
Baden 2000). These involve problems assigned to the students after some preliminary

information on the approaches relevant to solving the problem and the uses and

applications for the skills gained through practicing the solution of similar problems. The

routine problems occur in lecture and also in lab, although the labs are a bit more open-

ended. Far less frequently, perhaps only once during the course, a project such as

building a balsawood bridge is given to the students.


Engineers are typically seen as “problem solvers.” The field of engineering can

no longer afford to have its ranks filled by people learning and applying a fixed body of

knowledge. This ignores the exponentially increasing body of technical knowledge,

technological advancements, and emerging problems associated with the burgeoning

progress and expansion of humanity.

It is necessary that engineering professionals today, as demanded by both public

and private sectors, have the ability to adapt and apply readily accessible resources in a

manner relevant to solving unique problems. They also must satisfactorily complete a

variety of projects through the use of teams and interactions with groups of people, thus

requiring the use of effective verbal, written, and visual communication. This supports

the use of problem-based learning in engineering. In case of enhancing spatial

visualization skills in engineers, while it is not possible to have students practice every

possible situation requiring spatial visualization skills, it is possible to exercise skills with

general problems that could be applied to a variety of future situations in engineering

academics, as well as in the engineering profession. From the research and revelations of

others interested in problem-based learning and engineering education, it has been

demonstrated that problem-based learning is very relevant and applicable to the education

of future engineers in the area of spatial visualization as well as other areas.

Another commonly practiced method for enhancing spatial visualization skills

involves providing analytic methods such as verbal cues and algorithms for translating

from one representation to another. While these may help some students eventually make

the leap from a reliance on analytic methods to holistic methods through repeatedly

seeing one representation translate to another, these practices may also allow students to

habitually use the analytic methods as a crutch. As a consequence, there is always a

concern that the students are not necessarily honing their spatial visualization skills but

are in effect blindly following algorithmic procedures.


Spatial visualization skills are essential for success in engineering and the

sciences. Focus should be placed on developing spatial visualization ability during the

developmental years of students through activities involving building, tactile

manipulation of objects, transformations between internal and external representations,

and other tasks to reinforce these skills. Remediation should be provided at the collegiate

level as necessary to decrease student attrition rates in science and engineering and

improve general student performance in their curricula. Spatial visualization skills are

also related to problem-solving ability. Lack of high spatial visualization capabilities on

the part of entering freshman students at the postsecondary level may be a predictor of

those students’ selection of non-technical programs of study. It is therefore imperative

that tools be made available to hone and/or remediate the spatial visualization skills of

engineers and engineers-to-be.


Spatial visualization skills are requisite for the academic and professional success

of engineers. Studies show that spatial visualization skills can be improved through

direct and indirect instruction, as well as through the use of modern technology. External

remedial efforts are shown to be effective, as are engineering graphics courses in

improving spatial visualization test scores. Some students enter college wishing to be

engineers, but score below average on spatial visualization tests. Because spatial

visualization test scores may be indicative of future academic and professional success in

engineering, it is important for engineers to be competent in spatial visualization. This

study seeks to use existing resources commonly available to first-year engineering

programs or engineering graphics departments. By using existing computer-aided design

(CAD) software to build instructional tools in the form of virtual 3-D animations of

objects, first-year engineering students in need of spatial visualization improvement can

enhance their skills while minimally taxing departmental or program resources.

Providing such instructional assistance on an open-access basis allows willing students to

take ownership of their own improvement while minimally disrupting direct instruction

and requiring minimal further investment in curriculum development.

All of the resources utilized in the development of the instructional tool and data

collection devices or their equivalents can be found at most engineering colleges. In this

study, only resources readily available at The Ohio State University were used. Thus,

one objective and feature of the developments discussed here is to allow for the

integration of these approaches with most typical first-year or engineering graphics

programs. The instructional tool developed and studied, as well as the data collection

methods and research design integration with the existing online university-wide course

curriculum and grading web application can be applied elsewhere in a similar manner as

presented here.


The participants were first-year engineering students taking the first course of the

Introduction to Engineering series (ENG 181) at The Ohio State University in the First-

year Engineering Program. The participants were selected based on the section of

introductory engineering graphics course sections in which they were enrolled. There

were a potential maximum of 216 students in each of the control and experimental

groups, each group comprising an entire treatment level for a total of approximately 432

students from six sections (12 labs). The actual number of students who enrolled and

completed the course was 396, however only 273 provided consent and completed the



The Purdue Spatial Visualization Test – Rotations, was administered to gauge

spatial visualization ability. The PSVT—R has been used to log student visualization

data for several years at the First-Year Engineering Program and is therefore ideal for this

study as a course of convenience, in addition to the reasons involving avoiding

confounding with non-holistic mental rotation methods problematic of other spatial

visualization measures (Bodner & Guay, 1997) and is deemed a good test (Yue & Chen,

2001). The PSVT—R consists of 30 problems each involving a depicted object and

instructions to rotate that object a certain number of degrees (multiples of 90) around one

or more axes. The participant is given a choice of four possible responses, only one of

which correctly represents the figure’s new orientation. The PSVT—R is integrated with

the online gradebook for all sections of ENG 181, and has access windows that span the

beginning and end of the quarter. A copy of the online version of the PSVT—R is

available in Appendix A.

The Likert-type Experience survey was an augmented version of the “Journal

Entry 1,” already in existence, to collect Experience data. Journal Entry 1 is the first in a

series of five online surveys the students are required to complete. These surveys query

students on their impressions of the class, coursework, difficulty level of the assigned

work, and the instructional team’s performance. The responses to these questions are

quantified into a continuous rather than categorical Experience score, where each of the

ten questions represents an integer value of 1 through 5, ranging from “Never” to

“Always”, respectively. Thus a total composite experience score of 10 to 50 is possible.

The Likert-type scale Experience questions are also shown fully formatted in Appendix

B. The 10 Likert-type Experience score questions are also listed here with labels in


1. How often have you engaged in drafting, design and design sketching,

engineering graphics, or other manual (by hand) technical drawing

activities? (DRAFTING)

2. How often have you constructed models or played with building blocks,

Legos, Lincoln Logs, or other similar stackable toys? (MODELS)

3. How often have you played sports? (SPORTS)

4. How often have you fixed things, with a parent, guardian, other mentor, or

on your own, such as working on a car, home improvements, construction,

carpentry, electronics, or other similar activities? (HOME


5. How often have you engaged in creating artwork (drawing, graphic

design, painting, 3D art, photography, etc.)? (ART)

6. How often have you played video games? (VIDEO GAMES)

7. How often have you used Computer Aided Design (CAD) software

applications such as AutoCAD, SolidWorks, Autodesk Inventor, or

others? (CAD)

8. How often have you played musical instruments or composed music?


9. How often have you engaged in crafts (sewing, homemade decorations,

pottery, etc.)? (CRAFTS)

10. How often have you used maps or navigated in a car, navigated while

hiking, etc.? (NAVIGATION)

Students were emailed an open-ended survey inquiring as to their impressions,

attitudes, and usage of the visualization tool. A copy of the survey and focus group

invitation is included in Appendix C. A listing of the survey questions follows.

1. Were you aware of the animated instructional tool available on Carmen on a trial

basis in ENG 181 in WI08? If not, you do not have to answer the remaining


2. How did you hear of the availability of the animations?

3. Were you able to access to the animations for the daily assignment problems?

4. How did you gain access to the tool, if it was not available through your own

login? (No worries, you’re not in any trouble!)

5. Do you know of others who did not have access via their own login that also were

able to somehow gain access?

6. Why did you stop using the animations?

7. Did you find the animations useful? In what ways?

8. Did you believe you needed help visualizing or understanding how objects appear

after rotation or orientation change of the objects from their initial states? If so,

please specify if you had trouble with: visualizing isometric drawings, visualizing

orthographic drawings, the Purdue Spatial Visualization Test, exam problems

involving drawings, or something else.

9. Do you believe that viewing the animations helped you understand how an object

in an isometric view looks when rotated to an orthographic view?

10. Do you believe that viewing the animations helped you understand how an object

in an orthographic view looks when rotated to an isometric view?

11. Do you believe that viewing the animations helped you generally understand how

an object would look when rotated from one position or orientation to another? In

other words, were you able to better understand, “see,” or mentally visualize how

an object would appear, would be drawn, or would be depicted if it was rotated or

given a new orientation from its initial state?

12. How would you improve this instructional tool to make it more useful for future



A CAD-based 3-D animated model of existing, assigned, paper-based engineering

graphics problems was made available for students to view during engineering graphics

homework assignments to determine if this can be used as an instructional tool that

enables students to enhance their spatial visualization skills. Students were either granted

access to the tool, or not. Two possible treatments were analyzed. Those given access

are compared to those who were not given access to the tool. Analyses invoking a tool

utilization considerations including the amount of time the tool was used, number of

times the tool was used, and whether or not the tool was used at all, are used to gauge

absolute tool effectiveness. Analyses ignoring the utilization are also applied to gauge

real-world open access tool effectiveness.

The animations were developed by building existing manual engineering graphics

drawing assignments in AutoDesk Inventor. They were then imported into

“Presentation” mode and rotated from a starting isometric view to one of three

orthographic views and back to the original isometric view again by specifying angles of

rotation on relevant axes. The animations were recorded as AVI-type files to ensure wide

compatibility with user media player software. These animations are viewable on the

internet at http://smg.photobucket.com/albums/v221/yallam/ENG181WI08Animations/.

Each object has three associated animations, one for each orthographic view that would
normally be depicted by the students. The assignments included those typical of

manually-drawn engineering graphics assignments: drawing orthographic views given an

isometric view of an object, drawing an isometric view given orthographic views of an

object, missing edge lines, and drawing a missing orthographic view. These assignments

are included in Appendix D.


The Ohio State University’s online course and grading web application, Carmen,

was made available to the investigators via Carmen course designer access. Carmen is an

online course grade and resource web application by Desire2Learn, similar to Blackboard

or WebCT. Students rely heavily on this web application for content such as syllabi,

daily assignment schedules, presentation slides, drawing tools and orthographic and

isometric paper for printing should they deplete their own supplies, lab information, exam

review materials, etcetera. There are also periodic quizzes and surveys with adjustable

windows of availability. There are links to external resources, and important course-

related news and reminders. With the granted designer permissions, access groups were

formed for each lab section, representing the externally randomly generated control and

treatment groups. Students designated as treatment group members were granted access

to the animation tools. Others were denied access. Access windows were set such that,

based on the daily assignment schedule, treatment group students were granted access to

the relevant animation upon assignment. Access to these animations closed the day after

the assignment’s due date. The assignment schedule, or “Daily Assignment List,” is

provided in Appendix E.

The entire study occurred within the existing Carmen course framework for ENG

181. All test scores, assignment grades, and survey data were already available and

automatically saved as records to Carmen gradebooks. Existing online surveys were

augmented to collect the Likert-type scale experiential data (Experience). Tool access

was provided via selective release hyperlinks to participants randomly selected from

course sections. Existing Carmen-generated unique student identification numbers were

used to protect student identities. These numbers are randomly generated and were not

associated with sensitive university records and serve only as unique gradebook markers.

All data were downloadable from Carmen as comma separated value files for

manipulation within spreadsheet software applications. Student email addresses and

names were the only identifying fields of data within grade records. These were retained

for the sole purpose of allowing for post-study consent form processing and matching

data records originating from different sources with varying formats. At the end of the

course, permission, using the standard written consent form to use the survey data, tool

usage statistics, class assignments and exam scores for the purpose of research was

distributed and collected once the students completed the forms. Once the study

concluded and the consent forms were processed, all identifying data were stripped.

Only those individuals who gave consent had their corresponding data used for the

purposes of the research study.

Students enrolled in Engineering 181, Fundamentals of Engineering (ENG 181)

course sections in Winter 2008 (WI08) were given an online version of the Purdue

Spatial Visualization Test—Rotations (PSVT—R) as a pre-test. They also completed a

survey, in this case an augmented version of the “Journal Entry 1,” already in existence,

to collect Experience data. Students were surveyed via ten five-point Likert-type scale

questions at the beginning of the quarter and asked to indicate, by their own estimations,

their levels of participation in certain activities prior to enrolling in an engineering degree

program in college to determine a relationship, if any, to initial scores on spatial

visualization tests administered at the beginning of the quarter. The experience

quantified via a five-point Likert-type scale experiential survey (Experience) includes ten

questions posed concerning student developmental activities that research has shown to

be correlated to spatial visualization ability (Deno, 1995). These experience levels are

also used to gauge Experience effects on gains made during exposure to both regular

classroom activities as well as regular classroom activities coupled with the 3-D

animation tool being tested.

Enrollees were not informed of the study in advance to protect study validity and

to simulate the voluntary nature of online instructional tool usage. An email was sent

discreetly to treatment group members to alert them of the forthcoming availability of an

experimental instructional tool with limited access. They were told how to access this

tool and a vague description of the purpose of this covert activity. Their confidentiality

was requested. Those randomly selected as treatment group participants were granted

instructional tool access via links on the “Content” page of the Carmen course web

application. These links selectively opened for treatment group participants when the

relevant engineering graphics drawing is assigned, and closed after the due date of the

assignment. Link access tracking in Carmen is built into the application, so utilization

data were available for each treatment group participant. Much of the participant data

were stored within the Carmen gradebook with key exceptions detailed later.

At the conclusion of study, coinciding with the conclusion of the WI08 term,

students took the PSVT—R post-test. The spatial visualization test, PSVT—R, was

already utilized by the First-Year Engineering Program at The Ohio State University

College of Engineering for internal purposes.

Per Institutional Review Board (IRB) suggestion, the study was treated as an

internal investigation, as the data collected is typical of quarterly activities, with the

addition of the devices described throughout this chapter. Consent scripts were read at

the end of the quarter and consent forms were distributed and collected during the final

class period. These are available in Appendix F. Non-published, internal research for

departmental or program continuous improvement in accepted educational settings for

purposes of gauging student performance or instructional methods may follow the

approaches outlined here without IRB approval, but this should be confirmed with the

researcher’s local Institutional Review Board to avoid any uncertainty on this issue.

Due to the nature of the treatment group participants’ voluntary usage of the tool,

a tool utilization covariate is included in the statistical model. Analyses invoking

animation tool utilization consideration are used to gauge absolute tool effectiveness,

while analyses ignoring the utilization are also applied to gauge real-world open access

tool effectiveness. The comparison occurs between pre- and post-tests administered

respectively at the beginning and end of the ten-week term in the First-Year Engineering

Program at The Ohio State University. Pre-tests are used to gauge initial student ability

levels in spatial visualization, and performance on post-tests are used to gauge the

magnitude of gains that can be expected from students of varying skill levels with the

standard instruction, as compared to instruction augmented with the use of the CAD-

based 3-dimensional animations. Extensions to this study were made using data collected

through the course of the academic quarter. These extensions serve to identify

relationships, if evident, between pre-test scores or instructional tool utilization and

grades in visualization (Drawing) and non-visualization-related (non-Drawing) items.

These extensions also serve to confirm the link between summarized student

developmental experiences and their initial spatial visualization test scores.

Finally, the significance, if any, between student visualization test scores and

relevant engineering graphics-related grades are determined. The final data collected

were open-ended survey responses regarding both treatment and control student

impressions, suggestions, and usage patterns of the tool, if any. They were also queried

regarding access to the tool and knowledge of the tool, especially for control group

subjects who should not have had access to these animations.

Research Design

The research design is an experimental design with control and treatment groups

where the treatment group receives access to a virtual 3-dimensional visualization tool

that offers an additional representation of objects to be depicted in assigned engineering

graphics drawing problems.

Sample and Initial Calculations

A randomized complete block design was used where one half of each block was

randomly selected for designation of control or treatment. Initial sample size calculations

assumed a conservative standard deviation of 5.3 based on the post-test spatial

visualization data from one section in Autumn 2006, a typical power value of 0.8 and an

alpha value for testing at 0.05.

With 12 blocks and 2 treatments, the analysis is equivalent to a one-way ANOVA

with 24 (12 x 2) treatments. For a sample size of 18 per treatment x block combination,

power = 0.8, alpha = 0.05, the detectable difference in visualization test scores would be

8.5. However, there are several offerings of the course per quarter, all using the same

equipment, materials, time, and other resources, with the distinction being the times of

the offerings and the human resources involved in instruction. An instructor teaches one

or two offerings in the same lecture classroom. Each offering, at a unique time of day, is

divided into two sections, where each section has a unique Graduate Teaching Associate

and undergraduate Peer Mentor. Therefore, each section is unique only in the sense that

it has a unique instructional team and meeting time. The model addresses the course

section inconsistencies by blocking the course sections to accommodate variations caused

by attributes such as instructional staff and time. Since the course sections are the blocks,

there is no interest in detecting differences between blocks. There is, however, interest in

detecting treatment differences. In this case, the analysis is equivalent to a 1-way

ANOVA with 2 treatment levels. For this scenario, there would be enough observations

per group (216) to detect visualization test score differences as small as 1.43, assuming

maximum enrollment. Alternatively, to detect a difference as small as 2 one would need

at least 112 for treatment and 112 for control across all sections.

With nearly 400 projected students, it was deemed there was an adequate sample

to meet a pre-test to post-test gain standard of two points. Again, there is no interest in

detecting block differences. They are considered nuisance effects. There is a need to

control for them, but they are not of primary interest. A one-way ANOVA power curve

illustrates the pre-test/post-test gain sensitivity in Figure 3.1.

Power Curve for One-way ANOVA

0.8 A ssumptions
A lpha 0.05
S tD ev 5.3
# Lev els 2




0 1 2 3 4
Maximum Difference

Figure 3.1: Power curve for one-way ANOVA, n=112, α=0.05, σ=5.3.

While the preliminary sample analysis assumes six sections at two blocks

per section (one for each unique lab/Graduate Teaching Associate) and 36 students per

block, sample size, and as a result the number of blocks, are dependent upon student

enrollment, that is, the number of sections of students enrolled in a given quarter. It was

also considered likely that the blocks and treatments would be unbalanced.

Underlying Considerations

This study was approached not just as an investigation, but as a simulation of how

an indirect, digital instructional tool can be implemented and gauged for effectiveness.

The successful administration and documentation of this study may lead to its use as a

roadmap for the investigation and installation of future indirect, open access instructional

aids available to students on an as-needed basis. Of substantial note is the effort to

minimize disturbances to classes and disruptions in instruction of the course sections

containing the subjects in all phases of the design, integration, and throughout the course

of the study. A background but significant objective of this study involved the seamless

integration and application of the various devices for data collection, control/treatment

separation, and provisions for the spatial visualization tool itself.

Students already take several surveys throughout the quarter for internal

continuous improvement uses. It is for this reason that the types of activities identified

by other researchers as having significant correlation to spatial visualization abilities

were abbreviated or summarized from hundreds of items in survey batteries. There was a

concern that students would not take the time to carefully answer too numerous a battery

of Experience questions when considering the other feedback they are already expected

to provide in the course. There was also a concern of disturbing course activities or

overtaxing student time during a course which already requires of the students substantial

time and commitment for success.

