Talking To Strangers 2

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[ered You Are A Badass PN Carmi toda Seen} @ ba So E _) nro. Money is NOT the INU root of all evil you to help others 0 () (s cs) Balanced Life: Te: [ 4 WED Ru does not prevent NOR CZ) ES Ra Meee er) Urn] Pee E iene Sy Rot esne] and doing what PC Me it} SOY a Serres WEN Cet Mg e Laem me dale daly) ST ar a Self Confidence: Visualize: as Ror RE) STE Tig MRM Rot Caos Perea ar Peer ae Rona eS ne ean Ne Lo ne Take a leap of faith Take Risks: Coaching: Shun fear: SRS Cut i aC ne eee Re TC) Fear keeps you average MECC Ua OE cy ee ar COT Co eee Key insights You Are a Badass at Making Money Jen Sincero Change your environment to become wealthy The people you surround yourself with can enhance or hinder your route to. success. Hang out with people you can learn from, who know what they're doing, and not just people you feel comfortable with. Do the things you've never done before The world needs intelligent people with large hearts and creative minds to make a difference. Stay tenacious despite obstacles and fails Wealthy people attribute their success to tenacity, and nobody achieves great results without overcoming failures and losses. To remain tenacious, you need to have a solid mindset and not be afraid to take risks. Look for proof for a wealthy mindset Many people believe it is difficult to become wealthy, and they unconsciously find evidence to prove this claim. But you'll begin to see the proof of your new mindset about wealth only when you work to change it. 5 Reprogram your mind for wealth creation Most of your beliefs were formed when you were young and affect 95% of your daily decisions as an adult. Replace your limiting beliefs with empowering ones by making affirmations that describe what you want to achieve. 6 Break down your goal into smaller tasks Dividing a herculean task into bite-sizes with short deadlines creates a sense of urgency and increases motivation. 7 Don't be afraid of letting people go You can't grow into a better you by clinging to your old relationships. You have to make your choice: cling and stay at the same place or grow and release and see if they follow your new path. & Live in the moment, not the past or the future Choosing to live in the present enables you to live a peaceful life and identify opportunities. Living in the past leads to depression and living in the future leads to anxiety.

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