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A corpus-based method for controlling guitar feedback

Sam Ferguson, Andrew Johnston Aengus Martin

Creativity and Cognition Studios Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences
Faculty of Engineering & IT University of Technology, Sydney
University of Technology, Sydney

The use of feedback created by electric guitars and amplifiers is
problematic in musical settings. For example, it is difficult for a
performer to accurately obtain specific pitch and loudness quali- Aux Input

ties. This is due to the complex relationship between these quan- Audio
tities and other variables such as the string being fretted and the Acoustic
positions and orientations of the guitar and amplifier. This re-
search investigates corpus-based methods for controlling the level Input Signal
Filter Centre
Audio Analysis
Output Signal Frequency &
and pitch of the feedback produced by a guitar and amplifier. A (via preamp) Amplitude Target
Audio Descriptors &
guitar-amplifier feedback system was built in which the feedback is Control Parameters
manipulated using (i) a simple automatic gain control system, and Amplitude
Target Filter
(ii) a band-pass filter placed in the signal path. A corpus of sounds Analysis Centre
Amplitude Frequency
was created by recording the sound produced for various combi- Difference

nations of the parameters controlling these two components. Each Band-pass Control
sound in the corpus was analysed so that the control parameter val- Filter Centre
Frequency &
ues required to obtain particular sound qualities can be recalled in Gain Amplitude Target Descriptor
Feedback System
the manner of concatenative sound synthesis. As a demonstration, Method

a recorded musical target phrase is recreated on the feedback sys- Corpus-based Control System

Figure 1: Overview of feedback control system described in this
Electric guitar feedback provides a rich textural palette for mu-
sic composition and it has been used in a wide variety of musi-
cal contexts. Commonly cited examples of users of electric guitar • Multiple feedback pitches are possible with one string and
feedback are Jimi Hendrix in popular music, and Glenn Branca in fret position, due to resonance of higher harmonics.
contemporary art music. Feedback which is not guitar-related has • The gain in the feedback loop (per string) changes according
also been by composers such as Behrman and and Tudor [1]. to the positions and orientations of both the amplifier and the
There are a number of different mechanisms by which elec- guitar, and is therefore difficult to control precisely as the
tric guitar feedback occurs. The most common involves a guitar guitar is often strapped to a moving performer.
string vibration being transduced into an electrical signal, which is • The pitch produced by the system is rarely independent of
then amplified and emitted by a loudspeaker as an acoustic signal, the gain of the system, meaning that higher pitches are more
which in turn vibrates the guitar string. If the net gain in this closed likely at higher gains.
circuit is greater than unity, the signal will grow in amplitude un- This paper will introduce a method for improving control of the
til some part of the signal path saturates and the signal reaches a loudness and pitch of feedback created by an electric guitar and
steady state. amplifier.
Common to all musical applications is the need for a method
for manipulating the characteristics of the feedback sound. Guitar 1.1 Previous Research
players can coarsely control the feedback system by (i) adjusting
the distance between the guitar and the amplifier, (ii) changing the Models of musical feedback systems have been studied by Mor-
effective lengths of the guitar strings, and (iii) using digital audio ris [2]. His formalisation describes four main elements of a feed-
effects. However, it is not common for guitarists to use feedback back instrument – the feedback:
in contexts requiring precise control, for instance, when accurate loop : which can be electrical, acoustic, or digital;
pitches are required. intervention : which is used to transform the feedback and gain
Feedback is difficult to control for the following reasons: some kind of control over feedback;
interruption : which is the method for discontinuing the feedback
Permission to make digital or hard copies of all or part of this work for excitation : which is the source of energy used to excite the sys-
personal or classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are tem to begin the feedback.
not made or distributed for profit or commercial advantage and that copies Berdahl et al. have developed a series of feedback systems that
bear this notice and the full citation on the first page. To copy otherwise, to combine stringed instruments with actuators that apply force to
republish, to post on servers or to redistribute to lists, requires prior specific the string without physical contact. Applications of this method
permission and/or a fee.
NIME’13, May 27 – 30, 2013, KAIST, Daejeon, Korea. include damping a string without contact [3] and the application
Copyright remains with the author(s). of ‘physical audio effects’ to the string output [4]. Later work

relates to the dislocation of the musician from the instrument, and
involves ‘mechanical sound synthesis’ [5]. Finally, in recent work 0
Berdahl et al. describe an entire framework for ‘feedback control
of acoustic musical instruments’ [6], giving details of methods and
approaches that can be taken for a variety of goals. −20

Level (dB FS)

