Climate Change Impacts On Rainfed and Irrigated Soybean Yield in Brazil's New Agricultural Frontier

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Theoretical and Applied Climatology (2022) 147:803–816


Climate change impacts on rainfed and irrigated soybean yield

in Brazil’s new agricultural frontier
Rafael Dreux Miranda Fernandes1 · Diego Magalhães de Melo1 · Elvis Felipe Elli2 · Rafael Battisti3

Received: 12 May 2021 / Accepted: 11 November 2021 / Published online: 19 November 2021
© The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer-Verlag GmbH Austria, part of Springer Nature 2021

Climate is one of the main limiting factors for agricultural productivity, where climate change may increase the risk for
food production. Based on that, the aim of this study was to evaluate the impacts of climate change on rainfed and irrigated
soybean yield in the MATOPIBA region, the new agricultural frontier in Brazil. The DSSAT CSM-CROPGRO-Soybean was
used to simulate rainfed and irrigated yield using local soils, sowing dates, and maturity groups. The simulations included
the baseline (1980–2010), and two future scenarios (2011–2040 and 2041–2070) for two representative concentration path-
ways (RCP 2.6 and 8.5). The future climate scenarios were obtained from global climate models (HadGEM2-ES and CSIRO
mk3-6–0). The baseline showed a median yield of 3907 kg ­ha−1 across the region, a value that increased to 4006 kg ­ha−1 in
the RCP 8.5 in 2011–2040. For the 2041–2070 period, RCPs 2.6 and 8.5 had a yield reduction to 3686 and 2388 kg ­ha−1,
respectively. The average yield reduction was higher than 23% under RCP 8.5 (2041–2070), reaching more than 53% in some
areas. The yield impact in future climate scenarios was related to rainfall reduction by 300–400 mm c­ ycle−1, and tempera-
ture increased above 3 °C. The irrigation showed potential to offset negative climate change impacts, where yield gain was
2400 kg ­ha−1 under RCP 8.5. The future climate impact can be reduced by moving soybean crops preferentially to areas of
higher altitude, with lower air temperature associated with irrigation. Further studies could explore potential adaptations
related with physiological traits and crop management.

1 Introduction (Battisti and Sentelhas, 2019). Santos et al. (2021b) reported

soybean yield losses from 26 to 54% due to water deficit for
Brazil’s new agricultural frontier is defined as the sites located in the MATOPIBA.
MATOPIBA region, located in northeastern Brazil, which is The current climate variability is influenced by the El
mostly composed of Cerrado biomes (Santos et al., 2021a). Niño–Southern Oscillation (ENSO) and by the interhemi-
The region represented 12% of the soybean production in spheric sea surface temperature gradient in the Tropical
the country with a growing area around of 4.5 million ha in Atlantic (Reis et al., 2020), which can lead to limited soy-
the 2019/2020 growing season, representing an increase of bean yield in the region. Significant trends of increase in
95% and 350%, when compared to the area in 2010/11 and maximum and minimum temperature were reported for the
2000/01 growing seasons, respectively (CONAB, 2020). The period from 1970 to 2010 in the MATOPIBA (Salvador and
region had most of the area divided into 3 climate homoge- Brito, 2018). In the last decades, global warming has been
neous regions for soybean production, where water deficit listed as an important factor to be considered regarding agri-
was responsible for 24 to 81% of photosynthesis restriction cultural production. Ainsworth and Long (2021) reported
that ­C3 crops can increase yield by 18% under non-stress
* Rafael Battisti conditions with an increase of 200 ppm in C ­ O2 concentra- tion, but this can be limited to 10% if temperature incre-
ment of 2 °C. Higher air temperature associated with water
Center for Water and Soil Engineering, Universidade Federal deficit can limit yield production in the region, even with
Do Recôncavo da Bahia, Cruz das Almas, BA, Brazil
the positive effect of ­CO2 increase for C
­ 3 crops (Ainsworth
Department of Agronomy, Iowa State University, Agronomy and Long, 2021).
Hall, Ames, IA, USA
Studies on future climate projections have indicated
Escola de Agronomia, Universidade Federal de Goiás, that soybean yield could increase between 1.1 and 32%
Goiânia, GO, Brazil

