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Radionix Ltd.
Crisis solutions for fighter avionics modernisation
years and could serve the basis for developing istics. The microwave modules from Radionix Ltd.
advanced radars. allows to improve the quality of the transmitter
The basic upgrades are as follows: and receiver equipment of the MiG-29, Su-27 and
- expansion of the fire control radars functional Su-30MKK fire control.
capabilities to attack high-speed and low-speed The most important and difficult problem of air-
aerial targets in the look-down and look-up borne radars modernization is the implementation
modes; of drastically innovative radar operating modes,
- introduction of the real-beam, direct/lateral such as direct/lateral aperture synthesis surface
aperture synthesis and Doppler beam sharpening scanning, multi-position mode and extra-long-
surface scan modes; range target acquisition that are indispensable for
- target acquisition range and ECM immunity multifunctionality of the fighters under upgrade.
increasing; Introduction of the surface scan modes is
- creation of a basis for further upgrade of provided by the installation the following units
the SUV-27 and SUV-29 by the extension of the from Radionix:
weapon types they can apply; - N019-09R1(N019-09R2) advanced micro-
- the N019 and N001 radars commonality wave receiver unit;
enhancement at the unit and subsystem level;
- reliability increasing.
S.B. Zavyalov, Director of Radionix Ltd
of N019-09R1(N019-09R2) unit
frequency range Х band
D ue to the current economic situation stem-
ming from the global financial crisis, most of
the countries have substantially revised their air
noise factor, dB
maximum input signal level P-1, dBm
force development programs in favor of upgrad- output bandwidth in narrowband
ing their aircraft fleet at the expense of acquiring mode, MHz 5
output bandwidth in wideband
advanced aircraft due to the high cost of their
mode, MHz 30
development and production. A key task facing digital gain control range
Radionix Ltd. is modernization of the Sh101 in wideband mode, dB 15 Digital signal processor unit
and Sh104 fire control systems of the Su-27 maximum output voltage, V ±1
and MiG-29 fighters in support of the Ukrainian - N001-22R1(N001-22R2) multifunctional
Defense Ministry. The ongoing modernization To date, Radionix Ltd., in cooperation with the generator assembly;
is to improve their performance, reliability and Novator state-owned company, has developed - БЦО-R digital signal processor unit (DSPU)
functionality. The modernization of the N001 and produced a series of microwave products for includes: the air target detection module (ATDM)-
and N019 radars carried by Su-27 and MiG-29 a foreign customer, including the UU52155A(B,G) the standard radar modes module, the long range
fighters is aimed at a considerable improvement frequency synthesizer, UM45211 and UM45213 detection module (LRDM) and digital synthetic
of the technical characteristics, introduction of low-noise heterodynes and UM45210 and aperture module(DSAM).
advanced fire control radar operating modes UM45212 two-channel frequency converters. The advanced microwave receivers and opti-
while preserving the current ones and the reli- The products are the analogues of the Soviet- mized digital Doppler algorithms of the DSPU
ability enhancement of both the fire control radars developed microwave modules, embody the unit allows a 30-35% increase in the air target
as a whole and their individual components. modern components and the new technology acquisition range and ensures introduction of the
This will extend the radars service life by 10-12 solutions and feature much enhanced character- transmitting signal phase-frequency modulation
mode for surface scanning. Unlike the ‘bypass
channel’ concept of the Russian Avionics compa-
ny, the processing of the analog signal, including
linear amplification and quadrature processing,
are handled by the versatile receiving module that
is the part of the N019-09R receiver.
Introduction of the advanced N019-09R three-
channel microwave radar receiver with two inter-
mediate output frequencies – 28MHz and 84MHz
– for the narrowband and wideband channels
respectively, which allow two different radar
echo processing algorithms implementing. The
narrow-band Doppler filters in ATDM is used for
air target acquisition while the wideband signal
mode implies the radar’s down-look high-resolu-
tion operation against the low-speed surface tar-
gets. The N001-22R generator unit is a complex
multifunction device designed to generate the HF
N001-09R microwave receiver unit and microwave signals in line with the data fed

34 Аэрокосмическое обозрение

Characteristics of Omut EW system

Multiple radar suppression
capability, rdr 20
Frequency range X, Ka
Max output power, P-1, W 80
Operating temperature range, °C -60/+80
Max weight, kg 45
Max number of programmable
ECM complexes 20
countermeasures selection to suppress SAM
systems and fighter radars and active or semi-
active radar homing devices of an air-to-air and a
surface-to-air missiles.
Since its inception, the company has strived to
develop competitive sophisticated integrated
products rivaling the best foreign designs. Its top-
notch technological capabilities, advanced devel-
N001-22R exciter unit opment and testing facilities and technological

to it by the onboard digital computer and other

radar units.
The new frequency synthesis concept embod-
ied in the exciter unit ensures frequency and
phase noise reduction, and software adaptation
to the national frequency spectrum require-
ments. The generator unit features a high
degree of commonality of its modules and
subsystems with the existing hardware, which
allows repair of older units by using newly-
developed ones.
The DSPU- radar echo digital processing unit
with the standard radar mode module uses opti-
mized narrowband Doppler filtration algorithms.
This allows a considerable improvement the
moving target echo selection from the surface
clutter and ECM in the basic radar target acquisi-
tion modes when operating at high and medium Omut EW system
pulse repetition frequency.
The LRD Module is an option. It uses the The results produced by the fighter radar mod- capabilities enable Radionix to run the full cycle of
ernization are used in developing the transmit/ development, testing and producing the most
Characteristics of N001-22R1 receive components of the future Esmeralda cutting-edge avionics.
(N001-22R2) unit weather and navigation radar being developed
frequency band X Band by Radionix. In addition to the standard set of
frequency channels number 52 weather and navigation mode, the radar will
output signals power level, mW 20 have the wind shift and turbulence detection,
synchronization signals power level, mW 20 synthetic aperture surface scanning and Doppler
carrier attenuation bear sharpening modes. Extra capabilities may 04128, Ukraine, Kyiv, 2 Garmatna str., s/b 93
in the pulse mode, dB 60
include the precision-guided weapons preliminary Phone: +380 44 495 52 23
parasitic emissions
spectral density, mW/cm2 10-7 target designation and modes. Further down the Phone/fax: +380 44 495 52 12
cold start up time, min 3 road, the system will become a platform for test-
ing design developing multifunctional airborne
Doppler processing algorithm with extended radar systems.
coherent integration time. This became feasible Another line of work, pursued by the company
through an increase in the long-term frequency is the development of the advanced Omut aircraft
stability of the N001-22R1(N001-22R2) The DSA electronic protection sys-
module is designed for surface surveillance. It tem to replace the obso-
relies on the direct/lateral aperture synthesis and lete L006LM and L203B(I)
Doppler beam sharpening algorithms. warning systems.
Thus, fitting the radar with the advanced DSPU The Omut includes a
unit will ensure a hefty improvement in the target RWR with an updateable
acquisition, radar’s ECM immunity and its reli- threat systems database
ability and maintainability without substantial and a jammer very effec-
modifications to the maintenance procedures and tive against hostile target
radar checklists. acquisition and fire con-
The hardware developed while creating the trol radars. The Omut EW
“coherent line” microwave modules, as well as system performs real-time
the development of the upgraded units for the detection and identification
N019 and N001 radars have turned the company of enemy radars, threat
into a systems developer. assessment and optimal

№ 6 2 0 1 0 г. 35

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