Other researchers have also investigated feedback control meth-
ods. For example, Burns reports on a variety of idiosyncratic, con- −40
trolled feedback systems in the context of contemporary music per-
formance [7, 8]. In addition, Di Scipio introduced the idea of ‘eco-
systemic’ signal processing, where a musical system becomes an −60
integral part of a musical eco-system with its surroundings, as op-
posed to the more regular notion of ‘interactive’ musical systems −80
where the relationship is one of cause and effect [9].
In previous work, we have investigated the use of an electrome-
chanical guitar control system to precisely control feedback sounds, −100
in conjunction with a corpus-based approach by which a library of
available sounds was created and used for later recall [10]. The 0 20 40 60 80 100
control system could be used to precisely set effective string lengths
and to selectively dampen the strings (thus preventing them from Time (s)
resonating). We systematically audited the sounds which could
be produced, by making a recording of the feedback produced for
Figure 2: Controlling the amplitude of the feedback signal using
different configurations of the electromechanical control system.
automatic gain control. The black line is the output gain parameter
A database, or corpus of available sounds was created by calcu-
that is sought, and the blue line shows the response of the system.
lating a set of numerical, psychoacoustically-informed descriptors
for each sound and storing the mappings between the control con-
figurations and descriptor vectors. While this system was capable
these are, arguably, the two most important attributes for musical
of producing feedback sounds which could be recalled by their
applications. However, the system may be adapted for controlling
descriptors, it was limited by the lack of dynamic control over
other characteristics of the feedback signal (see later sections).
the sounds available. In addition, a considerable amount of noise
arose from the movement of a motorised slide on the strings. This 2.1 Construction
noise was undesirable in itself (because it could not be controlled),
and it also gave rise to hysteresis effects, meaning that the feed- First, since electric guitar feedback is sensitive to the relative po-
back sound produced was, in some circumstances, dependant on sitions and orientations of the guitar and amplifier, the two were
the noise of the slide movement which was itself dependent on the firmly mounted into a metal frame (see Figure 3). A standard in-
starting position of the slide. strument lead connects the guitar output to the pre-amplified input
of the audio interface, and a second lead connects the output of the
1.2 Overview audio interface to the amplifier (see Figure 1). This particular am-
In this paper we investigate an alternative approach for produc- plifier (Roland Cube-30X), has an auxiliary input, allowing a line
ing and controlling feedback, using a signal processing stage to level output from the audio interface to be used.
control the feedback loop, and obtaining the signal processing pa-
rameters required for a particular sound quality by referencing a
2.2 Signal processing
pre-calculated look-up table. We use a standard electric guitar and Usually, when feedback occurs, there is a transient stage to be-
amplifier, but inserted into the feedback signal chain is a simple gin during which the signal grows in amplitude until it reaches a
DSP unit which manipulates the feedback signal to achieve differ- steady state. The fundamental frequency of the steady-state signal
ent feedback pitches and steady-state amplitudes (see Figure 1). is determined by the frequency component that increased in ampli-
The DSP used is related to the automatic equalisation methods tude most rapidly during the transient stage. In order to control the
used for feedback suppression in public address systems (see, e.g. fundamental frequency of the steady-state signal, we incorporate a
[11] for a review), but we use it for the purposes of control and bandpass filter into the feedback loop. This increases the gain of
production, rather than for suppression. The system is easy to as- a target frequency (the centre-frequency of the filter) with respect
semble, requiring only an unmodified electric guitar, a standard to all other frequencies, so that the target frequency is more likely
guitar amplifier, a computer and a low-latency audio interface. It to be the one that grows fastest in amplitude during the transient
is significantly more robust than our previous electromechanical stage. Note that while this does achive a certain level of pitch con-
controller. trol, it does not guarantee that the target frequency will become
This remainder of paper is structured as follows. In Section dominant since the string may not resonate naturally at this fre-
2, we describe the guitar feedback system. In Section 3, we de- quency.
scribe the creation and analysis of a sound corpus required to ob- To control the overall amplitude of the steady-state signal, we
tain a look-up table that maps sound qualities (pitch and loudness) introduce an automatic gain control (AGC) into the feedback loop.
to DSP control parameters. We also describe the automatic re- The automatic gain control works by measuring the difference be-
creation of a target musical phrase from electric guitar feedback tween the incoming RMS amplitude of the signal and a target RMS
and discuss the benefits in general of a corpus-based approach. Fi- amplitude, and adjusting the gain accordingly in a feedback loop.
nally, we discuss the system in the context of related work and This signal processing is implemented using the Max/MSP inter-
conclude. active audio processing platform1 .
In Figure 2, we show how the level of the feedback signal varies
2. FEEDBACK SYSTEM DESCRIPTION as the target level is changed, while the centre frequency of the
bandpass filter is kept constant. After changes in the target level,
In this section, we present the details of the electric guitar feedback the feedback signal can sometimes go through a transient oscilla-
system, comprising a standard electric guitar and guitar amplifier; tory stage before reaching the target amplitude, seen especially at
and a computer with an audio interface. We focus on control-
ling the pitch and steady-state amplitude of the feedback sound, as