After the end of the quarter, students were emailed open-ended surveys inquiring

as to their impressions, attitudes, and usage of the visualization tool. They were also

solicited for a focus group session to discuss their thoughts around a table, featuring pizza

as an incentive.

Data Collection and Parsing Devices

Data Logs

One of the features of Carmen is an ongoing log it keeps of student activity. The

activity log includes access information to each object by users in each course section.

Data logged includes last visit time and date, number of visits to each item, and total time

spent with a particular object open. This information is typically of no concern to most

faculty members, and it is available only in a raw, cryptic format through special request

to the University’s Office of Information Technology (OIT). Upon request, OIT was able

to provide a listing formatted as comma-separated-values, accessible via Microsoft Excel,

but still not readily usable in this format.

PSVT—R scores for each student are automatically logged into the Carmen

gradebook upon completion alongside all other grades automatically collected by the

Carmen system or more often manually entered by Graduate Teaching Associates.

Student grades are all available via Carmen export to comma-separated-value file, as this

is the primary grade recording, processing, and calculation device used by the First-Year

Engineering Program. Data imported from the Carmen gradebook were readily

compatible and properly formatted and oriented for data analysis. Course grades and

PSVT—R test scores were concatenated into a master spreadsheet, with additional fields

added to designate lab, section, instructional team, and meeting time information.

Additional details, such as problem-by-problem exam scores, were collected separately

by Graduate Teaching Associates and compiled by personnel in the First-Year

Engineering Program. Copies of the relevant visualization-related exam problems are

provided in Appendix G. Additional calculations, such as separating heavily

visualization-dependant assignments from others were done subsequently by formulae

applied to grade components imported into Microsoft Excel spreadsheets. These results

were combined again and checked against original Carmen grade totals to ensure validity.

Other Data

Other pieces of data required for the analysis had to be parsed, properly oriented,

and concatenated to this master spreadsheet manually or through Visual Basic (VB)

macro and Structured Query Language (SQL) script from other spreadsheets and

relational database tables. Problem-by-problem exam data described in the previous

section were appended manually. Experience score raw survey data were individually

downloaded by section. Each subjects’ record occupied 58 rows and several columns. A

macro was written to condense the data into composite scores in single-row records listed

by name and crosstabbed along the columns by Experience item. These names were

matched to the master spreadsheet by section and appended. The macro is listed in

Appendix H. Object utilization data provided by OIT was imported into Microsoft

Access. A series of queries were performed to crosstab the data by username and remove

duplicate username listings so that each username-tied datum occupied the same row,

with columns labeled for the access time and date, number of accesses, and time spent for

each item running laterally in the same single row for the relevant username. The SQL

script for these queries is given in Appendix I. The usernames were then matched to the

master spreadsheet and manually appended.

Master Spreadsheet Data and Pre-Analysis Activities

Upon finalizing the master spreadsheet, data were filtered as necessary for each

analysis. Row records containing blanks and zeros were filtered only for columns

containing required factor or covariate information for a particular model. This was

replicated for each analysis, and for each variation of each analysis if alterations were

made due to shifting significance to optimize model fit with the available data. Minitab

was used for analysis, and the model employed, a General Liner Model (GLM) with

Analysis of Covariance (ANCOVA), required entry of full rank data, meaning blanks

caused exceptions and thus had to be eliminated.

Ceiling effects resulting from students scoring extremely high or at the test

maximum score occasionally threatened model applicability for those records of greatest

concern, i.e., records of students scoring lower on the spatial visualization test. Data and

residuals were also examined to ensure the validity of normality assumptions when


Hypotheses, Models, and Variables

Following are hypotheses and models initially used to address the research

questions. In many cases, these serve as starting points. As factors or covariates fail to

show significance, components may be removed. In the interest of brevity and providing

a general illustration of the models involving Likert-type scale Experience score

components, all models involving use of Likert scale Experience score components

below are modeled with just one covariate. This Likert-type scale Experience score

covariate should be assumed to be either modeled in practice as the total composite score

of all ten components, or a breakdown of the components into up to ten separate

covariates. The Likert-type scaled Experience score shall henceforth be referred to as

“Experience” or “Experience score.”

Typical of the models are the mean, µ, which is the overall post-test score mean;

the response due to treatment, α, indicating the effect of access to the tool; the block, β,

for each course section; the pre-test score effects, γ; the experience level effects, δ, of

which the actual experience level is determined by a composite score derived from the

Experience survey; the spatial visualization instructional tool utilization effects, η, of

which utilization values are logged by the university course and grade web application

(Carmen, by Desire-to-Learn); and finally the error term, ε. The hypotheses tested and

associated models and variables are described below.

Tool Access Effects on Spatial Visualization Improvement

H 0 : 1   0  0
H 1 :  1   0  0 ; to determine the effects on spatial visualization gains due to
treatment, or free tool access. The Tool Access Effects on Spatial Visualization

Improvement are modeled as:

y post ijk     i   j   Tk   X k   ijk



where α represents effects on the spatial visualization post-test response due to treatment

(fixed factor),  represents the effects due to the block or lab section (random factor), 

represents the individual spatial visualization pre-test score (covariate), δ represents

effects on the response due to experience (covariate), on the mean response, μ. The

subscripts 0 and 1 designate control and response groups, respectively. The parameter

types of the model are summarized as:

y post ijk     i   j   Tk   X k   ijk


i = 0, 1 (control, treatment)

j = 1, 2, 3, …, 12 (section/lab number, a blocking factor)

k = 1, 2, 3, …, n, where n = total number of participants (subject number)

Tool Utilization Effects on Spatial Visualization Improvement

H 0 :  0
H1 :   0 ; to determine the effects on spatial visualization gains due to tool
utilization access within the treatment group. The Tool Utilization Effects on Spatial

Visualization Improvement are modeled as:

y post1 jk  1   j   Tk   X k  U k  1 jk


where  represents the effects due to the block or lab section (random factor), 

represents the individual spatial visualization pre-test score (covariate), δ represents

effects on the response due to experience (covariate),  represents effects on the

response due to tool utilization (covariate), on the mean response, μ1. The subscript 1

designates modeling within the original treatment group. The parameter types of the

model are summarized as:

y post1 jk  1   j   Tk   X k  U k  1 jk

j = 1, 2, 3, …, 12 (section/lab number, a blocking factor)

k = 1, 2, 3, …, n, where n = total number of participants (subject number)

An alternate analysis here involves removing the continuous tool utilization

covariate and replacing it with a Boolean tool usage random factor to determine the

effects of using the tool in any capacity on the response.

Experience Effects on Spatial Visualization Ability Gains

H0 :   0
H1 :   0 ; to determine the effects on spatial visualization ability improvements
due to developmental experiences. The Experience Effects on Spatial Visualization

Ability Gains are modeled as:

y post ijk     i   j   Tk   X k   ijk



where α represents effects on the spatial visualization post-test response due to treatment

(fixed factor),  represents the effects due to the block or lab section (random factor), 

represents the individual spatial visualization pre-test score (covariate), δ represents

effects on the response due to experience (covariate), on the mean response, μ. The

parameter types of the model are summarized as:

y post ijk     i   j   Tk   X k   ijk


i = 0, 1 (control, treatment)

j = 1, 2, 3, …, 12 (section/lab number, a blocking factor)

k = 1, 2, 3, …, n, where n = total number of participants (subject number)

Experience Effects on Initial Spatial Visualization Ability

H0 :   0
H1 :   0 ; to determine the effects on initial spatial visualization ability due to
developmental experiences. The Experience Effects on Initial Spatial Visualization

Ability are modeled as:

y pre jk     j   X k   jk


where the spatial visualization pre-test is the response,  represents the effects due to the

block or lab section (random factor), δ represents effects on the response due to

experience (covariate), on the mean response, μ. Note that utilization, as well as control

and treatment group considerations have been ignored since this is a pre-treatment

collection of data. The parameter types of the model are summarized as:

y pre jk     j   X k   jk


j = 1, 2, 3, …, 12 (section/lab number, a blocking factor)

k = 1, 2, 3, …, n, where n = total number of participants (subject number)

Experience Effects on Grades

H0 :   0
H1 :   0 ; to determine the effects on heavily Drawing and non-Drawing course
grades due to developmental experiences. The Experience Effects on Grades are

modeled as:

y grade jk     j   X k   jk


where the grade is the response,  represents the effects due to the block or lab section

(random factor), δ represents effects on the response due to experience (covariate), on the

mean response, μ. The parameter types of the model are summarized as:

ygrade jk     j   X k   jk


j = 1, 2, 3, …, 12 (section/lab number, a blocking factor)

k = 1, 2, 3, …, n, where n = total number of participants (subject number)

Tool Utilization Effects on Grades

H 0 :  0
H1 :   0 ; to determine the effects on grades due to tool utilization access within the
treatment group. The Tool Utilization Effects on Grades are modeled as:

y grade1 jk  1   j   Tk   X k  U k  1 jk


where α represents effects on the grades response due to treatment (fixed factor), 

represents the effects due to the block or lab section (random factor),  represents the

individual spatial visualization pre-test score (covariate), δ represents effects on the

response due to experience (covariate),  represents effects on the response due to tool

utilization (covariate), on the mean response, μ. The subscript 1 designates modeling

within the original treatment group. The parameter types of the model are summarized


y grade1 jk  1   j   Tk   X k  U k  1 jk

j = 1, 2, 3, …, 12 (section/lab number, a blocking factor)

k = 1, 2, 3, …, n, where n = total number of participants (subject number)

Once again, an alternate analysis here involves removing the continuous tool utilization

covariate and replacing it with a Boolean tool usage random factor to determine the

effects of using the tool in any capacity on the response.

Spatial Visualization Pre-test Effects on Grades

H0 :   0
H1 :   0 ; to determine the effects on spatial visualization gains due to tool
utilization access within the treatment group. The Spatial Visualization Pre-test Effects

on Grades are modeled as:

y grade1 jk  1   j   Tk   X k  U k  1 jk


where α represents effects on the grades response due to treatment (fixed factor), 

represents the effects due to the block or lab section (random factor),  represents the

individual spatial visualization pre-test score (covariate) effects, δ represents effects on

the response due to experience (covariate),  represents effects on the response due to

tool utilization (covariate), on the mean response, μ. The subscript 1 designates modeling

within the original treatment group. The parameter types of the model are summarized


y grade1 jk  1   j   Tk   X k  U k  1 jk

j = 1, 2, 3, …, 12 (section/lab number, a blocking factor)

k = 1, 2, 3, …, n, where n = total number of participants (subject number)

Grades from assignments and test problems that rely heavily on spatial

visualization skills and grades that are less spatial visualization reliant will be analyzed.

It is important to note that in all of the above models, as factors or covariates are

determined to be not significant in their effects on the responses, they may be removed to

improve the model fit for investigative purposes. This may not always be the case as

some factors or covariates of some significance may still account for variance in the


Additional factors and levels would further limit the model should the experience

scores be treated as discrete. A randomized complete block design is used where one half

of each block is randomly selected for designation of control or treatment. Each block

represents a course section with a unique combination of class time, instructor, and

graduate teaching assistant. None of the investigators are involved in teaching or

administrating any of the participants’ course sections during the quarter of the study.


Risks to participants included treatment and control group student grade means

showing statistically significant differences due to the application of or lack of treatment.

Significance was tested and grades were to be leveled accordingly, but differences in

overall grade means were not significant. A minority of grade fields in the student

gradebook were affected. Both the First-Year Engineering Program Director and

Associate Dean of the College of Engineering were aware of and approved of this

Risks to participants in regarding privacy and identity were minimal in that only

one person will administer, collect, and analyze the data. This person stripped the data of

identifying fields after the consent forms were processed. This risk was also

incrementally small given the existing gradebook access given to the many personnel

who are members of the instructional teams providing instruction and grading to each of

the course sections in the First-Year Engineering Program. Similarly, there was

additionally a minor, also incrementally small risk involved in course performance

information leaking out to unauthorized persons.

Internal Validity

The greatest threat to internal validity is control group knowledge or usage of the

instructional tool. This is minimized by restricting tool access to Carmen which requires

a unique login for each student participant. Additional risks to validity include half-

hearted or limited use of the tool by treatment group participants.

Data Analysis

Analysis of Covariance, or ANCOVA, a general linear model, was used to

analyze the data.

Tool Effectiveness

Upon completion of the study and subsequent data analysis, if the tool is

effective, results would follow a pattern as generalized in Figure 3.1.




Figure 3.1: Potential pattern of results given effective instructional tool.

This illustrates a pattern where those student participants with the least initial

spatial ability or experience may have the most to gain through new experiences and

instruction designed to exercise spatial visualization skills. This has been shown in

research where gaps (such as gender gaps, discussed earlier) between groups are closed

quickly by the lower-scoring group making gains faster after experience and instruction,

similar to a weak muscle developing more quickly to match an equally exercised strong

muscle. It also depicts a ceiling which exists because the maximum score of the PSVT—

R of 30 is occasionally attainable by some students initially on the pre-test if they are

particularly gifted (Ohio State University, 2003-2008).


Students who score at or near the maximum, may sometimes have lower post-test

scores more often than students who score lower initially. This may be attributable to the

random fluctuations in test performance exceeding the potential gains from added

instruction and experience for those whose spatial visualization abilities are already at or
near the ceiling of the metric employed. Because the tool is intended to help remediate

those in need of enhancing their spatial visualization abilities, this is an acceptable

drawback of the test, although tests with higher ceilings for measuring spatial

visualization ability of the gifted can and have been created; however, they are not as

proven through nearly the iterations of studies and research as the test employed for this

study. It was assumed that the potential volume of participants in this study will alleviate

ceiling effect concerns.

In addition, it is difficult to know student participation levels and how missing

data as a result of student non-participation in certain measures will affect the study of

the outcome. Finally, metrics of a voluntary or non-grade dependent nature do not

always provide the incentives for whole-hearted participation. For example, students

may opt to curtail their participation in the visualization test or may rush through the

Experience score survey questions. Student online connections may get cut, or they may

get interrupted and never complete some activities. Because the data collected in this

study is not actively proctored there are associated risks to validity and this can hurt the

sensitivity of the statistical analyses as full rank data sets are required. This may also

alter the distribution of data from what is true of the sample.

Students may leave windows open when using the animation tools provided to the

treatment group. These will cause the Carmen object access log to continue counting

seconds of access, even if an object is left open in a window and the computer is left

unattended. Students in the treatment group may also, although unlikely, allow others

outside the treatment group to use their login to access the animation objects.

Finally, while exams are graded uniformly across sections with one grader

assigned per exam problem, all other grades are graded by instructional team members

assigned to a particular section, thus grades will vary by section, another need for the

application of blocking factors in this model.


This study was conducted to investigate whether virtual 3-dimensional animated

models of existing, assigned, paper-based engineering graphics problems can be used as

an effective instructional tool that enables students to enhance their spatial visualization

skills. In addition, this study sought to uncover, or in some cases confirm, evidence of

links between developmental activities and student initial spatial visualization abilities

and visualization gains after instruction and/or treatment. Finally, this investigation also

sought to determine the relationship between initial spatial visualization skills and both

heavily visualization reliant and less visualization reliant assignment grades.

Treatment of the Data

As discussed earlier, the data collected in this study was not only extensive, but

employed a variety of collection, parsing, and formatting devices and activities. Section

information, grades – both for individual items and calculated items, PSVT—R pre-test

and post-test scores were collected. Necessary conversions and disseminations were

made for the analysis, including separating grades by those which are heavily

visualization skill dependent and those that are not. Most of these separated grades were

normalized to percentages for ease of comparison. Depending on the model, responses

include PSVT—R post-test scores, PSVT—R pre-test scores, and visualization and non-

visualization dependent grades. Covariates, also model-dependent, include PSVT—R

pre-test scores, individual and composite Experience scores, time-based utilization data,

and access count-based utilization data. The 12 labs comprised the blocking factors, and

the students randomly assigned to receive access to the animations were designated as

treatment group members, while those students not granted access were designated as

control group members. Boolean access-based utilization is considered a random factor

within the original treatment group in an additional model that was analyzed.

Over 40,000 data points were collected altogether. Much of this data was filtered

for the analyses that follow, reducing resolution of the data and adversely affecting the

detectable difference of the statistical models. A large amount of data was removed due

to lack of consent from absent students, or students who simply refused to sign. This

reduced the number of study participants from a total of 396 students who enrolled and

completed the course to 273 who provided consent and completed the course. Often

missing data prevented full rank analysis, required for the General Linear Model module

in Minitab. Actions taken included removing subject records where data points essential

to achieving full rank data were missing. In addition, some data sets were truncated to

remove ceiling effects. This of course can affect the distribution and other characteristics

of the data, but considering the subsamples modeled for the purposes of evaluating the

spatial visualization instructional tool, students with lower PSVT—R scores, appropriate

liberties were taken considering that subjects at or near the ceiling of the PSVT—R are

not targets for remediation. This remedy alleviated ceiling effects such as the conical

pattern of residuals when plotted against the model response of PSVT—R test scores.

Ceiling effects may also cause an artificially altered slope, as the fitted model is forced to

“funnel” towards the test maximum. Since the interest is in remediating students with

lower than average PSVT—R scores, a more suitable model fits the slopes of students

closer to the mean, rather on the far right tail at the test maximum. This truncation also

helped alleviate some of the left skew, as the original data collected leaves the analysis

tailless on the right side after the test maximum of 30. These issues and associated

remedies, as well as their implications, are discussed further in the next chapter.

Throughout this chapter, portions of tables indicating significant effects are


Preliminary Analysis of Data: General Trends and Relationships

First, several general observations about the data, the relationships observed, and

significant linear correlations are described and depicted graphically. In the subsequent

analyses employing the models described in the previous chapter to test their respective

hypotheses, adjustments made to data to achieve full rank status and/or remove ceiling

effects will be noted.

Table 4.1 summarizes the data collected by block or lab. The missing data are

evident when comparing control and treatment group counts to the number of data points

collected for each data type listed in columns to the right. It is important to note that a

total of 81 students opted to use the spatial visualization instructional animations at least

once, or 60% of the treatment group and 29.7% of the total participants listed in the table.

Table 4.1: Descriptive statistics for blocked sections, excluding grades.
For illustrative purposes and to confirm earlier assumptions regarding student

gains in pre- versus post-test PSVT—R scores as related to experience and ceiling

effects, average spatial visualization scores at each Experience score level are plotted and

shown with trend lines in Figure 4.1.

Figure 4.1: Average spatial visualization score plotted vs. Experience score.

For further illustrative purposes and to confirm earlier assumptions, regarding

gains diminishing with increasing pre-test scores and ceiling effects, average spatial

visualization post-test scores at each spatial visualization pre-test score level are plotted

and shown with trend lines in Figure 4.2.