804 R. D. M. Fernandes et al.

for middle century in MATOPIBA (da Silva et al., 2020, 73.2 M ha, with altitude ranging from 0 to 1,254 m above
2021). However, these studies considered less than five sites sea level, and 91% of its area is classified as Cerrado biome
to represent the region, considering the areas with higher (with small areas of Amazon and Caatinga biomes). The
current production for the simulations. This requires further climate classification is Aw, following the Köppen classifica-
efforts to cover the entire region and identify potential areas tion (Alvares et al., 2013), characterized as a tropical climate
of expansion in the future with lower climate risk. Further, with dry winter.
alternative crop management strategies were not evaluated.
In the present study, irrigation can help reducing the future 2.2 Baseline climate database
climate risk. For example, da Silva et al. (2021) reported that
west of Bahia state had an increased yield risk under future The baseline climate database was obtained from Xavier
climates (between 10 and 15%), a region with intense use of et al. (2016), from 1980 to 2010. These included daily mini-
irrigation for grain production. mum and maximum air temperature (°C), rainfall (mm) and
The impacts and uncertainties of climate change on crop accumulated solar radiation (MJ ­m−2 ­d−1). The weather data
production can be measured using future climate scenarios were obtained in a grid resolution of 0.75° × 0.75°, which
(Asseng et al., 2013; Battisti et al., 2018a). The future cli- represents approximately 83.25 × 83.25 km, totalizing 108
mate scenarios can help to identify potential areas for pro- points in the region. Battisti et al. (2019) validated the grid-
duction (Lu et al., 2021), physiological traits (Battisti et al. ded weather database for simulating soybean growth and
2017a), and crop management (Liu and Dai, 2020) to miti- development processes, comparing results between gridded
gate climate change impacts over the crops. In Brazil, studies weather data and surface weather station.
involving climate change and soybean suggested impacts
for most soybean production regions (Do Rio et al., 2016; 2.3 Future climate scenarios
Battisti et al., 2017a; Hampf et al., 2020; Zilli et al., 2020),
but with a limitation for MATOPIBA (Pires et al., 2016; The future climate scenarios were obtained from AgMIP
da Silva et al., 2020, 2021). In relation to these study, our Climate Scenario Generation Tools with R (ACSGTR) ver-
study improved the simulations, including thin resolution of sion 2.3, developed by Hudson and Ruane (2015), in which
weather data (108 points), general crop management, three a delta value was applied to the baseline data obtained from
maturity groups, two sowing dates and three soil types, Xavier et al. (2016), including daily weather data for mini-
applied to a crop simulation model properly calibrated for mum and maximum air temperature (°C) and rainfall (mm).
the region (Teixeira et al., 2019; Sampaio et al., 2021). In The climate general circulation models (GCMs) used
this context, improving knowledge regarding the impact of were HadGEM2-ES (Jones et al., 2011; Collins et al., 2011),
climate change on soybean productivity in this region is and CSIRO mk3-6–0 (Collier et al., 2007, 2011). These
needed, adding the irrigated management as future alterna- GCMs are available from Coupled Model Intercomparison
tive in areas with higher climate risk. Project Phase 5 (CMIP5) and were selected because (i) both
Therefore, the hypothesis of the present study is that cli- are reliable to use with the optimist (RCP 2.6) and pessimist
mate change will affect rainfed soybean yield negatively in (RCP 8.5) scenarios; (ii) HadGEM2-ES is focused on Earth
the MATOPIBA region, but irrigation management can help Systems developed by the European Research Center; and
to reduce yield loss and variability associated with climate (iii) CSIRO mk3-6–0 from the Australian Research Center,
change scenarios. This study aimed to evaluate the impacts presenting a greater focus on the southern hemisphere.
of climate change on the rainfed and irrigated soybean yield Two periods were selected to generate future yield projec-
using the crop model CSM-CROPGRO-Soybean, previously tion: the short (2011–2040) and the midterm (2041–2070).
calibrated for the MATOPIBA region, Brazil. The delta was simulated for weather conditions by the
GCMs and periods considering RCPs 2.6 (optimistic) and
8.5 (pessimistic). The atmospheric ­CO2 concentrations were
2 Material and methods 450 and 500 ppm, respectively, for RCPs 2.6 and 8.5 in the
short term, and 480 and 600 ppm, respectively, for RCPs 2.6
2.1 Study region and 8.5 in the midterm. The atmospheric ­CO2 concentrations
were obtained from the 2014 IPCC report (IPCC, 2014).
The studied region (MATOPIBA) included the south
and northeast of Maranhão state, Tocantins state, west 2.4 Crop yield simulation
of Bahia state, and south-west of the Piauí state (Fig. 1).
The MATOPIBA region is located between longitudes 50° The CSM-CROPGRO-Soybean, embedded within the Deci-
44′ West and 41° 48′ West and between latitudes 15° 16′ sion Support System for Agrotechnology Transfer (DSSAT)
South and 2° 15′ South. The region has an area of around version 4.7.0 (Hoogenboom et al., 2017), was used to carry

Climate change impacts on rainfed and irrigated soybean yield in Brazil’s new agricultural… 805

