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Eva Nocturne:

Background: Eva Nocturne was born in the 1920th century, a talented and passionate artist in her
mortal life. Her artistic pursuits brought her into the social circles of the elite, where she caught the
attention of a Toreador vampire named Victoria Duval. Impressed by Eva's talent and beauty, Victoria
Embraced her, granting her the gift of immortality. However, Victoria mysteriously vanished shortly
afterward, leaving Eva to navigate the complex world of vampires on her own.

Role in the Bar-Restaurant: Eva Nocturne is the creative force behind Elysium's Embrace. As the
Toreador clan is known for its appreciation of art, beauty, and social grace, Eva ensures that the bar-
restaurant reflects these values. She curates the establishment's aesthetic, from the interior design to
the entertainment, making it a haven for vampires and a place where their human patrons feel both
captivated and comfortable. Eva's ability to create an alluring atmosphere is instrumental in
maintaining the delicate balance between the vampire and human worlds within the establishment.


1. Artistry: Eva's skills as an artist in her mortal life translate into her ability to create captivating
environments. She personally oversees the artistic elements of Elysium's Embrace, making it a
unique and visually stunning haven for the undead.

2. Social Manipulation: As a Toreador, Eva excels in social interactions. Her charisma and
ability to read social dynamics make her a natural leader within the coterie and a valuable asset
when navigating the complex web of vampire politics.

Ambitions: Eva aspires to elevate Elysium's Embrace to become the premier gathering place for
vampires in the city. Beyond her personal ambitions, she seeks to establish a haven where vampires
can coexist peacefully and appreciate the finer aspects of unlife without succumbing to the darker
urges that often plague their kind.

Fears: Loss of Artistic Inspiration: Eva's existence revolves around art, and the idea of losing her
creative spark terrifies her. She fears that an eternity without inspiration could lead to a sense of
purposelessness and existential despair.
Eva Nocturne's character adds depth and sophistication to the coterie, bringing both creativity and a
keen understanding of social dynamics to their endeavors. Her relationship with Vincent Dusk adds
emotional complexity to the narrative, and her ambitions drive the coterie's efforts to secure their place
in the shadowy world they inhabit.
Relationship with Vincent Dusk: Eva's path intersected with Vincent Dusk when he rescued her
from a dangerous encounter with a rival vampire faction. The two formed a deep connection as they
faced various challenges together, and over time, their relationship evolved into a passionate and
tumultuous romance. Vincent's brooding nature and protective instincts complement Eva's charisma
and artistic sensibilities, creating a dynamic partnership.

Clan: Toreador
Generation: 8th
Nature: Bon Vivant
Demeanor: Celebrant


• Physical:

• Strength: 2
• Dexterity: 3
• Stamina: 2
• Social:

• Charisma: 4
• Manipulation: 3
• Appearance: 4
• Mental:

• Perception: 3
• Intelligence: 3
• Wits: 4


• Talents:

• Alertness: 3
• Streetwise: 2
• Expression: 4
• Skills:

• Performance: 4
• Etiquette: 3
• Melee: 2
• Knowledges:
• Academics: 2
• Occult: 2
• Finance: 2


• Auspex: 3
• Presence: 1


• Resources: 3
• Herd: 2
• Retainers: 1 (A ghoul servant for mundane tasks at Elysium's Embrace)


• Conscience: 3
• Self-Control: 4
• Courage: 3

Willpower: 7
DM only

Victoria Duval came back to city.

She wants the prince dead. She killed the human and with the help of one of the tremeres they staged
that the human is killed by Eva.

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