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Fiorella Matos

Advanced Reading & Writing 3
Cause and Effect Essay

Have you ever wondered how dependent we are on television? Watching television
is now one of the most time-consuming activities as a result of boredom. It has become an
element of entertainment in every household.While for some people watching television
does not trigger negative effects, I truly believe that this activity generates bad habits and
negative effects on individuals.Physical dysfunctions, psychological illnesses, loss of social
skills and even the sensitivity to which we are exposed by watching violent content are
problems that arise as a result of this pastime. In the following paragraphs I will explain
some of these effects on us. In addition to pointing out why these signs tell us that it is time
to tune out from this artifact.

One of the first reasons why I consider watching TV to be a dangerous activity is

because it makes some people sedentary. For example, I know people who, from the
moment they get up, feel an overwhelming urge to watch TV and can spend their whole day
watching shows or movies. No one says that doing a series marathon is bad but doing it
every day also puts our health at risk. Better known as couch potatoes are not aware that
sitting all day can lead to cardiovascular disease and even obesity. But illnesses are not only
physical, but they are also psychological. Just as television can have a lot of benefits such
as being informed through the news; it can also produce psychological disorders. As a result
of watching television, people have become isolated from their acquaintances and have lost
their social skills. Others suffer from anxiety and stress due to the compulsion to be in front
of their screens.

Another reason to wean yourself from this powerful creation is its content. We all
know that lately the TV shows scenes of violence. The shows feature scenes of abuse, drug
use, and an influx of inappropriate behavior. Due to these, many people, generally children
and adolescents, carry out dangerous actions that threaten their integrity. In this way, people
consider that it is normal to grow up in an unhealthy environment. The sensitivity to which
children are exposed makes them aggressive because they are influenced by this medium
and think that solving problems through insults and blows is a good alternative. When they
give in to violence, they imitate what they see and consider it normal. If they continue
consuming this type of content, their social values will diminish because they have no control
or awareness of how harmful it can be to watch these types of scenes.

To conclude, I hope these reasons help us become aware of how harmful it can be to
spend more time in front of the television. It is important that we begin to diminish its
excessive consumption. Although it is true that television is a way out of boredom, we should
not take watching television as a repetitive routine. That is why I consider that sometimes the
TV can be a very dangerous weapon. Everything in excess is dangerous, and not only for
us, but also for the people around us. If we look for actions that help us stay away from
these artifacts, perhaps we will be able to reduce these negative effects.

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