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**Chapter 1: Introduction**

There are many locations in the archipelago of the Philippines that are ideal for oyster farming. In the
province of Cavite, in the towns of Bacoor and Kawit, oyster farming began in the nation. Generally,
family businesses and small farms ran the operations. The average farm is between 0.5 and 5 ha in size,
and it produces about 50 metric tons per hectare on average. Oyster marketing has not been too difficult
in these two towns since they are close to Metro Manila markets and have access to both land and water
transportation options. Furthermore, there is currently more demand than supply for oysters. Most of
the city’s coastal residents consider shellfish farming to be their way of life, and if you’re prepared to put
in the necessary effort, it’s not difficult to earn a living in this industry. However, Bacoor City’s oyster
industry is collapsing. Because of things like water pollution, unchecked development, and climate
change. Researchers from the International School of Hotel and Restaurant Management (ISHRM)
conduct research to find answers about the factors affecting the oyster industry in Bacoor. They also
conduct a related study about a tourism activity that could help in the promotion and preservation of
the industry.

Background of the Study:

Bacoor, Cavite, situated along the coastal areas of Manila Bay, holds significant potential for oyster
cultivation due to its favorable marine environment. With its rich biodiversity and proximity to the urban
market of Metro Manila, Bacoor presents a promising location for the development of the oyster

The cultivation of oysters not only offers economic opportunities for local communities but also
contributes to environmental sustainability by enhancing marine ecosystems and supporting biodiversity.
Understanding the dynamics of the oyster business in Bacoor is essential for maximizing its benefits
while mitigating potential challenges.

Theoretical Framework:

Resource-Based View (RBV):

The Resource-Based View (RBV) theory can provide a theoretical lens for understanding the competitive
advantage of oyster businesses in Bacoor, Cavite. According to RBV, firms gain competitive advantage
and superior performance by leveraging their unique and valuable resources. In the context of the oyster
business, resources such as access to prime coastal locations, knowledge of oyster farming techniques,
skilled labor, and market networks can contribute to competitive advantage. By applying RBV, this
framework will help analyze how firms in Bacoor utilize their competitive advantage, and achieve
superior performance in the oyster industry.

Sustainable Livelihoods Framework:

The Sustainable Livelihoods Framework (SLF) can offer insights into the socio-economic impact of the
oyster business on local communities in Bacoor, Cavite. SLF emphasizes the importance of sustainable
livelihood strategies that enhance people’s capabilities, assets, and vulnerability context. By applyingSLF,
this framework will help assess how participation in the oyster business influences livelihood assets
(such as natural, physical, financial, human, and social capital) and contributes to the resilience and well-
being of households and communities in Bacoor.

Conceptual Framework:

Market Analysis:

This component of the conceptual framework involves analyzing the demand for oysters in local and
regional markets, identifying key consumers (e.g., restaurants, seafood markets, wholesalers), and
exploring market trends and opportunities for expansion.

Socio-Economic Impact:

This component focuses on investigating the socio-economic implications of oyster cultivation on local
livelihoods, income generation, employment opportunities, and community development in Bacoor,

Environmental Sustainability:

Examining the environmental impact of oyster farming practices, including water quality management,
habitat conservation, and ecological sustainability measures, constitutes this component of the
conceptual framework.

Regulatory Framework:

Analyzing the existing regulatory framework governing oyster farming in Bacoor, Cavite, identifying
regulatory challenges, and proposing policy recommendations for sustainable growth forms the basis of
this component.

By integrating these elements within the conceptual framework, the study aims to provide a holistic
understanding of the oyster business in Bacoor, Cavite, addressing its economic, social, environmental,
and regulatory dimensions.

Research Context

This research aims to investigate various aspects of the oyster business in Bacoor, Cavite. It seeks to
understand the socio-economic impact of the industry, identify challenges faced by oyster farmers and
traders, and explore opportunities for growth and sustainability. By shedding light on these dimensions,
this study aims to offer insights beneficial for policymakers, stakeholders, and entrepreneurs involved in
the oyster business.

Statement of the Problem:

Market Demand and Accessibility:

What is the current demand for oysters in Bacoor, Cavite, and how accessible are these markets for local
oyster farmers?

Socio-Economic Impact:

What are the socio-economic effects of the oyster business on local livelihoods, income generation, and
employment opportunities in Bacoor?

Environmental Sustainability:

What are the environmental implications of oyster farming practices in Bacoor, particularly concerning
water quality management and habitat conservation?

Regulatory Challenges:

What are the existing regulatory frameworks governing oyster farming in Bacoor, and what challenges do
local oyster farmers face in complying with these regulations?

Competitive Advantage and Market Expansion:

How do oyster businesses in Bacoor utilize their resources to gain a competitive advantage, and what
opportunities exist for market expansion and growth?

Community Resilience and Well-being:

To what extent does participation in the oyster business contribute to the resilience and well-being of
households and communities in Bacoor, Cavite?