Figure 4.2: Average spatial visualization post-test score plotted vs. spatial visualization

pre-test score.

In both of the above depicted cases, there is a decreasing gain, the distance

between the fitted curves. For both cases, this signifies two possible phenomena. The

first cause is the PSVT—R test ceiling score of 30. The other may also be the effects of

the learning curve, where an individual learns a skill at a decreasing rate with exposure.

It is shown in other studies (Hsi, et al., 1997; Peters, et al., 1995; Sorby & Baartmans,

1996) that students with initially weaker spatial visualization abilities narrow the gap

after instruction and gain faster than their initially more capable peers. Both of these

factors seem to potentially be in effect here.

All data used as covariates or responses, that is, those data items that are

continuous or are treated as continuous and appear in the models, were checked for
correlation with each other. In Table 4.2, the Pearson product moment coefficient and

associated p-values between data types such as PSVT—R pre-test scores, various

Drawing and non-drawing grade types, and Experience scores are shown, excluding

spatial visualization animation utilization. Items significantly linearly correlated are

highlighted, assuming a critical α level of 0.05. Here, n=123 out an original data set of

273. Records with missing PSVT—R pre- or post-tests, Experience scores, and grades

were removed.

Another similar listing of Pearson product moment correlation coefficients that

does include spatial visualization instructional animation correlations is shown in Table

4.3, resulting in only 38 full rank records. Both a simplified (Table 4.2) and more

detailed (Table 4.3) table are provided due to this drop in sample size as a result of full

rank data requirements.

From the correlation tables, especially Table 4.2, several trends are evident. First,

Experience components (as listed in Appendix B) DRAFTING (drafting, design, and

sketching experience) and especially MODELS (building blocks, models, and stackable

toy experience) are linearly correlated with pre-test scores and most grades, as is the

overall Experience composite, L Total. It is also striking how correlated PSVT—R pre-

test scores, representing initial spatial visualization abilities, are with all grades, as well

as DRAFTING, MODELS, SPORTS (sports experience), and MUSIC (musical

experience). While correlation does not imply causality, it is also noteworthy that

SPORTS (sports experience) is negatively correlated with PSVT—R pre-test scores and

all visualization-related grades, but not so with non-visualization grades.

Preliminary tests were run with data sets filtered for ceiling effects to check

L Total






MT Vis Percent

DWG Vis Grade


Pearson product
Vis Grade Percent

moment correlation
Pearson 0.190 0.223 ‐0.223 0.068 0.037 0.124 0.094 0.236 ‐0.052 0.025 0.163
p 0.035 0.013 0.013 0.452 0.688 0.173 0.298 0.009 0.569 0.787 0.072
Pearson 0.195 0.215 ‐0.053 0.101 0.131 ‐0.001 0.112 0.080 0.057 0.132 0.204 0.341
Vis Grade Percent
p 0.030 0.017 0.562 0.265 0.147 0.991 0.218 0.378 0.529 0.145 0.024 0
DWG Vis Grade Pearson 0.266 0.199 ‐0.045 0.183 0.146 0.022 0.234 0.029 0.118 0.189 0.278 0.331 0.692
Percent p 0.003 0.027 0.618 0.043 0.108 0.812 0.009 0.754 0.195 0.037 0.002 0 0
MT Vis Grade Pearson 0.134 0.185 ‐0.047 0.051 0.104 ‐0.010 0.044 0.088 0.023 0.087 0.140 0.287 0.957 0.451
Percent p 0.139 0.041 0.606 0.572 0.254 0.912 0.631 0.336 0.798 0.337 0.124 0.001 0 0
Non‐vis Grade Pearson 0.124 0.177 0.007 0.211 ‐0.018 ‐0.030 0.124 0.129 0.096 0.136 0.202 0.322 0.535 0.472 0.471
Percent p 0.170 0.051 0.942 0.019 0.842 0.744 0.173 0.154 0.292 0.135 0.025 0 0 0 0
*No missing grades, PSVT‐R Pre‐tests, Likert scores. α=0.05, significant p‐values are highlighted.

Table 4.2: Pearson product moment correlation coefficients for initial spatial ability, various Drawing and non-

drawing grades, and Experience scores.

L Total

of Visits


Vis Grade



MT Vis Percent

DWG Vis Grade

Non‐vis Percent
Overall Number


Pearson product
Pearson 0.395 0.241 ‐0.274 0.206 0.160 0.081 0.087 0.355 0.134 0.080 0.302
p 0.014 0.145 0.096 0.214 0.337 0.629 0.602 0.029 0.423 0.632 0.065
Pearson 0.147 0.169 ‐0.061 0.042 0.075 0.282 ‐0.053 ‐0.107 0.052 0.111 0.119 0.222
p 0.379 0.310 0.718 0.804 0.656 0.086 0.753 0.521 0.754 0.505 0.475 0.181
Pearson ‐0.025 0.231 0.026 0.334 0.279 ‐0.143 0.012 0.254 0.207 0.215 0.283 0.063 0.074 0.063
Vis Grade Percent
p 0.883 0.162 0.877 0.040 0.089 0.392 0.943 0.123 0.212 0.196 0.085 0.706 0.657 0.706
DWG Vis Grade Pearson 0.261 0.365 0.085 0.526 0.483 ‐0.213 0.279 0.119 0.388 0.343 0.523 0.202 0.19 0.202 0.779
Percent p 0.114 0.024 0.610 0.001 0.002 0.200 0.090 0.478 0.016 0.035 0.001 0.223 0.253 0.223 0.000
MT Vis Grade Pearson ‐0.107 0.172 0.006 0.250 0.196 ‐0.110 ‐0.068 0.273 0.136 0.159 0.188 0.017 0.034 0.017 0.983 0.649
Percent p 0.522 0.301 0.970 0.131 0.239 0.510 0.685 0.097 0.414 0.342 0.257 0.92 0.84 0.92 0.000 0
Non‐vis Grade Pearson 0.100 0.331 ‐0.122 0.423 0.088 0.006 0.075 0.297 0.260 0.339 0.357 0.488 0.154 0.488 0.462 0.546 0.399
Percent p 0.551 0.043 0.464 0.008 0.600 0.970 0.654 0.070 0.115 0.038 0.028 0.002 0.357 0.002 0.003 0 0.013
Overall Number of Pearson ‐0.010 0.121 0.151 0.177 0.064 ‐0.167 ‐0.218 ‐0.200 0.133 0.268 0.039 ‐0.109 0.21 ‐0.109 0.284 0.257 0.268 0.11
Visits p 0.954 0.468 0.364 0.288 0.702 0.317 0.189 0.229 0.427 0.104 0.815 0.514 0.206 0.514 0.084 0.119 0.104 0.51
Pearson ‐0.155 0.269 0.148 0.066 ‐0.004 ‐0.275 ‐0.045 ‐0.189 0.149 0.009 ‐0.025 ‐0.225 0.066 ‐0.225 0.091 0.163 0.062 0.227 0.344
Overall Total Time
p 0.353 0.103 0.375 0.695 0.980 0.095 0.788 0.255 0.373 0.959 0.881 0.174 0.695 0.174 0.585 0.327 0.709 0.171 0.034
*No missing grades, PSVT‐R Pre‐tests, Likert scores, utilization. α=0.05, significant p‐values are highlighted.

Table 4.3: Pearson product moment correlation coefficients for initial spatial ability, various Drawing and non-

drawing grades, animation tool utilization, and Experience scores.

samples and blocks for differences. Although sampling for control and experiment

assignment was random and blocks were a result of existing environmental circumstances

(student scheduling), it was deemed worthwhile to check for significant differences in the

population before performing the hypothesis testing on the models described in Chapter


The first test (Table 4.4) tests for significant differences between the control and

treatment groups’ PSVT—R pre-test means. In this scenario, the data are filtered for

records of students with PSVT—R pre-test scores, all grades, and Experience survey

participation. The difference between the control and treatment groups is not significant

(T=0.66, p=0.51, n=123), with a control group mean pre-test score of 23.80, 0.52 greater

than the treatment group mean pre-test score of 23.28.

Two-sample T for PSVT-R PRE

(1) N Mean StDev SE Mean
0 70 23.80 4.30 0.51
1 53 23.28 4.27 0.59

Difference = mu (0) - mu (1)

Estimate for difference: 0.517
95% CI for difference: (-1.028, 2.062)
T-Test of difference = 0 (vs not =): T-Value = 0.66 P-Value = 0.509 DF = 112

Table 4.4: T-test for significant differences in PSVT—R means between control and

treatment groups, filtered for pre-test scores, grades, and Experience scores.

The next test (Table 4.5) also tests for significant differences between the control

and treatment groups’ PSVT—R pre-test means. In this scenario, the data are filtered

only for records of students with PSVT—R pre-test scores. The difference between the

control and treatment groups is not significant (T=0.82, p=0.41, n=246), although the
treatment group mean pre-test score of 23.43 is 0.49 greater than the mean control group

score of 22.94.

Two-sample T for PSVT-R PRE

(1) N Mean StDev SE Mean
0 124 22.94 4.64 0.42
1 122 23.43 4.69 0.42

Difference = mu (0) - mu (1)

Estimate for difference: -0.491
95% CI for difference: (-1.663, 0.682)
T-Test of difference = 0 (vs not =): T-Value = -0.82 P-Value = 0.410 DF = 243

Table 4.5: T-test for significant differences in PSVT—R means between control and

treatment groups, filtered for pre-test scores.

Testing the same filtered sample again for differences between the blocks, or labs,

trends towards significance, but is outside the α level of 0.05 (R2=0.063, p=0.16, n=246).

This is shown in Table 4.6.

However, in some filtering scenarios, such when only PSVT—R pre- and post-

test zeros are filtered out, resulting in n=190, the effects of blocking by lab is significant,

as shown in Table 4.7, where the course section blocking factor is significant with

p=0.046. In addition, this blocking factor accounts for some variance in each of the

models. Intuitively, it makes sense that different meeting times, instructional team

members, and other circumstantial considerations would impact tool usage and

participation in course and study activities, and this would impact data fields such as

grades, exam scores, PSVT—R scores and participation rates, etcetera.

One-way ANOVA: PSVT-R PRE versus Lab

Source DF SS MS F P
Lab 11 335.9 30.5 1.43 0.160
Error 234 4993.5 21.3
Total 245 5329.4

S = 4.619 R-Sq = 6.30% R-Sq(adj) = 1.90%

Table 4.6: ANOVA for significant differences in PSVT—R between blocked labs,

filtered for pre-test scores.

General Linear Model: PSVT-R PRE versus Lab, Cont.(0)/Exp.(1)

Factor Type Levels Values

Lab random 12 1A, 1B, 2A, 2B, 3A, 3B, 4A, 4B, 5A, 5B, 6A,
Cont.(0)/Exp.(1) fixed 2 0, 1

Analysis of Variance for PSVT-R PRE, using Adjusted SS for Tests

Source DF Seq SS Adj SS Adj MS F P

Lab 11 386.47 373.72 33.97 1.87 0.046
Cont.(0)/Exp.(1) 1 4.06 4.06 4.06 0.22 0.637
Error 178 3238.35 3238.35 18.19
Total 190 3628.88

S = 4.26532 R-Sq = 10.76% R-Sq(adj) = 4.75%

Table 4.7: GLM for significant differences in blocked labs, filtered for pre-test and post-

test scores excluding zeros.

Principal Analysis of Data: Hypothesis Testing

Tool Access Effects on Spatial Visualization Improvement

The hypothesis to test the effects on spatial visualization gains due to treatment,

or free tool access follows. Achieving full rank data required filtering to remove zeros,

indicating non-participation, from PSVT—R pre- and post-test scores, and blanks in the

Experience scores. Descriptive statistics are provided in Table 4.8, with PSVT—R pre-

test scores filtered to allow only scores between 1 through 23, inclusively; PSVT—R

post-test scores excluding zero scores and ceiling scores of 30; and records with no

Experience scores removed. Table 4.9 presents results of the general linear model for

differences in PSVT—R post-tests between control and treatment groups, given a lab

blocking factor with experience and pre-test scores as covariates, filtered for pre-test

scores to exclude zeros, no pre-test scores over 23/30, no post-test scores at 30/30, with

experience scores available. Differences between control and treatment groups were

significant at p=0.035. However, the only covariate of significance is the PSVT—R pre-

test score with p<0.0005. Experience scores (1-10) were not significant in explaining this

model. Altogether the version of the model described accounts for over 53% of the


Another version of this model is shown in Table 4.10. In this version, the not

significant covariates were all removed stepwise. Here, significant differences attributed

to control versus treatment groups are shown with p=0.01 with an increase in the mean

from control to experiment post-test score of 2.255. The lab blocking factor is kept in

place because it accounts for 13% of the variance. Altogether the model accounts for just

over 50% of the variance.

Descriptive Statistics
Cont. Total
Variable Mean SE Mean StDev Variance Minimum Q1 Median Q3 Maximum IQR
(0)/Exp. Count
0 35 21.314 0.748 4.424 19.575 14 18 22 26.00 27.00 8.00
1 37 24.459 0.553 3.363 11.311 17 21.5 24 27.50 29.00 6.00
0 35 19.829 0.613 3.626 13.146 12 18 21 23.00 24.00 5.00
1 37 20.73 0.518 3.15 9.925 12 19 21 23.00 24.00 4.00
0 35 2.143 0.17 1.004 1.008 1 1 2 3.00 5.00 2.00
1 37 2.189 0.133 0.811 0.658 1 2 2 3.00 4.00 1.00
0 35 3.286 0.156 0.926 0.857 2 2 3 4.00 5.00 2.00
1 37 3.162 0.142 0.866 0.751 1 3 3 4.00 5.00 1.00
0 35 4.029 0.171 1.014 1.029 2 3 4 5.00 5.00 2.00
1 37 4.162 0.157 0.958 0.917 2 3 4 5.00 5.00 2.00

4 HOME 0 35 3.743 0.118 0.701 0.491 3 3 4 4.00 5.00 1.00
IMPROVEME 1 37 3.432 0.18 1.094 1.197 1 3 3 4.00 5.00 1.00
0 35 2.771 0.179 1.06 1.123 1 2 3 4.00 5.00 2.00
1 37 3.108 0.197 1.197 1.432 1 2 3 4.00 5.00 2.00
6 VIDEO 0 35 3.257 0.176 1.039 1.079 2 2 3 4.00 5.00 2.00
GAMES 1 37 3.757 0.175 1.065 1.134 2 3 4 5.00 5.00 2.00
0 35 1.829 0.181 1.071 1.146 1 1 2 2.00 5.00 1.00
1 37 1.784 0.17 1.031 1.063 1 1 1 3.00 4.00 2.00
0 35 2.286 0.215 1.274 1.622 1 1 2 3.00 5.00 2.00
1 37 2.595 0.234 1.423 2.026 1 1 2 4.00 5.00 3.00
0 35 2.314 0.168 0.993 0.987 1 2 2 3.00 5.00 1.00
1 37 2.297 0.168 1.024 1.048 1 2 2 3.00 5.00 1.00
10 0 35 3.543 0.161 0.95 0.903 1 3 3 4.00 5.00 1.00
NAVIGATION 1 37 3.514 0.126 0.768 0.59 2 3 4 4.00 5.00 1.00
0 35 29.2 0.675 3.991 15.929 22 26 29 32.00 39.00 6.00
L Total
1 37 30 0.865 5.26 27.667 17 27 29 34.00 43.00 7.00
Table 4.8: Descriptive statistics for data set filtered for PSVT—R and Experience scores.
*n=72, PSVT‐R pre‐test filtered for scores 1‐23, PSVT‐R post‐test filtered for no zeros, no 30, blank Likert entries removed.
General Linear Model: PSVT-R POST versus Lab, Cont.(0)/Exp.(1)

Factor Type Levels Values

Lab random 12 1A, 1B, 2A, 2B, 3A, 3B, 4A, 4B, 5A, 5B, 6A,
Cont.(0)/Exp.(1) fixed 2 0, 1

Analysis of Variance for PSVT-R POST, using Adjusted SS for Tests

Source DF Seq SS Adj SS Adj MS F P

DRAFTING 1 0.06 12.81 12.81 1.06 0.309
MODELS 1 5.70 2.20 2.20 0.18 0.672
SPORTS 1 0.33 4.69 4.69 0.39 0.537
HOME IMPROVEMENT 1 0.19 0.70 0.70 0.06 0.811
ART 1 20.55 4.53 4.53 0.37 0.544
VIDEO GAMES 1 39.95 6.02 6.02 0.50 0.484
CAD 1 1.00 0.64 0.64 0.05 0.820
MUSIC 1 27.94 0.02 0.02 0.00 0.966
CRAFTS 1 19.62 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.989
NAVIGATE 1 14.44 0.05 0.05 0.00 0.951
PSVT-R PRE 1 332.12 232.24 232.24 19.15 0.000
Lab 11 149.98 120.12 10.92 0.90 0.547
Cont.(0)/Exp.(1) 1 56.78 56.78 56.78 4.68 0.035
Error 48 582.01 582.01 12.13
Total 71 1250.65

S = 3.48213 R-Sq = 53.46% R-Sq(adj) = 31.16%

Table 4.9: GLM ANCOVA for significant differences in PSVT—R post-test between

control and treatment groups with blocked labs and experience and pre-test scores as


General Linear Model: PSVT-R POST versus Lab, Cont.(0)/Exp.(1)
Factor Type Levels Values
Lab random 12 1A, 1B, 2A, 2B, 3A, 3B, 4A, 4B, 5A, 5B, 6A,
Cont.(0)/Exp.(1) fixed 2 0, 1

Analysis of Variance for PSVT-R POST, using Adjusted SS for Tests

Source DF Seq SS Adj SS Adj MS F P
PSVT-R PRE 1 389.09 246.10 246.10 22.85 0.000
Lab 11 161.40 120.27 10.93 1.02 0.445
Cont.(0)/Exp.(1) 1 75.53 75.53 75.53 7.01 0.010
Error 58 624.64 624.64 10.77
Total 71 1250.65
S = 3.28171 R-Sq = 50.06% R-Sq(adj) = 38.86%
Term Coef SE Coef T P
Constant 12.363 3.250 3.80 0.000
PSVT-R PRE 0.6224 0.1320 4.72 0.000
L Total -0.07187 0.09976 -0.72 0.474
1A -0.377 1.473 -0.26 0.799
1B 2.325 1.854 1.25 0.215
2A 2.147 1.840 1.17 0.248
2B 0.222 1.470 0.15 0.881
3A 0.287 1.246 0.23 0.819
3B 0.086 1.201 0.07 0.943
4A 1.844 1.051 1.75 0.085
4B -1.083 1.168 -0.93 0.358
5A 0.472 1.380 0.34 0.734
5B -2.521 3.208 -0.79 0.435
6A -2.415 1.249 -1.93 0.058
0 -1.1274 0.4272 -2.64 0.011
Tukey 95.0% Simultaneous Confidence Intervals
Response Variable PSVT-R POST
All Pairwise Comparisons among Levels of Cont.(0)/Exp.(1)
Cont.(0)/Exp.(1) = 0 subtracted from:
(1) Lower Center Upper -----+---------+---------+---------+-
1 0.5438 2.255 3.966 (-----------------*----------------)
1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0
Tukey Simultaneous Tests
Response Variable PSVT-R POST
All Pairwise Comparisons among Levels of Cont.(0)/Exp.(1)
Cont.(0)/Exp.(1) = 0 subtracted from:
(0)/Exp. Difference SE of Adjusted
(1) of Means Difference T-Value P-Value
1 2.255 0.8545 2.639 0.0107

Table 4.10: GLM ANCOVA for significant differences in PSVT—R post-test between

control and treatment groups, given blocked labs and pre-test scores as covariates.

