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扫描全能王 创建

Gui‹fance, rn7DtlOfLr, TroR oi’inat1on

Cop)'l‘iJlit 2008 Mini Cai iT1inc• Salerno

All i‘i hts rcscrN cd. O(llcl tlJalq fol‘ cl‘5otJa1 tlsc, no part o CartlS or [his
book mif)’ bc 1’c^)31’oducctl ill ijn)' \\’a)’, ii1 lvlJolc ci 9al‘t H i(lâOut the tvl‘itt€•n
con.«ent of tl c co 3) l‘i@llt lloldci u1’ )9li$1i.$l1el‘, TlJesC‘ ci1l‘filS arc intcndc for
s}iiritual and emotional guidance onl r, J ”li ey are not intended to replace
ilicdical assistancc or treatrrient.

1*ublishcd by Blue Angel Publishing&

80 Glen Tower Drive, Glen Waverley,
Victoria, f\ustra1ia 3 IS 0
Website: raw.b1uean elonline. com

Ca:rd messages and artwork by Toni Carmine Salerno

Section on 'How to use the cards’ by Denise ]arvie
Design 2008 Blue Angel Publishing
Edited by Tanya Graham

Blue Angel is a registered trademark of Blue Angel Gallery Pty. Ltd.

ISBN: 978-0—9803983-7—3

扫描全能王 创建
Ło Gnîa — yoJü csž oË the Ë urŁh,
iT y muse and inspiration,
It is iJirou h laer love, grace anal wisdom
Ğ at nay work comes into existence.

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/\boti: Gaia OraCle 7

1 . Ti ee Ol“ Life 18
2. Xloonligltt Goddess 19
3. S-tarmony 21
4. The Dream 22
5. Gaia 24
6. Tlte Search 2S
7. Goddess Of Creation 27
8. Attachment 28
9. A Hidden Gift 30
10. Jewel Within A Teardrop 31
1 l . Rising Above 33
12. Sacred Heart 34
13. Reflection 36
14. Purification (Fire) 38
15. The Temptress 39
16, Winter’s End 41
17. Achievement 42
18. Apprehension 44
19. Eternal Dance 45
20. Loss 46
21 . Remembrance 48

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2?. Saci ccl Journey 49
?3. Nighc Wincl S 1
24 . Eternal Love S2
7.S . Lil;cra£ion S4
2£. Peace S 5
27. Enchanrcil For-csc S7
28. "flic Message S 8
29. Thinking Ol’ You .S9
30. Flame Trcc 61
31 . Ganc.xha 62
32, Purification (Water) 63
33. Healing 6S
34. Hidden Path 66
35 . Lost Love 68
36. Moonlight 69
37. Nine Of Hearts 70
38. Zen Garden 71
39. Perception 73
40. YinYang 74
41. Amethyst 76
42. Sacred Earth Mother 77
43. Intuitive Communication 78
44. Ocean Of Eternal Love 80
45. Evolution 81

About the Artist / Author 84

Also by Toni Carmine Salerno 85
Also available from Blue Angel Publishing 86

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J*JJC '''‹'rrl ‘ixl‘aclc’, \vl1icll siçnil3cs |troph*cy, sÊ ems from

.lncicnl ü i-cri-c ancl 1toisi<-. An ol-« le ›v»« ti-arlicionally a
s111‘inc' x -lier c, tlit-oubli ;he ivictliuin of a priest or p+iestess,
the Gods and G oc1cle•ssos xvci e consulter ariel propheî ic advice
ava»- sotiglNt. h“l1e Oracle is any person or thing believed to
itadicate È uture acîioll. The ancient Greeks and Romans held
strong spii itual beliefs and often sought advice from the
Oracle beÈ ore undertaking any significant cowse of action.
TLougliout the past centuries the Oracle has then on many
forms and has re-appeared in the form of card sets such as
this one.

I often receive feedback from people xvho have used my

oracle cards telling me how accurate a message xvas for
them, inferring that I have some kind of magical potver
that gives them the answers to their questions. However
flattering this may be, it is simply not the case. It is not the
creator of an oracle card set that has the poxver of prophecy
but the individual user. Each time you pick a card, yott ce
intuitively rided by your soul to pick the card that has the
most relevance for you at that time. ‘Soul’ is Ye guiding force
behind my work. Therefore, be guidance that you receive
through this set transcends time and space. This is because

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Soul is energy and energetlCally ‹•• are all lnterconnected
thi Oug›hout time and .space. Past, p£ele$$t and future are not
»«parat«. I.itÏï i» a «ontïf1uü^* i it tloes not stO gFlJ start.
W)1at Wr ¡›ercr1ve as s s‹ •i • g not stop the vrheels of l¡y,
actilGllt/ 32qjJi is merely a firansformaíion.
To t:he St›ul, :iiite, spa and se ar•tion do not exist. All i»
connectctl. All is on8.

Far back in time, llght íÏom the underlyl ng fabric of creaÉ .on
bui st forth crCàtill the super-luminousevent through which
our uiü vcr4e was born. Thls is when ò me began, setting
fort5 on an endless journey through ever-expanding qn<<.
The early tlniverse was simply a sea oÍ particles floating
and ü me. But life's invisible wheels were already
ntotion and over ü me, the sea of paró cles became a sea of
stars Yom which Gaia, our Earth, was born; a living,
breathing entity, our Goddess, our Mother and ow
refiemion. 'G aia’, ow beautiful planet, is not separate from
us and we are not
separate from her, just as we are not separate fvom the Sun,
stars and plane8 that surround us. Keep this in mind when
you are working with this deck. The message or guidance
can be connected to anyone, regardless of whether they are
close to you or far from you and regardless of whether
Aey are alive or have passed.

We travel through the endless corridors of ow mind

one day we End a palway that leads us to ow heart.

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The purpose of Gaia Oracle is:ti polut you ln love'a direction,

Slte Ie 4 guldancc, l,cfilin allcl peace. day she be your

sanctuary, may .sl›e inspire you and may you feel her love.Yet

iIlliI DS fiTitl wards in this set. Gaia's soulful presence can be

felt in many ways and lter wisdom comes in many forms —for
example, slu ouglt the first woi ds you read when you open a
book at random, or a message on a billboard or street sign.
He›' guidance can even take %e liai•m of a perceived setback
whiclx steers your life in a whole new direction. It can be a
chanCe encounter, on act of kindness from a stranger or the
svords of a song, Her guidance is a£ around us and she presents
us v'ith endless possibilities that vre can access intuitively
by keeping an open heart and mind. Above all, remember
%at Gaia always guides us to ow own heart. For it is through
the heart that the ultimate prophecy is revealed — and
essentially that pro@ecy is love.

I sincerelyhope you £md something in Gaia Oracle thatinspées

you and helps you to create the life of yow dreams.

Witb love and light,

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I<ow To Usi TJ— i ''

çtaotæ , ,svvirling

)'oul- laaiixd,
would like io aü k today.
For the bert › ='stilÏs, clo no t l''Oi-d “ quesîion in a yes or no
foi ma?. For exal1'P' “will I ge ü iis new job?” Or “WAH md
elf Whit it is that you
boyÙ icnd and 1 gp.; =,» rt-jed?” Ask yours
reall r j vaiit to
ki1ox›‹ and change Ù ae question slightly. For
exaiaaple, “What ai e Ù le Ositive and negative aspects to me
takin@ tifs new job? or “Wh it will the long term effects
of ü te i-elationslù p md boyfriend, John?” (be specific

and use his or her name). By changing the ›vording we open

owselves up to all the possibiû ties, we open up ow creaêvity
by @ving owselves choices.