each one. Each sound is analysed, to derive a set of acoustic de-
scriptors, which describe the acoustic results of each control pa-
rameter setting. Thus, a look-up table can be created that maps
each sound that can be produced by the system (as represented by
its acoustic descriptors) back to the control parameter setting re-
quired to produce it.
This approach is based on research by Schwarz et al. on concate-
native synthesis [12, 13, 14], and we have used a similar method in
previous research [10]. We follow Schwarz’ use of the term ‘unit’
to describe a segment of audio that is associated with metadata
(i.e. it has been analysed and has acoustic descriptors attached).
Our units have a duration of 3 seconds and along with the acous-
tic descriptors we include the control parameters used to create the
sound in the associated metadata.
The approach described is summarised in Figure 4. The corpus
creation process is as follows.
• Step through a set of discrete filter centre frequencies and
target levels, and for each one, make a 3-second recording of
the output audio. Leave a 6 second gap after each recording
to allow the feedback to decay.
• Import both the audio files and the control parameter values
into the catart software [13] (Version 1.2), and analyse
each one as a unit. (For the analysis, omit the first second of
Figure 3: The metal frame used for mounting the electric guitar each recording so that only the steady-state feedback signal
and amplifier. A second guitar and amplifier system is mounted is analysed.)
behind the first, but is not used in this study. While in this paper we focus mainly on pitch and level descriptors,
this method allows a wide variety of descriptors to be calculated for
each unit. This includes pitch, loudness, spectral centroid, high-
approximately 25 s. In two regions of the plot, between approxi- frequency energy and others (again see [13] for details).
mately 45 s and 65 s, and after 100 s, the amplitude of the feedback During performance, a musician can select sounds by their acous-
signal oscillates around the target. This type of amplitude oscilla- tic descriptors. For each selection, the required control parameters
tion is a characteristic of electric guitar feedback, and is one of its (target gain and filter centre frequency) are recalled and applied so
interesting timbral features. that the sound is produced. Specifically,
The characteristics of these oscillations (both transient and steady-
state) can be controlled by limiting the range of gains that the AGC • A boolean query is used to select a unit from the look-up
can apply. Allowing high gains can result in very fast and direct table that matches a particular acoustic descriptor value (eg.
gain change (as seen in Figure 2), but can also result in oscillation pitch between 430 and 450 Hz). Then,
after rapid change. In contrast, limiting the AGC to small gains
• The control parameters used to create this unit are retrieved,
(e.g. ±6 dB) results in a slower ramp to the target level and only
and are then
small oscillations when it is reached. In certain musical contexts,
a range of gain change limits may be of creative interest. • Used to recreate the sound.
This process can be automated to produce sequences of feedback
3. CORPUS ANALYSIS PROCESS sounds to match a ‘target’ sound, using the catart software (again,
A basic requirement of a musical instrument is that it provides see [13]). Note that we do not use the concatenative synthesis ca-
a predictable relationship between the control parameters and the pabilities of this software (which uses concatenation of audio sam-
output sound. This requirement is satisfied by the guitar feedback ples from the corpus), but just the corpus analysis, storage, data
system described in the previous section. However, the relation- retrieval, and unit selection algorithm features.
ship between the control parameters and output sound is not a sim- We have implemented the two procedures described in this sec-
ple one since, as mentioned above, the signal processing compo- tion, as well as the signal processing required to control the feed-
nents give only limited control over the fundamental frequency and back, in a single piece of software. An important feature of the
amplitude of the steady-state feedback signal. In fact, the mapping software is that corpus creation, including sound recording and
between the control parameters and the characteristics of the out- analysis, is automated. This is essential to the use of the system
put sound is non-linear and discontinuous. in practise, since a new corpus must be created each time the feed-
While a performer could in theory learn the complex mapping back system is modified (either by being moved to a new acoustic
between control parameters and the characteristics of the output environment or by using a different guitar or amplifier).
sound (as is necessary for many traditional musical instruments),
the difficulty in doing so is exacerbated by the sensitivity of the 3.1 Corpus Example
mapping to the physical characteristics of the feedback system; In this section, we describe the creation and analysis of a corpus
slight changes to the configuration of the system or the acoustic for a particular guitar and amplifier combination. The control pa-
space in which it is used may result in large changes to the map- rameter space used extended across a level range from -42 dBFS to
ping. This constitutes a significant barrier to the use of the guitar -12 dBFS in 6 dB steps (hence 6 levels), and band-pass filter cen-
feedback system in practise. tre frequencies from 110 Hz to 1661 Hz in semitone steps across
To address this issue, we create an interface for the performer the frequency range (48 frequencies), creating 288 control param-
that does not require a complex mapping to be learnt. To begin, we eter settings. The corpus of 288 3-second recordings took approx-
enumerate a set of target gain and filter frequency combinations imately 48 minutes to record with a 6-second gap between record-
(control parameter settings). We then record the sound output for ings.