Tool Utilization Effects on Spatial Visualization Improvement

The hypothesis to test the effects on spatial visualization gains due to tool

utilization access within the treatment group follows. Two primary versions of the model

are tested, one involving the number of visits by each student to the animation tool, and

another involving the total time spent per student on the animation tool. Achieving full

rank data initially required filtering to remove zeros from PSVT—R pre- and post-test

scores, and blanks in the Experience scores, as with the previous hypothesis test.

Descriptive statistics are similar to previous models.

Several data subsamples and model variations with reasonable assumptions for

ceiling effect removal of records and full rank data were run, as finding significance was

elusive, but mostly negative coefficients of small magnitudes for utilization consistently

appeared. Only one iteration showed a significant predictor for either utilization model,

whether time-based or visit count-based. With Experience data ignored completely and

only records with zeros for PSVT—R tests removed, a p-value of 0.003 was produced

with -0.00028 as a coefficient for the version of the utilization model incorporating

Overall Total Time spent on the animations (n=95). As shown in Table 4.11, covariate

predictor effects were significant, but its true meaning is questionable with such a

miniscule magnitude of the utilization coefficient.

General Linear Model: PSVT-R POST versus Lab

Factor Type Levels Values

Lab random 12 1A, 1B, 2A, 2B, 3A, 3B, 4A, 4B, 5A, 5B, 6A, 6B

Analysis of Variance for PSVT-R POST, using Adjusted SS for Tests

Source DF Seq SS Adj SS Adj MS F P

PSVT-R PRE 1 424.663 232.104 232.104 26.15 0.000
Overal Total Time 1 101.328 81.879 81.879 9.22 0.003
Lab 11 76.963 76.963 6.997 0.79 0.651
Error 81 719.046 719.046 8.877
Total 94 1322.000

S = 2.97945 R-Sq = 45.61% R-Sq(adj) = 36.88%

Term Coef SE Coef T P

Constant 16.498 2.001 8.24 0.000
PSVT-R PRE 0.41179 0.08053 5.11 0.000
Overal Total -0.000280 0.000092 -3.04 0.003

Table 4.11: GLM ANCOVA for significant effects of the Overall Total Time utilization

covariate on PSVT—R post-test scores.

The Overall Total Time is derived from the Carmen log which simply records the

time a student’s internet browser window is open on the target of the link monitored,

which in the case of the instructional tool is the animation file. The Total Number of

Visits is simply a count of the number of times a student clicks on a link in Carmen. In

either scenario, there is no indication as to whether the student is actively using the

instructional tool each time, or if the student simply left a browser window open or

continues to click on the same link multiple times without successfully accessing the


Thus the questionable validity of the time-based and visit-count-based utilization

variables begs of the investigation one more approach. The continuous utilization

covariate was removed, and a Boolean usage random factor was added to the model.
This Boolean factor represents whether or not a student in the original treatment group

chose to use the visualization tool. This also did not produce significant results with most

model approaches and data subsets. One scenario, illustrated in Table 4.12, shows

significant, but negative effects. In this case, only those with tool access, in the treatment

group, who took the PSVT—R pre-test, scored no greater than 25 to remove ceiling

effects, and provided Experience survey information were included in the test. After

stepwise removal of the most not significant Experience components, a p-value of 0.050

for the Boolean usage factor was obtained. The main effects for the model, shown in

Figure 4.3, indicate a decrease in post-test scores for those who chose to use the

visualization tool for any amount of time or any number of visits.

Main Effects Plot for PSVT-R POST

Fitted Means








0 1

Figure 4.3: Main effects for PSVT—R post-test for the usage random factor.
General Linear Model: PSVT-R POST versus Used?

Factor Type Levels Values

Used? random 2 0, 1

Analysis of Variance for PSVT-R POST, using Adjusted SS for Tests

Source DF Seq SS Adj SS Adj MS F P

PSVT-R PRE 1 154.744 111.206 111.206 18.42 0.000
DRAFTING 1 15.349 50.057 50.057 8.29 0.007
HOME IMPROVEMENT 1 10.198 6.786 6.786 1.12 0.296
ART 1 3.867 13.267 13.267 2.20 0.147
CAD 1 11.473 21.270 21.270 3.52 0.068
NAVIGATE 1 1.755 6.263 6.263 1.04 0.315
Used? 1 24.850 24.850 24.850 4.12 0.050
Error 37 223.409 223.409 6.038
Total 44 445.644

S = 2.45725 R-Sq = 49.87% R-Sq(adj) = 40.38%

Term Coef SE Coef T P

Constant 9.806 4.111 2.39 0.022
PSVT-R PRE 0.7333 0.1709 4.29 0.000
DRAFTING -1.6993 0.5902 -2.88 0.007
HOME IMPROVEMENT 0.4478 0.4224 1.06 0.296
ART 0.6941 0.4683 1.48 0.147
CAD 0.7454 0.3972 1.88 0.068
NAVIGATE -0.5920 0.5812 -1.02 0.315
0 0.8679 0.4278 2.03 0.050

Table 4.12: GLM for PSVT—R post-test score effects by the animation usage factor.

Experience Effects on Spatial Visualization Ability Gains

The hypothesis to test the effects on spatial visualization ability improvements

due to developmental experiences follows. Achieving full rank data initially required

filtering to remove zeros from PSVT—R pre- and post-test scores, and blanks in the

Experience scores, as with previous hypothesis tests. In addition, ceiling effects severely

distort gains for students scoring in the upper echelon of the pre-test, so records with pre-

test scores above 25/30 were filtered, leaving n=148. Descriptive statistics are otherwise

similar to previous models.

Checking for interactions between pre-test PSVT—R scores and Experience

scores, not significant covariates were removed stepwise until iterations resulted in loss

of significance. In the resulting model, shown in Table 4.13, covariate predictor effects

were significant for HOME IMPROVEMENT (p=0.028), where students were asked,

“How often have you fixed things, with a parent, guardian, other mentor, or on your own,

such as working on a car, home improvements, construction, carpentry, electronics, or

other similar activities?” The interaction between pre-test score and HOME

IMPROVEMENT is also significant (p=0.035). Experience item DRAFTING, “How

often have you engaged in drafting, design and design sketching, engineering graphics, or

other manual (by hand) technical drawing activities?” showed a trend towards

significance (p=0.058), as did its interaction with pre-test scores (p=0.085). In both

cases, pre-test score, HOME IMPROVEMENT, and DRAFTING had negative effects on

the response, PSVT—R gain, while both interactions had positive effects on the response.

General Linear Model: PSVT-R GAIN versus Lab

Factor Type Levels Values

Lab random 12 1A, 1B, 2A, 2B, 3A, 3B, 4A, 4B, 5A, 5B, 6A, 6B

Analysis of Variance for PSVT-R GAIN, using Adjusted SS for Tests

Source DF Seq SS Adj SS Adj MS F P

PSVT-R PRE 1 453.967 30.273 30.273 3.58 0.061
Lab 11 62.024 48.037 4.367 0.52 0.890
DRAFTING 1 19.967 30.914 30.914 3.65 0.058
PSVT-R PRE*DRAFTING 1 28.123 25.460 25.460 3.01 0.085
HOME IMPROVEMENT 1 0.570 41.691 41.691 4.92 0.028
PSVT-R PRE*HOME IMPROVEMENT 1 15.204 38.557 38.557 4.55 0.035
ART 1 6.420 20.436 20.436 2.41 0.123
PSVT-R PRE*ART 1 19.501 19.074 19.074 2.25 0.136
CAD 1 0.052 7.897 7.897 0.93 0.336
PSVT-R PRE*CAD 1 6.655 8.409 8.409 0.99 0.321
CRAFTS 1 0.023 2.912 2.912 0.34 0.559
PSVT-R PRE*CRAFTS 1 1.689 2.748 2.748 0.32 0.570
NAVIGATE 1 4.601 20.816 20.816 2.46 0.119
PSVT-R PRE*NAVIGATE 1 18.045 18.045 18.045 2.13 0.147
Error 123 1041.483 1041.483 8.467
Total 147 1678.324

S = 2.90987 R-Sq = 37.95% R-Sq(adj) = 25.84%

Term Coef SE Coef T P

Constant 14.552 6.676 2.18 0.031
PSVT-R PRE -0.5443 0.2879 -1.89 0.061
1A -0.156 1.003 -0.16 0.876
1B 0.679 1.032 0.66 0.512
2A 0.2590 0.8399 0.31 0.758
2B 0.246 1.142 0.22 0.830
3A 0.7096 0.8607 0.82 0.411
3B 0.2407 0.7652 0.31 0.754
4A 0.8514 0.6969 1.22 0.224
4B -0.2419 0.6802 -0.36 0.723
5A -0.2048 0.8260 -0.25 0.805
5B -0.2262 0.8321 -0.27 0.786
6A -1.2664 0.8375 -1.51 0.133
DRAFTING -4.423 2.315 -1.91 0.058
PSVT-R PRE*DRAFTING 0.17055 0.09836 1.73 0.085
HOME IMPROVEMENT -3.832 1.727 -2.22 0.028
PSVT-R PRE*HOME IMPROVEMENT 0.15782 0.07396 2.13 0.035
ART 2.643 1.701 1.55 0.123
PSVT-R PRE*ART -0.10668 0.07108 -1.50 0.136
CAD 2.100 2.174 0.97 0.336
PSVT-R PRE*CAD -0.09004 0.09035 -1.00 0.321
CRAFTS -1.171 1.996 -0.59 0.559
PSVT-R PRE*CRAFTS 0.04760 0.08355 0.57 0.570
NAVIGATE 2.883 1.839 1.57 0.119
PSVT-R PRE*NAVIGATE -0.11379 0.07795 -1.46 0.147

Table 4.13: Experience effects and interactions with PSVT—R test gains.

Experience Effects on Initial Spatial Visualization Ability

This section describes the test of the effects on initial spatial visualization ability

due to developmental experiences. Achieving full rank data initially required filtering to

remove zeros from PSVT—R pre-test scores, and blanks in the Experience scores.

Fortunately, ceiling effects are not as great an issue here.

Testing for the effects of predicting pre-test scores with the total Experience score

reveals significance (p=0.040). This analysis is shown in Table 4.14.

General Linear Model: PSVT-R PRE versus Lab

Factor Type Levels Values

Lab random 12 1A, 1B, 2A, 2B, 3A, 3B, 4A, 4B, 5A, 5B, 6A, 6B

Analysis of Variance for PSVT-R PRE, using Adjusted SS for Tests

Source DF Seq SS Adj SS Adj MS F P

L Total 1 130.38 89.56 89.56 4.28 0.040
Lab 11 278.75 278.75 25.34 1.21 0.280
Error 278 5820.51 5820.51 20.94
Total 290 6229.64

S = 4.57571 R-Sq = 6.57% R-Sq(adj) = 2.53%

Term Coef SE Coef T P

Constant 19.872 1.676 11.86 0.000
L Total 0.11341 0.05484 2.07 0.040
1A -1.4744 0.9132 -1.61 0.108
1B -0.0773 0.8810 -0.09 0.930
2A 1.1729 0.9134 1.28 0.200
2B 0.619 1.022 0.61 0.545
3A 0.5390 0.8241 0.65 0.514
3B -0.1007 0.8636 -0.12 0.907
4A 0.6040 0.8951 0.67 0.500
4B 1.2276 0.8215 1.49 0.136
5A -0.3500 0.8504 -0.41 0.681
5B 0.8930 0.8809 1.01 0.312
6A -1.0069 0.9533 -1.06 0.292

Table 4.14: GLM for PSVT—R pre-test score effects from Experience composite scores.

A similar model featuring all ten separate Experience scores was run, with

stepwise removal of not significant covariates until maximum significance of remaining

Experience components was achieved. This resulted in Experience components

MODELS, “How often have you constructed models or played with building blocks,

Legos, Lincoln Logs, or other similar stackable toys?”; SPORTS, “How often have you

played sports?”; and MUSIC, “How often have you played musical instruments or

composed music?”, showing significance (p=0.003, 0.042, and 0.013, respectively), with

SPORTS showing negative effects on the response. The results of the analysis for this

model are shown in Table 4.15.

General Linear Model: PSVT-R PRE versus Lab

Factor Type Levels Values

Lab random 12 1A, 1B, 2A, 2B, 3A, 3B, 4A, 4B, 5A, 5B, 6A, 6B

Analysis of Variance for PSVT-R PRE, using Adjusted SS for Tests

Source DF Seq SS Adj SS Adj MS F P

MODELS 1 248.73 181.45 181.45 9.21 0.003
SPORTS 1 107.85 82.29 82.29 4.18 0.042
MUSIC 1 137.95 123.86 123.86 6.29 0.013
Lab 11 297.62 297.62 27.06 1.37 0.185
Error 276 5437.48 5437.48 19.70
Total 290 6229.64

S = 4.43858 R-Sq = 12.72% R-Sq(adj) = 8.29%

Term Coef SE Coef T P

Constant 21.024 1.512 13.90 0.000
MODELS 0.9146 0.3014 3.03 0.003
SPORTS -0.5444 0.2664 -2.04 0.042
MUSIC 0.5037 0.2009 2.51 0.013
1A -1.6237 0.8872 -1.83 0.068
1B -0.2475 0.8568 -0.29 0.773
2A 1.5400 0.8919 1.73 0.085
2B 0.6723 0.9924 0.68 0.499
3A 0.9119 0.8030 1.14 0.257
3B -0.5108 0.8467 -0.60 0.547
4A 0.5948 0.8682 0.69 0.494
4B 0.9892 0.7985 1.24 0.216
5A -0.1405 0.8306 -0.17 0.866
5B 0.7149 0.8589 0.83 0.406
6A -1.0462 0.9262 -1.13 0.260

Table 4.15: GLM for PSVT—R pre-test score effects by Experience components:


Experience Effects on Grades

The hypothesis to test the effects on heavily visualization-dependent grades such

as drawings and non-visualization grades such as team lab assignments due to

developmental experiences follows. Achieving full rank data required filtering to remove

zeros grades and blanks in the Experience scores, in a manner similar to previous
hypothesis tests. This results in n=130. Descriptive statistics are otherwise similar to

previous models.

Grades were adjusted to remove components such as attendance, group

assignment grades, and journal entry participation, as well as bonus points unrelated to

the curriculum. They were then segregated into overall grades, visualization-dependent

grades, and non-visualization heavily dependent grades. Visualization-dependent grades

were also further broken into drawing assignment grades and midterm grades that include

only midterm problems requiring drawing and visualization skills similar to those

requisite of the drawing homework assignments. All models were analyzed with a

stepwise covariate elimination approach until maximum significance was attained. It is

worth noting that the lab blocking factor had significant effects in a few instances here,

portraying the differences in instructional settings and grading.

Experience scores did not significantly predict overall final grades. Non-

visualization grades were significantly affected by HOME IMPROVEMENT, “How

often have you fixed things, with a parent, guardian, other mentor, or on your own, such

as working on a car, home improvements, construction, carpentry, electronics, or other

similar activities?” Covariate DRAFTING, “How often have you engaged in drafting,

design and design sketching, engineering graphics, or other manual (by hand) technical

drawing activities?”, and ART, “How often have you engaged in creating artwork

(drawing, graphic design, painting, 3D art, photography, etc.)?”, also showed some

significance. Table 4.16 shows the GLM table for this model.

General Linear Model: Non-vis, grd reduced percent versus Lab

Factor Type Levels Values

Lab random 10 1B, 2B, 3A, 3B, 4A, 4B, 5A, 5B, 6A, 6B

Analysis of Variance for Non-vis, grd reduced percent, using Adjusted SS for

Source DF Seq SS Adj SS Adj MS F P

DRAFTING 1 10.583 26.120 26.120 3.22 0.075
SPORTS 1 0.280 14.885 14.885 1.84 0.178
HOME IMPROVEMENT 1 35.195 48.468 48.468 5.98 0.016
ART 1 9.128 25.861 25.861 3.19 0.077
VIDEO GAMES 1 15.369 10.579 10.579 1.31 0.256
CAD 1 1.325 5.073 5.073 0.63 0.431
MUSIC 1 30.476 20.498 20.498 2.53 0.115
Lab 9 249.029 249.029 27.670 3.41 0.001
Error 113 915.896 915.896 8.105
Total 129 1267.280

S = 2.84698 R-Sq = 27.73% R-Sq(adj) = 17.49%

Term Coef SE Coef T P

Constant 92.107 1.959 47.02 0.000
DRAFTING 0.6401 0.3566 1.80 0.075
SPORTS -0.3622 0.2673 -1.36 0.178
HOME IMPROVEMENT 0.7783 0.3183 2.45 0.016
ART -0.5189 0.2905 -1.79 0.077
VIDEO GAMES -0.2761 0.2417 -1.14 0.256
CAD -0.2638 0.3335 -0.79 0.431
MUSIC 0.3425 0.2154 1.59 0.115
1B 0.4396 0.9927 0.44 0.659
2B 0.5540 0.7212 0.77 0.444
3A 2.7862 0.7544 3.69 0.000
3B -0.4376 0.8116 -0.54 0.591
4A -1.2695 0.7068 -1.80 0.075
4B 0.9225 0.6478 1.42 0.157
5A -1.1630 0.7616 -1.53 0.130
5B 0.9849 0.7966 1.24 0.219
6A -2.9671 0.9164 -3.24 0.002

Table 4.16: GLM for response Non-visualization grades effects by Experience score


Combined visualization grades were not significantly affected by any of the

Experience score covariates, but HOME IMPROVEMENT, “How often have you fixed

things, with a parent, guardian, other mentor, or on your own, such as working on a car,

home improvements, construction, carpentry, electronics, or other similar activities?”,

and VIDEO GAMES, “How often have you played video games?”, showed trends

towards significance. Table 4.17 shows the GLM table for this model. Covariate

VIDEO GAMES negatively affected the response.

