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1. For ANl'ONE of the following

groups, the 5. Which of the following suggests the presence
Aztec OR lnca, OR Maya, which of the de- ofAfricans in the Americas before 1492?
scriptions belorv is FALSE?
(A) The saga of Erick the Red
(A) They produced large supplies of (B) Mayan worship of a dark-skinned
food. god
(B) They Iacked weil-organized (C) Mention of African PeoPIe in
governments. Balboa's records
(C) They possessed well-otganized (D) The use of shells as currencY in
religious systems. Central America
(D) They developed complex calendar
and mathematical sYstems.
6. The MAIN suppiy of gold to Western Europe
in the fourteenth century came from
2 For ANY ONE of the following groups, the
Tainos OR Kalinagos, OR Tupi, which of the (A) Asia
following was NOT a feature of their culhue? (B) West Africa
(C) the Middle East
(A) 'Ierraced fields (D) the Mediter:ranean
(B) Tobacco smoking
(C) Ancestor worship ,"ri i

(D) Use of simple tools 7. Which of the following factors motivated

Spanish colonisation:in the Caribbean up to
I 600?
3. The archaeological excavation at L'Anse aux
Meadows provides evidence of the existence I. Bullionism
ofa Il. Mercantilism
IiI. Spread of Christianity
(A) Viking settlement in Greenland I\T Law of prirnbgeniture
(B) Viking settlement in North .r : ..1':i

Newfoundland (A) I, II and IItr only

(C) permanent Viking settiement in (B) I, II and lV;onlyi;,;
Viniand (c) Il, III and {V only
(D) precise location for a Viking settle- q) I, II, III and ry
ment in Vinland

8. The fransfer of fooci, planrs anci animais from

4. Which of the foliowing BEST describes the one continent to another as a result of the
traditional stories of Norse history? European Age of Exploration was referued
to as the
(A) Sagas
(B) Runes (A) Western Design
(C) Myths (B) Colurnbus Project
(D) Legends (C) Columbian Exchange
CD) Enterprise of the Indies


421270IO/CAPE 2011
9. Which of the following refers to the system 13. A consequence ofthe Inca civil war ol 1530
which forced indigenous people to labour for was that
Spanish settlers in exohange for conversion
to Christainity? (A) Atahualpa won the th-rone
(B) the Inca was imprisoned
(A) Tribute (c) there was a dispute between the
(B) Reconquista Inca and his son
(C) Encomienda (D) inca military resistance to Spanish
(D) Repartimiento aggression was weakened

10. Indigenous people paid tribute to Spaniards 14, Bartolomd de Las Casas is associated with
with the

(A) crops and cloth (A) introducticin of the tribute system

(B) cotton and beils (B) enslavement of indigenous peoples
(C) gold and knives (C) campaign against the encomienda
(D) bottle gourds and gold system
(D) encouragement of indigenous
11. S/hich of the following was NOT a method
ofresistance used by the indigenous people
against the Spaniards? 15. Between l5l0 and 1542, the campaign
to halt the decimation of the indigenous
(A) Mass suicide peoples was led by the
(B) Paying tribute
(C) Guerilla warfare (A) Benedictine monks
(D) Crop destruction (B) Dominican friars
(C) Jesuit missionaries
(D) Franciscan missionaries
12. Which of the following factors.accounted for
the Spanish conquest ofthe Aztecs and Incas?
16. The FIRST nation to be invoived in the
I. Intemal conflict among the indians trans-Atlantic trade in enslaved Africans
II. Strong resistance from the indians was
IIi. Superior military force of the
Spanish (A) Portr.rgal
iV. Tactics of divide and rule by the (B) Holland
Spanish (C) Britain
(D) Spain
(A) I,II and III oniy
(B) I, III and iV only
(c) II, III and IV only
(D) I, II, II] and iV


421210\0/CAPE 20 1I
t7, Which of the following statements MOST 2t. Which of the foilowing was NOT a contrib-
accurately represents chattel slavery in the utory factor to the success of the Haitian
Car-ibbean? Revolution?