(midi note number) −42 −36 −30 −24 −18 −12
90 ●

● ●




● ● ● ● ●
●● ●
●● ●
●● ●
●● ●
● ●

●● ●
● ●
● ●
● ●
● ●

Audio Pitch

●● ●
● ●●
● ●●
● ●●
● ●

●● ●●
● ●● ● ● ●

● ●● ● ●
● ●
● ●

● ●
● ●
● ● ●

● ●
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● ●●
● ●●
●● ●●
70 ● ●●● ●●● ●●● ●●

● ●●
● ●●
●● ●
●● ●
●● ●
● ● ●

60 ●

●● ●

● ●●
●● ●●
●● ●
● ●

● ●

● ● ●●

● ●
● ●
●● ●●
●● ●●
●● ●

● ● ●
50 ●

● ●

● ●

●● ●●

● ● ●
● ● ●
● ●
●● ●
● ● ● ● ●

50 60 70 80 90 50 60 70 80 90 50 60 70 80 90 50 60 70 80 90 50 60 70 80 90 50 60 70 80 90

Filter Centre Frequency (midi note number)

−42 −36 −30 −24 −18 −12

● ● ●●
● ●

● ● ●
● ●
●● ●●● ●●●
−15 ●
●●●●●●● ● ●
Audio Loudness

●● ●● ●●
● ●
●● ●●
●● ● ●● ●
−20 ●●●●
● ●●●●●●●●●●
● ●

−25 ● ●

● ●

● ●●
●●● ●●
●● ●●●
● ●●● ●
● ●●
● ●●● ● ● ●●● ●
−30 ● ●●
● ●● ●
● ● ● ●● ●●●●
● ●
● ● ●
●● ●
●● ● ●
● ●
●● ● ●
●● ● ●●● ● ●

−35 ● ● ● ●● ●
●● ● ● ●

●●● ●
● ● ● ● ●● ●●● ●
●●● ● ●

−40 ●●

● ● ●

● ●●● ●

●●● ●
● ● ● ● ●● ●●
● ● ● ● ●
−45 ● ●●

50 60 70 80 90 50 60 70 80 90 50 60 70 80 90 50 60 70 80 90 50 60 70 80 90 50 60 70 80 90

Audio Pitch (midi note number)

Figure 5: Corpus audio descriptors compared to control parameters. The graphs are broken into each of the 6 level steps. While there is
a trend towards correspondence between target and result, a precise specific filter frequency can be associated with many neighbouring
output audio pitches, especially at low pitch ranges. This coarseness means that clearly, the use of a bandpass filter alone is not sufficient
to create particular target tones and give a musician the necessary control over the instrument’s pitch.

The relationship between output audio pitch and the centre fre-
quency of the filter is shown in Figure 5 (top row of plots). Each
plot shows the relationship between pitch and filter centre fre-
quency for a given target gain level. It can be seen that in the
Control Parameter
Automation lower portion of the pitch range, despite the filter frequency being
scanned across the pitch space, the output sound’s pitches were
Band Pass Filter
and Compressor Settings clustered at particular pitches only. In the upper pitch range they
spread more evenly across the pitch space. The selectable tones in
Guitar, DSP and
Amplifier Apparatus the corpus are therefore relatively limited for the lower range.
The relationship between the AGC gain setting and the output
Audio output to Amplifier
level of the sound is shown in Figure 5 (bottom pane). For low tar-
3s Sound File Record Control
get gain levels (plots towards the left), there is considerable vari-
Recording Parameters ability between the target level and the output level. However, for
high target gain levels (plots towards the right) the output gain is
Settings much closer to the target gain.
'Catart' Analysis The corpus can also be analysed for other acoustic character-
istics. Figure 6 shows a plot of the available combinations of
pitch and spectral centroid for the analysed feedback system. This
Parameter Selection 'Catart'
Target Musical
means that the timbral space of feedback sounds can be explored
Method: Segmentation &
Corpus Analysis
Phrase in a performance context.
Feedback Control
3.2 Target Musical Phrase Recreation
Target Phrase As a demonstration of the system in use, we recorded a target musi-
cal phrase and recreated it using the feedback system. Two bars of
the opening to a popular guitar-based song were recorded as audio
(not as MIDI), and passed into catart’s target phrase matching
Figure 4: The creation of a corpus of acoustic parameters and the module,, where it is segmented and analysed.
resulting selection of control parameters. For each of the segments in the target phrase, matching audio de-
scriptor units from the main corpus are found through a unit selec-
tion algorithm, and then the units are temporally concatenated by
the concatenative synthesis system (see [15] for details).