General Linear Model: All Vis Grade percent versus Lab

Factor Type Levels Values

Lab random 10 1B, 2B, 3A, 3B, 4A, 4B, 5A, 5B, 6A, 6B

Analysis of Variance for All Vis Grade percent, using Adjusted SS for Tests

Source DF Seq SS Adj SS Adj MS F P

SPORTS 1 21.86 126.39 126.39 2.64 0.107
HOME IMPROVEMENT 1 189.88 143.89 143.89 3.01 0.085
VIDEO GAMES 1 80.45 154.32 154.32 3.23 0.075
Lab 9 647.04 647.04 71.89 1.50 0.155
Error 117 5594.60 5594.60 47.82
Total 129 6533.83

S = 6.91499 R-Sq = 14.37% R-Sq(adj) = 5.59%

Term Coef SE Coef T P

Constant 94.409 3.853 24.50 0.000
SPORTS -1.0198 0.6272 -1.63 0.107
HOME IMPROVEMENT 1.2410 0.7154 1.73 0.085
VIDEO GAMES -1.0123 0.5635 -1.80 0.075
1B 0.660 2.338 0.28 0.778
2B 2.733 1.749 1.56 0.121
3A 2.326 1.798 1.29 0.198
3B 0.140 1.962 0.07 0.943
4A -1.482 1.674 -0.89 0.378
4B 0.894 1.569 0.57 0.570
5A -1.546 1.829 -0.85 0.400
5B 2.836 1.897 1.49 0.138
6A -1.531 2.168 -0.71 0.482

Table 4.17: GLM for response all visualization grades effects by Experience score


Midterm exam visualization-related grades were significantly affected by

MODELS, “How often have you constructed models or played with building blocks,
Legos, Lincoln Logs, or other similar stackable toys?” Covariate VIDEO GAMES,

“How often have you played video games?”, showed trends toward significance with

negative effects. Table 4.18 shows the GLM table for this model.

General Linear Model: MT Vis percent versus Lab

Factor Type Levels Values

Lab random 10 1B, 2B, 3A, 3B, 4A, 4B, 5A, 5B, 6A, 6B

Analysis of Variance for MT Vis percent, using Adjusted SS for Tests

Source DF Seq SS Adj SS Adj MS F P

MODELS 1 235.83 388.56 388.56 4.48 0.036
SPORTS 1 39.13 78.32 78.32 0.90 0.344
VIDEO GAMES 1 168.05 296.35 296.35 3.42 0.067
MUSIC 1 122.94 86.37 86.37 1.00 0.320
CRAFTS 1 39.87 57.25 57.25 0.66 0.418
Lab 9 915.73 915.73 101.75 1.17 0.318
Error 115 9968.46 9968.46 86.68
Total 129 11490.01

S = 9.31033 R-Sq = 13.24% R-Sq(adj) = 2.68%

Term Coef SE Coef T P

Constant 92.015 6.157 14.94 0.000
MODELS 2.250 1.063 2.12 0.036
SPORTS -0.8053 0.8472 -0.95 0.344
VIDEO GAMES -1.4682 0.7941 -1.85 0.067
MUSIC 0.6872 0.6884 1.00 0.320
CRAFTS -0.7697 0.9471 -0.81 0.418
1B -1.144 3.122 -0.37 0.715
2B 2.547 2.340 1.09 0.279
3A 2.041 2.436 0.84 0.404
3B -1.790 2.710 -0.66 0.510
4A -2.161 2.258 -0.96 0.341
4B 1.471 2.100 0.70 0.485
5A 1.054 2.499 0.42 0.674
5B 4.910 2.561 1.92 0.058
6A -1.655 2.932 -0.56 0.574

Table 4.18: GLM for response of drawing problem scores on midterm exam effects by

Experience score covariates.

Drawing assignment visualization-related grades were not significantly affected

by any of the Experience score covariates. However, SPORTS, “How often have you

played sports?”, and HOME IMPROVEMENT, “How often have you fixed things, with a

parent, guardian, other mentor, or on your own, such as working on a car, home

improvements, construction, carpentry, electronics, or other similar activities?”, show

trends toward significance and the lab blocking factor was significant at p<0.0005.

SPORTS had negative effects on the response. Table 4.19 shows the GLM table for this


General Linear Model: DWG Vis Grade percent versus Lab

Factor Type Levels Values

Lab random 10 1B, 2B, 3A, 3B, 4A, 4B, 5A, 5B, 6A, 6B

Analysis of Variance for DWG Vis Grade percent, using Adjusted SS for Tests

Source DF Seq SS Adj SS Adj MS F P

SPORTS 1 11.95 64.76 64.76 2.99 0.086
HOME IMPROVEMENT 1 217.85 76.80 76.80 3.55 0.062
VIDEO GAMES 1 18.59 49.23 49.23 2.27 0.134
Lab 9 831.64 831.64 92.40 4.27 0.000
Error 117 2534.49 2534.49 21.66
Total 129 3614.52

S = 4.65428 R-Sq = 29.88% R-Sq(adj) = 22.69%

Term Coef SE Coef T P

Constant 93.113 2.593 35.91 0.000
SPORTS -0.7300 0.4222 -1.73 0.086
HOME IMPROVEMENT 0.9066 0.4815 1.88 0.062
VIDEO GAMES -0.5718 0.3793 -1.51 0.134
1B 3.062 1.573 1.95 0.054
2B 3.112 1.177 2.64 0.009
3A 2.976 1.210 2.46 0.015
3B 1.541 1.321 1.17 0.246
4A -0.404 1.127 -0.36 0.721
4B -0.572 1.056 -0.54 0.589
5A -4.204 1.231 -3.41 0.001
5B -0.052 1.277 -0.04 0.968
6A -0.545 1.459 -0.37 0.710

Table 4.19: GLM for drawing assignment visualization grades effects by Experience

score covariates.
Tool Utilization Effects on Grades

The hypothesis to test the effects on spatial visualization gains due to tool

utilization access within the treatment group follows. Achieving full rank data initially

required filtering to remove zeros from PSVT—R pre- and post-test scores, and blanks in

the Experience scores, and missing or zero grades. In addition, this subsample only

involved treatment group participants, leaving n=52.

Absolute animation tool usage, time spent, and number of online visits to the

animations, the utilization measures, do not significantly affect drawing assignment

visualization-reliant grades. As shown in Tables 4.20 and 4.21, usage and number of

visits do not show significant effects (p=0.122, 0.070, respectively).

General Linear Model: DWG Vis Grade percent versus Lab, Used?

Factor Type Levels Values

Lab random 10 1B, 2B, 3A, 3B, 4A, 4B, 5A, 5B, 6A, 6B
Used? random 2 0, 1

Analysis of Variance for DWG Vis Grade percent, using Adjusted SS for Tests

Source DF Seq SS Adj SS Adj MS F P

PSVT-R PRE 1 143.21 124.11 124.11 7.46 0.009
Lab 9 378.62 396.07 44.01 2.64 0.016
Used? 1 41.45 41.45 41.45 2.49 0.122
Error 41 682.51 682.51 16.65
Total 52 1245.78

S = 4.08003 R-Sq = 45.21% R-Sq(adj) = 30.52%

Term Coef SE Coef T P

Constant 81.805 3.629 22.54 0.000
PSVT-R PRE 0.4049 0.1483 2.73 0.009
1B 3.025 2.012 1.50 0.140
2B 3.740 1.790 2.09 0.043
3A 3.671 1.591 2.31 0.026
3B -0.722 3.788 -0.19 0.850
4A 1.655 1.437 1.15 0.256
4B -0.820 1.548 -0.53 0.599
5A -3.982 1.961 -2.03 0.049
5B -0.497 1.559 -0.32 0.752
6A -1.582 2.026 -0.78 0.439
0 -1.0797 0.6843 -1.58 0.122

Table 4.20: Effects of animation tool usage on drawing visualization grades.

General Linear Model: DWG Vis Grade percent versus Lab

Factor Type Levels Values

Lab random 10 1B, 2B, 3A, 3B, 4A, 4B, 5A, 5B, 6A, 6B

Analysis of Variance for DWG Vis Grade percent, using Adjusted SS for Tests

Source DF Seq SS Adj SS Adj MS F P

PSVT-R PRE 1 143.21 129.90 129.90 7.98 0.007
Overall Number of Visits 1 86.65 56.38 56.38 3.46 0.070
Lab 9 348.35 348.35 38.71 2.38 0.029
Error 41 667.58 667.58 16.28
Total 52 1245.78

S = 4.03514 R-Sq = 46.41% R-Sq(adj) = 32.04%

Term Coef SE Coef T P

Constant 80.989 3.669 22.07 0.000
PSVT-R PRE 0.4153 0.1471 2.82 0.007
Overall Numb 0.1931 0.1038 1.86 0.070
1B 3.153 1.969 1.60 0.117
2B 3.150 1.765 1.79 0.082
3A 3.400 1.532 2.22 0.032
3B -0.663 3.737 -0.18 0.860
4A 1.477 1.432 1.03 0.308
4B -0.679 1.538 -0.44 0.661
5A -4.485 1.964 -2.28 0.028
5B -0.065 1.581 -0.04 0.968
6A -1.513 2.001 -0.76 0.454

Table 4.21: Effects of animation tool visits on drawing visualization grades.

Once again animation tool usage, time spent, and number of online visits to the

animations do not significantly affect midterm exam visualization-reliant grades. As

shown in Table 4.22, however, number of visits does trend towards significance


General Linear Model: MT Vis percent versus Lab

Factor Type Levels Values

Lab random 10 1B, 2B, 3A, 3B, 4A, 4B, 5A, 5B, 6A, 6B

Analysis of Variance for MT Vis percent, using Adjusted SS for Tests

Source DF Seq SS Adj SS Adj MS F P

PSVT-R PRE 1 195.03 196.46 196.46 4.21 0.046
Overall Number of Visits 1 124.45 131.84 131.84 2.83 0.100
Lab 9 570.16 570.16 63.35 1.36 0.238
Error 41 1911.03 1911.03 46.61
Total 52 2800.67

S = 6.82719 R-Sq = 31.77% R-Sq(adj) = 13.46%

Term Coef SE Coef T P

Constant 78.074 6.207 12.58 0.000
PSVT-R PRE 0.5108 0.2488 2.05 0.046
Overall Numb 0.2953 0.1756 1.68 0.100
1B -4.412 3.331 -1.32 0.193
2B 4.460 2.986 1.49 0.143
3A 2.823 2.593 1.09 0.283
3B -5.508 6.322 -0.87 0.389
4A 3.327 2.422 1.37 0.177
4B 2.188 2.603 0.84 0.406
5A -0.074 3.324 -0.02 0.982
5B 4.266 2.675 1.59 0.119
6A -2.947 3.385 -0.87 0.389

Table 4.22: Effects of animation tool visits on midterm exam visualization grades.

Further analysis involves examining the drawing assignment relying heavily on

visualization skills which invoked the most accesses by students of the corresponding

animations. The animations of Drawing 11 were fully accessed by 19 students. Others

accessed some, but not all of the related animations for this assignment. A t-test, in Table

4.23, shows that students scored significantly better on average if they used the animation

tool (p=0.045). In this scenario, n=245 because only zeros for Drawing 11 and the

PSVT—R pre-test were screened.

t‐Test: Two‐Sample Assuming Equal

Used DWG11 Did not use DWG11

Tool Tool
Mean 18.07894737 16.12389381
Variance 5.673976608 24.54235988
Observations 19 226
Pooled Variance 23.14470186
Hypothesized Mean Difference 0
df 243
t Stat 1.701299768
P(T<=t) one‐tail 0.045082919
t Critical one‐tail 1.651148402
P(T<=t) two‐tail 0.090165838
t Critical two‐tail 1.969774341

Table 4.23: T-test for Drawing 11 scores of those using the Drawing 11 animation tool

versus those who did not use the tool.

In addition, when accounting for pre-test scores in a GLM, as shown in Table 4.24, usage

of the animation tool for Drawing 11 also shows significance (p=0.022).

General Linear Model: DWG11 versus USED?

Factor Type Levels Values

USED? random 2 0, 1

Analysis of Variance for DWG11, using Adjusted SS for Tests

Source DF Seq SS Adj SS Adj MS F P

PRE 1 193.82 244.43 244.43 11.00 0.001
USED? 1 117.61 117.61 117.61 5.29 0.022
Error 242 5379.73 5379.73 22.23
Total 244 5691.15

S = 4.71490 R-Sq = 5.47% R-Sq(adj) = 4.69%

Term Coef SE Coef T P

Constant 12.341 1.542 8.00 0.000
PRE 0.21766 0.06564 3.32 0.001
0 -1.3164 0.5723 -2.30 0.022

Table 4.24: GLM for Drawing 11 animation tool usage effects on Drawing 11 grades.

Spatial Visualization Pre-test Effects on Grades

The hypothesis to test the effects on spatial visualization gains due to tool

utilization access within the treatment group follows. Achieving full rank data required

filtering to remove zeros from PSVT—R pre-test scores, blanks in the Experience scores,

and missing or zero grades, leaving n=124.

As shown in Tables 4.25 through 4.30, PSVT—R pre-test scores were highly

significant in their effects on all grades, in every scenario conceived (p<0.012 for

PSVT—R pre-test effects in all cases).

General Linear Model: Fin grade no team, no attend, versus Lab

Factor Type Levels Values

Lab random 10 1B, 2B, 3A, 3B, 4A, 4B, 5A, 5B, 6A, 6B

Analysis of Variance for Fin grade no team, no attend,, using Adjusted SS for

Source DF Seq SS Adj SS Adj MS F P

PSVT-R PRE 1 482.68 341.82 341.82 20.10 0.000
Lab 9 173.65 173.65 19.29 1.13 0.345
Error 113 1921.87 1921.87 17.01
Total 123 2578.20

S = 4.12404 R-Sq = 25.46% R-Sq(adj) = 18.86%

Term Coef SE Coef T P

Constant 79.910 2.121 37.67 0.000
PSVT-R PRE 0.39922 0.08905 4.48 0.000
1B -0.269 1.366 -0.20 0.844
2B 1.189 1.176 1.01 0.314
3A 2.493 1.097 2.27 0.025
3B -0.888 1.132 -0.78 0.435
4A -0.237 1.027 -0.23 0.818
4B 0.4739 0.9321 0.51 0.612
5A -0.791 1.057 -0.75 0.456
5B 1.092 1.132 0.96 0.337
6A -1.723 1.292 -1.33 0.185

Table 4.25: Effects of PSVT—R pre-test scores on all grades.

General Linear Model: Fin grade NO DWG vis, no etc versus Lab

Factor Type Levels Values

Lab random 10 1B, 2B, 3A, 3B, 4A, 4B, 5A, 5B, 6A, 6B

Analysis of Variance for Fin grade NO DWG vis, no etc, using Adjusted SS for

Source DF Seq SS Adj SS Adj MS F P

PSVT-R PRE 1 498.26 365.90 365.90 19.27 0.000
Lab 9 176.68 176.68 19.63 1.03 0.418
Error 113 2145.79 2145.79 18.99
Total 123 2820.74

S = 4.35767 R-Sq = 23.93% R-Sq(adj) = 17.20%

Term Coef SE Coef T P

Constant 79.304 2.241 35.38 0.000
PSVT-R PRE 0.41304 0.09409 4.39 0.000
1B -0.680 1.443 -0.47 0.639
2B 0.945 1.243 0.76 0.448
3A 2.436 1.160 2.10 0.038
3B -1.144 1.196 -0.96 0.341
4A -0.345 1.085 -0.32 0.751
4B 0.6766 0.9849 0.69 0.494
5A -0.364 1.117 -0.33 0.745
5B 1.346 1.196 1.13 0.263
6A -1.897 1.365 -1.39 0.167

Table 4.26: Effects of PSVT—R pre-test scores on all but Drawing assignments.

General Linear Model: Non-vis, no final, no team, etc versus Lab

Factor Type Levels Values

Lab random 10 1B, 2B, 3A, 3B, 4A, 4B, 5A, 5B, 6A, 6B

Analysis of Variance for Non-vis, no final, no team, etc, using Adjusted SS for

Source DF Seq SS Adj SS Adj MS F P

PSVT-R PRE 1 122.051 79.423 79.423 10.64 0.001
Lab 9 219.490 219.490 24.388 3.27 0.001
Error 112 836.350 836.350 7.467
Total 122 1177.891

S = 2.73266 R-Sq = 29.00% R-Sq(adj) = 22.66%

Term Coef SE Coef T P

Constant 88.208 1.457 60.56 0.000
PSVT-R PRE 0.19890 0.06099 3.26 0.001
1B 0.8773 0.9050 0.97 0.334
2B 1.4185 0.7794 1.82 0.071
3A 2.4225 0.7271 3.33 0.001
3B -0.3676 0.7504 -0.49 0.625
4A -1.4341 0.6813 -2.10 0.038
4B 0.4263 0.6177 0.69 0.491
5A -1.2467 0.7246 -1.72 0.088
5B 0.1097 0.7502 0.15 0.884
6A -2.5795 0.8568 -3.01 0.003

Table 4.27: Effects of PSVT—R pre-test scores on all but Drawing assignments and

exam Drawing grades.

General Linear Model: Vis Grade percent versus Lab

Factor Type Levels Values

Lab random 10 1B, 2B, 3A, 3B, 4A, 4B, 5A, 5B, 6A, 6B

Analysis of Variance for Vis Grade percent, using Adjusted SS for Tests

Source DF Seq SS Adj SS Adj MS F P

PSVT-R PRE 1 499.51 290.30 290.30 9.76 0.002
Lab 9 476.76 476.76 52.97 1.78 0.080
Error 112 3331.70 3331.70 29.75
Total 122 4307.96

S = 5.45411 R-Sq = 22.66% R-Sq(adj) = 15.76%

Term Coef SE Coef T P

Constant 82.677 2.907 28.44 0.000
PSVT-R PRE 0.3803 0.1217 3.12 0.002
1B 0.791 1.806 0.44 0.662
2B 3.408 1.556 2.19 0.031
3A 1.994 1.451 1.37 0.172
3B -0.485 1.498 -0.32 0.747
4A 0.950 1.360 0.70 0.486
4B -0.035 1.233 -0.03 0.978
5A -2.155 1.446 -1.49 0.139
5B 1.082 1.497 0.72 0.471
6A -1.201 1.710 -0.70 0.484

Table 4.28: Effects of PSVT—R pre-test scores on Drawing assignment and exam

Drawing grades.