Fig. 1  Location of the MATOPIBA region in Brazil (upper right region (left map). The production intensity is the soybean growing
map), and main cities in the region and mean soybean production area in the county divided by the total area of the county, adapted
intensity from 2014/15 to 2018/19 growing seasons by county in the from IBGE (2021)

out the soybean growth and yield simulations under different and from Sampaio et al. (2021) for MG 7.7 (MG77PA) e 8.8
climate scenarios. The simulations were performed using (MG8800) (Table 2). These authors obtained a good crop
the seasonal mode with the initial condition being restarting model performance during calibration and evaluation for
every growing season. The simulations were implemented phenology and crop growth. Teixeira et al. (2019) obtained
by turning off modules of phosphorus, potassium, chemicals, root mean square error (RMSE) of 347 and 567 kg ­ha−1, and
diseases, and tillage, and turning on the modules regarding Willmott index (d) of 0.96 and 0.81, respectively for calibra-
nitrogen, symbiosis, and automatic irrigation (for irrigated tion and evaluation for soybean grain yield, while maturity
treatment) in the CSM-CROPGRO-Soybean. Two sowing date had RMSE of 6.9 days and d of 0.70. Sampaio et al.
dates were used to represent the main management in the (2021) had RMSE lower than 401 kg ­ha−1 for soybean grain
region: i.e., October 15th (day of year 288) and November yield and a bias lower than 7 days for maturity date.
15th (day of year 319). In addition to that, three soil types The yield was simulated considering two water manage-
were used, including sandy-loam, sandy-clay, and clay, with ments, i.e. rainfed and irrigated. The rainfed management
data obtained from Battisti and Sentelhas (2017) (Table 1). used natural rainfall amount and distribution as the only
Three maturity groups were considered for simulations source for the soil water balance. Irrigation management
based on the adaptation across the region (Alliprandini was created using the automatic irrigation from CSM-
et al., 2009). The maturity groups were 7.2 (MG7200) for CROPGRO-Soybean based on a fixed irrigation amount
latitude below or equal to 12.5° South, 7.7 (MG7700) for of 10 mm ­day−1. The irrigation was applied when soil
latitude between 12.5° and 7.5° South, and 8.8 (MG8800) water content dropped below 60% of the relative difference
for latitude above 7.5° South. The cultivars’ parameters were between drainage upper limit and lower limit for the soil
obtained from Teixeira et al. (2019) for MG 7.2 (MG7200) layer between 0 and 0.30 m.

806 R. D. M. Fernandes et al.

Table 1  Soil parameters used to Depth LL DUL SAT Ksat BD LOC SRGF
build the soil file in the CSM-
CROPGRO-Soybean in the cm 3
cm ­cm −3
mm ­h −1
mg ­m −3
% –
DSSAT platform
Sandy soil
5 0.07 0.13 0.39 2.59 1.55 0.89 1.00
15 0.07 0.13 0.39 2.59 1.55 0.89 1.00
30 0.07 0.13 0.39 2.59 1.55 0.89 0.42
40 0.07 0.13 0.39 2.59 1.69 0.10 0.34
60 0.07 0.13 0.39 2.59 1.69 0.10 0.20
100 0.07 0.13 0.39 2.59 1.69 0.10 0.16
150 0.07 0.13 0.39 2.59 1.69 0.10 0.04
Loamy soil
5 0.16 0.26 0.44 0.12 1.4 1.30 1.00
15 0.16 0.26 0.44 0.12 1.4 1.30 1.00
30 0.16 0.26 0.44 0.12 1.4 1.30 0.42
40 0.16 0.26 0.34 0.12 1.56 0.20 0.34
60 0.16 0.26 0.34 0.12 1.56 0.20 0.20
100 0.16 0.26 0.34 0.12 1.56 0.20 0.16
150 0.16 0.26 0.34 0.12 1.56 0.20 0.04
Clay soil
5 0.22 0.34 0.53 0.06 1.16 1.67 1.00
15 0.22 0.34 0.53 0.06 1.16 1.67 1.00
30 0.22 0.34 0.51 0.06 1.22 1.00 0.42
40 0.22 0.34 0.48 0.06 1.30 0.20 0.34
60 0.22 0.34 0.48 0.06 1.30 0.20 0.20
100 0.22 0.34 0.48 0.06 1.30 0.20 0.16
150 0.22 0.34 0.48 0.06 1.30 0.20 0.04

SAT, soil water saturation; DUL, drainage upper limit; LL, lower limit; K­ sat, saturated soil hydraulic con-
ductivity; BD, soil bulk density; LOC, organic carbon; SRGF, soil root growth factor.