ing the band-pass filter frequency alone cannot give a user

90 ●●●
● information about whether the feedback will occur, or how



● ●●
● ●● ●●
● ●
●● close to the expected pitch the result will be. As has been

shown in Figure 5, the feedback system has quite good cov-
Pitch (Midi Note Number)
● ● ● ●

80 ● ●● ●●●
● Gain
●●● ●

erage at high pitches, but only selective coverage at low

● ●●
● ● −40

●●● ranges. To find out which pitches can be selected from the

● ●

●● ● −35
● ●
● set, a corpus must be created and analysed. The results of
● ●●
● ● −30
● ● ●●●


this analysis can be used in a target sound resynthesis sys-
● ● ● −25

tem (as in Section 7), or can be used for devising a user


●●●●● ● −20


interface for performance that shows the performer which
● ● ● ● −15




pitch options will produce sounds.
● ●
●●●● ●
50 ●●


● 2. Not only are there gaps in pitch coverage in a coarse sense,
● ●●●

● ● ●


●● the pitch of feedback usually isn’t located at the centre fre-
quency of the filter in a fine sense either. Some notes may
400 500 600 700 ‘be there’ but sound out of tune. Where a precise corre-
spondence between the expected pitch and the output pitch
Spectral Centroid (Hz)
is required, a corpus-based approach is one way of ensuring
the tolerance with which this correspondence may occur.
Figure 6: Corpus analysis also allows inspection of the corpus 3. The analysis process allows other acoustic characteristics of
along audio description dimensions that aren’t directly related to the output tones to be incorporated into the selection pro-
control parameters. This graph shows how timbral aspects (the cess and used for mapping. In Figure 6 the tone’s spectral
spectral centroid) of the corpus interact with pitch specification. centroid is shown in relationship to the pitch. We can see
that there appears to be an equivalency, in terms of spectral
centroid, between tones of low pitch and high pitch, while
many mid-pitch tones have low values of spectral centroid.
Frequency (Hz)

This parameter is possibly an aspect that can be used as an

interaction mapping target. Pitch is the main element con-
sidered as a target in this paper, due to its crucial role in
500 most common musical forms, but other acoustic character-
0 istics can be targeted in much the same way that pitch has
0 2 4 6 8 10
Time (s) been.
Frequency (Hz)

