The University of Melbourne - Minerals

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Geology (Engineering Course)


This page includes the outline text from the classroom

PowerPoint presentation, together with selected
graphics from that presentation. The graphics will
appear when the title hotlink is activated.

A copy of the classroom presentation, in .pdf format,

can be downloaded from here.

MG Chapter 2.1 is a primary reference; W scatters mineral information through

several sections; also see basic Geology textbooks.

There are several Web sites related to mineralogy, including the Mineralogy
Museum at Ecole des Mines de Paris and the Clausthal Institute of Mineralogy .
Minerals in the general sense are basic inputs to modern society, and the
Mineral Council of Australia is concerned about the lack of science and
engineering graduates with interests in this general area - and is spending
money to do something about it.

Identification | Mineral Examples | Top

Earth - Chemical Composition (MG Chapter 2)

 Dominated by Fe, O, Si, Mg (93%)

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 Crustal Chemistry differs

Earth - Crustal Composition

 Processes Creating Crust enrich it in lighter, larger cations


 Crust chemistry dominated by O, Si (74%)

Important Elements

Crust Composition

 Na, K, Ca (Alkaline elements) are enriched

 Enrichment by differentiation
 Fe, Mg relatively abundant in asthenosphere, and in oceanic crust
 O, Si are still (more) dominant, however

Minerals (MG 2.1.1)

 Elements occur in

"Distinct substances with definite atomic configuration and physico-

chemical properties"



 minerals are

"Natural solids with a definite chemical composition and ordered atomic


 These solids are almost always crystals.

Example: Fluorite Crystals and the crystal structure


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 Most common minerals are compounds of

O with Si
and Al Fe Mg
Ca Na K

 Over 25% of ~2000 minerals are Silicates

 Over 90% of Earth's Crust is Silicate

Earth Materials


 Rocks are collections of one or more minerals

 Behaviour of rock under stress depends on mineral composition
 Identification of rock requires identification of minerals

See examples in the UBC Image Gallery - enter rock names you might already
(Unfortunately, this no longer seems to be an open site - June 2001.)

Rock-Forming Minerals

Biotite, Muscovite Micas
Orthoclase, Plagioclase Feldspars

Other Minerals

 Most important are Oxides, as general class

 Carbonates are not restricted to calcite and dolomite
 Sulphides are often significant in, or as, ores

Alternative Division

 Essential minerals - necessary for classification of rock

 Accessory minerals - don't affect rock classification, but may be
important anyway. This term is more frequently used than "esential".

Definitions | Mineral Examples | Top

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Mineral Identification (MG 2.1.1)

 mainly by physical properties, such as

 crystal shape
 colour, lustre, streak
 cleavage or fracture
 hardness
 crystal habit
 density

Mineral Identification

 Other techniques
 optical, using thin sections of rocks
 x-ray diffraction, to measure the crystal structures
 chemical analyses

used for detailed examination


 In unhindered growth, a mineral forms a crystal with a regular pattern of

faces, and angles between faces
 This form is characteristic of the mineral
 In most rocks growth not free - crystals may not exhibit all faces, but
 angles between faces are still characteristic

Mineral Identification Outline

 Mineral identification based on physical observations can be direct for

common minerals
 Decision trees published in many texts, monographs
 Example:

Barnes: Earth, Time and Life

Lustre (MG t2.2)

 Lustre is
 quality of light reflected from surface of mineral
 Division between metallic and non-metallic can help with diagnosis
of mineral

Lustre Table

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Example in photographs, but looking at the real thing is vital;

Example of vitreous (quartz) and metallic (galena) lustres

First Step

(These steps show how the observations ascend through a decision


 Lustre is a simple primary observation: simplified to Metallic or

submetallic, or Nonmetallic

Hardness (MG t2.1)

 Important diagnostic property

 Resistance of smooth surface to scratching
 Relative hardness established by test of one mineral on another

 Moh's Scale is an arbitrary selection, now definitive

Moh's Scale

Hardness Mineral Name Chemical Composition

10 Diamond Carbon
9 Corundum Alumina
8 Topaz Aluminium Silicate
7 Quartz Silica
6 Orthoclase Alkali Silicate
5 Apatite Calcium Phosphate
4 Fluorspar Calcium Fluoride
3 Calcite Calcium Carbonate
2 Gypsum Hydrated Calcium Sulphate
1 Talc Hydrated Magnesium Silicate

The mineral listed define the steps in the Moh's Scale.