General Linear Model: DWG Vis Grade percent versus Lab

Factor Type Levels Values

Lab random 10 1B, 2B, 3A, 3B, 4A, 4B, 5A, 5B, 6A, 6B

Analysis of Variance for DWG Vis Grade percent, using Adjusted SS for Tests

Source DF Seq SS Adj SS Adj MS F P

PSVT-R PRE 1 337.08 178.57 178.57 10.54 0.002
Lab 9 835.84 835.84 92.87 5.48 0.000
Error 112 1897.83 1897.83 16.94
Total 122 3070.75

S = 4.11642 R-Sq = 38.20% R-Sq(adj) = 32.68%

Term Coef SE Coef T P

Constant 84.623 2.194 38.57 0.000
PSVT-R PRE 0.29824 0.09187 3.25 0.002
1B 3.171 1.363 2.33 0.022
2B 3.251 1.174 2.77 0.007
3A 2.975 1.095 2.72 0.008
3B 1.278 1.130 1.13 0.261
4A 0.694 1.026 0.68 0.500
4B -1.2218 0.9304 -1.31 0.192
5A -4.557 1.092 -4.17 0.000
5B -1.030 1.130 -0.91 0.364
6A -0.222 1.291 -0.17 0.863

Table 4.29: Effects of PSVT—R pre-test scores on Drawing assignment grades.

General Linear Model: MT Vis percent versus Lab

Factor Type Levels Values

Lab random 10 1B, 2B, 3A, 3B, 4A, 4B, 5A, 5B, 6A, 6B

Analysis of Variance for MT Vis percent, using Adjusted SS for Tests

Source DF Seq SS Adj SS Adj MS F P

PSVT-R PRE 1 618.29 374.63 374.63 6.59 0.012
Lab 9 513.63 513.63 57.07 1.00 0.442
Error 112 6370.23 6370.23 56.88
Total 122 7502.15

S = 7.54169 R-Sq = 15.09% R-Sq(adj) = 7.51%

Term Coef SE Coef T P

Constant 81.449 4.020 20.26 0.000
PSVT-R PRE 0.4320 0.1683 2.57 0.012
1B -0.710 2.498 -0.28 0.777
2B 3.506 2.151 1.63 0.106
3A 1.375 2.007 0.69 0.495
3B -1.597 2.071 -0.77 0.442
4A 1.112 1.880 0.59 0.556
4B 0.714 1.705 0.42 0.676
5A -0.641 2.000 -0.32 0.749
5B 2.414 2.070 1.17 0.246
6A -1.818 2.365 -0.77 0.444

Table 4.30: Effects of PSVT—R pre-test scores on Drawing midterm exam grades.

A final analysis is run screening only for midterm exam data, PSVT—R pre-test

scores availability, and Experience information, resulting in n=187. In this instance, both

overall Experience composite score (p=0.019) and PSVT—R pre-test (0.009) covariates

are significant. This is shown in Table 4.31.

General Linear Model: MT 1,3,4 Total versus Lab

Factor Type Levels Values

Lab random 10 1B, 2B, 3A, 3B, 4A, 4B, 5A, 5B, 6A, 6B

Analysis of Variance for MT 1,3,4 Total, using Adjusted SS for Tests

Source DF Seq SS Adj SS Adj MS F P

PSVT-R PRE 1 410.40 325.27 325.27 6.94 0.009
L Total 1 204.04 262.77 262.77 5.61 0.019
Lab 9 436.55 436.55 48.51 1.04 0.414
Error 175 8201.17 8201.17 46.86
Total 186 9252.17

S = 6.84572 R-Sq = 11.36% R-Sq(adj) = 5.79%

Term Coef SE Coef T P

Constant 43.375 4.003 10.84 0.000
PSVT-R PRE 0.3048 0.1157 2.63 0.009
L Total 0.2553 0.1078 2.37 0.019
1B -1.743 1.810 -0.96 0.337
2B 2.134 1.778 1.20 0.232
3A -1.859 1.382 -1.34 0.180
3B -2.607 1.432 -1.82 0.070
4A -0.411 1.405 -0.29 0.770
4B 1.127 1.335 0.84 0.400
5A 1.249 1.470 0.85 0.397
5B 0.968 1.541 0.63 0.531
6A 1.465 1.551 0.94 0.346

Table 4.31: Effects of PSVT—R pre-test scores and Experience composite scores on

Drawing midterm exam grades.

Finally, the scatterplot of Drawing 11 grades plotted against PSVT—R pre-test

scores by usage (Figure 4.4) shows an overall gain for the grade by those who used the

animation and shows a leveling of the advantage students with higher PSVT—R test

scores may have in visualization-reliant assignments, to some extent nullifying the grade

advantage of those who scored higher initially on the PSVT—R.

Scatterplot of DWG11 vs PRE




10 15 20 25 30

Figure 4.4: Drawing 11 grades plotted against PSVT—R pre-test scores by animation

tool usage.

Student Feedback


Students were emailed a questionnaire after the course was completed to gauge their

general impressions and reactions; to verify study validity regarding animation access

between groups; and to solicit suggestions. All students who provided consent (273)

were emailed. After a week without a response, another email was sent. Four emails

were returned by the mail server. Sixteen replies were eventually received, nine from the

control group and seven from the treatment group. All students who replied from the

control group did not know about the animations’ availability and/or did not ever access

them. Following is a listing of the questions sent with a summary of responses from the

treatment group students below each question. A full copy of the script from the email is

provided in Appendix C.

1. Were you aware of the animated instructional tool available on Carmen on a trial

basis in ENG 181 in WI08? If not, you do not have to answer the remaining



2. How did you hear of the availability of the animations?

Received an email.

3. Were you able to access to the animations for the daily assignment problems?

Yes. One student reported a technical issue that was resolved.

4. How did you gain access to the tool, if it was not available through your own

login? (No worries, you’re not in any trouble!)


5. Do you know of others who did not have access via their own login that also were

able to somehow gain access?


6. Why did you stop using the animations?

One forgot about the tool’s availability on Carmen. Another generally finished

their work in class. Another already felt comfortable with their visualization

skills and did not feel they needed the animations.

7. Did you find the animations useful? In what ways?

They were helpful in visualizing the objects.

“Yes, because it's good to see the object from all angles.”

“I think it does give a bit more detail to overall structure when learning about

engineering drawings.”

8. Did you believe you needed help visualizing or understanding how objects appear

after rotation or orientation change of the objects from their initial states? If so,

please specify if you had trouble with: visualizing isometric drawings, visualizing

orthographic drawings, the Purdue Spatial Visualization Test, exam problems

involving drawings, or something else.

“When I first started drawing isometric drawings I had difficulty visualizing, but I

remember the tool on Carmen helped me think about when it rotated. It also

helped me see things I missed when I drew them.”

“I found it helpful, especially in visualizing orthographic drawings and the

Purdue Spatial Visualization Test.”

9. Do you believe that viewing the animations helped you understand how an object

in an isometric view looks when rotated to an orthographic view?


10. Do you believe that viewing the animations helped you understand how an object

in an orthographic view looks when rotated to an isometric view?


11. Do you believe that viewing the animations helped you generally understand how

an object would look when rotated from one position or orientation to another? In

other words, were you able to better understand, “see,” or mentally visualize how

an object would appear, would be drawn, or would be depicted if it was rotated or

given a new orientation from its initial state?


“Yes, the animations were I thought were a very useful tool to help see how to

draw it. Sometimes I would use the animation more than once on a drawing

because I kept on missing part of the object I could not see before.”

12. How would you improve this instructional tool to make it more useful for future


Allow the user to manipulate the objects in all directions. Make the tool available

to everyone, “especially for students who don’t have drawing experience like


Focus Group

Along with the questionnaire, students were emailed an invitation after the course

was completed to participate in a focus group. All students who provided consent (273)

were emailed. After a week without a response, another email was sent. Four emails

were returned by the mail server. Sixteen replies were eventually received, nine from the

control group and seven from the treatment group. Only one student showed interest in

participating in the focus group, but did not reply after several attempts to schedule a

discussion. A full copy of the script from the email, the same script as the questionnaire,

is provided in Appendix C.


This study investigated whether virtual 3-dimensional animated models of

existing, assigned, paper-based engineering graphics problems can be used as an effective

instructional tool that enables students to enhance their spatial visualization skills. This

study also used data collected to investigate the relationship between developmental

activities and student initial spatial visualization abilities and visualization gains after

instruction and/or treatment. This investigation also sought to determine the relationship

between initial spatial visualization skills and both heavily visualization-reliant and less

visualization-reliant assignment grades.

An underlying theme of this investigation involved using readily available

resources within the program offering the introductory engineering course. An objective

was to show that such an undertaking could use existing technology accessible to an

academic department or program and could be run in the background with minimal

disruption to instruction and students, while collecting and analyzing a large dataset with

hundreds of participants. This girded the activities in this investigation, particularly the

data collection, administration of indirect instructional devices, and enforcement of the

research design.

Discussion and Conclusions

Discussion and Conclusions of Results

Tool Access Effects on Spatial Visualization Improvement

The first hypothesis tested the effects on spatial visualization gains due to

treatment, or free tool access. Participants in the treatment group, those who had free

access to the spatial visualization instructional animations, scored higher on the PSVT—

R post-test as a result of being in the treatment group versus the control group, with pre-

test scores considered.

While at first this seems to validate the application of the animation tool as an

open access aid for improving spatial visualization skills, further analysis is warranted for

confirmation, and this will lower the confidence in the effects of the tool itself. The

significantly higher mean test score may be a result of random fluctuation, resulting in a

Type I error. The mean score of the treatment group was nearly one half of a point

greater than that of the control group. If they were randomly performing below ability,

and then randomly performed above ability during the post-test, falsely significant results

may ensue.

Tool Utilization Effects on Spatial Visualization Improvement

The second hypothesis tested the effects on spatial visualization gains due to tool

utilization access within the treatment group. Although total time spent using animations

was significant with slightly negative effects in one scenario, animation utilization did

not appear to generally have significant effects on spatial visualization improvement.

However, a scenario in which the Boolean tool usage random factor to determine

the effects of using the tool in any capacity on the response was employed showed that

usage may have negative effects on post-test PSVT—R scores when considering pre-test

PSVT—R scores.

It is apparent here that, rather than augmenting existing student transformational

actions on objects and their representations, students may be replacing the substantial

effort involved in holistically determining the drawn object’s mental orientations in space

as it transitions to the new orientation to be depicted, as demanded by the homework

assignment, by another set of more passive transformations whereby the student is

provided with a dynamic, continuous set of external representations. It is not to say that

both are not helpful, but it would likely be more beneficial for the student to use both.

Perhaps, if the animation tool was an additive activity, rather than a substitutive one as it

appears to have become, it would result in a net gain in student spatial visualization

development. In other words, this animation tool in the setting it was presented may have

replaced student developmental scaffolding rather than provide additional scaffolding,

and the two may not be equivalent, possibly resulting in a net loss in development.

Future iterations of this instructional tool should ensure that it is in fact additive

and not substitutive, or even worse, a crutch in that it substitutes spatial visualization

development through a traditional approach to the assignment with a shortcut. One way

to implement this involves providing access to the tool after the due date listed on the

assignment schedule. Students in ENG 181 are permitted to redo assignments if they

score below a threshold score, with a maximum redo score of 70% of the total point value

of the assignment. This could address students who “just can’t see it” may free Graduate

Teaching Associate time, and provide an incentive for students to review their graded

work. This also addresses student comments received in the emailed survey, where the

animation tool was praised for allowing them to see the objects depicted in orientations

they had not themselves been able to conceive.Another approach would to provide

animations for an alternate problem set in the form of practice problems rather than the

existing assigned problems.

Previous investigations (Sorby & Baartmans, 1996, 2000; Zavotka, 1987) show

that virtual 3-D animations and/or computer-based spatial visualization remediation is

effective. In these cases, the treatments were external to existing participant activities,

and therefore not substitutive. It is also possible that the amount of development

provided by regular instruction in ENG 181 diffused the gains made through the use of

the animation tool, considering the average time spent on the animations was only 34

minutes, compared to the magnitude of practice throughout the term of the course.

Experience Effects on Spatial Visualization Ability Gains

The next hypothesis tested the effects on spatial visualization ability

improvements due to developmental experiences. The magnitude of student-reported

experiences working around the house on home improvement projects (HOME

IMPROVEMENT) and drafting, design and sketching experiences (DRAFTING) showed

some notable but not significant negative effects on spatial visualization gains, but

interacted positively (also not significant) with pre-test scores on spatial visualization


It is apparent here that the those students with high Experience scores in these

categories already scored near the ceiling of the PSVT—R test. Thus, their potential

gains were truncated by the test maximum score.

Experience Effects on Initial Spatial Visualization Ability

The fourth hypothesis tested the effects on initial spatial visualization ability due

to developmental experiences. Total experience scores showed significant effects on

spatial visualization ability. Individual Experience scores showed significant effects on

initial spatial visualization ability for those students reporting personal experiences

playing with models and building block-type toys (MODELS), playing sports (SPORTS),

and involvement in music (MUSIC), but SPORTS showed negative effects.

The significance of MODELS on spatial visualization ability confirms the

findings of others (Deno, 1995) in that this type of developmental activity seems to be

one of the strongest indicators of spatial visualization ability. Is it because of an existing

early ability and an innate interest in such things that spatial ability and experiences with

building blocks and stackable toys and models coincide, or is it causal? Spatial

visualization gender gap studies would suggest otherwise, where girls lacking early

exposure to such activities as a result of culture quickly close the gap later in life once

given the opportunity to develop in this manner when they are older. If gender roles were

less distinct, the gap may be smaller.

The negative effects of sports may be a result of the time sports take away from

other activities that develop these skills. Sports may help more with developing skills for

the mental manipulation of perspective, or spatial orientation, rather than the

manipulation of objects, or spatial visualization, although the two are related (Lord &

Garrison, 1998).

Experience Effects on Grades

The fifth hypothesis tested the effects on heavily visualization-dependent and

non-visualization grades due to developmental experiences. Home improvement

experiences (HOME IMPROVEMENT) showed significant effects on both heavy

visualization and less-visualization-invoking grades. Video game playing experiences

(VIDEO GAMES) trended toward effects on visualization-related grades as well, but

were not shown to be significant. Play with building block-type toys (MODELS) showed

significant effects on midterm exam visualization-related problem performance. No

significant effects by any of the Experience components were shown for the

visualization-related drawing assignment performance, however SPORTS had some

negative effect, while HOME IMPROVEMENT had some positive effects. The lab

blocking factor showed significance.

Instructional setting and particularly grading plays a large part in the grades of

daily assignments. Once again, MODELS seems to predict visualization skill indicators.

Home improvement experiences that involve working one’s hands may help develop

visualization skills, but perhaps they instill a sense of motivation and work ethic. Further

research should be conducted here, and perhaps the activities listed under HOME

IMPROVEMENT can be broken down and studied again to analyze its components’


Tool Utilization Effects on Grades

The sixth hypothesis tested the effects on spatial visualization gains due to tool

utilization access within the treatment group. Number of visits to the animation tool and

general usage had some not significant effects on visualization-related drawing

assignment grades. However, using a specific example of the grades produced for the

drawing assignment heavy in requisite spatial visualization skills and the corresponding

animations that were accessed by the most participants (allowing for more data points),

grades were shown to be significantly affected by use of the animation tool.

This provides more evidence that such an instructional tool should be applied in

an additive manner rather than used in place of traditional and/or holistic methods, as

discussed earlier.

Spatial Visualization Pre-test Effects on Grades

The final hypothesis tested the effects on spatial visualization gains due to tool

utilization access within the treatment group. Of all the hypotheses tested, spatial

visualization pre-test scores had the most consistent and significant effects on the

response, which in this case was grades. Initial spatial visualization ability is a consistent

predictor of all grades to some extent, and in models where the final grade is concerned,

on its own regularly accounted for 1/6 to 1/5 of the variance of the model. In models

where the response is predominantly related to performance on daily drawing

assignments, it was still consistently significant but only accounted for around 1/10 of the

variance of the model, with lab section gaining more prominence relative to pre-test in

accounting for model variance.

The significance of pre-test PSVT—R scores effects on grades highlights the

importance of strong spatial visualization ability. Further efforts to enhance this skill set

are called for, as those with greater spatial visualization skills consistently achieved

higher grades in every facet of ENG 181 (excluding group assignments, which were

removed from the analysis). Research has shown that those with better spatial

visualization skills are better problem solvers (Koch, 2006), and this as well as other

studies show that spatial visualization skills are predictors of grades in first-year


These differences in accounted variance also point to the differences in grading

approaches. Final grades are heavily influenced (45%) by exam grades. Exams are

uniformly graded across sections, with a single grader grading all submissions of one

problem, whereas homework grades are graded individually by section.

Survey Responses

Students who responded to the emailed surveys indicated finding use in the

animations, particularly in being able to perceive objects virtually in various orientations.

The most common suggestion was made regarding granting user control over the

orientation and movement of the object.

The response rate here was low (6%) for a number of reasons. The survey was

given well after the conclusion of the class rather than at the end. Stemming from this,

insertion of consent policies and reminders as to the nature of the study and participant

rights may have discouraged reading such a lengthy email and sabotaged further student

involvement. Kaplowitz, Hadlock, and Levine (2004) found an email only survey

response rate of under 21% at Michigan State University in which an underrepresented

proportion of the student population under 24 years of age responded. Although the

response rate for this study’s email solicitation is unusually low, it may be expected

considering the respondents’ typical age, the delay in the solicitation, and the amount of

text in the email.

Discussion and Conclusions of Limitations

This study demonstrated that an online, indirect instructional tool can be

implemented and measured for effectiveness in a real setting. However, several factors

affecting some of the results of this study should be noted. First, because of the manner

in which treatment group participants were informed of the tool’s availability, in a private

email, instructional team promotion was not applicable. Generally, when an important

guide or study tool is made available, students are informed and encouraged by

instructional team members to make use of the device. The process by which students

were informed of the availability of the instructional tool may have led to reduced

awareness and utilization of the animations.

Student participation in the devices used for collecting data can be encouraged

through the use of incentives such as bonus points. Half-hearted participation can be

rectified by rewarding students for scoring initially high on PSVT—R tests with bonus

points, and then rewarding them again with more bonus points for showing gains at the

end of the quarter.

Graduate Teaching Associates may also need encouragement, as understandably,

their top priorities in data processing are those items directly related to reporting student

grades. If a study or data collection device is not directly contributing to generating

student grades, they may not see it as a high priority, as may be the case with the
problem-by-problem midterm and final exam data. The final exam problem-by-problem

data were not used due to a lack of availability.

The target population of the instructional tool is reduced as a result of an annually

increasing average aptitude and achievement level of incoming freshmen. Considering

the results shown when modeling subsamples of students to the scoring below the spatial

visualization test ceiling, the greater average ability of the sample may also be a

significant contributor to the outcome of some of the analyses. Comparable spatial

visualization tests with a higher test ceiling or increased difficulty could be utilized to test

for the effects on a larger sample. Another option is for the PSVT—R to be extended.

