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Formación para la Investigación

Escuela de Física, Facultad de Ciencias

Universidad Industrial de Santander
Construimos Futuro


Omar Hernandez Calderon - Civil Engineering.

Juliette Natalia Figueroa Palencia - Industrial Engineering.

Laura Vanesa Rosas Mendez - Systems Engineering.

Santiago José Sandoval Venegas - Civil Engineering.

"Patience is the key to success"

Bill Gates

One of the ways to obtain results and reach a conclusion is the use of methodological trial and error
methodological; in such a way that in practice what is put to test are the forces exerted by a series
of forces exerted by a series of masses at a specific angle, finding a third or fourth one that creates
an equilibrium in the table of forces.
The table of forces, at the time of finding this and collecting the information obtained, this same
information obtained, these same values will be searched for using the vector theory to conclude
with the margin of error that is generated between the theoretical value and the experimental
value. the experimental value.

Forces are one of the main areas of study in physics and are defined as an interaction between two
objects that causes a change in the motion or shape of one or both objects. From the motion of
stars in space to the way objects interact on earth, forces are present in everything around us.
For this practice, the main objective is to check and compare results obtained during a laboratory
practice and others found laboratory practice and others found theoretically using concepts such as
vectors in this case, it is done taking into account the mass quantities case, it is done taking into
account quantities of mass arranged with a stipulated angulation.

Research report of subgroup #H1, group A, presented to teacher ARBEY ALEXIS PAEZ ROA in the
subject of Laboratory of PHYSICS 1. Date: 31/03/2023.

Formación para la Investigación
Escuela de Física, Facultad de Ciencias
Universidad Industrial de Santander
Construimos Futuro

In this laboratory the main objective will be to find the resultant forces both experimental and
theoretical, for this we have some data provided by the teacher, with which we will work. To
perform the experimental part, first we will have to put on a table of forces the certain weights with
their respective angles previously indicated by the teacher, in order to find the third or fourth
resultant force, for this we will run the pulley in such a way that a balance of forces is created, this
procedure will be performed six times respectively. The data obtained will be placed in different
tables: for three and four forces respectively. In the theoretical part, the forces given by the teacher
will have to be decomposed in order to find the resulting forces and at the same time perform
different calculations to find the angles corresponding to these forces. With these practical and
theoretical data, the error percentage will be found.

Illustration 1. Forces experiment

The theoretical and practical steps carried out will be shown below.

Table 1. Data was obtained from the teacher, Table 2. Experimental resultant forces from
with two forces. Table 1.

⟶ ⟶ ⟶
𝐹1 𝐹2 𝐹3
𝐹1 [𝑔𝐹] 𝜃1 𝐹2 [𝑔𝐹] 𝜃2 𝐹3 [𝑔𝐹] 𝜃3
10 100° 50 150° 61 320°
40 90° 20 350° 44 239°
30 200° 60 130° 80 333°

Formación para la Investigación
Escuela de Física, Facultad de Ciencias
Universidad Industrial de Santander
Construimos Futuro

With the data in table 1 the theoretical resultant forces were found.

 Having their magnitude and direction we will obtain their components.

o 𝐹1𝑥 = cos(100°)× 10 o 𝐹2𝑥 = cos(150°)× 50

𝐹1𝑥 = −1,736 𝐹2𝑥 = −25√3

o 𝐹1𝑦 = sin(100°) × 10 o 𝐹2𝑦 = sin(150°) × 50

𝐹1𝑦 =9,848 𝐹2𝑦 = 25

⟶ ⟶
𝐹1 = -1,736 î + 9,848 ĵ 𝐹2 = -25√3 î + 25 ĵ

⟶ ⟶ ⟶ ⟶ ⟶ ⟶
0 = 𝐹1 + 𝐹2 + 𝐹3 𝐹3 = − ( 𝐹1 + 𝐹2 )

𝐹3 = 45,04 î - 34,848 ĵ

| 𝐹3 |=√(45,04)2 + (−34,848)2 = 57

𝛼 = tan−1 ( ) = − 37,73°

Since the vector is in quadrant four of the Cartesian plane, it will be understood why its angle is
negative, since it goes clockwise. In order to find the counterclockwise angle, subtract 360° from the
given angle.