Youz (puestiOTl

Start to shuffle the cards as you formulate the question in

rgy mind. If you don’t have a question, you can leave your
message up to the Universe, knowing the information will
y al r ays be for your highest growth with love.You may like to
cut the deck if this feels right.You can take ie cards from the

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d«k.’FI» Iom y‹iu Jilay wi:h yiitir c*arc1s, the. inorc
*iÇhb $vny ÍOt- you. PP.1Jlcmb0r È herC. is
no riçht

pcison, the jtist is. Whcn you di: a 1-catling ftir anodicr
' fol-iTiafion is jus( as ÍmporÍattt Íor you. It wiÍÍ
i“eÈ cct sjt a.xycü t ttí‘)'out life. 1¡ may l;c cllfl¥rctit to the qucry
of ° *I‘ persutt, hut jus: as per:inent :o you.

When future and ú ming are involved in a reading, I use a

Ò nte frasne of about six months, but you may use whatever
timing feels rigltt for you. As the saying goes, 'The Universe
works in mysterious ways.’ Even when we think we are
helping other people, we are actually helping ourselves and
isn't that wonderful7 Life is full of magic and wonder. Enjoy
and have fun!

One Card fieading

Choose one card and this will give you your message for Te
day, or give clarity to a situation or question.

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llit is ;i si„j}s le i|al cacl I ‹il” :t C tl i° O"üi”all 1 riok a¡ t
c•iti »t rí

Interpretaü oit:
1 . Past: Past influences of the situation.
2. Noav: Hoav the situation is affecting you now.
3. Future: Possibilities for the future (about six months).
4. Outcome: Indicates the overall message/lesson; a
culininaÒ on of everything examined.


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Ë/c›nri1f.’a/ Sr‹u S ›reacJ

c'^*"ü\ ›^^^y •1t1s*1*ü^”,x ) o\\ i\la)' lvii\‹I.

1. Earth: The physical issue.
2. Water: Ho›v the issue affects your emotions (feeling).
3. Air: How the issue affects your tlxougllts (head issues).
4. FÙ e: What you may need to surrender to move
S. Spirit: What lies in your heart.
6. Outcome: The culminaêon of all cards.


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fl«i»6o›r Cl›ol‹›’* |»!ea
"l“l›is »•ill l›clj, yr›u c‹› ‹=d*rsian ' '“g"*'° ^"*u^° * ' "
}3cl‘\tell, 1-Cl*tioF1Slll|s Ol‘ Sib-Llation

1. Base chakra (red): The foundations.
?. Sacral chakra (orange): Relationships.
3. Solar plexus chakra (yellow): Self-identity /
4. Heart chakra (green): Feeling.
S. Throat chakra (blue): Communication.
6. Third eye chakra (violet): Connection to inner
7. Crown chakra (white): Connection to the
8. Pot of Gold: The Gift

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R'l‹"ionsl›ir +)•r'a^

' '° °'(°, ^^'l°ctlie-i it bo t clatcrl tc) i omanc‹:, family, *vork,

f”ie s +i” sl¡utl¡lol,.s.

1. How the relationship is helpful to you.
?. How the relationship is a distraction to you.
3. What the relationship is teac n$ you to love and heal
about yourself.
4. How the relationship is helpful to the other.
5. How the relationship is a distraction to the other.
6. What the relations is teaching the other to love and
heal about themselves.
7. Where the relationship is now.
8. Where the relationship is going.

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tl2rl-t- iS lt‹3 1-iq IU. ‹›l’ i'J'‹'i "" )'› l"'it " " "*’"I y‹'tl ”-'-""" '‘"

1. The helpful aspects to choice 1 .
?. The helpful aspects to choice 2.
3. The lesson to understand in choice 1 .
4. The lesson to understand in choice 2.
i. The outcome of choice 1.
6. The outcome of choice 2.

How To Use The Cards’ Denise ]arvie

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fertifi,J„ Creati zit’f’, jjestinjr, Magicol Blessings

The magical Oee depicted in this image is spvtbolic of your

Ue’s journey. Having matured and grown strong through the
changing seasons and cycles of hfe, you have now reached
a stage of creative abundance . Your roots firmly planted in
the fertile soil of yow dreams arid imagination, you are now
ready to fail your destiny — a new creative cycle begins¡
one inJiised with your love and all the wisdom that you have
gained through your life to date. The struggle is over, from
now on you will achieve greater results than ever before;
and you will do this with grace, poise and ease. All your past
experiences, all the knowledge you have gained and all your
previous work now all come together to serve a higher more
heartfelt purpose. This is a period in which you truly are the
master of yow own destiny; a time where anything you would
truly love to achieve or create is possible.


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UTI t13O lTlaster of my own destiny
All I ?ruly desire, I create
All I create, I create through love
AU I ci ea;e is IOf the higher good of all
I ant truly blessed and grateful
for- all the abundance in my life

2. Goddess
The Moonlight Angel depicted on this card is here to reflect
back to you the repressed emotions you have stored inside
you. She is here to heal you through yow dreams. But in order
for this healing to take place, you must pour out your heart
and express how you Puly feel. Do this for yourself and for

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O * °°".'. Rriaaciaulaor, all that you i cprcss no: only affects loud

*‹ o/Jict.s tmusc ai-otiiacl you, especially those you low q
' *• is safe tu acknu»'ledge your fcelings, it is alright to
<<}' ]tlst -,til-i-ct1‹[2t- alarl le¡ it all go. You are surI‘otiridec1 by

*' r°° l and ctci-nalJj r hai otected . In t he C O min$ mon t h , you

3Vlll pctlccî oil the }aast, you will tive tlaanlcs and le t go of
old ltui ts ancl c '""l» ointmenïs. Only the loving meivi or ies
you xa'ill kce a inside youi laear t. Then, once de charnbcrs
)'our lteai-t ai-e yet again full of lighî, a new season begins — a
nets' jotu net, a new joy, a new passion!

! give thanks for the healing

that is taking place now in my life
I express all I feel honestly and lovingly,
without fear or apprehension
I am safe — I am loved
I am one with Ae Goddess
I am one the Earth and all creation


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•tttd ou:ct- , ve r-ld«. lten,cn,b«i- tl,is in tlte Ustlrc fnr it will
801‘ve yciu SYcll,

1 .aq1 one will :lie li›rces of natufie

1 attr ollc ¥vifh I'm *'' ^^" " •’•""

1 tirca¡c H4-tl1Ol1y i I life dll ough loYe ancl accep?itriCC

I acl+ic•s'c

Something is revealed, Insight, Brea h*ough

You ivi£ soon break free from a situation that has been causing
you concern. Something will be revealed either in a dream
or through someone you know and trust. The information
you receive will give you an insight into someling that


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has remained lliclden froiv )'ou for sumc time. This will
be a bid relief for ' ti, iz« › on realise that your concerns
* unnecC5sar - and Unfofinded. .h1l is ^^'ell at
ends stell! Hé›sl ei Cr, do not forget this episode, for it is a
recurring thcrgp a ith )ou. The next time j ou are umnre of
something, tr )‘ to re-f-rain from jumping to conclusions xn‘hich
arC Hot based on fact. .Also, paa' attention to x‘ow dreams;
U3" tO TClTlo mb el- as j ou at ake up. l’v'ith tJme ) ou nill
s¡ mbolic lan@uage. This message had
intuitis el¡’ learn Cieir
been floating around in ¡‘our dreom nate for sometime.

I swrender
mJ concerns and fears
.Ml ia re*‘ealed
at the most perfect moment
.?.P is a*-eP io m) -lifz
I choose trust o› er
doubt I remember m*
dream» and intuitia ela
knoa*- their s¡anbo1ic

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l't’isdoin, Knon!1edge, S irltuol Undt3I'StD R IR

The Gaia cm-d is tlte most powerful card in his deck. It

shows Cxat )'ou have a deep spiritual connection to the Earth
and a deep spiritual understanding of life. Gaia, the Earth
Mo8ter, thanks you for the love and consideration you show
tov•ards her and the love you have for all living things. She
encowages you to gently and lovingly share your wisdom and
knowledge of the Earth with others. Perhaps you may join
xv4th like-minded souls to share your message of love or you
may choose to do pracGcal things to help the Earth restore
her b¥ance and wellbeing. Yet, this is not a call to preach to
others. You are a beacon of light — remain that way. Share
yow knowledge and wisdom only with those that are ready
to hear it and do not fear the Earth changes that are taking
place, for all is evolving and unfolding as it should. All the
Earl needs is a little more love.