2.5 Data analysis 3 Results

The results were analyzed based on the mean and median 3.1 Climate in baseline and future scenarios
yield across crop management (sowing dates, soil types,
and cultivars) and climate from general circulation models The rainfall accumulated during the soybean cycle ranged
for rainfed and irrigated by gridded weather point. The from 400 to 1100 mm ­cycle−1 for the baseline (Fig. 2a),
coefficient of variation was calculated for each climate where the west border presented the higher values, while
scenarios considering the results across growing seasons, the eastern border the lower ones. A rainfall reduction was
crop management and gridded weather points. The differ- observed from central to south region, while in north region
ence between future and baseline climates scenarios were an increase was obtained in 2011–2040 for both RCP 2.6 and
obtained for rainfall, maximum and minimum air tempera- 8.5 (Fig. 2b and 2e). The period 2041–2070 presented rain-
ture, actual crop evapotranspiration (ETa), rainfed yield, fall reductions for both scenarios (RCP 2.6 and 8.5) (Fig. 2c
and between rainfed and irrigated yield for future climate and 2f) across almost the entire region, with values reach-
scenario. The difference between irrigation and rainfed ing − 400 mm for RCP 8.5 (Fig. 2f). In the extreme-north
yield was used to evaluate the potential of irrigation man- region, an increase of rainfall was observed under all future
agement under future climates, including the total water scenarios (Fig. 2b, 2c, 2e, and 2f).
demand for irrigation. The mean and differences results The future climate scenarios showed a rainfall reduction
were shown in maps with grid cells filled with the result considering the median value across the region and growing
obtained for each simulated point. The maps were built seasons (Fig. 2d). The baseline had a median of 763 mm
using the R software (R Core Team, 2018; packages: ras- ­cycle−1, which decreased to 647 and 644 mm c­ ycle−1 in
ter, sf, ggplot, ggpubr, and RColorBrewer). 2011–2040, respectively, for RCP 2.6 and 8.5, and to 662

Climate change impacts on rainfed and irrigated soybean yield in Brazil’s new agricultural… 807

Table 2  Soybean cultivars’ parameters used in CSM-CROPGRO-Soybean for soybean growth simulation in the MATOPIBA regions
Trait Coefficient definition MG72002 MG77PA3 MG88003

CSDL Critical short day length below which reproductive development progresses with no daylength 12.10 11.80 11.50
effect (for short day plants) (h)
PPSEN Slope of the relative response of development to photoperiod with time (positive for short day 0.345 0.325 0.340
plants) (1/h)
EM-FL Time between plant emergence and flower appearance (R1) ­(PTD1) 25.0 25.0 24.5
FL-SH Time between first flower and first pod (R3) (PTD) 5.5 5.0 8.2
FL-SD Time between first flower and first seed (R5) (PTD) 10.0 10.5 12.0
SD-PM Time between first seed (R5) and physiological maturity (R7) (PTD) 27.0 27.5 25.0
FL-LF Time between first flower (R1) and end of leaf expansion (PTD) 20.0 22.0 18.0
LFMAX Maximum leaf photosynthesis rate at 30 °C, 350 vpm ­CO2, and high light (mg CO2 ­m−2 ­s−1) 1.030 1.200 1.175
SLAVR Specific leaf area of cultivar under standard growth conditions ­(cm2 ­g−1) 340 365 388
SIZELF Maximum size of full leaf (three leaflets) ­(cm2) 180 230 216
XFRT Maximum fraction of daily growth that is partitioned to seed-shell 1.0 1.0 1.0
WTPSD Maximum weight per seed (g) 0.210 0.150 0.160
SFDUR Seed filling duration for pod cohort at standard growth conditions (PTD) 23.0 18.2 25.0
SDPDV Average seed per pod under standard growing conditions (no. ­pod−1) 2.30 2.00 2.06
PODUR Time required for cultivar to reach final pod load under optimal conditions (PTD) 12 10 10
THRSH Threshing percentage, the maximum ratio of (seed/(seed + shell)) at maturity 74.0 76.0 78.0
SDPRO Fraction protein in seeds (g(protein)/g(seed)) 0.400 0.400 0.400
SDLIP Fraction oil in seeds (g(oil)/g(seed)) 0.200 0.200 0.200
PTD, photothermal days; 2Teixeira et al. (2019); 3Sampaio et al. (2021).