(A) The enslaved u'ere considered the (A) Leadership of Toussaint

properry of plantation olvners. L'Ouverflue
(B) The enslaved worked for five days (B) Military alliances with France,
and had weekends off. Britain and Spain
(c) Laws protected the enslaved from (C) Unity among all groups in St
harsh forms of punishment. Domingue
(D) Plantation owners were prohibited (D) Purchase of guns from the United
from separating families. States ofAmerica

18. Which of the following factors BEST

accounts for the Europeans'preference for Item22 refers to the foilowing quotation.
Africans as chattel slaves in the seven-
teenth century? "In overthrowing me you have cut down in
St Domingue only the trunk of the tree of
(A) Africans were available in large Iiberry. It will spring,up again by its roots,
numbers. for they are numerous and deep."
(B) The white indentured servants
ivere not suitable for work in the S.C. Gordon, Cari.bbean Generations, pg.
tropics. 103.
(c) It was felt that ensiaved Africans
could be converted to Christi- )) During the Haitian Revolution, Toussaint
anity. L'Ouverture dXpressed the above senti-
(D) There were already established ments after
forms of human bondage in
Africa. (A) his oapnre by,the French
(B) a major victory over the Spanish
19. \trftich of the following actions were used
by enslaved women as methods of resist- (C) the British were expelled from St
ance? Domingue
(D) the expulsion of the ruling class
I. Eating African foods from St Domingue
Il. Practising birth control
III Poisoning their masters
iV Participating in armeci revolts 23. The MOST accurate interpretation of the
Mansfield Judgement of 1772 was that it
(A) l and II only
(B) II and IiI only (A) outlawed enslavement in the Carib-
(C) I, II and III only bean
(D) II, III and IV only (B) abolished trading in ensiavedAfri-

20. The mortaliry of pregnant enslaved females (C) abolished enslavement in the
on Caribbean piantations was LARGELY British Empire
the result of (D) recognized that enslavement in
Britain was unlawful
(A) self-induced abortions
(B) inadequate healrh care
(C) lack of parenting skills
(D) miscarriages from overwork
02t27010/3APE 2011
': -,\
24. One of the provisions of the Amelioration 28. The claim that the reduction ofprofits in thda
Proposals of 1 823 rvas the sugar industry led to the ending of slavery \*
is referred to as the
(A) restriction of Sunday labour
(B) restriction of slave marriages (A) decline thesis
(c) granting of freedom to children (B) thesis of econocide
under six years ofage (c) labour theory of value
(D) requirement that the enslaved (D) theory of supply and demand
attend Sunday church services

29. The trans-Atlantic trade in Africans enciecl

25. Which of the following strategies of in the nineteenth century because of the
economic survival was LEAST used by
ensiaved Africans in the Caribbean? I. agi tation.o f abo litionists
II. decline ohprofitability of the trade
(A) Rearing of animals iII. recognition of the inhumanity of
(B) Bartering of allowances the trade
(C) Bargaining for better wages IV. increased availabilily of indenrured
(D) Cultivation of prof,rision grounds servants

(A) I and II only

Maroons were a serious threat to the plantoc- (B) II and III only
racy MAIITILY because they (c) I, ll and lll only
(D) l, II, III and IV
(A) were known for their expertise in
guerilla warfare
(B) stole supplies from the plantation 30. The events which galvanised support for the
(C) grew crops such as sugar cane and abolitionists' cause in England were the
coffee for trade
(D) served as a constant reminder of t. death of Bussa in Barbados
successful resistance to slavery iL persecution of Sarah Ann Gill in
m. death of Reverend John Smith in
27. The factors which contributed to the Demerara
dismantlement of Caribbean slavery were IV. persecution of William Knibb and
the Thomas Burchell in Jarnaica

I. ending of the slave trade (A) I and Il oniy

II. anti-slavery movement in the (B) iI and III only
metropole (L) I, II and III only
IiI. insurrectionary acrions of the (D) II, III and IV oniy
IV activities of pro-abolitionists in the

(A) I and II only

(B) III and IV only
(C) I, II and III only
(D) l, II. Iil and IV


a2t2l al]tcAPE 20 i 1
31. The MOST popular occupation of a forrner 35. The regulations governing the conduct of
enslaved woman afler 1838 w'as that of a indenfured immigrants in the British West
Indies in the nineteenth century tried to
(A) huckster ensure that the
(B) seamstress
(c) innkeeper (A) rights of immigrants were protected
(D) fish vendor (B) planters had less control over
(C) immigrants were not repatriated at
37. Which of the follorving were the MAINI anYtime
reasons for the rapid development of the (D) former enslaved mixed with the
peasant sector after I 838? immigrants