1000 In this paper a system for controlling feedback from the combina-
tion of an electric guitar, an amplifier and an audio interface acting
as a control loop, was described. This system was investigated as
0 2 4 6 8 10 an alternative solution for using feedback in musical contexts. The
Time (s)
concatenative synthesis system described by Schwarz [16, 13, 15]
was used, and the contribution made in this research was to in-
Figure 7: Two bars of the opening to ‘Stairway to Heaven’, as
vestigate the adaptation of concatenative synthesis methods to the
performed by a) a guitarist (in the top pane), b) a feedback system
creation of a corpus of audio recordings associated with control pa-
with control parameters selected to resynthesize the above sound
rameters for the feedback system. We enumerated the sounds that
controlled from the corpus.
could be created with this particular apparatus, and have shown as
a proof of concept that the pitches in a target musical phrase could
be recreated. Corpus based methods also bring with them many
The results of this process are shown in Figure 7. The top pane other opportunities for specifying control based on other audio pa-
shows a spectrogram of the original target audio signal recorded di- rameters (such as timbral descriptors).
rectly from the output of the guitar being played in the traditional While it is difficult to play multiple feedback guitars simulta-
manner. The lower pane shows a spectrogram of the recorded neously with traditional musical methods, the automation of the
recreation of this musical phrase, as produced by the feedback aforementioned process means that multiple systems like that de-
system. A range of greater than one octave can be seen in use. scribed above may be used simultaneously, with their own corpi
The spectrogram shows the strong fundamental frequencies of the and within a single control system. This is a possible solution to
feedback, which is consistent with the use of the band-pass filters. the question of pitch coverage, as each guitar may be tuned differ-
For the recording, some extra damping was required to make ently, resulting in different harmonics being available. For musi-
sure that strong open resonances (of which there were only a few cal contexts this allows a musical performance with these systems
problematic ones) did not continue to sound between note changes. to take the role of an ensemble, with musical roles associated to
This was achieved by placing a tissue lightly over the strings and different guitar and amplifier combinations. Furthermore, spatial
around the fingerboard. sound can be achieved by spatially separating the performing feed-
back systems, in much the same way that spatial sound is created
3.3 Benefits of Corpus Usage by a band performing in separate locations.
To conclude this section, we highlight the advantages of using a For live performance contexts, the input from a typical musical
combined feedback control and corpus-based method, over the use instrument could be used as a target sound, with processing and
of a feedback control system alone. corpus query happening in realtime. This allows the possibility
1. Feedback from a guitar doesn’t occur at every pitch con- that a musician could control a feedback system in real-time from
tinuously, only at particular pitches based on the harmonics another, more familiar, musical instrument.
of the tuned string frequencies, and affected by other real- Some limitations exist - one of these is the reliance on the de-
world acoustical parameters of resonance. Simply specify- scriptor algorithms to reliably pick the pitch/characteristics of the

input sounds. If there are multiple tones, or any type of transition 7. REFERENCES
between states, these descriptor algorithms may fail to adequately [1] Michael Nyman, Experimental Music: Cage and Beyond,
measure or describe the predominant sound quantitatively. Cou- Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK, 2nd edition,
pled with the noise in typical guitar systems of this nature, this 1999.
difficulty can be quite important. The use of high gain levels, how- [2] Jeffrey M. Morris, “Feedback instruments: Generating
ever, does ameliorate this problem somewhat. A possible solution musical sounds, gestures, and textures in real time with
is to use a set of different pitch algorithms and a voting mecha- complex feedback systems,” in Int. Computer Music
nism to select a pitch robustly, or alternatively may be based on Conference, Copenhagen, Denmark, 2007, pp. 469–476.
psychoacoustics. [3] E. J. Berdahl, Julius O. Smith III, and Adrian Freed, “Active
damping of a vibrating string,” in 6th Int. Symposium on
4.1 Further research directions Active Noise and Vibration Control, Adelaide, Australia,
The use of a band pass filter may result in much of the characteris- 2006.
tics outside the the pass-band to be filtered from the output sound. [4] E Berdahl and Julius O. Smith III, “Some physical audio
There is therefore a tradeoff between the narrowness of the fil- effects,” in 9th Int. Conference on Digital Audio Effects,
ter (with its associated effectiveness at determining the pitch) and Montreal, Canada, 2006.
the spectral characteristics of the feedback sound being controlled.
[5] E Berdahl, Julius O. Smith III, and Günter Niemeyer,
Research into different filter types (such as comb filters with high
“Mechanical sound synthesis: And the new application of
Q-values for instance) is a useful approach to be explored, and dy-
force-feedback teleoperation of acoustic musical
namic filtering may also be a useful approach to employ.
instruments,” in Proceedings of the 13th Int. Conference on
This research has not delved into the questions surrounding mul-
Digital Audio Effects, Graz, Austria, 2010.
tiple pitch output from a single feedback system. Given that two
[6] E Berdahl, Julius O. Smith III, and Günter Niemeyer,
bandpass filters and automatic gain control systems can be in-
“Feedback control of acoustic musical instruments:
cluded in separate loops within the one instrument, the possibility
Collocated control using physical analogs,” J Acoust Soc
of two sounds emanating from the same feedback system is not
Am, vol. 131, no. 1, pp. 963–973, 2012.
without a theoretical basis (and indeed informal experiments have
shown great promise for this technique). However, the control [7] Christopher Burns, “Emergent behavior from idiosyncratic
method described in this paper relies on single tones to be anal- feedback networks,” in Int. Computer Music Conference,
ysed by the audio descriptor algorithms for the corpus creation. Singapore, 2003.
Two separate control parameter settings taken from a corpus of [8] Christopher Burns, “Designing for emergent behavior: a
this type are likely to interact in non-orthogonal ways, but it may john cage realization,” in Int. Computer Music Conference,
be that systems can be created which account for the interactions Miami, USA, 2004, pp. 193–196.
effectively. [9] Agostino di Scipio, “‘Sound is the interface’: from
The pitch coverage of the corpus is based on the string’s tuning interactive to ecosystemic signal processing,”’ Organised
system of the strings, which is therefore quite important for allow- Sound, vol. 8, no. 3, pp. 269-277, 2003.
ing a large range of pitches. The corpus analysed in this study used [10] Aengus Martin, Sam Ferguson, and Kirsty Beilharz,
a tuning system based around fifths and octaves, which therefore “Mechanisms for controlling complex sound sources:
reinforced particular notes and resulted in other gaps in the pitch Applications to guitar feedback control,” in New Interfaces
coverage. Investigating a statistical measure of the corpus cover- for Musical Expression, Sydney, Australia, 2010.
age and target difference, along with a variety of different tunings, [11] T. van Waterschoot and M. Moonen, “Comparative
may lead to an optimal tuning system being uncovered. evaluation of howling detection criteria in notch-filter-based
howling suppression,” in 126th Convention of the Audio
5. CONCLUSION Eng. Soc., Munich, Germany, 2009, vol. Preprint 7752.
The use of feedback systems in musical performance is hindered [12] Diemo Schwarz, “Concatenative sound synthesis: The early
by the requirement that the performer learn a complex mapping years,” Journal of New Music Research, vol. 35, no. 1, pp.
between the control parameters of the system and its sound output. 3–22, 2006.
We have introduced a corpus-based component to a feedback sys- [13] Diemo Schwarz, Data-driven Concatenative Sound
tem, which allows a performer to select sounds based their acous- Synthesis, Ph.D. thesis, 2004.
tic properties. This removes a major barrier to the use of feedback [14] Diemo Schwarz, Roland Cahen, and Sam Britton,
systems in musical settings where accurate pitch production is re- “Principles and applications of interactive corpus-based
quired, and also opens a wide variety of musical possibilities in concatenative synthesis,” in Journées d’Informatique
which the timbral characteristics of feedback systems may be ex- Musicale (JIM’08), Albi, 2008.
plored. [15] Diemo Schwarz, Gregory Beller, Bruno Verbrugghe, and
Sam Britton, “Real-time corpus-based concatenative
6. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS synthesis with catart,” in 9th Int. Conference on Digital
Audio Effects (DAFx-06), Montreal, Canada, 2006.
This research was supported by a Research Development Grant
[16] Diemo Schwarz, “A system for data-driven concatenative
from the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, University of Tech-
sound synthesis,” in COST G-6 Conference on Digital Audio
nology, Sydney.
Effects (DAFX-00), Verona, Italy, 2000.