扫描全能王 创
‹ JI 1 ›fi‹At'Cl12 (› 1 I
\ 1 cvol''c-8 itl3£l uiJftJlf.1s (l3r‹7ugh love

6.The Sea»cL
feeling lost, Confused, Lonely

The days of our lives are forever changing, just like the four
seasons of nature: Spring follows Summer, then come Autumn
and Winter and then the cycle starts once again.
At present, you are s)rmbolically experiencing a Winter
season. Life seems dreary and it feels as if everyt1ñ ng has
come to a halt. You may be feeling a sense of loneliness and

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confusion nnt) it feC S likc yO e Cost yOul- way. Scart ¡
wan:ing to knop
j$rJjy, and yearning fo* hen will ypg,
passion and fol- lil’e re:urnl The answer to
Widiout a doubt Spring always follo„. s
Win:er. Look at tlte lildy Ofl diis car-d , notice how she looks
out to the ltoi izon, 5eai-claing and yeai-ning, unaware tliat the
lil st rays of stinligll? arc just beginning to glow kom behind
lter. Very soon now the l}J )( will shine upon you and a new
cycle will begiit, full oJ new ideas, new inspirations, perhaps
es'en a new love of some kind.

All is well in my life
I give %anks for the changing seasons
In sostude I grow soonger and wiser
My mind is clear — My heart is open
I am always on the right path

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7'. Goddess Creation

It S time for you to chill out and let to of rigid and fixed ideas.
Relax and take time out to just be.You really have been trying
too hard lately and are taking things far too seriously. This
has blocked your creativity and caused your energy levels to
be low.You probably tell yourself that you don’t have time to
relax, but you mus? make the time. Make this a priority and
you will find that an interesting transformation takes place.
Your creativi?y will increase and you xvill feel revitalised by
a newfound sense o r••pose and inspiration.Your mind may
be telling you thzt relaxation is a futile xvaste of time, yet the
opposite is true. Relaxation will slosv down your oughts
and open your heart. I? is fuel for Ae soul that will have a
positive flow-on ekect for your entire being.Your wellbeing
is of paramount importance so do not tAe it for granted.
Without it, nothing else really matters.


扫描全能王 创
. y( y;jjatian

t,n c iny spii it

{p1kCtÎItC3C ”)“O“ "

I conitce-t .spii‘iîu" )' '° ,ç,«cc °ç lo'r« in.xiclo rhy heart


Le7t1ng go, Ratii‹tion, FeaT

You beû es'e that you are in a silation that you cannot Ù ee
Jourself Ù om; akaid to let go and wak axvay because of
a deep sense of duty, commitment or guil¥. Perhaps you
feel that you’ll hwt or disappoint someone if you let go.
Whatei-er Ae reason, you feel you have no choice but to stay
u'here )'ou are. The emoü onal attachment is great and the
fear is o$rerivhelming. The fact that you have picked this ced


扫描全能王 创
today is no coincidence. ’Fltc me.ssnge is clear. You are lieing
cncouragecl to Face
voice any longer-. Beyond :lse li:ai- is « space of lo*e «nd light
whiCh is guiding you aitcl urging you tc) break free. ’Trust;
ini:ia)ly there will Inc some upheaval but eventually all will
turn ou: well for all concerned. You owe it to yourself amd
Otl1e1 s.You deserve to fecl light and frec, S’timmon the power
O OYt Within you and ask it tO gtlicle you and give you the
strength to do what yoti know is right.

I am free
from all negative attachment
I am @ded
by the power of love
I look beyond my fees
and see only love
I deserve to be happy
I choose to follow my heart


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The- angqel featui ed oit this C8.1 d reflects the sadness that you
feel .nt prese•itt oi may experience someUm e in the comiyg
ss eeâ s. SonmeP ting you cherish has or may come to an
»oon. It is ltuman nature to fear change and be saddened
an hen something jjre love or are emoGonally aYached to ends.
Hov ea er, this card has a positive side and reminds you that
ea er)' ending her ds a new beginning. This is simply a law of
nature. Nothing is ejrer truly lost. Things simply transform.
I revs beginnings are in store for you, brighter and lighter than
cx er. There is a hidden gift attached to this event. When the
timing is right you will receive a precious gift either in the
form of positive news, a new revelation or an unexpected
turn of events that %rns out to be in yow favour. Whatever
it turns out to be it will, without a doubt, warm your heart
and fill you with joy. In the meantime be aware of the love

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that suri ounds ynu, allow it into your heart and tzust. Tlte
universe i,s guiding events to unlé›lcl tit fi way that 1s for your
highest good.

1 trust Ctat all is unfo1di›tg for my highest good
Los'e and ligltt fill my hGart
1 give thanlfis for Cae blessings I receive
Every ending marks a new beginning
All lives eternally in my heart

O. ‹?We1 Wi iiti TeOTi!$YOpt

Appreciation, Spiritual 8z notional fieconnec£‹on

You wi£ soon experience a strong spiritual and emotional

bond with another person, a family member, an animal or
pet. Dwing this time you will also reconnect with your inner

扫描全能王 创
naost feelingg and true nattlrе which have been supppg3S e p
ignored of la:c, This is а deeply cmotional wher• t«„S
of sadness creitsÏèrm to tears ofjoy,Your appreci ofl ife,
love and fricndships will strcngthen as you giyц for
the many blessings in your life. Love is truly all aroui;J Jp¡y
— embrace it, cherish it ni d honour it.You and thOSe you lo
unite througl а common bond and iiie love you feel fot ve
8nOt11en• grows scronger ancl more profound. This is а spe ц¡ |
and magieal time, be sure to snvour each and every щ Oщ e Il
Love is all thaï really matters.

i am one with my higher seY
I am in touch
and in tune wi% my innermost feelings
I am blessed
I am Spiritually connected to lose I love
I am loved


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Clarity, Freedom, Solution

The asYite dove depicted on this card flies Ixigh above the
Eardi and is able to see things from a6igher perspectia‘e. She
su@¿oesn &at you do the same.You cannot do this ph¡rsically,
but you can do it mentally by disconnecting emotionally Aom
the present silation. No matter what Ae situation is, stop
dxiziking about it. You are cwven£y too dose to see things
Clearly. A simple solution exists. This avill become clear to
you once you let go. Stop focussing on this siNation for a
nvlñ le. Bring yow awareness within. Close yow eyes. Rdax.
Medi&te. Surrender. Let go.Take a avaik in the park. Dance.
Have fun. Do «•hatea'er it takes to deAch Kom things for a
s••lzile and the solution ss'iil become obvious avhen the time
is right.

扫描全能王 创
I „„ , ‹it‹l‹-tp t\, " •|}t .j{i' t\ [“ “’ t• /’H'*’C’“ ’“1‘’’" ’’’ ’tjy“

}$(;. ’,. „„ ¿ ) ljt'l’ J3Cl‘.S[s‹*r'Livc*


2. Sacred Heart
Passion, Love, Spiritual Communion

You are entering a period of profound and hear Jelt love;

a deeply emotional time where you focus on, question and
about the things that matter to you most. You will
find )'ourself re-evaluating your priorities and core values
and Ais leads you along a path of self-discovery, bringing
with it a deepened spiritual connection to the Earth, yotw


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surroundings , family, friends antl lweil ones.Your passion and
appreciation for- life «re h‹:ig1n»cnerl. At times your emrrtione
ko dte }toinc of being almost unbearable, Yet thJs ii
nothing to fear or be concerneJ about, fcr this *s a most sacre‹l
and precious timc through which your loving intentions
are seen anCl J£'lt by all ai•ound you. Your inner light and
wisdom illuminates , heals and inspires. This is a goo‹I time
for creative writing, or you may feel inclined to draw,
paint or tAe up a creative pul suit of some kind. Thank the
Earth and stars for the many blessings you receive.