Addressing these problems will provide insights into the dynamics of the oyster business in Bacoor,
Cavite, and guide strategies for sustainable development, economic growth, and environmental
conservation in the region.


Market Demand and Accessibility:

Null Hypothesis (H0): There is no significant relationship between market demand for oysters and the
accessibility of markets for local oyster farmers in Bacoor, Cavite.

Alternative Hypothesis (H1): There is a significant relationship between market demand for oysters and
the accessibility of markets for local oyster farmers in Bacoor, Cavite.

Socio-Economic Impact:

H0: There is no significant association between participation in the oyster business and improvements in
local livelihoods, income generation, and employment opportunities in Bacoor, Cavite.
H1: Participation in the oyster business is significantly associated with improvements in local livelihoods,
income generation, and employment opportunities in Bacoor, Cavite.

Environmental Sustainability:

H0: Oyster farming practices have no significant impact on water quality management and habitat
conservation in Bacoor, Cavite.

H1: Oyster farming practices have a significant impact on water quality management and habitat
conservation in Bacoor, Cavite.

Regulatory Challenges:

H0: Compliance with existing regulatory frameworks does not significantly affect the oyster business
operations in Bacoor, Cavite.

H1: Compliance with existing regulatory frameworks significantly affects the oyster business operations
in Bacoor, Cavite.

Competitive Advantage and Market Expansion:

H0: There is no significant relationship between resource utilization and competitive advantage in the
oyster business in Bacoor, Cavite.

H1: Resource utilization is significantly related to competitive advantage in the oyster business in Bacoor,

Community Resilience and Well-being:

H0: Participation in the oyster business does not significantly contribute to the resilience and well-being
of households and communities in Bacoor, Cavite.

H1: Participation in the oyster business significantly contributes to the resilience and well-being of
households and communities in Bacoor, Cavite.

Testing these hypotheses will provide insights into the various dimensions of the oyster business in
Bacoor, Cavite, and help validate or refute the proposed relationships and associations.

Scope and Limitation

One of the tourist attractions utilized by the community in Bacoor City is the oyster business. The aspects
of food tourism and how it contributes to the oyster business’s promotion will be the main focus of this
study's researchers. This will be accomplished by concentrating on the companies that harvest oysters
and market them to their clientele. The information that the researchers collect from this industry will be
evaluated during the process to serve as the foundation for a recommended tourism activity.
Utilizing a quantitative methodology with a focus on probability sampling and a survey questionnaire as
a tool, the researchers will gather the necessary data for this investigation.

A total of one hundred customers and residents will provide the data as respondents. Every respondent
will receive an identical copy of the questionnaires to complete. The study will be conducted by the
researchers over a period of six (6) months. During that time, they will observe the oyster industry in
Bacoor City and conduct targeted surveys with respondents in nine (9) barangays in Bacoor, namely
Alima, Sineguelasan, Digman, Talaba, Tabing Dagat, Maliksi, Zapote, Banalo, and Kaingin.

Research Objectives

The primary objectives of this study are as follows:

1. To assess the economic significance of the oyster industry in Bacoor and its contribution to the local

2. To analyze the key stakeholders in the oyster business and understand their roles and interactions.

3. To identify the challenges and constraints encountered by oyster farmers and traders in Bacoor.

4. To explore potential strategies for enhancing the competitiveness and sustainability of the oyster

5. To provide recommendations for policymakers and stakeholders to support the development of the
oyster business in Bacoor, Cavite.

Significance of the Study:

Economic Development: The study will provide insights into the economic potential of the oyster
business in Bacoor, Cavite, offering opportunities for local entrepreneurs and contributing to the overall
economic development of the region.

Livelihood Improvement: By examining the socio-economic impact of the oyster business, the research
aims to identify ways to enhance livelihoods, increase income generation, and create employment
opportunities for local communities in Bacoor.

Environmental Conservation: Understanding the environmental implications of oyster farming practices

will inform sustainable strategies that mitigate negative impacts on marine ecosystems, promote
biodiversity conservation, and support the long-term health of coastal environments.
Policy Development: Findings from the study can guide policymakers in Bacoor, Cavite, in formulating
evidence-based policies and regulations that support the growth of the oyster industry while ensuring
environmental sustainability, consumer safety, and fair trade practices.

Community Empowerment: Through stakeholder engagement and participatory research approaches,

the study aims to empower local communities and oyster farmers by providing them with knowledge,
resources, and tools to effectively engage in the oyster business and advocate for their interests.

Academic Contribution: The research will contribute to the existing body of knowledge on oyster
farming and coastal resource management, enriching academic discourse and serving as a reference for
future studies in related fields.

Tourism and Culinary Industry: Understanding the market dynamics of oysters in Bacoor, Cavite, can also
have implications for the tourism and culinary industries, as it may attract food enthusiasts and tourists
interested in exploring local cuisine and seafood delicacies.

Overall, the study holds significant implications for sustainable development, environmental
conservation, economic growth, and community well-being in Bacoor, Cavite, and serves as a valuable
resource for various stakeholders invested in the oyster business and coastal management initiatives.

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