Next Step

 Test Hardness


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 Streak is

colour of finely-powdered minerals (use streak plate to


 Can be diagnostic, especially of ore minerals


 Result of light absorption

 may be affected by trace amounts of elements, especially

Fe, Mn, Cu, Cr, Co, Ni, V

 Poor absolute guide, but -

 division between "light-" and "dark-" coloured minerals is

See example of sapphires, from Understanding Earth

Near Completion

 Note Streak and Colour

The Result

 Note Streak and Colour

Pyrite | Magnetite | Hematite

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 Minerals may cleave on specific planes related to atomic structure (often

parallel to crystal faces)

number of cleavage directions,

can all be diagnostic of mineral

Cleavage sketches I

Cleavage sketches II

Muscovite (1 cleavage plane) and Anhydrite (3 cleavage planes)


 Breakage on non-cleavage direction is called fracture-may indicate glassy

material like obsidian, but may also occur in cryptocrystalline materials

 There is a second meaning, for planes formed in rock mass in response to


Cleavage assists

Add Colour

The Decision

Talc | Muscovite | Biotite | Kaolinite

Habit (MG t2.3)

 Refers to particular shape of crystals

 More descriptive than diagnostic, but
 may indicate mode of formation, and so give clues for identification
 Description also gives clue to rock material behaviour, so crystal habit is
still useful

A few habits

Botroyoidal (malachite) | Foliated (mica) | Fibrous (gypsum) | Massive and

Granular (dolomite)

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A group of silicates with fibrous habit is collectively known as


Humans exposed to the variety crocidolite have a high risk of

developing cancer (mesothelioma).

Crocidolite is an amphibole, which forms needle-like crystals with

pointed ends.

There does not seem to be significant risk associated with the

variety chrysotile, which has been far more commonly used. The
fibrous habit arises even though chrysotile is a sheet silicate,
because the silicate sheets curl up into tubes to form the fibres.

It may not be necessary to incur significant expense in removing

asbestos if the asbestos variety is chrysotile. (The variety mined at
Wittenoom in Western Australia, with disastrous human effects,
was crocidolite.)

Some forms of crocidolite are sought as semi-precious gems

("Tiger-eye") but not in fibrous habit form.

(Actinolite and tremolite are two other amphiboles which belong to

the asbestos group.)

Other Descriptors

May be useful in particular cases

 Density - where mineral is large enough

 Taste - halite (cinnabar?)
 Magnetics - especially magnetite
 Acid Test - effective for calcite, some sulphides
 Texture - (See MGp9)

Definitions | Identification | Top


A survey of common examples, illustrated here by uncommon


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You can view interactive models of many mineral crystal

structures here.

Common Silicates (MG 2.1.2)

 Two major groups, based on chemistry

 Mafic minerals are iron and magnesium silicates, and are dark-
 Light-coloured Felsic minerals contain quartz and/or aluminium
 Aluminium silicates may contain K, Na, or Ca, and are
known as Feldspars
 Colour aids identification!

Silicate Structure 1

 Basic component of all silicate minerals is SiO4(4-) group, forming

 Classification reflects polymerisation.

Silicate Structure Overview

 Structure based on polymerisation

 Island Structures
 Single-Chain Structures
 Double-Chain Structures
 Sheet Silicates
 Framework Silicates
 Properties reflect structure

Island Silicates

 4 negative charges might be neutralized by positive cations alone

 Mg2[SiO4] - Olivine is an example.

Both Olivine and Garnet (another silicate in which the tetrahedron

charges are satisfied by cations) form stubby or equidimensional
crystals which are relatively hard.

