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About Me

Hello, my name is Cole Keenan, and I am studying Industrial

Design at Iowa State University. I have always used my designs
to improve upon them and do so every day. The grind does not
stop for me; my work ethic is strong, and I have run my own
business since I was 14. This business has also strengthened my
eye for detail, which I apply to all my designs. I study difierent
ways to innovate and learn how to beneflt as many people
as possible. I am a great physical modeler. For anything that
involves hands-on work, I can be all in. My strengths enable me
to create the best opportunities for myself and others.

Hobbies Skills
• Boating • Hiking Adobe Creative Suite CAD Modeling/Rendering

• Photography • Working out Photoshop XD Blender Sketchup

• Outdoor Recreation • Swimming Indesign Premere Pro Solidworks Keyshot
Illustrator After Affects Cinema 4D Enscape
• Fishing • Exploring
• Skiing

Modpod is a modular battery system for people in
th event of power outages. Specifically designed
with the elderly population in mind

Duration 1 month
Year 2022
Type Studio
Design for Displacement

When researching into current problems across the U.S that cause
displacement throughout the country we discovered that our
electrical infastructure is aging and extremely outdated. This causes
massive blackouts across entire states in the event of heavy storms
or other natural events.

01 Define
02 Opportunity
03 Ideation
04 Development
05 Final
Elderly populations who rely on medications and medical devices are displaced
in the event of power loss and any severe weather conditions where they are
required to stay home for long periods of time.

Project 01
01 Define
02 Opportunity
03 Ideation
Part of the elderly population lives on their own and wants to enjoy life independently. Part of this population live in weak infastructure
areas and their health can greatly decline in the aftermath of a power outage. Design a product and service that has the potential to save 04 Development
lives and prevent decline in health due to a power outage.
05 Final

Project 01
After ideating of how we could provide power for the elderly in the event
of an outage we selected a concept for the overall form and combined
sketches to produce a multifunctional design.

01 Define
02 Opportunity
03 Ideation
04 Development
05 Final

Project 01
UI/UX Design
I worked on the app and interface 01 Define
design. My goal for this part of the 02 Opportunity
project was to understand how to
keep a design simple for a genera- 03 Ideation
tion that does not have much expe- 04 Development
rience with Apps. 05 Final

Project 01
Project 01

Amaris is a mobile learing unit experience that
educates the public about NASA’s mission Artemis
and gives them a life chaning experience

Duration 3 months
Year 2023
Type Studio
Design for Experience

At the start of this studio project Nasa approached each

design firm assebled of interdsciplinary design students to
create a Hotel for the Kennedy Space Center Facility.

01 Define
02 Research
03 Hotel
04 Concept

A mobile experiental learning vehicle was also expected to

help NASA educate beyond their on-site facilities in Florida.

Project 01
02 Research
03 Hotel
04 Concept
05 Final

Project 01
03 Hotel
04 Concept
05 Final

Project 01
Mobile Unit Amaris Concept
Amaris is a educational learning
“You are a farmer/botanist
experience (educating the public here and you will be
learning to produce food
about NASA and the mission Artemis), on here” - Terra

where users will experience what life

could be like living on Mars. They
begin the experience by taking a
“While some plants will not
survey for the system to load one of grow on Mars, you will
create genetically modified
the four experiences into the helmet plants to survive.” - Terra

(Farmer/Botanist, Geologist/Explorer,
Engineer/Designer, Astronomer/ 04 Concept
Meteorologist). 05 Final
“Just like on Earth, one day
agriculture on Mars will be
just as big and the planets
will work together. ” - Terra

Project 01
UI/UX Survey Concept

Guest would be prompted at the

beginning of the experience to
download the Soluna hotel app
where they could take a survey that
would create this Mars VR experience
After the survey, guests would enter the following room
where they would grab the VR helmet with their loaded
results in it

T.e.r.r.a, our guidence assiant would lead each person

through a five minute story quest to educate them about
tthe possible future in relation to a successful Artemis

A light that is inspired by the movement of
illuminating algae. It will be placed in a hospitality
setting of our choosing

Duration 1 month
Year 2022
Type Studio
Design for Hospitality

I chose a dark room setting for a cafe or restaurant for

the setting where my luminary would live.

01 Define
02 Ideation
03 Fabrication
04 Final
For inspiration for the light I researched a
bioluminescent algae and played with the idea
of movement and flow. Light is created when an
organism or animal goes through the algae at night,
producing a beautiful light show.

Project 03
02 Ideation
03 Fabrication
04 Final

Project 03
After creating the orthographics, I
moved them to illustrator where I used a
template to laser cut the black acrylic that
I experimented with earlier in the process.
The reason I wanted to use this particular
acrylic was for the reflection that it gave
when bent. I used that element to give
a natural feel of bending the light and
creating a moving effect.
Project 03

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