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Optimise B1+

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1 Listen to the extracts and choose f rom A–E what each speaker says. Unit 3 Listening

A I’d rather watch a programme on T V than online.

B Netflix is too expensive for my family.
C Parents can control who watches the programmes.
D It’s not easy to find good programmes on T V.
E Reading is a good way to know more about the films you are watching.

Speaker 1:

Speaker 2:

Speaker 3:

Speaker 4:

Speaker 5:

Score: /5


2 Choose the best words to complete the sentences.

1 Could/Must you help me with my homework? It’s really difficult.

2 Some scientists believe that dogs can/have to smell human diseases.
3 You mustn’t/don’t have to walk in the road. It’s dangerous.
4 I believe cars can/will be able to drive without a human driver in the future.
5 T he doctor said you should/may stay at home if you don’t feel well.

Score: /5

3 Choose the correct words to complete the sentences.

1 Our bus hasn’t arrived/been arriving yet. It should be here soon.

2 You’ve played/been playing that game all morning. Why don’t you do something else now?
3 Rick’s an old friend. I’ve known/been knowing him since I was five.
4 T hat’s the strangest story I’ve ever heard/been hearing!
5 I’ve studied/been studying Greek for three months and I still can’t say anything.

Score: /5
4 Complete the text with the correct f orm (present perf ect simple or continuous) of the verbs in brackets.

I (1) (dream) of going to London since I was a child and finally I’m going! I
(2) (save) for two years and by next week I’ll have all the money I need. I’m really excited because
(3) (never go) abroad before and now I’m going on my own. My mum (4)
(worry) a lot because she thinks I won’t like being away from home. However, I’m staying with an English family who are
used to having foreign students. T hey say they (5) (not have) any problems before and that all of
their students have had a great time.

Score: /5

5 Choose the correct word or phrase to complete the sentences.

1 I can’t come to football training because I ’m seeing/see my cousins this weekend.

2 You’ve dropped your papers. I ’m helping/’ll help you pick them up.
3 I think it will/’s going to be a nice day today. T here aren’t any clouds in the sky.
4 Shall/Will we introduce ourselves to the new students?
5 Is it OK if I wait at your house until my parents get/are going to get home?

Score: /5

6 Complete the dialogue with a f uture f orm of the verb in brackets. Sometimes more than one answer is correct.

Nicola: I’m pleased we’ve got school holidays soon.

Anabel: Me too! I’m fed up with exams. (1) (do) anything special in the holidays?
Nicola: Not really. My parents can’t afford to go away.
Anabel: T hat’s a shame. We (2) (go) camping for two weeks in the New Forest.
Nicola: T hat sounds nice.
Anabel: Yes … perhaps you could come with us. (3) (ask) my parents?
Nicola: T hat would be great! Do you think it (4) (be) OK with them?
Anabel: I’m sure it will. I’ll ask my dad when he (5) (get) home this evening.
Nicola: T hanks, Anabel!

Score: /5


What do you think about online video sites?

It’s more than 10 years since the first video was uploaded to YouT ube. T he first clip, called ‘Me at the zoo’ was not
very original but it represented a new way of watching videos. Now, nearly five billion videos are viewed every day –
and that’s just on YouT ube. We’ve asked some of our readers: what do you think about online video sites?
A Gabby

I’m not sure what to think. You can find interesting things like educational programmes or ‘how to’ guides and that’s
what I usually use them for. However, there are also a lot of videos of people playing silly jokes and making fun of
animals. I really don’t understand why people want to upload that sort of thing. If I want to see something funny, I can
just watch a sitcom on T V. Another thing which annoys me is the number of adverts – a few years ago, there weren’t
any and now you might have to watch thirty seconds of adverts before the video starts.

B Neil

I really like them! I don’t often post my own videos but I enjoy watching ones that other people have uploaded,
especially funny home videos. My favourite is called ‘Charlie bit my finger’ and it’s had more than 800 million views. It
shows a little boy and his baby brother called Charlie, and basically the boy keeps putting his finger in Charlie’s mouth
and Charlie keeps biting it. When the brother finally gets upset, Charlie just laughs at him. I keep watching it again and
again! It’s simple and funny and, most importantly, everyone can identify with it. I think the inventors of YouT ube
thought that people would upload exactly this type of video.

C Megan

I think it’s great that people can share their videos online. It means that anyone can have their 15 minutes of fame. For
example, lots of pop stars spend thousands of dollars on making videos so that they go viral, but some of the most
popular ones are made by ordinary people. ‘Evolution of dance’ is a great example of this. It shows a man dancing to
different types of music in a school concert. He’s a good dancer but he also dances in an amusing way so viewers love
it. It’s clearly not a professional video but it’s very popular, it’s had more than 290 million views!

D Justin

I used to spend hours online watching short videos but I hardly ever do this now. T he problem for me is that it’s hard
to tell if they are real or not. For example, some of the vlogs (video logs) want you to think that the presenter is an
ordinary young person talking in their bedroom about beauty products or video games. However, the reality is that
they are often paid huge sums by big companies to advertise their products. I don’t have a problem with advertising
but it’s important to know if the video is real or not.

