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Faculty of Engineering and Science

Student Name: Shailesh Monchari

Student ID: 001329318
Course: MSc Civil Engineering with Industrial Practice
Water and Wastewater Engineering GEEN-1148-M02-2023-24

Laboratory Report
Coagulation and Flocculation
Lab Date: March 06th, 2024
Lab Group Number: 04
Module Leader: Reginald Kogbara

Disclaimer: This report is prepared and presented as the original work of the student and has not
been copied or plagiarized in any way. It is submitted as solely my work in partial fulfilment of the
requirement of the course GEEN-1148-M02-2023-24. I understand the university’s plagiarism
policy and accept responsibility for every plagiarism charge where existent in this document.
Table of contents
1. INTRODUCTION……………………………………………………………………….3
2. AIM………………………………………………………………………………………3
3. APPARATUS…………………………………………………………………………….3
4. EXPERIMENTAL PROCEDURE………………………………………………………6
5. COAGULATION (RAPID MIXING)…………………………………………………..9
6. FLOCCULATION (SLOW MIXING)…………………………………………………10

Figure No. 1(Jar Testing Apparatus)…………………………………………………..3

Figure No. 2(Measuring Jars)…………………………………………………………4
Figure No. 3(Turbidity Meter)…………………………………………………………4
Figure No. 4(Water Sample)…………………………………………………………..4
Figure No. 5(Coagulant-Iron Chloride)……………………………………………….5
Figure No. 6(Weighing Machine)……………………………………………………..5
Figure No. 7(Ph Paper)…………………………………………………………….….5
Figure No. 8(Collecting 250ML of stormwater)………………………………………6
Figure No. 9(Ph of stormwater sample)……………………………………………….6
Figure No. 10(Calibration sample alignment and test readings)………………………7
Figure No. 11(Sample filling and turbidity readings)…………………………………7
Figure No. 12(Adding Coagulants)……………………………………………………8
Figure No. 13(Mixing of samples)…………………………………………………….9
Figure No. 14(Mixing at 150 rpm)……………………………………………………10
Table No. 1(Results of turbidity calibration test)………………………………………7
Table No. 2(Turbidity readings of water sample before sample)………………………8
Table No. 3(Quantity of Coagulants added)……………………………………………8
Table No. 4(Slow Mixing Speed unit)...........................................................................10
Table No. 5(Turbidity readings of water sample before sample)……………………..10

Access to clean and safe drinking water is essential for human health. To ensure that water is safe
for consumption, it must undergo a treatment process that involves coagulation and flocculation.
During coagulation, coagulants are added to break down colloidal particles and cause them to
aggregate into larger flocs. Flocculation induces the formation of even larger flocs, which can be
quickly removed through sedimentation or filtration, eliminating suspended particles, colloids,
and other contaminants from the water.

The aim of this laboratory is to study flocculation and coagulation mechanisms, assess their
effectiveness in reducing turbidity, and determine the settling of flocs before as well as after the

1. Flocculation Digital Jar Testing Machine
The equipment is made of six stirring units, each of which has a timer and a motor-
driven mechanism with controlled speed settings.

Figure 1: Jar Testing Apparatus (Self Source)

2. Measuring Jars
For this experiment, four measuring jars with a 1-litre capacity are being used..

Figure 2: Measuring Jars (Self Source)

3. Turbidity Meter
It is used to calculate the turbidity of the water samples before and after the experimental

Figure 3: Turbidity Meter (Self Source)

4. Water Sample
Surface-flowing stormwater and tap water are collected as water samples for this

Figure 4: Surface running Stormwater (Self Source)

5. Coagulants
Aluminium and ferric (iron) chloride are common coagulants used in the jar test. Iron
chloride is the coagulant used in this experiment.

Figure 4: Coagulant (Iron Chloride) (Self Source)

6. Weighing Machine
This machine is used to weight the amount of iron added in the water sample

Figure 6: Weighing Machine (Self source)

7. pH Paper
pH paper is used to check the pH level of the water samples.

Figure 7: pH Paper (Self Source)

Several steps are involved in the experimental process for the coagulation and flocculation of the
water sample.
Step 1: 250ml of surface-running stormwater water sample is taken in each measuring jar.

Figure 8: Collecting 250ml of stormwater

Step 2: Next, we need to figure out the pH values of the given tap water and stormwater
sample from figure 9

The stormwater sample had a pH value of 6 (tested).

The standard tap water's pH value of 7 (tested).

Figure 9: pH of a stormwater sample (Self Source)

Step 3: As part of the experiment, it's important to determine the turbidity of the
water sample both before and after testing. To do this, we need to calibrate the
turbidity meter using standard samples. Align the arrow on the turbidity meter and
take readings with at least two turbidity standard samples to ensure accurate

Figure 10: Calibration samples alignment and test readings.

Step 4: Note the readings which are closest to the turbidity meter's standard values
are acceptable. The table below explains the turbidity values which are obtained
during the experiment. Therefore, the turbidity meter's calibration is completed. To
verify the calibration, we can repeat a few of the standard samples and compare the

Standards of Turbidity Turbidity Readings

800 NTU 794 NTU
100 NTU 96 NTU
20 NTU 19.5 NTU
0.02 NTU 0.43 NTU
Table 1: Results of the Turbidity Calibration Test".

Step 5: To identify the turbidity value of the sample water collected in four beakers,
we need to fill the sample testing water in a cleaned cuvette (a circular cross-
sectional small container) up to the marked point. The figure below shows the
experimental procedure.