and 535 mm c­ ycle−1 in 2041–2070, respectively, for RCP in 2041–2070 (Fig. 3f). The maximum air temperature
2.6 and 8.5 (Fig. 2d). The RCP 8.5, 2041–2070, presented showed an increase of 1–2 °C under both RCP 2.6 and
a rainfall reduction of 26% in comparison to the baseline, 8.5 in the 2011–2040 period (Fig. 3h and 3k). However,
while rainfall for RCP 2.6 decreased by 18% in the same the south region presented an increase of 2–3 °C, and
period (Supplementary Material Table S1). Future scenarios the north region, 1–2 °C for 2041–2070 under RCP 2.6
had greater coefficient of variation (more than 40%), while (Fig. 3i). The RCP 8.5 had an increase between 3 and 4 °C
baseline had a lower value (30%) for accumulated rainfall in for most of the region in 2041–2070, with exception to the
the crop cycle (Supplementary Material Table S1). north region, where the increase was limited to 2–3 °C
The minimum and maximum air temperature showed, (Fig. 3l).
respectively, a median value of 21.7 and 31.5 °C in the The actual crop evapotranspiration (ETa) ranged from
baseline scenario (Fig. 3d and 3j). The southeast region 300 to 331 mm ­cycle−1 for the baseline in the northeast
experienced the lower air temperature, with the minimum region, with higher evapotranspiration (489–520 mm
air temperature ranging from 18 to 21 °C (Fig. 3a), and ­cycle−1) found in the southwest (Fig. 4a). The future cli-
the maximum air temperature ranging from 28 to 32 °C mate scenarios presented median reductions in ETa with
(Fig. 3g). The highest values were obtained in the north- increased variability across growing seasons in the region
east and the west border, with minimum and maximum air for both future scenarios (Fig. 4d), where the median ETa
temperature above 22 °C and 32 °C, respectively. The RCP for baseline was 453 mm ­cycle−1, and in the worst scenario
2.6 presented lower increases than RCP 8.5, with a median (RCP 8.5—2041–2070), it was reduced to 400 mm ­cycle−1.
of 22.6 and 22.8 °C for minimum temperature and 32.5 and The ETa difference between future climates and base-
32.7 °C for maximum temperature, considering the periods line showed a similar pattern in 2011–2040 for RCP 2.6 and
of 2011–2040 and 2041–2070, respectively (Fig. 3d and 3j). 8.5, and in 2041–2070 for RCP 2.6, where the ETa change
However, the RCP 8.5 showed a difference above 1.5 °C from − 30 to + 30 mm ­cycle−1 for the MATOPIBA (Fig. 4b,
between the two periods. 4c, and 4e). On the other hand, the RCP 8.5 for period
The minimum air temperature had an increase between 2041–2070 had small changes (− 30 to 30 mm ­cycle−1) in
1 and 2 °C under RCP 2.6 in 2011–2040 and 2041–2070, the northeast region and portion of Tocantins states (TO),
and RCP 8.5 in 2011–2040 for most of the region (Fig. 3b, while from southeast to northwest region, the changes
3c, and 3e), while RCP 8.5 had higher increases (3 to 4 °C) ranged from − 90 to − 30 mm ­cycle−1 (Fig. 4f).

808 R. D. M. Fernandes et al.

Fig. 2  Rainfall accumulated during soybean cycle for baseline (a), to physiological maturity (around 120 days). In figure d, letters A, B,
the difference between baseline and future climate scenarios for C, E, and F in x-axis represent the scenarios, respectively, of base-
RCP 2.6 (b and c) and RCP 8.5 (e and f) in 2011–2040 (b and e) and line, RCP 2.6 2011–2040, RCP 2.6 2041–2070, RCP 8.5 2011–2040,
2041–2070 (c and f), and the rainfall amount accumulated during and RCP 8.5 2041–2070. In the boxplot, the central line is the median
soybean cycle across the crop growing seasons and weather points in (50%), the box extremes are the percentiles 25 and 75%, the end of
the region (d). The soybean cycle considered the period from sowing lines means 5–95%, and dots are outliers

3.2 Soybean yield impacts southeast that presented a yield reduction between 8 and
23% for RCP 2.6, and the northeast that experienced yield
Higher rainfed yield values were obtained in the center to increases between 7 and 22% for RCP 8.5. However, RCP
west region under baseline conditions, with a mean yield 2.6 resulted higher decreases (− 8 to − 23%) during the
above 3400 kg ­ha−1 (Fig. 5a). The east border and north- period 2041–2070, with exception of part of Tocantins state
east experienced values below 2400 kg ­ha−1, with specific (TO) and west border for Bahia state (BA) (Fig. 5c). Simi-
points having values below 1400 kg ­ha−1. The rainfed yield larly, RCP 8.5 had yield reductions above 23% in most of
showed a median of 3907 kg ­ha−1 for baseline conditions region, with Piauí state (PI) having yield reductions above
across growing seasons, crop management and gridded 53% in 2041–2070 (Fig. 5f).
weather points (Fig. 5d). The RCP 8.5 had a median higher
than baseline values for the period 2011–2040, reaching 3.3 Potential of irrigation to reduce climate risk
4006 kg ­ha−1 (Fig. 5d), while RCP 2.6 presented a yield
value of 3812 kg ­ha−1. In the period 2041–2070, for both The use of irrigation increased yield, with a yield gain of
RCP 2.6 and RCP 8.5 yield reductions occurred, with a up to 2880 kg ­ha−1 (Fig. 6a, 6b, 6e, and 6f). The yield gain
median of 3686 and 2388 kg ­ha−1, respectively (Fig. 5d). showed a similar pattern under RCP 2.6 in both periods and
The period 2011–2040 resulted in a lower yield changes, RCP 8.5 in the 2011–2040 period. The gains were between
between − 8 and + 7%, for RCP 2.6 (Fig. 5b) and 8.5 0 and 480 kg ­ha−1 from the center to the west border, while
(Fig. 5e) for most of the region. The exceptions were the in the southeast, gains above 1440 kg ­ha−1 were observed

Climate change impacts on rainfed and irrigated soybean yield in Brazil’s new agricultural… 809