7 Read the text. What do these words and numbers represent? Choose the correct answer.

1 Five billion
A T he number of videos uploaded to YouT ube every day.
B T he number of videos watched on YouT ube every day.
2 T hirty seconds
A T he time you can spend watching adverts before each video.
B T he average time of an online video.
3 800 million
A T he number of times people have watched a particular video.
B T he number of subscribers to a particular video channel.
4 T housands of dollars
A T he amount of money you can earn from a pop video.
B T he amount of money some people spend on pop videos.
5 Huge sums
A T he amount people spend on beauty products and video games.
B T he amount of money some people earn from their online videos.

Score: /5

8 Read the text. For each question, choose f rom the people A–D. T he people may be chosen more than once.

Which person

1 thinks that online videos can make you famous?

2 uses online videos to learn things?
3 doesn’t watch many online videos now?
4 prefers to watch comedies on television?
5 has uploaded videos to the internet?

Score: /5


9 Complete the sentences with the noun f orm of the words in brackets.

1 Cycling has grown in (popular) in the UK since the 2012 Olympics.

2 A lot of people believe that money brings you (happy).
3 T his phone is very easy to use because of its (simple).
4 I have to admit that chocolate is a (weak) of mine.
5 T his group is trying to increase (aware) of environmental problems.

Score: /5

10 Match the sentences.

It doesn’t do you his jokes very funny.

I’m tired. Do you mind if we take silly jokes.

He’s really funny. He’s always telling a friend round for dinner.

My mum says I can have a break now?

I don’t find good to spend this much time on your


Score: /5
11 Complete the sentences with words f or T V programmes. T he f irst letter is given, and there is one space f or each

1 I’m watching a new m s . It’s about South American song and dance.
2 T he w f predicted wind and showers for today.
3 T here’s a great new w p on T V. It shows animals from
all over the world.
4 I learnt how to make the perfect Spaghetti Bolognese on a c
p last night.
5 It’s a great c s . T he presenter has interesting conversations with different celebrities.

Score: /5

12 Choose the correct preposition (A, B or C) to complete the sentences.

1 He’s fed up his friends spending all their time on Facebook.

A to
B with
C of
2 We need to find a solution the problem of climate change.
A at
B of
C to
3 It was a beautiful beach but parts of it were covered rubbish.
A with
B of
C about
4 I don’t know the best way to dispose my old phone.
A to
B at
C of
5 Regardless the score in this match, United can’t win the league.
A of
B to
C to

Score: /5

13 Complete the sentences with the correct f orm of the words in brackets.

1 A (advantage) of living in the countryside is the lack of public transport.

2 We are trying to make our school more accessible to people with (able).
3 Joe and I had a (agree) last week and we haven’t spoken since.
4 T here has been a lot of extra (secure) in the airport recently.
5 What a lovely surprise! I was completely (aware) you were coming.

Score: /5
14 Choose the correct words to complete the text.

It’s (1) believable/unbelievable how quickly my city is changing. Lots of big companies have moved into the city and the
local people are being pushed out to the (2) suburbs/city centre. In my neighbourhood, houses and shops are
(3) reappearing/disappearing at a worrying speed. For example, they are building a huge fifty- (4) storey/floor office block
where my school used to be! Now the local community has decided that enough is enough. We’re going to tell the
developers that we have no intention (5) of/to being pushed out!

Score: /5

15 Complete the sentences with the correct f orm of the words in brackets.

1 He doesn’t seem to (equal) hard work with success.

2 I’m (despair) to see the latest Star Wars film.
3 My dad (decor) the living room every spring.
4 We are very (fortune) to have Miss Walters with us today.
5 My new puppy loves people. She’s always very (affect) towards everyone.

Score: /5

16 Match the sentences.

1 I don’t like the way he puts me

2 If you don’t feel
3 Sometimes my mum’s so tired that she drops
4 I had a great time when I look
5 I’m sorry about the problems. We’ll try to sort them

A off in front of the television.

B back on my school days.
C down when he talks to me.
D out as soon as possible.
E up to going to the theatre, we can stay in.

Score: /5


17 Write a f orm of the word in capitals in each gap.

I believe that the internet is an amazing (1) which has changed our lives. For ACHIEVE
example, it is now possible for anyone to post videos online for the whole world to see. T he only
thing you need is a computer and a little (2) . However, it worries me that people CREATE
are only making videos because they want to be an online (3) . T he internet used PERSON
to be a way to find out information about the world but now people use it to become famous. Not
only that, but many companies have also taken the (4) to advertise their DECIDE
products in the videos, using the (5) of the presenters. POPULAR

Score: /5
18 Complete the sentences with one of the words in the box. T here are two words which you do not need.

after before from in off on up

1 T he shop is only open nine to four.

2 I don’t feel to cooking tonight. Let’s go to a restaurant.
3 I always have breakfast with my family I leave for school.
4 When I look back my first school day I think of my very first teacher. He was great!
5 We didn’t have any difficulty finding their house.

Score: /5

19 Write one word in each gap.

If you want (1) make the most of your free time, you should consider downloading an organiser app. T here are a
number (2) apps available which help you sort (3) your free time activities and social life. For example, if
you want to hang out (4) friends, they work out the best time to meet them. T hey can also remind you about
birthdays and other important events. T he only problem is that you’ll have to put (5) with the constant reminders
they send you. If you don’t mind your phone ringing all the time, you should try one out!

Score: /5


20 T hink of your f avourite website and write a paragraph which talks about the positive and negative points of the
website. You can use the adjectives in the box to help you. Remember to:

use a friendly, conversational tone

mention negative points as well as positive points
use linking words and phrases.

accessible attractive clever complex creative interesting original popular simple useful

Score: / 10

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