A) jlrmation
I am in tune
my inner Sght and wisdom
I am guided
always by love
I energeticaPy share my Sght
and wisdom with others
I am one with the Earth and stars
The guidance I receive
is Nee Lom the limitations
of time and space

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What you see around you mirrors what you feel within you,
The chaos you perceive or experience in your physical reality
simply reflects your inner chaos and turmoil. If things are
not working well in your outer world, what is it that is not
working well within you?This card calls for a thorough self-
examination. Do not merely skim the surf’ace.You must delve
deep to uncover the truth. This will take time, patience and
commitment. Observe your thoughts and feelings throughout
the day and make a note of negative or unconstructive
thoughts and feelings. This practice, over time, will in itself
help heal and restore balance to your life. It may be helpful
to keep a diary in which you note your thoughts and feelings;
what is it that triggers these thoughts and feelings? Journal
witing will also help provided that the journal is for how
eyes only. It may also be helpful to seek professional advice

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from a qualified counsellor or health pt•actl?ioner who has
experience in this field , Coiciriit to thia reflective }ourney, be
disciplined in your approach and you will never look back,
The re•wards will be greater than you ever Imagined,

lHy heart is full of love and light
All is well in my world
1 feel the peace within me
<ld £1is creates peace around me
I obserN'e all I think arid feel
Each negative thought or feeUng
is automaticall y transformed
to love


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¡¡ i.s yo’ur írtirh. Yous- sot›l w:ll guid« you sowards happiricss;
.all yotl ileet) co Jo ;¡ lÒ llnw.*Fruscl

I listü n Ío nty hear I anrl ÍÀ llow iís guirlance
I dC5Cl:VC È O Ü happy
I have the oas'er ío creatc my
reality I ti tist that all will work out
well My life is cleai- of obstacles

S. TLe Temptress
Seduc.ziOR, Deceit, A Bzoben Prom›se

You are being seduced with dazzling promises that will mos£y
not eventuate. In effect you are being deceived; enticed into
accepting something that will cause you much difficulty and
eventually lead only to disappointment. Don’t be seduced


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by th« glicx antl glamour, or by ïlte holy ariel laenevolent
fa?acl*¡ things are mot wlaaï tllcy scein . Incrcdible promises
°'°*°ply £liat; iiacl erlilale. Obsc^i've îlte image on this card.
UIC TClTlpîr ess cnsices with lier sensuotis heauty and exotic
surf ouiidiià , yet jusÎ beltind laei- is Ù ie all- seeing eye of trtith.
$b /S star ing )'oti in the f«ce all along. TÙ xe a few steps back,
an objecü vc anil balanccd perspective and
Ù te l”Cal pictui e and laidclen agcnda will emerge,

I listen to and trust my

incuitiori I look at every
from a grounded and balanced point of vie›v
Every positive has a negative
and vice versa
I look beyond the superficial
and find the truth
I look for substance
and I am not swayed by wild promises


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7. 2$fiJ7ierfifil‹Szlf

Keep focused on your drenm

You *s-ill soon achieve a goal you had set for yourself.
Yow hard work and persistence is about to pay off. Know
%at you deser jre all the success Aat is coming yow way.
Quietly acknowledge this to yourself as you celebrate your
achiex'ements .T hank the Earl and universe for this blessing
in the knowledge fat all you do is a co-creation the


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higher posvei s ü xat lae. Then, rufocus your att entiori back to
the :ask at ltand. Do not lose siglit ol’ your original purpose
and intenü oit. T ltis is only ü te beginning; muclt moi e can be
accomplislied }arovidecl you keep focused on your dream.
Re•iT1embei wltat is tvuly it?iportant to you. It may be helpful
to set a pneer qJ. This could be bigger antl more fullilling
than you ever itnagined.

1 give £tanks
fDr all lJie success coining my way
All l do is a co-creation
with my higher sek
nd £te universal light of
love I keep focused on my
dream What I imagine, I
I am grateful
for what I have achieved

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3. fl()x c•hens1on

lt’i tiliac to gi-I gciilig."Flicl-I: is nratlsing to flat-. “’fake the firxt

stcp — jtlCst clo i( — .3lâcl yoLl 1t'Jll find that all will Work out
tix›- J of›. h”li« longer- you pi-ocrastiiNaFe, the harder It will be.
lt'.› under stattdable Piac you feel unsure of yourself; the
first step is sometimes die hardest. You havc much to offer
and realise tlvis as you move out into the xvorld. Be
brave. Even if yotl initially make mistakes, you will be well
received. Treat e*'ery day as a learning experience. As your
confidence inc:reases, so too will your self-esteem and
You are a sincere and beautiful person, do not doubt

I surrender my fear and replace it with love

I surrender my doubt and replace it with confidence


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9. £ternal
llorcmcnt, l!l3ieel of L e, The Path of Least Resistance

The lad¡' fealred on this card feels completely at one with

nature. She is in tune with the rhythm of the Earth and her
changing c)'cles. She does not resist the forces of nature but
mos es gracefull)' with the wind.Yet, though her body sways
math the ibid, she is not swayed from her path, for her feet
are firmly planted in the Earth; she remains poised, dignified
and balanced. She has shown up in yow reading today to help
) ou loosen up and feel the rh of life. You will benefit
greatly if you allosv yourself to be a bit more flexible. Be open
to new ideas; accept that it is natural for things to change. Do
not resist life’s natural flow. If the r ath you are on seems to


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be all up hill then find ano?her way. Tltcrc ai-c many ways to
get to where you want to go, so änd dae xvay that ofti:rs the
least resiscancc. I.ifc doüs noc nreil to bc as ‹lifiicult a.s you
are making it. lt is o!ic¡a easie•l- :o dance your way through
raütcr üian try to puslx your way through. "fi-y ic!

I accept change «td cnali›«icc £te nexv possibilities it brings
I am l)exiblc aitd ojzeit ro new ideas
1 create pleasurc in liiy lifc
1 look at life fl-ona a baloncctl perspective
I celebrate life and daitce my way through it

Grief, Sadness, Resurrect:ion

This card sigxifies a loss or disappointment of some kind.

Perhaps a hope Dr Oeam you had now seems destined to fail,


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or perhaps someone you love moves away, or a partnership
seelns likely to end. Yee tilis card also signifies resurreAion
which means ü nat ü tc perceived loss will either not eventvate
or tvhat you lose will be i cturned to you in a new way or
form. Gaia, tÏle Earth Mother over-sees ü lis wholc evcnk; feel
ltew loving guidance ü ü s very moment. She is here for you
and \jryl1 never leave you, for Gaia and you are one eïernally.
The wheels of life keep tui ning — lifc is never sïill; yet every
transformation turias the svlleel a little closer to ü le starêng
point and oiace this point is i eaclaed, a new cycle begins
and ü te journey continucs. There is no end wiiiioufi a new

Nothing is missing,
things simply change form
My life is forever transforming
to ever greater love
The Earth and I are
one I am forever
protected and guided
by love SpirituaEy,
there is neither beginning nor end


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• Jfemembrancc
!!•••*¡f• ing of p••tJ“cellngs anJ emotions

lt is said £aac all dla? xve ltave is tire present. While that is
true, it is also true tltat in essence, past, present and future
are one. We are connected energetically to both past and
future. Life is an evolving story and svlaere we are now is a
result of where we have been.
This card signifies that past feelings and emotions are
reswfacing from deep within you and you may find yourself
on an emotional roller coaster over the coming days. Do
not fight it, this is all fine. It is important to occasionally
remember and honour your past, for it is part of you, part of
yow soul’s jowney.Yet remember to honour every part of it,
regarAess of whether you perceive some parts to be good or
bad, for in some way every experience has helped to expand
)'our understanding and appreciation of life. Occasionally
rehectUig on the past is healthy, just as giving some thought
to yow future is wise. However excessive preoccupation with


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either only serves to rob you of the present moment and that
serves no real purpose.