(Fig. 6a, 6b, and 6e). In the RCP 8.5 for 2041–2070, we 3400 and 4400 kg ­ha−1 (Figs. 1a and 5a). Da Silva et al.
observed an increase in the yield gain for most of the region, (2021) observed a similar pattern, with east border showing
with values from center to southeast border being above an increase of yield risk (growing seasons with yield below
1920 kg ­ha−1 (Fig. 6f). average), between 10 and 15% for future climate scenarios
The yield gain using irrigation was correlated with the in 2050, when compared to the current condition, while west
total amount of water required for irrigation (Fig. 6c, 6d, border had a reduction in the yield risk from 0 to 10%.
6g, and 6h). The irrigation amount ranged from 0 to 288 mm The rainfall was higher than 500 mm during the soy-
­cycle−1. The Tocantins state presented water demand lower bean cycle in most of the region, which is an amount that
than 96 mm c­ ycle−1 under all scenarios, while the other areas can provide satisfactory soybean yield levels (Zanon et al.,
showed higher demand. The higher demand occurred in the 2016; Madias et al., 2021). However, the rainfall distribution
east border, between 240 and 288 mm ­cycle−1, under RCP along the cycle can affect soybean yield in each growing
8.5 for the 2041–2070 period (Fig. 6h). The RCP 2.6 showed season, where Battisti and Sentelhas (2019) verified vari-
an increase in demand from 2011–2040 to 2041–2070, ability in the relative water stress index between 12 and 88%
mainly in areas located in the center (0–48 mm ­cycle−1) to due to water deficit in the region. The scenarios indicated
east portion (144–192 mm cycle) (Fig. 6c and 6d). higher water deficit levels for the period of 2041–2070. The
The use of irrigation demonstrated positive results for RCP 2.6 had most of the region reducing yield between − 8
all scenarios, even for baseline conditions, where yield and − 23%, associated with a reduction of more than 200 mm
increased from 3540 to 4244 kg ­h a −1 (Supplementary in the rainfall during the soybean cycle. Zanon et al. (2016)
Material—Table S1). The most positive results occurred observed a similar yield reduction (− 16%) when considered
under RCP 2.6 for both periods and RCP 8.5 for the period a rainfall reduction from 550 to 450 mm ­cycle−1.
2041–2070, where the yield reached values observed in the The yield decreased more than 23% under RCP 8.5 for the
baseline conditions. The RCP 2.6 experienced yield values 2041–2070 period, especially in the areas of Bahia, Piauí,
of 4230 and 4036 kg ­ha−1 for the 2011–2040 and 2041–2070 and Maranhão state. In these areas, the rainfall amount was
periods, respectively. The RCP 8.5 showed a higher yield lower than other parts of the MATOPIBA, but yield losses
than that found under baseline condition for the 2011–2040 were minimized by lower air temperature under baseline
period, reaching a mean of 4443 kg ­ha−1 (Supplementary conditions. The minimum and maximum temperatures under
Material—Table S1). In 2041–2070, RCP 8.5 reduced the baseline were below 20 °C and 31 °C, respectively. These
irrigated yield to 3681 kg ­ha−1, but this was 57% higher values are within the optimal range for soybean growth (Vu
than rainfed yield (2343 kg ­ha−1) (Supplementary Mate- et al., 2001; Alsajri et al., 2020), which reduced impacts
rial—Table S1). The scenarios and period defined the total of water deficit by the lower water demand (Jumrani and
irrigation demand, where RCP 8.5 in 2041–2070 presented Bhatia, 2018; 2019). However, the future climate projec-
a mean demand of 135 mm c­ ycle−1 ranging from 60 to tions indicate reduced rainfall and increased air temperature,
190 mm ­cycle−1 considering the percentiles 25 and 75 (Sup- potentiating yield losses in relation to the baseline under
plementary Material—Table S1). RCP 8.5 in 2041–2070. Bhattarai et al. (2017) verified that
future projections for soybean yield in the US Corn Belt
remained similar across RCPs until the middle of the cen-
4 Discussion tury; however, at the end of the century, the yields diverged
across RCPs. Further, da Silva et al. (2020) observed that
The soybean yield is highly dependent on weather condi- climate models led to different rainfall amounts and yield
tions, where the baseline and climate change in the future tendencies under future climates, with MIROC5 model hav-
scenarios define the crop yield tendency (Battisti et al., ing more rainy days in MATOPIBA than HadGEM2-ES,
2017a; Bhattarai et al., 2017). The MATOPIBA has the leading from 12 (RCP 4.5) to 15% (RCP 8.5) higher yield
most of its area located in the Cerrado biome, with an Aw when use MIROC5 for the middle century.
climate type (tropical zone with dry winter) (Alvares et al., The yield tendency observed in our study, from + 22
2013). However, the east border is a transition to As (tropi- to − 68%, differs for most of area when compared with oth-
cal zone with dry summer) and BSh (dry zone semi-arid the ers studies for the region. Da Silva et al. (2020) reported
low latitude and altitude), and the west border to Am (tropi- yield gains between 24 and 32% and da Silva et al. (2021)
cal zone with monsoon). This created a rainfall pattern that reported yield gains from 1.1 to 15.9%, considering RCPs
defined the yield for baseline conditions and the impacts of 4.5 and 8.5 for the middle century. This occurred even the
future climates in the region. For example, in the east border, authors reporting increase in air temperature and reduction
the baseline rainfall was lower than 600 mm ­cycle−1 and of rainfall, which can lead to yield reductions (Battisti et al.,
yield between 1400 and 2400 kg ­ha−1, while in the west, 2018a). These differences are related with uncertainties aris-
it reached more than 1000 mm c­ ycle−1 and yield between ing from this type of study (Asseng et al., 2013), as crop

