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CODE: Protecting the state

TOPIC: KAMS’s rights to cybersecurity

Sponsors:, Angola, Kenya, Morocco, France, Philippines, Colombia, Mexico

Signatories: Switzerland, Poland, Slovakia, China, Canada, Iran, UAE, India,

1. Acknowledging the increase of cyber-attacks that cause secure information to be

released along with a decrease in the economy due to stolen money;

2. Deeply concerned with the increasing threat to civilian's cyber safety as technology
increases globally;

3. Affirming the effectiveness of increasing the cyber security software and making it
harder to access confidential data;

4. Reminding the committee that according to the World Economic Forum the amount
of global funds lost by cybercrime will rise to an estimated 10.5 trillion by 2025;

5. Guided by the principles of keeping the economy secure and citizens safe;

6. Recognizing the need for education and resources on cyber software that will allow
all willing member states to provide an additional layer of security;

7. 1. Deplores the fact that many people across the world are not given the
8. opportunity to secure their own data;

9. 2. Is fully conscious of protecting the safety of civilians;

10. 3. Strongly suggests participation in KAM software and KAM education programs
to address cybersecurity breaches;

11. 4. Urges states to put in place KAM cyber security software and explore cyber
security education to prevent the state security;

12. (a) Emphasizes the need for states to share researched information pertaining
to cyber security as this is necessary to prohibit cyber security attacks;

13. 5. Supports states who are trying to prosecute groups or individuals causing these
cyber security attacks;

14. 6. Encourages the public and private sector to work in conjunction to

15. Identify organization threating cyber security within their own states, and take
the necessary actions towards prohibiting cyber attacks;
16. 7. Further encourages other measures to protect confidential and personal
17. 14. Supports the use of KAM software system and KAM educational program to
implement easy prosecution of cybercrime groups
18. 15. Recommends member states to cooperatively participate in global initivates to
address cyber security concerns.
19. Encourages a voluntary relief fund to be established that gives developing states
access to cybersecurity technology.
a. A mechanism can be established where States that voluntary pool
together funds that will be managed by a unanimously agreed upon
Ombudsman who will distribute the funds to each state according to their

20. Further encourages the mainstreaming of a human rights perspective in

cybersecurity by reforming the Open-Ended Working Group (OEWG), including:

(a) The adoption of a similar framework to the UN Ad Hoc Committee on

Cybercrime to promote stakeholder involvement at all levels of
(b) Reforming the OEWG to promote broad stakeholder involvement to
promote decision-making based on lived experiences;
(c) Encouraging cyberattacks on critical civilian infrastructures to be
treated as violations of human rights;

21. Stresses the importance of international cooperation to establish secure

information transfers:
(a) Implementing encryption technology and algorithms to safeguard
(b) Encouraging the creation of digital safety campaigns to spread
awareness of the threat of cybercriminals and schemes;
(c) Creating training programs for digital users to provide knowledge on
how to detect rudimentary websites, files, and other click-to-open

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