I bless my pfist and T’in grateful for every experience,

for every experience has helped me expand my
undcrsaoading of love
Vy life is forcver unfolJing as it should
The past, úxc present and 1:he future are one
! honour and respcct my feelings and emoó ons, for they
are part of my story

22. 5d£redJourI2ey•
L,fe Cycles, Family, 7rozzs/orsarïon

Life is a physical jowney through time and space, yet it is

also a spiritual journey fat transcends bo% time and space.

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Physically ¥ve ill‘c bC3l‘Fi ol“ (llc Gal (l0 al3cl (O (Jl0 cal (l2 ¥vc .S lall
”ettiI”n. Yet spil-ittlall)' ¥vfi ‹ll”c l1e3'Ü l‘ ‹3l‘l3 al2fil wc l2cver tliC,
&I'c flcX'C1‘ Cfi)l22C ill3fi ¥Ve l2cVt:F lcú X'c. Tl)Íï Cíll d rClTlil3dS yOt1
tl2ab 3›'c al-Ü ü aclJ so lTltlclt ITlol-C- tJJan otir pl2yiical l‘cali(ics.
In filct, ft‘om otll- ioLll’; |3cl-s$3cctivc, tl2ii Currcn; lifc is just
one paga* 13 .9 l1cvcl--ezicJii1 boolf ›.Vl2icl2 is the ctcl”nal ï(ory of
lile. We at c all clsai‘actc•i s in a JilaJ ai1‹1 wc have cack choïels
dit”fei‘ciaÍ i olcs. l’otii Íiliviily i« a cein trnl part ol’ Íhis journcy;
CaCh IllelTlbCl- plkJ'S (Heil- 1-CSpL*Ci(iVC 1-OUS, CilCl2 lTlelTl el‘ yotlF CO-
Skar aFfd pell-tflCl-. EaClt plily iS dcïi I3C€J (’Or ITlaxilTlUlTl
dramatic efiect oÍhcl avise iÍ xvoulil alJ geÍ verd horing, In
effcct, xs'e ai e all acíors and ve al c cach required to play
oui i oles well. It is though otir lauman drama vve ex and
our undei standing of love. The dífÍÏ:rent roÍes we lay and
ü te pcoplp \qre encouilter ltelp us groxv. Through clrama we
conte to understand just hoxv sacred life is. Thank your soul
for the journey.

The role I play in this life is transient
I am in essence a being of light
M)' family members are some of my greatest teachers
AP human drama helps me expand my awareness of love
My soul is not confined by time and space


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“oc!‘!!p “for, u 6oHSciotfS Release, lJeollng

Tlxis e-at‘d i-clatcs co the distui-bed sleep pattei ns, vivid dreams
or nigl1tnial-«•s )'ou }2qjrp been experiencing. Something is
ti oublii)J 7ou, yet )'ou are not openly acknowledging this
eitlici to ¡'oui-seT or others.This unresolved issue has created
fear aitd aix:'ciet)r Ayr ch you have yet to resolve. because of this
¡'our .subconscious mind is processing the issue as you sleep,
the fear reswfacing in your dreams time and time again in
x=arious forms and guises. This is your subconscious mind’s
st ay of dealing the issue and forcing you to face yow
On some level this is helpful; however the only way this
issue cm be resolved is by consciously facing your fear. First,
trvA)' acknowledge your fear. Express it in detail by writing
it doxtm. Then share it by talking about it with someone you
trust. This simple process takes some courage, but it is well
*s'orth it. Acknoxvleclging and expressing your fear is the Lirst


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I s11,trc iJJy feal-S iiIJ£l colâccJ’12i tviblJ thc^ic J'$J,s an 1 1 't
Tlte•t r i,x ilotllinq to lcar, tlaci e Js only lo**
A11 tvill soon ldc rcs‹alvccl
I am safe — I allN loved
I face my fear and feel ir dissolve ila a pool of'’ love

2#. 7l£ernnJ Love

Happin ess, Harmony, rudiment

Something is resolved soon. A new page is tvrned as a concern

you have dissolves and gives way ko a period of sunshine. A
time to relax and enjoy life, free of the worry and doubt that
have cas: a grey shadow over your life for the past few weekz.


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Gul•itaç tiıc ccılxlıng ıatt)ı11lt in su, try İo sJıerıtl sıanıt• tlrp;¡ ln
rltlttlt-ü.. A ltt›s' ytlul-ic',l ;t1 1-‹*cOnDt1cb wtl:U $iJnlı1'n nLır¡urlng
al2d llt--nllltJ potvfil-, l1Til›ıcl-st-, nn‹l 8tıı'1-‹lulJtl Jrltll-8clJ' m, ht•.r
llntul-il l1catl¡y en‘ .s-lJC' Yt'tll 1,C, } yt›tl rt!8bo1-t: yotır lsaJatlCc,
hal-12âOnlSe y‹1tl› el2ergy t'üc1ırü,s slltl l•ü)7l0nlfll2 y‹›$lr lsocly,

llrsf, lJUt ‹1f(el' a (CW clfly8, üi yotlP tl1OtlJ11f,$ $10w rlown, you
1*ill sctflc İnto a llcşV allcl ljşol-e 1•L itxücl rl2ytJsm, şaka' fhc
ntosi of üıis o|›poı•:unlty t›lt1lc you can.

I ant pltyslcülly altd einoüolJally connGcÏt•-tl

to t:he lxealing }aowcr
of M‹›cliei- ëai-ch
I surround myself wiüt ltci- beauty
and Êeel a deep sense oÉ peace
1 am free of worry
Each day I grow s?ronger
and more relaxed
My life is in perfect balance

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2S. Liberatlon
Creatingfree from a nc rim ve attnchment

Whether you realise it or not, you have become too

emoGonal1y attached or dependent on someone or something.
Or, you have allowed or inadvertently caused someone to
get too emotionally attached to you. What at first seemed
like a healthy friendship or interest now seems to be taking
over your life or is creating too much co-der endence.
A situation that initially seemed like a positive has now
revealed its negative side. This is, in effect, like a form of
addiction. You are advised to examine this issue and then
create some space between you. For yow sake and the sake
of others you must do whatever it takes to breal‹ free from
this negative emotional attachment. Initially this may cause
some resentment and even a sense of panic, but Ae end result
will be worth it. When you manage to emotionally detach
yourself from this issue you will have learnt a valuable lesson
and this will serve you well in the future.


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1 release .nay.•cll’ fi-onx all uega:ia'e a:.tac1=nent
1 ti-tist that this i.s fur my higl1U.5t DO
I Cust diat ¥lJis 1s for Pte high lest good of all
1 help overs rllust
bj' itot al1ots'inqg in)'sell* or them be co-dependent
hook at caery situation in a balanced way

26. Pence
DissoJring unwanted oz d1sturb›ng thought:s

There is truly no point in worrying about things that are not

fit yow control,Worry does not help anyone nor does it help
resolve anything. On the contrary, it often makes things seem
worse than they actually are. Life is such that we can always
find something to worry about.Yet, for your own wellbeing
and for Ae wellbeing of those around you, it is a'it£ that

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you learn to deal with Caings in a more positive way. To stop
ie endless cycle of disturbing and negative thoughts, yoJ
are advised to ti ain yourself to focus on ie positive side of
things. Set aside Gme at Cme beginning and end of each day
to meditate. Bring your- awareness within. Feel and imagine
your5elf surrounded by love and light. Allow the universal
light of love to fill your heart and mind. Imagine your
thoughts dissolving and floating away into space; your mind
at peace, clear as a blue sky. Focus on all that you are gratefuJ
for in your life and thank Mother Earth and the tuiiverse for
every blessing.