NIME 2013

13th International Conference on

New Interfaces for

Musical Expression
May 27-30, 2013 | Daejeon + Seoul, Korea Republic

call for participation
call for participation We would like to invite you to be part of the 13th international conference on New Interfaces
■ for Musical Expression conference.
submission We invite submission of new works in the following categories:

registration Paper (oral/poster/demo)

program Performance
schedule Installation
keynote speakers Workshop
oral presentations Topics
posters & demos Topics include (but are not limited to):
organizers Novel controllers and interfaces for musical Musical human-computer interaction
expression Interactivity design and software tools
Novel musical instruments Interface protocols and data formats
venues Augmented/hyper instruments Sonic interaction design
local information Novel controllers for collaborative performance Perceptual and cognitive issues
daejeon Sensor and actuator technologies Performance analysis
seoul Haptic and force feedback devices Performance rendering and generative
contact Motion, gesture and music algorithms
Interfaces for dance and physical expression Machine learning in performance systems
Multimodal expressive interfaces Experiences with novel interfaces in live
Interfaces for hearing or visually impaired for performance and composition
musical expression Surveys of past work and stimulating
Interactive game music ideas for future research
NIME intersecting with game design Historical studies in twentieth-century
instrument design
Robotic music
Artistic, cultural, and social impact of
Mobile music technology and performance
NIME technology
Experiences with novel interfaces in
Biological and bio-inspired systems
education and entertainment
Musical mapping strategies
Reports on student projects in the
Interactive sonification framework of NIME related courses
Interactive sound and multimedia installations Practice-based research[31/03/2014 1:49:14 PM]

NIME 2013


Important dates

Paper/performance/installation submissions and workshop proposals due: February 14,

2013. Please note that there will be no more extensions.
Review notification:
- installations/workshops: March 27, 2013
- papers/posters/demos: March 31, 2013
Camera-ready paper deadline: April 28, 2013

To submit your paper and/or proposals for performance/installation/workshop, please visit
A note on anonymity: while paper/demo submissions for NIME 2013 should not contain any
information on the authors, the anonymity policy for music/performance/installation proposal is
not as strict as that of paper/demo category; please feel free to include information on the
authorship and/or the names of contributing artists in your proposal.

