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Prova de Língua lnglesa

7ª Classe Manhã

Read the text about Martha´s Family and write the names of the people on the Family tree (4 marks)

Hello my name is Martha, my mother is Elizabeth, my father is Peter and, my grand parents are Helen -grandmother
and Smith grandfather, my father he has a brother- Jonh, Jonh is my uncle, my uncle´s wife is Suzan , they have a son
called Luke.

II Group (Grammar)

1. Conjugate the following verbs in present tense (2 marks):

a) Verb to live
b) Verb to wash
2. Complete with a or an:
a) ________bag.
b) _________orange.
c) _________Umbrella.
d) __________Duck.
3. Turn from singular to plural the next sentences below (6 marks):
a) This is my wife
b) This is a box
c) That is my family

Iii Group ( Composition)

1. In at least 10 lines, talk about yourself (4 marks)

Prova de Lingua lnglesa

8ª Classe Manhã
Read the text about Derek´s Family and write the names of the people on the Family tree (4 marks):

Hello my name is Derek l am a teacher, my wife is Daphne she is a pilot, my mother´s name is
Phyllis she is a house wife and my father name is Alan, we have a daughter called Ashley she is a student, my
sister´s name is Jennifer she is married to Tim anda they have got a baby whose name is Brian.

II Group (Grammar)

4. Conjugate the following regular verbs in present, past and future tenses (3 marks):
c) Verb to Study
d) Verb to go
5. Choose between the modal verbs can or must to fill the gaps (4 marks) :
e) John______ drink milk everyday. He is very thin.
f) You______obey the law
g) You______come to my place if you want to.
h) You ______fasten your seat belt, otherwise you will be fined.
6. Complete with question tags (5 marks) :
d) You are Angolan,________?
e) She is Mozambican, _______?
f) They are South african, _______?
g) They aren´t boys__________?
h) Justin Bierber is´nt a soccer player________?

Iii Group ( Composition)

2. In at least 10 lines, talk about yourself (4 marks)
Prova de língua lnglesa
9ª Classe Manhã
Read trhe text about Liz´s Family and write the names of the people on the Family tree (5 marks):

Hello my name is Liz, my mother´s name is Emma, she works as housewife and my father´s name is Dan he is
very strong when it comes to take care of our problems , l love him very much, my brother-Tim and her wife Martha
They have one son- Peter and one daughter called Katy l abide in London with my husband Tom, we have got two
sons (John and Luke), They are students here in England and we have got daughter whose name Laura, he is the
Only girl of ours.

II Group (Grammar)

1. Rewrite the sentences using possessive case:

a) The bike of my brother is old.
b) The tail of the dog is long.
c) The page othe book is 44.
d) The cars of the teachers are new.
e) The name of the presidente of U.S.A is Joe Biden.
2. Complete with “do” or “make”
a) Can you ____me a favor?
b) She has to ___ her homework now.
c) I am going to ____ a coffee.
d) I have to____ an important phone call.
e) If we go to that restaurant Tonight we need to____ a resrvation now.

Iii Group ( Composition)

a) In at least 10 lines, talk about Angola country ( 5 marks).

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