Silicate Polymers

 Tetrahedra may form "polymers" by sharing Oxygen ions at

 2 corners, forming a single chain (pyroxenes)
 5 of 8 O atoms in 2 tetrahedra, forming a double chain

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 3 corners, forming sheets (micas and clays)

 all 4 corners, forming networks (quartz and feldspars)


 Single-chain silicates
 SiO3(2-) unit bonds with Mg, Fe, Ca

Augite is a common example, but readily alters (why?)


 Cations also bond adjacent chains (more weakly)

 Cleavage develops on 2 planes parallel to chains
 Habit typically prismatic

Augite Cleavage


 Double (linked) chain silicate

 Si4O11 "unit" bonds with many cations; detailed formula vague

example: Ca2(Mg,Fe)5Si8O22(OH)2 (Actinolite)

 Cleavage on 2 planes, at ~ 120°, parallel to chains

Hornblende Cleavage

Tremolite example


 Sheet silicate
 Substitution of Al for Si common
 Examples

Muscovite (light) - KAl2(AlSi3O10)(OH)2

Biotite (dark) - K(Mg,Fe)3(AlSi3O10)(OH)2


 Sheet silicate
 Excellent cleavage into sheets

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 Habit typically foliated (micaceous!)

Biotite Structure

 Mg, Fe link two sheets, forming unit

 K bonds units (weakly)

Biotite Habit

 One perfect cleavage, parallel to the basal face

 Muscovite is another mica, with the same habit, but light coloured - why?


 Another sheet silicate, with (Fe, Mg) cations

 Greenish colour, brittle, similar to other micas
 Rarely primary mineral in igneous rocks, but result of some kind of
alteration of primary minerals
 Typically metamorphic mineral, but may also be found as joint-filling
mineral in weathering rocks
 Perfect cleavage can provide slip plane to reduce friction in joints.


 Also sheet silicates

 Typical "unit" contains one or two sheets of SiO4 tetrahedra, as in micas.
 Unit also contains "octahedral" layer built of Al or Mg and six (OH)-


 Clay variety depends on bonding:

 1 sheet of SiO4 tetrahedra - Kaolinite
 2 sheets of tetrahedra - Montmorillonite
 Usually products of alteration from original silicates

Clay Minerals

 Crystals typically submicroscopic, so few visible crystal samples

 Layers bonded by secondary forces/atoms (not covalent bonding)
 Structure therefore depends on ambient conditions

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Feldspars (MG p16)

 Widely-occurring, light-coloured
 Framework silicate structure
 Plagioclase feldspars most common mineral in igneous rocks

NaAlSi3O8 (albite) to CaAl2Si2O8 (anorthite)

 Hard, stubby crystals, often gray with two good cleavages, distinguished
from Orthoclase (K-feldspar) by frequent observation of twinning on
cleavage face.

Feldspars 2

 K-feldspar or Orthoclase feldspar common in Si-rich rocks

 Habit stubby, slightly less hard than quartz, may be pink in colour, two
good cleavages at right angles
 Feldspars weather relatively easily, directly to clay minerals


 Also framework silicate

 No cleavage, no cations, so relatively stable
 Only mineral found widely in igneous, sedimentary, metamorphic rocks
 Crystallizes at late stage, so sheets, veins, geodes also found

Non-Silicate Minerals

 Two important carbonates

 Calcite CaCO3
 White, H=3, Perfect cleavage
 Dolomite CaMg(CO3)2
 White, H=3, Perfect cleavage
 Oxides, particularly of Iron
 Magnetite, Hematite, Limonite

Other samples of Hematite and Magnetite are reminders that minerals do not always (usually!)
exist as cabinet crystal specimens.

Alteration (MG p19) and Weathering (MG p60)

 Related, not equivalent terms

 Primary minerals may change due to changed ambient conditions
 Recognition of alteration, weathering necessary to understand changes in

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Alteration and Weathering

 Many minerals formed at high P, T

 Earth interior also reducing environment
 May be unstable under changed (P,T,water) conditions, so will alter
 Olivine > Serpentinite (MGp19)
 FeMg Minerals > Chlorite > Clays
 If minerals change, so will rocks

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