I trust in the power of love

I trust that all will unfold as it should
Vy mind is like a clear blue sky
My heart is filled with love
All upon this Earth is baked in a sea of love


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27. Enchanted PoreSt
Oite• ilaiilute lile .«eerns 1-a?)ter mttnclaiie and boring, then all of
a sudden soin<•one• or something SWceps into your world like
a bre•ztth of fresll air. All of a sudden you feel as though you are
on a magical mystery tour, tvith a renewed sense of passion
and excitement for Sfe. And it doesn’t matter that you have
no real idea avhere this is all leading you. In fact, not knowing
onl¡' ceates more excitement. Life is now full of romance
and seemingly enAess creative possibilities. Embrace all that
comes your xvay. Enjoy the jowney and don’t be in a hurry
to settle things down or draw conclusions. Allow things to
unfold in their own way and time. What uixravels will bring
you lasting joy and a deep sense of fulklment.

A) fizmat1on

I open to new ideas and adventures


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\fe is fttll ‹›J* I-n‹llt-SS ‹.’I'm'.ltivc ]0‹ihsi1J llity
c Ill› ‘.it's' ci›cli ri}i|i‹ii-ttiii ity lltat t'‹ ities is iy
tv.iy 1 laX'H (lJr lâllpJic .llJ‹1 IJJ)'h(Cl-y tlJ' i(‘t'
1 t1'tlst lta)' llcili-t - I liclicv‹- ill loVi:

lJt . f$t B J!!'$l?SSOJ!)0

Positive less, Positive Outcome

The an.«ious wait is nearly over and a time of’ celebration is

near.You will soon receive good news.This may come from ,a
land far ass'ay or it may come fi-om someone close to you. In
any case, an issue of major importance hzs a positive otltcoivie.
TI smag relate to you or someone dear to you.What a 1 cliel’!
You can now rest easy in the knowledge that all is xvell.Thank
t6e uni*'erse for this blessing and give thanl<s to tlNe Ear-?la
and stars also. Remember, that our lives are forevci- llclcl th
their eternal embrace. Whether we know it or not, we at c
surrounded always by unconditional love.


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ait2 1o›'C°d tlnt'ttt3cli1i‹›l2•lll)' lsy a l›el cvnl n!, u 'i***'*

29. Th›nèing ¥ou

A loving thought, Serendipifjï

This card is confirmation that someone you have been

thinking of is also thinking of you. It may be someone who
has passed away or a living friend, family member or loved
one. Our thoughts and feelings are energy frequencies or
wave lengths that transcend space and time. We all transmit
and receive informaüon through our thoughts and feelings.
It makes no difference whether someone is near or far,


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alive or has passe d aWii/ i are subcon.xciously in const,p¡
communication „ ich 1 'ose *vc chink abou: and love, l'Iavip$
heal d clvis, MoU your- thoughts
cllrouglJ p" " *"‘ rime. 1-lowcver, ty J2Ot h i ng
i-cally travels anywhei-e. This 1s because energet ically,
spiritually, n the fiii-st place. We ' '• ai1
inter connected
and ultina»:ely one, ctcrnally held \Yit1tin ap
ocean of divine love. The great cosmic ocean of lile is • •• t
and endless as ave Cdn imagine it to be, anCl a( the same t›me
it can be snNallei- Ctan the smallest particle.

All I love lives forever in my heart

I am one with all humanity
I am one with all creation
I am in constant communion everyone
Time and space are real only svhen I believe they are

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aIl2C fefi
Use star t of something new!

A ci-eative ^[aark ltas ignited ftona deep within your soul and
Ciis a›'ill s-ooit develop iitto a passionate flame through which
a itew idea \jrill come to you. This card heralds the start of
sonxe3xing new. This could be a new area of study, a new
business or a nev' interest of some kind. Whatever it is, it
aañ ll develop progressively and steadily and it just keeps on
It avill develop into a deep passion and remain a
significant part of yow life for years to come.You will thank
yow lucky stars for discovering something that you truly love
to be and do. For the time being all you need to do is relax.
pJ$r keep an open mind and heart over the next few weeks
and pay attention to your intuition.

4 rma£ion
A creative flame glows wi in md heart

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to HUM›' |3rl.S.sil¡i1 j(lt¡;
h.1›' lteai t tn‹l "'ii"l "'"’ “1""’

Gonesù a
Clearing awop obstacJgS, Protection, Guidance

Ganesha — one of the most worshiped deiÙ es in %e Hindu

panleon — has show up in your readin today as an omen
of good fortune. Whatever has thwarted your progress or
prevented you Ù om moving forward ›vill soon be resolved.
An obstacle is cleared »nd you are free to movc on.Your plans
are now able to come to fruition. Know that every thing
happens for a reason. The blockages you have faced were
in fact a blessing in disguise; an act of divine intervention.
Timing and circumstances were previously not favourable

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and your cÎforts would only ltave endcd in disappoÎntment
and failtu-c.Tlte pa0i is now clear and the timing is right, your
.stays arc in alignment.

I am pi-oîected and guidcd by a higher power
When üte paslt is blocked, 1 îake this as a sign to waic
I give th<tks for clivinc intervention
When fiie path is clear, I move Forward with ease
All thak occui-s or docs noî occur is for my highest good

Emotional cleansin$, Pe)uvenatjon

This card signifies healing and rejuvenation which comes as

a result of emotional cleansing. In the coming days you may
experience some emotional turmoil. Deep feelings fat you


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thought yoxi had already clcalt with or Lai-cvlDu,sly resolved
resurface seemingly ouc of nowhere. Do not 1ae concernetl,
/Or a pl”olo tincl healing is taking place; anrl at the en‹l of
this procees you will feel «11 !l1c heiscr for it,Tlae lacly feature d
on this Ca‘l d einci-gcs li om tlsc dcop ivatcrq of her emotions
into be light of a itesv day. Ennoliorially cleansed and rejuvenate
cl SHE flO¥V IS fieady to move frilly into her power, frec of the
emotional baggage thac she pi eviously cai rie‹l.

/ rination

I allow all unresolved feelings to surface

1 give thanks for be healing that is taking place
I am emotionally cleansed
I am free of emotional baggage
I release all that no longer serves me


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Reconn«ctin$ i nit J your true nnfure

Tlte lady featured on this card has jowneyed far and wide,
searching for laappiness which she has failed to find. Confused
and Ò red slte surrenders and retreats to hei inner sanctuar)',
a space of light inside her heart where she discovers a deep
sense of peace. She rediscovers and reconnects to her true
nature by letting go of all that is superficial in her life. She
reflects on her past and is now able to see what is true and
J@hat is false, what is real and what is illusion. In the stillness
of her heart she hears a whisper, a message of love — her
heart is grateful for lNer return. Over the past months, you
have inadvertently steered off course, gradually losing sight
of what is truly important and, without realising it, losing
touch with the real you. It is time for you to reconnect and
rediscover your true essence and your inner child. Stop
searcÜ ng externally. Look within and you will rediscover
the ma$ic.


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itliitlP Isay

3d. Hidden Peth

2t"ou has'e Oaa'elled far in search of greater meaning and

fulElnent, having made much progress and learning valuable
lessons. You want to conGnue your journey, but the road
seems to have come to an end.Where do you go to Eom here?
The s}unbolic imagery on this card is set a magical
forest: it seems inviting, get the way forward is not clear.
No physical path exists, however there is a way forward.