810 R. D. M. Fernandes et al.

Climate change impacts on rainfed and irrigated soybean yield in Brazil’s new agricultural… 811

◂Fig. 3  Mean minimum (a) and maximum (g) air temperature during The areas located in the Tocantins state (TO) and in
soybean cycle for baseline (a and g), the difference between baseline the west border of Bahia state showed the lower impacts
and future climate scenarios for RCP 2.6 (b, c, h, and i) and RCP 8.5
(e, f, k, and l) in the 2011–2040 (b, e, h, and k) and 2041–2070 (c, f,
on yield in the 2011–2040 period for both RCPs, and
i, and l) period for the mean minimum (b, c, e, and f) and maximum in 2041–2070 for RCP 2.6. The areas showed yield
(h, I, k, and l) air temperature, and minimum (d) and maximum (j) changes between − 8 and + 7%. The rainfall had a change
air temperature during soybean cycle across growing seasons and the between − 100 and 0 mm ­cycle−1, where the lower impact
weather points in the region. The soybean cycle considered the period
from sowing to physiological maturity, with around 120 days. In fig-
is associated with a higher rainfall amount in the base-
ure d, the letters A, B, C, E, and F, and in figure j the letters G, H, I, line conditions, addressing the demand for high yield
K, and L, represent the scenarios, respectively, of baseline, RCP 2.6 even under future climate scenarios (Zanon et al., 2016).
2011–2040, RCP 2.6 2041–2070, RCP 8.5 2011–2040, and RCP 8.5 Further, temperature increased less than 2 °C, which kept
2041–2070. In the boxplot (d and j), the central line is the median
(50%), the box extremes are the percentiles 25 and 75%, end of lines
soybean under an optimal condition (Jumrani and Bhatia,
means 5–95%, and dots are outliers 2018; 2019), mainly for high altitude areas in the west of
Bahia state, which have lower air temperature for baseline.
The interaction between rainfall and temperature limited
model calibration, weather data, soil types, maturity groups, ETa changes between − 30 and + 30 mm for the 2011–2040
spatial and temporal resolution (Battisti et al., 2017b). period.

Fig. 4  Accumulated actual crop evapotranspiration during soybean rity, with around 120 days. In figure d, the letters A, B, C, E, and F
cycle for baseline (a), the difference between baseline and future cli- represent the scenarios, respectively, of baseline, RCP 2.6 2011–
mate scenarios for RCP 2.6 (b and c) and RCP 8.5 (e and f) in the 2040, RCP 2.6 2041–2070, RCP 8.5 2011–2040, and RCP 8.5 2041–
2011–2040 (b and e) and 2041–2070 (c and f) period, and the actual 2070. In the boxplot (d), the central line is the median (50%), the box
crop evapotranspiration accumulated during soybean cycle across extremes are the percentiles 25 and 75%, end of lines means 5–95%,
growing seasons and the weather points in the region (d). The soy- and dots are outliers
bean cycle considered the period from sowing to physiological matu-

812 R. D. M. Fernandes et al.

Fig. 5  Rainfed soybean yield for baseline (a), the difference between letters A, B, C, E, and F represent the scenarios, respectively, of base-
rainfed yield simulated for baseline and future climate scenarios for line, RCP 2.6 2011–2040, RCP 2.6 2041–2070, RCP 8.5 2011–2040,
RCP 2.6 (b and c) and RCP 8.5 (e and f) in the 2011–2040 (b and e) and RCP 8.5 2041–2070. In the boxplot (d), the central line is the
and 2041–2070 (c and f) period, and the rainfed soybean yield across median (50%), the box extremes are the percentiles 25 and 75%, end
growing seasons and weather points the region (d). In figure d, the of lines means 5–95%, and dots are outliers