The PSVT—R becomes more difficult as the participant progresses to the latter problems

in the test. Perhaps this could continue for several extra problems to facilitate analyses

for those at all skill levels. Special intelligence quotient tests exist with higher ceilings

for those with greater aptitudes. Perhaps something similar exists or could be developed

in the realm of spatial visualization. However, efforts to include upper echelon students

may not test the effects of the instructional tool on those most in need of remediation

The analyses were also hindered by the need for full rank datasets. In this study it

was necessary to remove the records with empty fields, particularly PSVT—R scores,

Experience scores, and exam problem-by-problem data. Because this study ran alongside

regular instruction and was not a closed experiment with actively proctored devices,

participation rates were unpredictable. This was, however, part of the research design

and a known risk. In the future, this could be alleviated by randomly assigning treatment

and control participants by whole sections, although this may make it difficult to identify

effects due to instructional settings. Another approach could involve splitting treatment

and control groups by term, with similar instructional teams in each term, possibly

allowing for valid comparisons without requiring blocking. This assumes lab section

effects are leveled throughout similar instructional settings across the many lab sections

in each term.


Recommendations for Practice

This study employed the use of The Ohio State University’s online course

gradebook and curriculum web application, Carmen, by Desire-to-Learn. This

application was used extensively in nearly every facet of the study. The application was

used to enforce control and treatment group segregation. It was used for data collection

and consolidation. Carmen was also used to selectively release the treatment to the

appropriate group based on user login and access scheduling. It was also an essential

deployment mechanism of the pre- and post-tests. Carmen also tracked the amount of

treatment individuals received and collected online survey and Experience data. The

Carmen web application, and others like it, is a very powerful tool in more ways than

those for which it is typically used. However, its potential has yet to be unleashed.

Although Carmen tracks and records a multitude of data, it is often difficult for

designers or researchers to access this data in a readily useful manner. Much of the data,

aside from regular grade records and calculations, are logged. These data logs require

scripts written by administrators in information technology departments, and even then it

is not yet usable until properly parsed and reoriented, otherwise it is quite cryptic. Even a

simple end-user download of survey data, if desired in a format other than the default

generic report layout, is retrieved with a cryptic output that requires further processing.

Software designers should also improve the user interface and tools available to

instructors and designers. Compared to modern spreadsheets, formulae for simple

calculations are too complex to enter and there is no way to query information on a large

gradebook page with many students and many grade fields per student.

Recommendations for Research

Further inquiry as to how viewing virtual 3-D animations of rotating objects on a

computer screen compares to other approaches for developing spatial visualization skills

should be undertaken. Studies featuring multi-level treatments should be conducted to

investigate the best way to provide indirect instruction for students wishing to enhance

their spatial visualization skills while minimizing the burden on first-year program

resources. Can the use of virtual 3-D animations be more effectively combined with

other methods of spatial visualization enhancement? How much of a benefit do students

get from viewing animated depictions of objects after completing assignments involving

those same objects? How does giving students control of the orientation of the object in

virtual 3-D space contribute to developing visualization skills compared to other virtual

3-D animations?

Further investigation should be conducted to ascertain a threshold of spatial

visualization competency measured by a common spatial visualization test, such as the

PSVT—R, for being able to successfully complete a battery of different types of mental

exercises in different disciplines such as mathematics, language, the sciences, etcetera.

Performance on spatial visualization tests seems to be a significant predictor of grades in

engineering and other technical fields, but how does this relate to non-technical fields?

Perhaps competency in spatial visualization is more obviously related to music and visual

arts, but how does this relate to achievement in verbal or literary activities? It would be

also useful to investigate the relationship between preferred learning styles and

visualization abilities in individuals across different fields of study.

While it is not possible to capture every facet of a student or any human in a

model, other predictors of student spatial visualization aptitude should be researched. In

addition to developmental experiences, what other indicators of spatial visualization

aptitude are there? Are spatial visualization skills indicators of achievement levels in

non-technical fields? Further investigation is warranted.

More surveys of different visualization tests would be useful. There are many

tests available and many are well documented (Elliot & Smith, 1983), and some have

examined various tests. However, more direction on the application of such tests, ratings

of the difficulty levels, and the typical ceiling of different population samples, e.g.,

engineering students versus middle school math students, would be beneficial. In

addition, a compendium of different visualization tests and whether they are best suited

for testing traditional measures such as spatial visualization ability, spatial orientation

ability, or some form of dynamic visualization ability (now possible with modern

technology), would also be of great use. An inventory of common activities related to the

types of visualization abilities they exercise merits compilation.

To unleash the full potential of Carmen or other similar institutional web

applications, software engineers should consider building in a basic statistical analysis

package, perhaps even one that dynamically updates as data such as grade entries, link or

object accesses, or surveys are performed. Such a feature would allow for widespread

educational and institutional quantitative research, allowing faculty to quickly check the

significance a quantity of accesses to a new piece of curriculum has on some response

grade. Perhaps students are not aware and are not accessing a new curriculum piece. If

institutional web applications like Carmen featured imbedded statistical analysis

packages, database query functionality, and spreadsheet-like capabilities and user

interfaces, the sky would be the limit for educational researchers pursuing large-scale

quantitative research projects.

Finally, with an increasing proportion of courses either going fully online or

providing student grades and other data entirely online, course grade applications such as

Carmen need to be more than just repositories of information and data entry devices. If

every simple analysis or presentation requires a complete download of updated data into

a spreadsheet or statistical package, while the download of each data type is of a unique

format, it becomes little more than an unwieldy web device for disseminating information

to students – a mere webpage of grades and a static display of curriculum materials.


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Conference & Exposition, Session 3286.

Yue, J. (2002). Spatial visualization skills at various educational levels. Proceedings of
the 2002 American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference &
Exposition, Session 2438.

Zavotka, S. L. (1987). Three-dimensional computer animated graphics: A tool for spatial

skill instruction. Educational Communication and Technology Journal, 35(3),




2007B0293, “Enhancing the Spatial Visualization Skills of First-Year Engineering Students” Survey Questions

How often have you engaged in drafting, design and design sketching, engineering graphics, or other
manual (by hand) technical drawing activities?

Never Rarely Occasionally Frequently Always

1 2 3 4 5

How often have you constructed models or played with building blocks, Legos, Lincoln Logs, or other similar

stackable toys?

Never Rarely Occasionally Frequently Always

1 2 3 4 5

How often have you played sports?

Never Rarely Occasionally Frequently Always

1 2 3 4 5

How often have you fixed things, with a parent, guardian, other mentor, or on your own, such as working on a

car, home improvements, construction, carpentry, electronics, or other similar activities?


Never Rarely Occasionally Frequently Always

1 2 3 4 5

How often have you engaged in creating artwork (drawing, graphic design, painting, 3D art, photography,

Never Rarely Occasionally Frequently Always

1 2 3 4 5

How often have you played video games?


Never Rarely Occasionally Frequently Always

1 2 3 4 5

How often have you used Computer Aided Design (CAD) software applications such as AutoCAD,
SolidWorks, Autodesk Inventor, or others?

Never Rarely Occasionally Frequently Always

1 2 3 4 5

How often have you played musical instruments or composed music?


Never Rarely Occasionally Frequently Always

1 2 3 4 5

How often have you engaged in crafts (sewing, homemade decorations, pottery, etc.)?

Never Rarely Occasionally Frequently Always

1 2 3 4 5

How often have you used maps or navigated in a car, navigated while hiking, etc.?

Never Rarely Occasionally Frequently Always

1 2 3 4 5


Enhancing Spatial Visualization Skills in First-Year Engineering Students
Yosef Allam

Post-study Survey and Focus Group Feedback Solicitation

Survey Text and Questions:


My name is Yosef Allam, and I need just a few minutes of your time. I am finishing a
study to help engineering students with their visualization skills which I conducted in
your ENG 181 class in WI08, as you may recall from my address to your class that

In ENG 181 in WI08, an instructional tool was provided on a trial basis to half of the
students via links on the Carmen “Content” page, after logging in, which consisted of
animations of daily assignments in Basics, showing a video, viewable in Windows Media
Player. These were video animations of parts you were to draw as part of your daily
assignments rotating to and from isometric and orthographic positions. The goal of this
trial offering of these animations was to determine whether or not such a tool would help
students with their visualization skills (per test results of the Purdue Spatial Visualization
Test you took via Carmen online at the beginning and end of the WI08 academic quarter)
and to aid students in understanding how an object correctly translates from an
orthographic to isometric depiction, and vice versa.

There are just a few questions I would like to ask you regarding this. All you have to do
is reply to this email. Your identity will not be used, and this is only meant to gauge
general student impressions towards the use of the tool for future use and for research
purposes. By answering these questions, you are helping future engineering students at
The Ohio State University College of Engineering. To jog your memory, I have attached
a sample animation that was used last year and is similar to the other animations that
were made available to some students. Thanks in advance for your time and cooperation.

1. Were you aware of the animated instructional tool available on Carmen on a trial
basis in ENG 181 in WI08? If not, you do not have to answer the remaining
2. How did you hear of the availability of the animations?
3. Were you able to access to the animations for the daily assignment problems?
4. How did you gain access to the tool, if it was not available through your own
login? (No worries, you’re not in any trouble!)
5. Do you know of others who did not have access via their own login that also were
able to somehow gain access?
6. Why did you stop using the animations?
7. Did you find the animations useful? In what ways?

8. Did you believe you needed help visualizing or understanding how objects appear
after rotation or orientation change of the objects from their initial states? If so,
please specify if you had trouble with: visualizing isometric drawings, visualizing
orthographic drawings, the Purdue Spatial Visualization Test, exam problems
involving drawings, or something else. (possibly check boxes)
9. Do you believe that viewing the animations helped you understand how an object
in an isometric view looks when rotated to an orthographic view?
10. Do you believe that viewing the animations helped you understand how an object
in an orthographic view looks when rotated to an isometric view?
11. Do you believe that viewing the animations helped you generally understand how
an object would look when rotated from one position or orientation to another? In
other words, were you able to better understand, “see,” or mentally visualize how
an object would appear, would be drawn, or would be depicted if it was rotated or
given a new orientation from its initial state?
12. How would you improve this instructional tool to make it more useful for future

If you did use the instructional tool (you viewed the animations while taking ENG 181 in
WI08), would you be interested in some free pizza? All you have to do is come in to a
focus group session on campus to discuss the animation tool with other former students
of ENG 181 from WI08. It should take only 30 minutes of your time, it’s a chance to
reconnect with some fellow students from last year, and there’s free food! We will audio
record the group’s conversation, but will not use your identity. If you are interested,
please indicate so in your reply to this email and please provide your availability during
the week and you will be given further details.

Per Institutional Review Board (IRB) requirements, we must acquire your consent to
participate in this research endeavor. By replying to this email with responses to the
survey questions, or by indicating a willingness to participate in the focus group and
showing up for it, your consent will be assumed to have been given. Your name or any
other identifying information will not be used in the research or subsequent publications.

Thanks again and good luck in your studies!

-Yosef Allam

Focus Group Starter Questions and Discussion topics:

1. Was availability of animation well-communicated? If not, how could this be

improved. (Information was provided via email).
2. Did the instructional team encourage use, discourage use, or were indifferent
about the animation tool?
3. How did you find it useful?
4. Did you believe you needed help with visualizing rotated objects?
5. Did you believe you needed help with visualizing objects depicted
6. Did you believe you needed help with visualizing objects depicted isometrically?
7. What areas of visualization or course assignments or exams and tests did it
specifically help you with?
8. How else did you find it useful?
9. How could it be more useful?
10. Do you believe that having good visualization skills is important to being an
engineer? How? Why? As a student? As a future professional?
11. Any other suggestions?
12. Do you have any questions for me?


DWG: Orthographic from Isometric (hidden line practice) Grading

Part A 8
Extra line ½ each up to 1
Missing visible line ½ each up to 2
Missing hidden line 1
Wrong view orientation 3
Neatness 1
Part B 8
Extra line ½ each up to 2
Missing visible line ½ each up to 2
Missing hidden line 1
Wrong view orientation 3
Neatness 1
Title Information 4
Incomplete title information ½ for each one, up to 2 point
No use of engineering letters 2
Total 20

DWG: Orthographic to Isometric Drawings B15 & B16
Incorrect shape or dimensions 2 each feature max. 12
Incorrect orientation of views 1 each max. 2
Missing center lines 1 each max. 3
Incomplete title information ½ each max. 1
No use of engineering letters 1 point
Neatness 1
Total 20

DWG: Missing Lines with Isometrics. Grading Guidelines

Missing Line 10
Incorrect line (including drawing more 1½ each up to 9
than one line)
Neatness ½
Incomplete title information or not use ½
of engineering letters
Isometric Views 10
Isometric view according to the 1 each up to 6
orthographic views
Wrong orientation of the object ½ each up to 2
Neatness 1
Incomplete title information or not use 1
of engineering letters
Total 20

Note: If the student doesn’t rotate the isometric paper, the

isometric views will not really be an isometric view and the
assignment will have a max of 10 points. The student has the
option to redo the complete assignment with late penalty (max. 14



2007B0293, “Enhancing the Spatial Visualization Skills of First-Year Engineering
Students” Debriefing Script

Thank you for your participation in our research study, “Enhancing the Spatial
Visualization Skills of First-Year Engineering Students”.

I would like to discuss with you in more detail the study you just participated in.

As you may know, scientific methods sometimes require that subjects in research
studies not be given complete information about the research until after the
experiment is completed. Although we cannot always tell you everything before
you begin your participation, we do want to tell you everything when the
experiment is completed.

Before I tell you about all the goals of this study, however, I want to explain why it
is necessary in some kinds of studies to not tell people about the purpose of the
study before they begin.

Discovering how people would naturally react is what we are really trying to find
out in behavioral experiments. We don't always tell people everything at the
beginning of a study because we do not want to influence your responses. If we
tell people what the purpose of the experiment is and what we predict about how
they will react, then their reactions would not be a good indication of how they
would react in everyday situations.

Now, I would like to explain exactly what we were trying to study in this

Students enrolled in ENG 181 course sections in Winter 2008 (WI08) were given
a PSVT-R (Purdue Spatial Visualization Test – Rotations) pre-test. They also
completed a survey, in this case an augmented version of the “Journal Entry 1,”
already in existence, to collect experiential data. Enrollees were not informed of
the study in advance to protect study validity and to simulate the voluntary
nature of online instructional tool usage. Those randomly selected as treatment
group participants were granted instructional tool usage via links on the
“Content” page of their Carmen course application. These links selectively
opened for treatment group participants when the relevant engineering graphics
drawing was assigned, and closed at the due date of the assignment. Link
access tracking in Carmen is built into the application, so utilization data was
readily available for each treatment group participant. All participant data were
stored within the Carmen gradebook. At the conclusion of study, coinciding with
the conclusion of the WI08 term, all students took the PSVT-R post-test and
were emailed this study debriefing and were instructed to reply to opt-out. The
instructional tool tested consisted of animations of ENG 181 Daily Assignment
drawings. Any effect on grades will be leveled in the interest of fairness
between control and treatment group participants who also happen to be

students receiving grades in ENG 181 in WI08. This study has been approved
by the Institutional Review Board and the Director of the Fundamentals of
Engineering Program, John Merrill, and the Associate Dean of the College of
Engineering, Robert Gustafson.

To summarize, the goals of this study included gauging how your past
experiences shape your spatial visualization abilities and your ability to further
enhance your spatial visualization abilities. In addition, the effectiveness of a
spatial visualization tool is being gauged to determine how it can be augmented
and whether some version of it should be used in the future in the Fundamentals
of Engineering Program. Once again, it important to emphasize that all
necessary steps are being taken to make sure that status as a treatment versus
control group participant does not unfairly affect your grades and the grades of
your peers. Your participation is greatly appreciated and will help future
students in the program.

If other people knew the true nature of the experiment, it would affect how they
behave, so we are asking you not to share the information we just discussed.

Now that the study has been explained, do you agree to allow the investigator to
use your data that we collected from your participation in this study? All
identifying and confidential information that would tie you to grades and test
scores will be stripped from our records and destroyed within 2 weeks after
sending this message. If you would like abstain from participation in this study,
please email Yosef Allam (allam.1@osu.edu) as soon as possible. If you choose
to abstain, all records pertaining to you and the data collected as a result of your
individual participation will be destroyed as well, and the results studied,
reported, analyzed, etc., will not reflect any data tied to you. If you do not contact
the Investigators to abstain, it will be assumed that you agree to participate.

I hope you enjoyed your experience and I hope you found the instructional tool, if
you had access to it as a member of the treatment group, useful.

If you have any questions later please feel free to contact me.

Yosef Allam, Co-Investigator (contact person)


Clark Mount-Campbell, Principal Investigator


Thank you again for your participation.

The Ohio State University Consent to Participate in Research
Enhancing the Spatial Visualization Skills of First-Year
Study Title:
Engineering Students
Researcher: Clark Mount-Campbell


This is a consent form for research participation. It contains important information

about this study and what to expect if you decide to participate.

Your participation is voluntary.

Please consider the information carefully. Feel free to ask questions before making your
decision whether or not to participate. If you decide to participate, you will be asked to
sign this form and will receive a copy of the form.

You are being asked to participate in this study because we are investigating the
effectiveness of an animated visualization tool we hope will provide for the enhancement
of your and future students’ visualization skills. We are gauging the tool’s effectiveness
via the “Purdue Spatial Visualization Test – Rotations,” which you took at the
commencement and conclusion of this academic quarter. We are also trying to gauge
how your prior experiences in activities that have been related through other research to
strong spatial visualization skills affect your initial spatial visualization performance, as
well as how well these experiences affect the gains you can make after using the
visualization tool. Your experience levels in these areas were collected when you
completed 10 five-point questions in Journal Entry 1 at the beginning of the academic

The activities you performed this quarter that were above and beyond standard ENG 181
tasks include three items: the 10 seven-point experiential survey questions that were
added to the existing version of Journal Entry 1, the animated visualization tool that half
of you randomly received which we are evaluating, and this consent form. Your
participation involves granting permission to use data for research purposes that has
already been collected to evaluate the visualization tool. We are seeking permission to
use the data from the three items above, in addition to relevant performance metrics that
include your grades that pertain to spatial visualization and the results of your Purdue
Spatial Visualization Tests. Once these consent forms have been processed, the records
of those providing consent will be kept for analysis purposes, but any identifying
information attached to these records will be stripped.

You may leave the study at any time. If you decide to stop participating in the study,
there will be no penalty to you, and you will not lose any benefits to which you are
otherwise entitled. Your decision will not affect your future relationship with The Ohio
State University.

Risks and Benefits:

Risks to participants in the form of privacy and identity are minimal in that only one
person will administer, collect, and analyze the data. This person will strip the data of
identifying fields after these consent forms have been processed. Similarly, there is also
a minor, also incrementally small risk involved in course performance information
leaking out to unauthorized persons. Once again, all identifying information will be
stripped upon receipt and processing of these consent forms.

You may have the satisfaction of knowing that your participation in this study may help
future students at the university through continuous improvements to the First-Year
Engineering Program. Research of this type has the underlying goal of improving
educational practices for current and future students.