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Between £11c trees is a symbol for ctoi-nal life aud to the i-igh:,
a symbol for healing and protccîion. Tltis card i9 inviîing
you to ittove lĂ rward spii itually and offerș you healing and
protectioim along Cle way, Spirit and matter must now merge
ifti ue progress is to be made¡ your rational mind must align
with your heart. Wlten heart and mind are both focused on
the same goal, great tlaings are possible. Thi 9 is true spiritual
alchemy, ull you woi-k towards can now be achieved.

Nty heart and mind
are in perfect alignment
My heart’s desire and my thoughts
are one
I am a spiritual being
in a physical body
The jowney ahead
is £illed with light
The light of my soul
illuminate s my path


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lt is nurntal so fe<l sacl when a relationship or friendship
enits. lZc, îlxis healing car-d ltns sltown up in pour rcaclin$
today' to let )'ou kpttoijr at evei-ytlaing truly does harr en for
a reaso›t. Trust and accept ü laî higher forces are at vvovk in
¡ our û fe at the moment and Aat your soul is ding you
toas'ards evei greater love.You may not feel it at present but
J ou are surrounded by an ocean of love: you are loved more
than you will ever know. There is little point in searchin g for
annvers. Accept things as they are. The truth is what Îs , yet
it is also xvhat was and whafi will be. There are no mistakes.
Es'erjTbing you experience has a pwpose and is meaningful.
All is a part of a higher plan for your life. Everyday is a new
beginning yet nothing is ever lost for life is an endless cycle.
What goes around cornes around. Love is eternal.

扫描全能王 创
I experience in Her l1›ts a ppr})oïe anrl ib lTiCanÍn ftll
Ë a'ü rJtliiiiç ìs [ini t oI'
uncÍerstandltiğ ä ñ t
6țșyt‘rCîatÏnt1 oČ l0v^
T)1C tT'ŁI 1 tä W)t !*
The truth i» w\‹at x«as -The Łvudt is What Will b«

Travcl, fio«» , e t »‹:«!
Romance ú in the air. You wiû soon travel to somewhere
special. A romanã c evening leads you to  scover a sowce
of untapped and virtually unlimited potenÖ al. A simple yet
inspiraó onal idea comes to you and will have you look at
life Kom a new perspecã ve. Through this you create
something new, something that will be of lasting value. Relax,


扫描全能王 创
. il,i,s tiin•.*I’ "' “**"""""
f‘i|1s y(1tli‘ l›t'al I '>it,ll lra-v " j-cv a'*

l „ V y¡p r p, „ fl ce into my J*/=

[, gi a new perspecti ve
unli+Tlited potential
are all around me
Lif• i• • I c { l 3 leSS source
of inspiration

37. of Hearts
fulfilment, ffnrmonjr, Prozgcrion

This card signifies success, emotional fulfilment and wisdom.

Something that is dear to you or something that you are
working towards has a positive outcome. This leads to a


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periotl of piiaCC aTltl harmony antl a deep sense ol" personal
satislitcsioit and emotional liiJlllmcnt. That tvhich you strive
¡o e-rcate and aclaicvc is granted and all is protected along the
way. The lighs shines upon you¡ all is blessed. You can move
Olavard tvi I coil lclence,

1 am hlcssc•d
1 am protec?ed
I am grateful
1 am fulfilled
I am love

38. £en Gd7den

Inner sanctuary

Life is full of ups and downs, a constant ebb and flow between
war and peace. Everything has a positive and negative charge.


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harmony and cli 5 harmony, orclcr .xrld chaos, clarity a »d
Con fusion , calnt and cori(lict, are all |a il r t ners. In our phy5i Ca l
\\rorlcl, )'ou cannok lnat'e one tv itltout th e other. Yet, like

*^n’t eve- jus: live in peacet Well, the ansiver is Ù tat peace
OSSI $2 hue you can only Ê ind it fi-om ivithin. The first tep
is io accept the u'orld as it is — just lei tÙ ngs be. Trust that
ea'cr)'thing happens for a reason and tlaat there is a higher
p›trposc• to all things. No›v become a*\'are of your breath, let
p it ride )'oti to a place of peace and light, a beautiful garden
tviCtin CNc golden chamber of yow heart. It is here, xvit}¡ip
your inner sanctuary that you ›vill find the pcace you seek.
Peace is only possible when there is peace within our hearts.
tVlten you are able to find peace even in the midst of chaOs
then you are a true master.

I accept and love the world as it is
trust that there is a Ù gher order to everything
I find solace in the sanctuwy of my heart
I move my awareness
I am the peace I seek


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39. Perception
beyond the reñ a illuMoa

The lady featured on this card looks directly at tke observer.

She radiates love and wisdom, yet stands firmly in her own
truth. From this standpoint she is able to see beyond ie veil
of illusion. She has shown up in your reading today to reflect
thesc same qualities within you.You a»e advised to stand your
ground with regards to a particular person or isme. Stand
within your own truth and don’t be swayed by another's
beliefs, opinions or views. If it doesn’t feel right, then it's
not; trust your intuition and gut feeling on this one. Be tvue
to yoursclf. You can respect another’s viett's svilout having
to change your value systems. If it doesn’t align with your
values, then don’t take it on.

I honour another's @uth but stand firm within my own


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I am comfor 1 le **'" wl o
I l‹P" l• an o]aen
I enapowcl“ llJysell vl'ei ' lnono ur }TIJ VilEU CS
In being ti ue to me I am also ¡rue to overs

#0. Yin Yon¡$

Cretarin$ hat mony through haJnnce

There is currently disharmony in some area of your life due

to your refusal to accept certain aspects of your personality.
Nothing about you is bad. Every trait or quality you possess
serves a worAwhile purpose. Moreover, any trait or quality
that you you lack, you actually have. Make a list of all
the things about you that you don’t like. Then about
how each of these things serves you and others in some way.
Next, make a list of all be things you do like about yowself.
It is natural to beseve Aat your positive quakties undoubtedly
serve both you and others, however for every perceived


扫描全能王 创
p ¡jtive ;hci-c is a|.so a negative. N o»v IJiink abottt tlte negative
aspects OL y• ' l°CPCcivccl positives."1“his ]aroce.St taJ<es a bit of
tintc and i cqttii-es aia •i»en hear-? ancl mincl. Jt is clefinitely a
J"oj-UI vllile eXel-cisC, fol- llt tile encl yoll Will hopefully see fat
noPlilig is ac:tiallj' goo(1 or b.‹d. Every aspect of you serves
bofila you rind others. Owning, accepting xnd loving what is,
avithou: wanting to change it, will load you to experience a
happier-, ltealfilvicr and inoi-c laat inonious life.

I love and accept all i:hat I am
Tltere is noCxing to change,
lere is only love
Every aspect of me
serves both me and others in some way
I create health , wealth and harmony
by loving what is
All I accept and love
transforms to ever greater love

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Tron¿ orn›at1on, Certainty', Conscience
A profound transformation is taking place in your lifé. After
much soul searching you are now back in control. A new you
is emerging, poised and with a renewed sense of confidence.
You can move forward with certaintj/. The past is now behind
you.The hard work has been donR. All you have to do is decide
what it is that you truly want. All is now possible. Listen to
your heart and don’t settle for second best. Set your course
and then go for it. Be certain, be confident and ali is yours
for Ye taking. Blessed be!