Water deficit and rising temperatures are weather limi- The northeast region of MATOPIBA experienced a dif-
tations that simultaneously occur in the field. Jumrani and ferent pattern for rainfed yield under future climate projec-
Bhatia (2018) applied four temperature levels (day/night) tions. The area is located in the Atlantic Ocean coast, where
in vegetative and reproductive period for soybean: 26 °C the moisture transportation is associated with low winds in
(30/22), 29 °C (34/24), 32 °C (38/26), and 35 °C (42/28 °C), the region, affecting the rainfall patterns (Durán-Quesada
which were combined with a water deficit event. The authors et al., 2012). The area presented an increase in rainfall
observed a yield reduction of 66% when temperature was amounts under all future climate scenarios. However, yield
increased from 26 °C (30/22) to 35 °C (42/28) for unstressed increase occurred only for the period of 2011–2040. In the
plants. However, water deficit imposed in vegetative and period 2041–2070, the yield reduced between − 8 and − 23%.
reproductive period leads a yield reduction of 31%, 38%, The increase of rainfall did not result in yield gains for the
19%, and 10%, and 68%, 75%, 76%, and 79% for a tempera- 2041–2070 period because the warmer temperature in the
ture level of 26 °C (30/22), 29 °C (34/24), 32 °C (38/26), and region is higher than optimum for soybean for baseline
35 °C (42/28 °C), respectively, in comparison to unstressed (Jumrani and Bhatia, 2018; 2019). The baseline had ranged
plants at same temperature level. This demonstrated that lim- from 22 to 24 °C, and 31 and 33 °C, for minimum and max-
iting temperature and water deficit associated could lead to imum air temperature, respectively. These values, associ-
high yield losses under future climate scenarios, as observed ated with an increase in air temperature, from 0 to 2 °C in
for MATOPIBA region. 2011–2040, and from 1 to 3 °C in 2041–2070, did not result

Climate change impacts on rainfed and irrigated soybean yield in Brazil’s new agricultural… 813

Fig. 6  Yield gain by using irrigation in the future scenarios (a, b, e, and f) and irrigation amount during soybean cycle (c, d, g, and h) for RCP
2.6 (a, b, c, and d) and 8.5 (e, f, g, and h) in the 2011–2040 (a, e, c, and g) and 2041–2070 (b, f, d, and h) period

in yield increase even with increased water availability and The ­C O 2 increase has been reported as a positive
positive effects of increased ­CO2 concentration. effect over ­C3 crops, but yield increases only occur under
The higher temperature resulted in a higher vapor pres- well-watered conditions (Ainsworth and Long 2021) and
sure deficit that leads the plant to lose water, reducing leaf not limiting conditions for temperature (Baker et al.,
water potential and stomatal conductance (Jumrani and Bha- 1989). Future climate scenarios are expected to increase
tia, 2018, 2019). Jumrani and Bhatia (2018) observed that the rainfall intensity (Almagro et al., 2017), water losses
leaf water potential declined faster at high temperatures due by runoff (Burt et al., 2016) and the erodibility risk,
to water deficit. The authors observed that soybean culti- which was classified as moderate for Ferralsols and
vars took 6, 5, 5 and 4 days to reach leaf water potential Leptosols in the MATOPIBA for baseline conditions
of − 2.5 MPa at mean air temperatures of 26 °C, 29 °C, (da Silva et al., 2019). In these scenarios, the water can
32 °C, and 35 °C, respectively, associated with water deficit be used for irrigation, a potential management tool to
during the reproductive period. This indicated a reduction of improve crop yield and reduce climate change impacts
transpiration at higher temperatures, which lead the plant to (Battisti et al., 2018a). Previous studies for MATOPIBA
close stomatal and reduce photosynthesis rate. The selection did not evaluate irrigation as an alternative management
of adapted cultivars is an option for limited climate con- to reduce climate risk under future climates (da Silva
ditions, where it is possible to identify the better stomatal et al., 2020, 2021). Irrigation management can be used to
control for the climate pattern, as proposed by Battisti et al. reduce the agricultural production risk (Woznicki et al.,
(2017a). These authors verified that cultivars with closure 2015; Justino et al., 2019), mainly in the future period
stomatal under higher vapor pressure deficit showed yield 2041–2070 under both RCP 2.6 (optimistic) and 8.5 (pes-
gain reaching 225 kg ­ha−1 for the future climate in areas simist) in current and new growing areas, as east bor-
with higher water deficit and temperature in Southern Brazil. der and region of lower altitude, both with low growing

814 R. D. M. Fernandes et al.

intensity. Further, management strategies can be explored Conflict of interest The authors declare no competing interests.
to offset the negative impacts of climate change, includ-
Additional declarations for articles in life science journals that report
ing the interaction of sowing dates, maturity groups the results of studies involving humans and/or animals Not applied.
and plant densities (Choi et al., 2016; Sampaio et al.,
2021), improvement of soil management to increase root
depth to access soil water (Battisti and Sentelhas, 2017),
changes in crops and production systems (Labeyrie et al., References
2021), and reducing yield gaps by sub-optimal manage-
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Martre P, Aggarwal PK, Angulo C, Bertuzzi P, Biernath C, Chal-
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Data availability The datasets generated during the current study are Battisti R, Sentelhas PC, Boote KJ, Câmara GMS, Farias JRB, Basso
available from the corresponding author on reasonable request. CJ (2017a) Assessment of soybean yield with altered water-related
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