𝜃 = 322,27°

Formación para la Investigación
Escuela de Física, Facultad de Ciencias
Universidad Industrial de Santander
Construimos Futuro

Table 3. Theoretical resultant forces.

𝐹3 [𝑔𝐹] 𝜃3
57 322,27°
41,5 241,66°
75,705 331,86°

Finally, we will find the margin of error of the magnitudes and of their directions

𝑡ℎ𝑒𝑜𝑟𝑒𝑡𝑖𝑐𝑎𝑙 𝑑𝑎𝑡𝑎 − 𝑒𝑥𝑝𝑒𝑟𝑖𝑚𝑒𝑛𝑡𝑎𝑙 𝑑𝑎𝑡𝑎

𝐸𝑟𝑟𝑜𝑟 𝑟𝑎𝑛𝑔𝑒 = | | × 100 %
𝑡ℎ𝑒𝑜𝑟𝑒𝑡𝑖𝑐𝑎𝑙 𝑑𝑎𝑡𝑎

57 − 61
𝐸𝑟𝑟𝑜𝑟 𝑟𝑎𝑛𝑔𝑒 = | | × 100 % = 6,56 %

322,27° − 320°
𝐸𝑟𝑟𝑜𝑟 𝑟𝑎𝑛𝑔𝑒 = | | × 100 % = 0,71 %

Table 4. Percentage errors.

𝐹3 [𝑔𝐹] 𝜃3
6,56 % 0,71 %
5,68 % 1,113 %
5,673 % 0,0034 %

Formación para la Investigación
Escuela de Física, Facultad de Ciencias
Universidad Industrial de Santander
Construimos Futuro

The vectors of the three forces in the tables above are shown below.

Graph 1. Graph 2. Graph 3.

Table 5. Data obtained from the teacher, with three forces.

⟶ ⟶ ⟶
𝐹1 𝐹2 𝐹3
𝐹1 [𝑔𝐹] 𝜃1 𝐹2 [𝑔𝐹] 𝜃2 𝐹3 [𝑔𝐹] 𝜃3
40 90° 50 350° 20 45°
80 20° 10 130° 70 75°
90 100° 60 150° 30 200°

Table 6. Experimental resultant forces from Table 5.

𝐹4 [𝑔𝐹] 𝜃4
85 214°
140 231,5°
150 312,9°

Formación para la Investigación
Escuela de Física, Facultad de Ciencias
Universidad Industrial de Santander
Construimos Futuro

To find the theoretical forces in this case, table 5 is needed and all the processes will be performed
in the same way as the previous ones, but implementing one more force.

Table 7. Theoretical resultant forces from Table 8. Percentage errors.

Table 5.

⟶ 𝐹4
𝐹4 𝐹4 [𝑔𝐹] 𝜃4
𝐹4 [𝑔𝐹] 𝜃4 8,97 % 0,77 %
78 215,65° 4,12 % 0,76 %
134,46 229,756° 3,7 % 0,46 %
144,63 311,47°

Vectors of the four forces corresponding to the previous tables.

Graph 1. Graph 2. Graph 3.

Formación para la Investigación
Escuela de Física, Facultad de Ciencias
Universidad Industrial de Santander
Construimos Futuro

The tables in this report present experimental and theoretical data corresponding to the laboratory
practice. Therefore, we can point out that tables 1 and 5 contain the data assigned by the teacher
for the realization of this experiment used in the practice and in the calculation of theoretical results.
Thanks to this, it was possible to obtain the resultant forces and their respective angles, which were
used to calculate the margin of error that was presented in this practice.
On the other hand, a force graph was made for each system, thus giving a clearer representation of
the force vectors of our experiment.

In conclusion, the laboratory practice on forces has been a very enriching experience to better
understand the behavior of objects when faced with different types of forces.
Thanks to the information collected from each test carried out in the force table depending on each
of the stipulated values and the third or fourth values, by means of trial and error, it was possible
to deduce that between the experimental and theoretical values there will always be a percentage
of error no matter how minimal, in addition, in general, it was concluded that the greater the
number of forces placed on the table, the greater the percentage of error will be.


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