We welcome submissions of original research on all above-mentioned (and other) topics
related to development and artistic use of new interfaces for musical expression. There are
three different paper submission categories:

Full paper (up to 6 pages in proceedings, longer oral presentation, optional demo)
Short paper/poster (up to 4 pages in proceedings, shorter oral presentation or poster,
optional demo)
Demonstration (up to 2 pages in proceedings)

Please use this template when preparing your manuscript.

Submitted papers will be subject to a peer review process by an international expert
committee. All accepted papers will be published in the conference proceedings, under an
ISSN/ISBN reference, and will be available online after the conference. A manuscript
submitted for review cannot be already under review for publication elsewhere, or be submitted
for a second review elsewhere while under review for NIME 2013.
As an award for the prizewinner, the best paper of NIME 2013 will be published in a future
issue of the Computer Music Journal.

We welcome submission of proposals for performances. Proposed performances should have[31/03/2014 1:49:14 PM]

NIME 2013

a clear connection with the substance of the NIME conference. Performance proposals in
conjunction with paper submissions are encouraged, but each will be judged on its own merit.
Within reasonable limits, we may be able to provide musicians to perform pieces. Typical NIME
performance pieces last for 5-15 minutes, but shorter and longer performance proposals may
also be taken into consideration.
Submitted proposals will be reviewed by an expert committee. Preference will be given to
submissions with strong evidence that the proposed performance has already been realized or
is technically feasible and within the artists' capabilities. Documentation of the performances
will be available online after the conference.
Submit a proposal in the form of a PDF document, maximum 4 pages. Supplementary
supporting media files (audio and video) or links to online media are encouraged. The
proposal should include the following:

Title and detailed description of the proposed performance. Include a score and video/audio
documentation where possible.
Names of all participants/submitters, with a short bio for each (100 words)
Number of performers and the instruments and technologies that will be used.
Any requirements for the venue. Diagrams of the preferred stage setup and signal routing
are recommended.
Evidence of the feasibility of the performance. Include documentation of past performances
or related works that demonstrate the submitter's capabilities to implement the proposed
A list of any equipment that needs to be provided by the conference organizers.
Any instrumental performers that would need to be provided by the organizers. Note that the
conference organizers may not be able to accommodate your request.

Please note that the organizers cannot provide funding to support performers' travel or
accommodation at the conference.

NIME 2013 will also provide several locations that can be used to exhibit new music
installation work. These are foyer location installations or room-based installations in
connection to the conference venues.
Part of the exhibitions will be hosted in collaboration with the Daejeon Foundation for Culture
and the Arts.
Submitted proposals will be subject to a peer review process by an international expert
committee. Documentation of the installations will be available online after the conference.
In order to present an installation for NIME 2013, please submit a proposal in the form of a
PDF document, maximum 4 pages, containing the following information:

The title of the work

Names of contributing artists
A clear description of the proposed installation that will provide reviewers with a sense of its
motivation and proposed realization. Pictures, schematic diagrams and/or proposed floor
plans would be helpful here. You may also Provide any documentation of previous
presentations of this installation (if they exist)
Describe the space needed and the adaptability of the installation in terms of possible[31/03/2014 1:49:14 PM]

NIME 2013

Provide a list of equipment required for the installation, clearly indicating what you will bring
and what you would require the conference organizers to provide.

We call for short (3 hours) or long (6 hours) workshops and tutorials. These can be targeted
towards specialist techniques, platforms, hardware, software or pedagogical topics for the
advancement of fellow NIME-ers and people with experience related to the topic. They can
also be targeted towards visitors to the NIME community, novices/newbies, interested student
participants, people from other fields, and members of the public getting to know the potential
of NIME.
Tutorial proposers should clearly indicate the audience and assumed knowledge of their
intended participants to help us market to the appropriate audience. Workshops and tutorials
can relate to, but are not limited to, the topics of the conference. This is a good opportunity to
explore a specialized interest or interdisciplinary topic in depth with greater time for discourse,
debate, and collaboration.
Admission to workshops and tutorials will be charged separately from the main conference.
Proposer(s) are responsible for publishing any workshop proceedings (if desired) and should
engage in the promotion of their event by engaging their own networks. Workshops may be
cancelled or combined if there is inadequate participation.

For any further information/questions/comments/suggestions, please contact the organizing

committee.[31/03/2014 1:49:14 PM]

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