I give thanks for Ye transl’ormation

and healing that has taken place
I move through life ›vith graGtude
I move through life svith certain
I move through life with confidence
I achieve my goals —What I focus on, I create

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42. Sacred Lavth

“Yt e ta a›'el û me endless coi ridoi-s of our mirid until one day
eve find a paü aavay that leads us to our hezi t”. Who you
truly are ltas noü ting to do xvit:h your personalit , or your
acliies'ements, successes or failures. Tlte “you” you 1:hink you
are is an actor, playing a role that yow soul has chosen. The
essence of you is “soul” — “light” with no beginning or end.
You are an eternal spark of pure creaêvity, unlimited poten al
tÖ at yearns to be expressed and fulfilled. Your potential is
)ow destin)', it awaits your call. Trust your heart and apply
its love and wisdom to all you do. In Ais way, all you create
or do xs'ill be a true expression of your soul. lt is Yrough
expressing yow trutib Cat you create things of lasÙ ng value.
Be true to you.


扫描全能王 创
/l iJ’lllrlf,i6tJ
'j } J] J}} (' $ h(^] ](“(' ' )

I iaiii ila I'.fisiiile:i' s‹'tll

1 .HU ]3lil-t' c'l't*:lti1'b: |›r) ‹? i i*l


dfi. Jnfuifi ve COlTllTiuRication

Silent w ispefs o the enrt

This card confirms that you have a natural psychic ability

that can be fwther developed and expanded. But in order
to develop this innate lift, you must pay greater attention to
}-ow intuition. This can come in many forms. For example,
it can be a gut feeling, an unusual or unexpected thought,
or a subtle and silent whisper that seems to flow from your
heart. Close yow eyes and be aware of all you feel around


扫描全能王 创
you. Tltc universc iS allY0, illfl Eai-ïlt and nature are living
energics. Whcdtei- you laxnw iï or- not, there iï an aspecc of
)›(jij (Jjag ¡¿ ¡al cons(al1t collJlTïullJon Svith all o crcaIiion¡ yott
¿ie Ê lel cfot c also in constant comiilunication with evei yone
«nd cve•t ytlxing. All that you neccl to expand lJiis wonderful
ability is wiÜ tin you. Star c to listen to your inner voice ancl
le*‹i-it tu trust your vihes antl natur-al insü ncts.You are about
to discovei a wltole ncv' way of' laeing.

I focus on my inner world
1 am one witlt all creation
All is energetically corutec?ed
1 trust my intuition
My awareness expands through love


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/7ceJiny, G›’cn£ii’i:j; fcrti/try

It is said Caat lox c conquer‘s all; £his is especially true for you
at the ntoinlent. Something is resolved and healed iilrough
lo›•e. ¥1'hat v'as preaiousl)• bar ren nosv becomes fertile. A
seed is planted and you me the co-creator. The conditions
are faa ourable, Ye timing is right; a new creation awaits )'ou.
Tlte birth of something neav brings joy and excitement. The
forea er clianginqq• seasons of eternit)' turn their invisible xs'heel
and a neas cJ cle begins. A nei$r image is born.

Love heals
Los'e brings resolution
Love conquers
Love creates
Love is eternal


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Ow xa'orld is cradled in a cosmic ocean of love; surrounded

by an infinite uniN'erse, governed by a higher force greater
3ian our ltuman mind can know or comprehend. We are a
foie\ryr cltaitging image, forever transforming on ow jowney
thvouglt eternity. Yes, the climate is changing, and yes, the
Earth is transforming, but this has always been so and this
as«ll alas'ays continue. Are we governed by a iviP greater than
ow oavn or are we the architects of our own future?This we
do not know for sure. But one thing is certain; whether we
like it or not ow precious planet xvill continue to transform.
From the stars we were born and to a star we shall transform.
Be mindKl of Mother Earth, be considerate and kind to her,
but do not fear her changing nature, for just like us, she is
transforming to ever greater light.


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扫描全能王 创


Toni Cnrmine Sa/erno is the author of numerous books,

CDs and oracle carû s. He is also artist who paints
intuitively; depicting thè mes associated with mind, body
and spirit. Born in Melbourne, Australia to Italian pæents,
thc work of this internationally acclaimed self-taught arêst
and author and Ù s publi5hing house Blue Angel Publishing
is laaving a signiPlcant and positive ellcct on people’s lives
around the globe, connccîing people and culture.o through
û ie unifying force of love ancl hclping to break down the
barriers of out-modcd ivays of’ %inking. Foni and everyone
at Blue Angel hope to inspire all through the power of
uncon ü onÙ love.

You can find out more about Toni Carmine Salerno by visiting
his website:


扫描全能王 创
.'ll.?o bJ! Ton i Coi’iR ice Salel-yp;

1J orilf.s:
T€›I1i Coal-i1Iil1C 1“aJcl’l4t); i rt, I_¡fe, JpJ}p2¿jpJj¿
J’iitq¿elic I›i.s|aii‘.u?ioias
C oclclcss
Gaia' E(idv isi Soul

Oi”aclc- Carcl Se¡,S:

£1,iaix'e-t‘sal l>›ve: Llraliiag Oi•aclc
Loa'crs’ Or-acle
Gual“cllifl2 /kngcl C8l-ds
C r)r$ tal Oracle
.ti:gels, Gods 1 Goddesses
Ask An Angel
dealing Angel Cards
Soul Mate Cards
Blue Angel Oracle
Heart k Soul Cards
Wisdom of Ae Golden Path

Meditations For Inner Peace
Meditations For Children (with Elizabeth Beyer)
Heart Meditations (with Martine Salerno)


扫描全能王 创

-ri„ Eternal FeiTÌiniite

¥Vi:łiin Lil\: ß Nacure

by°fuIзi Ca‹ nine 5alerno

1 12 p$ bool‹, full-colour

Tlsis beauti fully r •esented, full-

colour book,›witten and illustrated
with over 70 oJ best-selling artist and author Toni Ca rmíne
Safer no’s most beloved depictions of the Goddess, is Ù ae perfect lift
for )•ourself Jr Jr ur loved ones. Wi% stunning full-page images
and in5pirational sayings, quotes and affirmations, Goddess’ is a
book )•ou will want to use znd refer to daily as it can also be used
as an oracle, nding you with positive and life-affirming messages
from the realm of the Goddess.

This new expanded edition of’Goddess’ is prescnted in a larger

size, including 1 2 extra pages with new painü nęs ancl writings ani1
deluxe gold edging.

扫描全能王 创
Also J''ailable from Willie /\lagJel l*ul›lislaink:

Wisdom of the
Golden Path
fry T‹›lti LJ3i in1in« Salci:to
lllU8tl i\tc rl YLICl1Ui’7at1

The. e car ds and accompanying tiidebool, projrjde clari th arid

practical guidance for many of’ life’s challenging issues. The
riiessa es aloitg at'i£i tin breathtaking artwork will help )'ou rise
abo 'e your pi obleins and allow you to see things from a higher
perspectia-e. Tlte guidebook clearly explains and illustrates how
to recei›'e guidance about the present and hiture and hosv to give
and recei›-e accurate readings. Wisdom of the Golden Path will
set j‘ou on a journey of positive transformation that will empower
you and help you rediscover your authentic self. Each message is
fol los$red Q r q positive affirmation desired to help you fulfil your
highest potential.


扫描全能王 创
For moi e information
or to purchase and
Blue Angel Publishing release,
please visit our website at:


扫描全能王 创
Ton“i CnruiJnc Salerno is the author of numei ous books, CDs and o ‘o<J<
cards. He is also can ai tist who paints intuitively; dc•picting theme.* asso+/«tcd
widi rrrind, body and spirit. Boi n in Mell›ournc, Australia to Italian |›arcnts,
the work ol”diis internationally acclaimed self-taught al‘tint and ailthor ‹Old
his $iiblislunq house Blue Angel Publishing is having a significant •xnd *’
effect on people’s lives aroiincl the globe, connecting |ieoplc and cultures
through the unifying fDi cc of love awal helping( to break down be barriers
of out-nloded ways of thinking. Toni and everyone at 8lue Angel hope to
inspire all through the power of unconditional love.
You can had out more about Toni Carmine Salerno by visiting lits iveksitc:


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