Figure 11: Sample filling and turbidity readings.

Water Sample Turbidity readings
before settling
Beaker No. 5 2.25 NTU
Beaker No. 6 1.53 NTU
Beaker No. 7 1.72 NTU
Beaker No. 8 1.65 NTU
Tap water 0.31 NTU
Table 2: Turbidity readings of water samples before settling.

Step 6: After finding the turbidity of the water sample, coagulant is added to the
water samples in different beakers with different amounts. In this experiment, Iron
chloride is used as a coagulant and added to the water sample collected in different
beakers. The table below explains the amount of coagulant added to the sample.

Figure 12: Adding coagulants.

Water sample Quantity of Coagulants


Beaker No. 5 0.3 grams

Beaker No. 6 0.5 grams
Beaker No. 7 0.7 grams
Beaker No. 8 0.9 grams
Table 3: Quantity of Coagulant added.

Coagulation is a chemical process that is commonly used in water and wastewater treatment
facilities to remove impurities such as suspended particles and colloids from the water. The process
involves adding coagulants such as aluminium sulfate (alum), ferric chloride or polyaluminium
chloride to the water. These coagulants work by neutralizing the electrical charges on the suspended
particles, which causes them to destabilize and come together to form larger aggregates known as

Here, table 3, shows the quantity of coagulants added to the water sample.

These four beakers are placed below the four stirring units, the blades are immersed in the water
This experimental procedure of coagulation is a fast-mixing process, For this experiment, a timer
was used to mix the coagulation process for 1 minute. For this process, a minimum speed of 25 rpm
is required. However, for this test, the speed has been increased to 150 rpm.

Figure 13: Mixing of samples

To determine the Velocity Gradient(G-1) with a speed of 150rpm at 1minute of time:

The following formula can be used to calculate the velocity gradient (G-1):

G-1 = 2* TT* N

Where G-1 = Velocity Gradient

N = Rotational Speed(RPM)
= 150/60second
= 2.5 Revolutions per second
G = 2 * 3.14 * 2.5 sec-1

G-1 = 15.69 sec -1

Hence, the velocity gradient(G ) of the coagulation process = 15.69 sec-1.

Usually, flocculation occurs after coagulation. Chemicals like alum or ferric chloride are
added during coagulation to neutralize the charges on suspended particles, which helps them
to stick together. To encourage these neutralized particles to collide and form larger flocs,
gentle mixing takes place during the flocculation stage.
However, in this case, the coagulant is mixed into the water sample at a lower speed for a
longer period.

As shown in the table below, the coagulant is added to the water sample in this experiment
at various rates.

Figure 14: Mixing at 150 rpm(self source)

5 min 100
5 min 50
5 min 20
Table 4: Slow mixing speed unit

Following the process of mixing the coagulant and water sample at varying speeds for a
certain period, the samples are set aside for approximately one hour to settle down.

After an hour, now note the turbidity readings of the water samples are shown in the table
Water Sample Turbidity readings after
Beaker No. 5 3.59 NTU
Beaker No. 6 2.36 NTU
Beaker No. 7 2.86 NTU
Beaker No. 8 2.92 NTU
Tap Water 0.30 NTU
Table 5: Turbidity readings after settling

Determine the power required:

We have the formula power required(P) = η * G2 * V

Here, P = Power required (in watts)

G = Velocity gradient (in sec-1) = 15.69 sec-1

V = Volume of water being treated (in cubic meters)

=250ML = 250 * 10-6 M3

η = Efficiency factor (dimensionless) = 0.00139 N-S/M2

P = 0.00139 x (15.69 sec-1)2 x 250 x 10-6

Power (P) = 0.0000855 WATTS

Therefore, the power required for mixing the sample is 0.000855 Watts.

Figure 14: Water samples after settling (Self source)

Figure 15, shows the settling down of floccs at the bottom of the beaker and the colour of the water
being changed due to the dosage of coagulants added to the sample.

According to the results, after experimenting, the turbidity values of water samples have increased
(as shown in Table 5), following the process of settling. Ideally, after settling, the turbidity values
should be lower than the values obtained before settling (as shown in Table 2). Due to some
conditions, this may occur those are:

1. Settling time: The duration of the settling period allows sufficient time for
coagulated particles to settle out of the water. Longer settling times generally result
in lower turbidity levels as more particles are removed from the water.

2. Intensity and duration of mixing: Optimal mixing is necessary to promote particle

collisions for aggregation and guarantee consistent dispersion of the coagulant.
Higher levels of turbidity and ineffective coagulation may result to inadequate

3. Coagulant Dosage: The effectiveness of particle aggregation depends on the

amount of coagulant added to the water. Higher turbidity levels remain even after
settling due to incomplete removal of particles due to insufficient dosage.

4. Characteristics of Suspended Particles: Particles suspended in water have varying

coagulation and settling tendencies depending on their makeup and size distribution.
For instance, to achieve the appropriate turbidity levels, smaller particles might need
longer settling times or extra treatment steps.

5. Water quality parameters: The efficacy of coagulation can be affected by

temperature, pH, and the presence of other chemicals or contaminants in the water.
The ideal conditions for coagulation may vary depending on the particular features
of the water supply.


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