Efforts will be made to keep your study-related information confidential. However, there
may be circumstances where this information must be released. For example, personal
information regarding your participation in this study may be disclosed if required by
state law. Also, your records may be reviewed by the following groups (as applicable to
the research):
 Office for Human Research Protections or other federal, state, or international
regulatory agencies;
 The Ohio State University Institutional Review Board or Office of Responsible
Research Practices;
 The sponsor, if any, or agency (including the Food and Drug Administration for
FDA-regulated research) supporting the study.

You will not be paid to participate in the study.


You may refuse to participate in this study without penalty or loss of benefits to which
you are otherwise entitled. If you are a student or employee at Ohio State, your decision
will not affect your grades or employment status.

If you choose to participate in the study, you may discontinue participation at any time
without penalty or loss of benefits. By signing this form, you do not give up any personal
legal rights you may have as a participant in this study.

An Institutional Review Board responsible for human subjects research at The Ohio State
University reviewed this research project and found it to be acceptable, according to
applicable state and federal regulations and University policies designed to protect the
rights and welfare of participants in research.


For questions, concerns, or complaints about the study you may contact Yosef Allam,

For questions about your rights as a participant in this study or to discuss other study-
related concerns or complaints with someone who is not part of the research team, you
may contact Ms. Sandra Meadows in the Office of Responsible Research Practices at 1-

If you are injured as a result of participating in this study or for questions about a study-
related injury, you may contact Yosef Allam allam.1@osu.edu.


I have read (or someone has read to me) this form and I am aware that I am being asked
to participate in a research study. I have had the opportunity to ask questions and have
had them answered to my satisfaction. I voluntarily agree to participate in this study.

I am not giving up any legal rights by signing this form. I will be given a copy of this

Printed name of subject Signature of subject SEAT #

Date and time

Printed name of person authorized to consent for subject Signature of person authorized to consent for subject
(when applicable) (when applicable)

Relationship to the subject Date and time

Investigator/Research Staff
I have explained the research to the participant or his/her representative before requesting
the signature(s) above. There are no blanks in this document. A copy of this form has
been given to the participant or his/her representative.

Yosef Allam
Printed name of person obtaining consent Signature of person obtaining consent

Date and time


ENG181 Fundamentals of Engineering Midterm
Problem 1 (15 points)

Using Autodesk Inventor 2008 create a part file that meets the specifications shown in
the drawing immediately below. Once completed, print an isometric view of the object,
including a text block with your name, seat number, instructor, and section as shown
below. Print in landscape mode. Do not leave your seat to pick up your printout, it
will be brought to you.

Your printout should look

like this.


Name ______________Professor__________________Section_____Seat No._____

ENG181 Fundamentals of Engineering Midterm
Problem 3 (25 points)
Directions: On the rectilinear grid make a set of orthographic drawings for the object
shown in the isometric drawing. One unit length in the isometric drawing should
correspond to one unit length on the rectilinear grid. The point A should be located as




Name ______________Professor__________________Section_____Seat No._____

ENG181 Fundamentals of Engineering Midterm

Problem 4 (25 points)

Directions: On the rectilinear grid make a set of orthographic drawings for the object
shown in the isometric drawing. One unit length in the isometric drawing should
correspond to one unit length on the rectilinear grid. The point A should be located as




Name ______________Professor__________________Section_____Seat No._____

ENG181 Fundamentals of Engineering Final
Problem 1 (25 points)

Directions: Create the following object using Autodesk Inventor Professional 2008.
All dimensions are in inches. Note that the object is symmetric front to back and
the hole on the right side is a blind hole .5 in deep. Then create a drawing with
orthographic views using A-size paper and a title block. Include TOP-FRONT-RIGHT
views and an isometric view in their standard locations. Do NOT include centerlines
or dimensions. Edit the title block to include your name and information. Title the
drawing “ENG181 Exam Object”. Call it Drawing Number 1. Don’t leave your seat, your
printout will be returned to you. At the end of the exam, staple your printout to the
front of this page. Save your work on the desktop!

Note: If you can't remember how to create a drawing with orthographic views, you
may add your name, instructor’s name, seat number, and class time to a sketch plane
and print an isometric view of the model from the Inventor window for a partial credit
of up to 15 points.


Name ______________Professor__________________Section_____Seat No._____

ENG181 Fundamentals of Engineering Final
Problem 2 (20 points)

Directions: Using Autodesk Inventor Professional 2008, open the file

“N:ENG181_Final_Dim_Model_A.idw”. The drawing should look as follows. If
you have trouble locating or opening the file raise your hand. Add centerlines,
fully dimension the drawing using Inventor 2008 (use two place decimal inches),
complete the title block and print. Don’t leave your seat, your printout will be
returned to you. At the end of the exam, staple your printout to the front of this

Don’t forget that the “Drawing Annotation Panel” can be accessed by left clicking
on the header for the “Drawing Views Panel”.


Name ______________Professor__________________Section_____Seat No._____

ENG181 Fundamentals of Engineering Final
Problem 3 (20 points)

Directions: There are missing lines in the three orthographic views below. The
missing lines may be visible, hidden, or centerlines. First, draw the isometric
view in the space provided. Then draw the missing lines in the orthographic
views. Drawing the isometric view is mandatory!



Name ______________Professor__________________Section_____Seat No._____

ENG181 Fundamentals of Engineering Final
Problem 4 (15 points)

Directions: Given the top and the right side views, draw the front view as an
offset section. Indicate the cutting plane on the top view. Note that the outline
of the front view has been given for you.


Name ______________Professor__________________Section_____Seat No._____


' MatchMakerMacro2
' Macro recorded by Yosef S. Allam
Sub MatchMakerMacro2()
'Declaration Of Variables
Dim ansbool As Integer '0 or 1 for answer selection
Dim ansvalue As Integer '1‐5 for value of each of 5 possible Likert responses per
Dim quesnum As Integer 'Likert question number 1‐10
Dim row1 As Integer 'Current row number for Sheet1
Dim row2 As Integer 'Current row number for Sheet2
Dim column2 As Integer 'Current column number for Sheet2


ansbool = 6 'Variable initialization for error‐checking values

ansvalue = 7
quesnum = 8
row1 = 0
row2 = 0
column2 = 1

For row1 = 2 To 4500 'Approx max number of rows

Sheets(1).Select 'Raw Likert survey data select

Cells(row1, 1).Select 'Select current cell in student name column

If Selection.Value <> ("") Then 'Contains (name) text?

row2 = row2 + 1 'Increment record number (or row number) for Sheet2 and
Selection.Copy 'copy student name to Sheet2 in that row
Cells(row2, 1).Select


Cells(row1, 3).Select


If StrComp(Sheets(1).Cells(row1, 3).Value, Sheets(3).Cells(16, 1).Value) = 0 Then

Cells(row1, 10).Select 'Does this row contain positive (1) boolean indication
'for the Likert Scale item listed in this row?

ansbool = Sheets(1).Cells(row1, 10).Value


If StrComp(Sheets(1).Cells(row1, 8).Value, Sheets(3).Cells(1, 1).Value) = 0 Then

quesnum = 1

If StrComp(Sheets(1).Cells(row1, 9).Value, Sheets(3).Cells(11, 1).Value) = 0 And ansbool = 1


ansvalue = 1

ElseIf StrComp(Sheets(1).Cells(row1, 9).Value, Sheets(3).Cells(12, 1).Value) = 0 And ansbool =

1 Then

ansvalue = 2

ElseIf StrComp(Sheets(1).Cells(row1, 9).Value, Sheets(3).Cells(13, 1).Value) = 0 And ansbool =

1 Then

ansvalue = 3

ElseIf StrComp(Sheets(1).Cells(row1, 9).Value, Sheets(3).Cells(14, 1).Value) = 0 And ansbool =

1 Then

ansvalue = 4

ElseIf StrComp(Sheets(1).Cells(row1, 9).Value, Sheets(3).Cells(15, 1).Value) = 0 And ansbool =

1 Then

ansvalue = 5

End If

ElseIf StrComp(Sheets(1).Cells(row1, 8).Value, Sheets(3).Cells(2, 1).Value) = 0 Then

quesnum = 2

If StrComp(Sheets(1).Cells(row1, 9).Value, Sheets(3).Cells(11, 1).Value) = 0 And ansbool = 1


ansvalue = 1

ElseIf StrComp(Sheets(1).Cells(row1, 9).Value, Sheets(3).Cells(12, 1).Value) = 0 And ansbool =

1 Then

ansvalue = 2

ElseIf StrComp(Sheets(1).Cells(row1, 9).Value, Sheets(3).Cells(13, 1).Value) = 0 And ansbool =

1 Then

ansvalue = 3

ElseIf StrComp(Sheets(1).Cells(row1, 9).Value, Sheets(3).Cells(14, 1).Value) = 0 And ansbool =

1 Then

ansvalue = 4

ElseIf StrComp(Sheets(1).Cells(row1, 9).Value, Sheets(3).Cells(15, 1).Value) = 0 And ansbool =

1 Then

ansvalue = 5

End If

ElseIf StrComp(Sheets(1).Cells(row1, 8).Value, Sheets(3).Cells(3, 1).Value) = 0 Then

quesnum = 3

If StrComp(Sheets(1).Cells(row1, 9).Value, Sheets(3).Cells(11, 1).Value) = 0 And ansbool = 1


ansvalue = 1

ElseIf StrComp(Sheets(1).Cells(row1, 9).Value, Sheets(3).Cells(12, 1).Value) = 0 And ansbool =

1 Then

ansvalue = 2

ElseIf StrComp(Sheets(1).Cells(row1, 9).Value, Sheets(3).Cells(13, 1).Value) = 0 And ansbool =

1 Then

ansvalue = 3

ElseIf StrComp(Sheets(1).Cells(row1, 9).Value, Sheets(3).Cells(14, 1).Value) = 0 And ansbool =

1 Then

ansvalue = 4

ElseIf StrComp(Sheets(1).Cells(row1, 9).Value, Sheets(3).Cells(15, 1).Value) = 0 And ansbool =

1 Then

ansvalue = 5

End If

ElseIf StrComp(Sheets(1).Cells(row1, 8).Value, Sheets(3).Cells(4, 1).Value) = 0 Then

quesnum = 4

If StrComp(Sheets(1).Cells(row1, 9).Value, Sheets(3).Cells(11, 1).Value) = 0 And ansbool = 1


ansvalue = 1

ElseIf StrComp(Sheets(1).Cells(row1, 9).Value, Sheets(3).Cells(12, 1).Value) = 0 And ansbool =
1 Then

ansvalue = 2

ElseIf StrComp(Sheets(1).Cells(row1, 9).Value, Sheets(3).Cells(13, 1).Value) = 0 And ansbool =

1 Then

ansvalue = 3

ElseIf StrComp(Sheets(1).Cells(row1, 9).Value, Sheets(3).Cells(14, 1).Value) = 0 And ansbool =

1 Then

ansvalue = 4

ElseIf StrComp(Sheets(1).Cells(row1, 9).Value, Sheets(3).Cells(15, 1).Value) = 0 And ansbool =

1 Then

ansvalue = 5

End If

ElseIf StrComp(Sheets(1).Cells(row1, 8).Value, Sheets(3).Cells(5, 1).Value) = 0 Then

quesnum = 5

If StrComp(Sheets(1).Cells(row1, 9).Value, Sheets(3).Cells(11, 1).Value) = 0 And ansbool = 1


ansvalue = 1

ElseIf StrComp(Sheets(1).Cells(row1, 9).Value, Sheets(3).Cells(12, 1).Value) = 0 And ansbool =

1 Then

ansvalue = 2

ElseIf StrComp(Sheets(1).Cells(row1, 9).Value, Sheets(3).Cells(13, 1).Value) = 0 And ansbool =

1 Then

ansvalue = 3

ElseIf StrComp(Sheets(1).Cells(row1, 9).Value, Sheets(3).Cells(14, 1).Value) = 0 And ansbool =

1 Then

ansvalue = 4

ElseIf StrComp(Sheets(1).Cells(row1, 9).Value, Sheets(3).Cells(15, 1).Value) = 0 And ansbool =

1 Then

ansvalue = 5

End If

ElseIf StrComp(Sheets(1).Cells(row1, 8).Value, Sheets(3).Cells(6, 1).Value) = 0 Then

quesnum = 6

If StrComp(Sheets(1).Cells(row1, 9).Value, Sheets(3).Cells(11, 1).Value) = 0 And ansbool = 1


ansvalue = 1

ElseIf StrComp(Sheets(1).Cells(row1, 9).Value, Sheets(3).Cells(12, 1).Value) = 0 And ansbool =

1 Then

ansvalue = 2

ElseIf StrComp(Sheets(1).Cells(row1, 9).Value, Sheets(3).Cells(13, 1).Value) = 0 And ansbool =

1 Then

ansvalue = 3

ElseIf StrComp(Sheets(1).Cells(row1, 9).Value, Sheets(3).Cells(14, 1).Value) = 0 And ansbool =

1 Then

ansvalue = 4

ElseIf StrComp(Sheets(1).Cells(row1, 9).Value, Sheets(3).Cells(15, 1).Value) = 0 And ansbool =

1 Then

ansvalue = 5

End If

ElseIf StrComp(Sheets(1).Cells(row1, 8).Value, Sheets(3).Cells(7, 1).Value) = 0 Then

quesnum = 7

If StrComp(Sheets(1).Cells(row1, 9).Value, Sheets(3).Cells(11, 1).Value) = 0 And ansbool = 1


ansvalue = 1

ElseIf StrComp(Sheets(1).Cells(row1, 9).Value, Sheets(3).Cells(12, 1).Value) = 0 And ansbool =

1 Then

ansvalue = 2

ElseIf StrComp(Sheets(1).Cells(row1, 9).Value, Sheets(3).Cells(13, 1).Value) = 0 And ansbool =

1 Then

ansvalue = 3

ElseIf StrComp(Sheets(1).Cells(row1, 9).Value, Sheets(3).Cells(14, 1).Value) = 0 And ansbool =

1 Then

ansvalue = 4

ElseIf StrComp(Sheets(1).Cells(row1, 9).Value, Sheets(3).Cells(15, 1).Value) = 0 And ansbool =

1 Then

ansvalue = 5

End If

ElseIf StrComp(Sheets(1).Cells(row1, 8).Value, Sheets(3).Cells(8, 1).Value) = 0 Then

quesnum = 8

If StrComp(Sheets(1).Cells(row1, 9).Value, Sheets(3).Cells(11, 1).Value) = 0 And ansbool = 1


ansvalue = 1

ElseIf StrComp(Sheets(1).Cells(row1, 9).Value, Sheets(3).Cells(12, 1).Value) = 0 And ansbool =

1 Then

ansvalue = 2

ElseIf StrComp(Sheets(1).Cells(row1, 9).Value, Sheets(3).Cells(13, 1).Value) = 0 And ansbool =

1 Then

ansvalue = 3

ElseIf StrComp(Sheets(1).Cells(row1, 9).Value, Sheets(3).Cells(14, 1).Value) = 0 And ansbool =

1 Then

ansvalue = 4

ElseIf StrComp(Sheets(1).Cells(row1, 9).Value, Sheets(3).Cells(15, 1).Value) = 0 And ansbool =

1 Then

ansvalue = 5

End If

ElseIf StrComp(Sheets(1).Cells(row1, 8).Value, Sheets(3).Cells(9, 1).Value) = 0 Then

quesnum = 9

If StrComp(Sheets(1).Cells(row1, 9).Value, Sheets(3).Cells(11, 1).Value) = 0 And ansbool = 1


ansvalue = 1

ElseIf StrComp(Sheets(1).Cells(row1, 9).Value, Sheets(3).Cells(12, 1).Value) = 0 And ansbool =

1 Then

ansvalue = 2

ElseIf StrComp(Sheets(1).Cells(row1, 9).Value, Sheets(3).Cells(13, 1).Value) = 0 And ansbool =

1 Then

ansvalue = 3

ElseIf StrComp(Sheets(1).Cells(row1, 9).Value, Sheets(3).Cells(14, 1).Value) = 0 And ansbool =

1 Then

ansvalue = 4

ElseIf StrComp(Sheets(1).Cells(row1, 9).Value, Sheets(3).Cells(15, 1).Value) = 0 And ansbool =

1 Then

ansvalue = 5

End If

ElseIf StrComp(Sheets(1).Cells(row1, 8).Value, Sheets(3).Cells(10, 1).Value) = 0 Then

quesnum = 10

If StrComp(Sheets(1).Cells(row1, 9).Value, Sheets(3).Cells(11, 1).Value) = 0 And ansbool = 1


ansvalue = 1

ElseIf StrComp(Sheets(1).Cells(row1, 9).Value, Sheets(3).Cells(12, 1).Value) = 0 And ansbool =

1 Then

ansvalue = 2

ElseIf StrComp(Sheets(1).Cells(row1, 9).Value, Sheets(3).Cells(13, 1).Value) = 0 And ansbool =

1 Then

ansvalue = 3

ElseIf StrComp(Sheets(1).Cells(row1, 9).Value, Sheets(3).Cells(14, 1).Value) = 0 And ansbool =

1 Then

ansvalue = 4

ElseIf StrComp(Sheets(1).Cells(row1, 9).Value, Sheets(3).Cells(15, 1).Value) = 0 And ansbool =

1 Then

ansvalue = 5

End If

End If

column2 = quesnum + 1 'Paste responses for Likert questions 1‐10 next to

Sheets(2).Select 'student name on same row in Sheet2 in corresponding
Cells(row2, column2).Select 'columns B‐K, with possible values of 1‐5
Selection.Value = ansvalue

End If

End If

Next row1


End Sub


TRANSFORM First(Sheet2.courseID) AS FirstOfcourseID
SELECT Sheet2.[student lastname# or username], First(Sheet2.courseID) AS [Total Of courseID]
FROM Sheet2
GROUP BY Sheet2.[student lastname# or username]
PIVOT Sheet2.[content item name];

TRANSFORM Last(Sheet2.[LateVisited by student]) AS [LastOfLateVisited by student]

SELECT Sheet2.[student lastname# or username], Last(Sheet2.[LateVisited by student]) AS [Total Of
LateVisited by student]
FROM Sheet2
GROUP BY Sheet2.[student lastname# or username]
PIVOT Sheet2.[content item name];

TRANSFORM Sum(Sheet2.[number of visits]) AS [SumOfnumber of visits]

SELECT Sheet2.[student lastname# or username], Count(Sheet2.[number of visits]) AS [Total Of number of
FROM Sheet2
GROUP BY Sheet2.[student lastname# or username]
PIVOT Sheet2.[content item name];

TRANSFORM Sum(Sheet2.[total time]) AS [SumOftotal time]

SELECT Sheet2.[student lastname# or username], Sum(Sheet2.[total time]) AS [Total Of total time]
FROM Sheet2
GROUP BY Sheet2.[student lastname# or username]
PIVOT Sheet2.[content item name];


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