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Topographic Map and Relief Model Grading Rubric

Seventh Earth Science

CATEGORY Exemplary (4) Proficient (3) Developing (1)
Proficient (2)
Model – Scale The model shows The model is mostly Features may not The model poorly
and Realism interesting and varied accurate and realistic be accurate or to represents
terrain that accurately with respect to scale. Features may geography.
portrays realistic features that might not be realistic for Features are not
geographic features. be found on Earth. Earth. Terrain may to scale or
Features follow the The correct scale was not be varied and realistic.
required scale. observed. Terrain interesting.
Exceptionally well done. may not be varied
and interesting.
Model – The model is The model is neat and The model includes The model is
Quality and professional and neat. took time to details and accurate messy. Paper
Neatness Paper mache is smooth, construct. There are colors. But paint or mache and paint
and features look sharp lots of interesting paper mache may were not applied
and vivid. There are lots details and color is not be well done. well. Details may
of interesting details that accurate. Paper be missing and
make this an interesting mache might have colors may be
model. Colors are been improved. inaccurate.

Map – The topographic map is The topographic map The topographic The topographic
Neatness and exceptionally neat, clean is well done but map generally is not neat or
Accuracy and professional looking. might have small aligns with the accurate.
It is easy to match up inaccuracies. Some model but the
with the model and details may be hard quality may not be
clearly shows the to read or find. up to standard.
Map – The topographic map is The topographic map Some features of Features of
Features and creative and includes all the the topographic topographic maps
Details professionally done. It features we would map may not be have been left off.
includes details and expect on a quality well done. Not all Details on the
features in innovative map. It shows details the features of the model have not
easy to read ways. It and is accurately model are clearly been included.
shows details and is labeled. shown on the map.
accurately labeled.

Use of Work Student uses time Student uses time Student was safe Student was not
Time constructively, keeps a well and is safe with with the cutting safe, helpful,
clean work area, is the cutting tools. But tools but did not patient, or clean.
patient when waiting for they may not have always use time They often had to
help and is willing to always been patient, well, was not be reminded to
help other students. helpful or cleaned up always patient or keep on task.
They work safely with afterwards. helpful, or failed to
knives, cleanly with paint clean up their area.
and generally make the
best use of class time.
Topographic Map and Relief Model Grading Rubric
Seventh Earth Science


Points earned: out of 40

The points earned are the actual number of grade points reported in the
grade book out of a maximum 40. It is determined using a fancy smancy equation
to covert the rubric grade on the back into a gradebook grade.

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