I. Land was avaiiable in some colo-

nies. 36. The MAIN reason for the West Indian
II. The planters supported small planters' preference for Indian indentured
farming. iabour over the former enslaved on the
I II. The pianters constantlY tried to estates was that the lndians
lower wages.
IV There was an urgent need to live (A) were less likelY to comPlain
independently of the plantations. (B) were more industrious
(C) weie easier to control and less
(A) I and III only expensive to maintain
(B) ll and IV only (D) created a buffer class belween the
(c) I, III and IV only planters and the former enslaved
(D) l, II, III and IV

Jt. 'The Indian indentureship scheme was a

JJ. The MOST important factor that attracted
new form of siavery.'
peasants to the free viliages was the

Which of the following factors contributed

(A) access to markets for their crops
MOST to this claim?
(B) variety of crops that could be culti-
(C) activities of missionaries in
(A) The Indians often lacked proper
spreading Christianity
(D) independence and sense of self (B) Movement of Indians awaY from
the plantations was restricted.
afforded them
(C) Many Indians died from diseases
such as chicken pox and dYsen-
34 The metayage system was a partnership in tery.
which the (D) The Indians were engaged in full-
time labour on the plantation.
(A) planter provided land and some
(B) planter kept ail the profits and the
peasant kept the land
(c) profits rvere shared between the
planter and the peasant
(D) peasant provided all the labour and
some factory equipment


02t21010/3APE 201i
38. The creation of a just sociery in Haiti between 41. By 1964,Cuba was subjected
to a collective
1804 and 1825 was hindered by the embargo from all Latin American countries **
(A) division of plantations into peasant
lots (A) Chile
(B) domination of the towns by mulat- (B) Mexico
toes (C) Honduras
(C) use offorced labour on plantations (D) Argentina
(D) estabiishment of a constitution in
il the territory
Which of the following factors BEST
accounts for the lack of a united position
39. Which of the following challenges were by Caribbean leaders towards the Cuban
encountered in Haiti after independence? revolution belween 1960 and i983?

I. There was a decline in the export (A) Their pre-occupation with their
of staples. l
domestic policies
II, The governance continued to be (B) The influence of CARICOM on
authoritarian. Caribbean affairs
IIl. There were several leaders berween (C) The influence of British foreign
1804 and I 825. policy on the wider Caribbean
IV. There was a civil war which caused region
a division in the country. (D) The ini-rerent conflict betweett
parliamentary democracy and
(A) III and IV only communism
(B) I, II and IV only
(C) II,III and IV only
(D) I, II, III and IV Item 43 refers to the following extract,

"The social situation in the British Carib-

bean in the I 93 0 's was likened to a pot left
40. The United States stopped trading with
on the stove simmering. At times the heat
Haiti between 1806 and 1809 because they
was raised, at times even lowered, but the
pot was never removed from the stove, It
L were experiencing financial
constraints was.bound to boil over."
iI. refused to be associated with this
CXC - History tor the Caribbean in the
first black rebeI nation
Atlantic World. p. i26
IIi were afraid that the revolution
wo.uld spread to their country $. Which of the following was NOT an in-
IV wanted to ensure the suppon of gredient in the "simmering" pot?
) France in the dispute with Spain
j over the Louisiana Purchase (A) Worldwide economic depression in
the 1930s
(A) I and II oniy (B) State of health among the poor in
(B) II and III only the Caribbean
(c) II, iII and IV only (C) Policy of the United States in the
(D) I, II, III and IV Caribbean in the 1930s
(D) Absence of the right to vote among
the Ior.r,er classes in the Caibbean


02t210|O/CAPE 2011
ta. Almost immediately after the coliapse of Item 45 refers to the following extract.
the Federation, an attempt was made to
formally integrate the British colonized "The picture then, is of rwo islands in the
Caribbean through the formation of the Caribbean almost totally oriented to France
and content to be in that position."
(A) Caribbean Communiry
(B) Association of Caribbean States S.C. Gordon, Caribbean Generations, p.
(c) Caribbean Free Trade Association ?QA
(D) Organization of Eastern Caribbean
States 45. In the context of the French Departments,
the two islands referred to were

(A) Aruba and Guadeloupe

(B) St Lucia gnd Martinique
(C) Martinique and Guadeloupe
(D) Haiti and The Dominican Repubiic



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