Creative Writing - Term 2

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Joseph Terrace Private School

Standard Four – Term 2 2024

Creative Writing- Time: 1 hour 15mins Total- 100 marks

Name: ___________________________
A. Identify the figures of speech in the sentences below. (15 marks)
Example: The was like a fireball in the sky. Simile
1. Gabriella is always quiet as a mouse. _____________
2. The wind whistled through the leaves. _________________
3. My sister is a nightingale, she sings so sweetly. __________________
4. Pop! The bottle sounded as I stomped on it. _____________________
5. Kevin ran like the wind. _______________

B. Label the parts of a story on the diagram below. (20 marks)

C. Circle the correct answer to the questions below. (10 marks)
Example: A simile uses like or as when comparing two things. T /F.
7. The introduction is the start of an essay. T/F
8. The question “who?” helps us to find the characters in the story. T/F
9. Asking “why?” helps the reader to know the setting of the essay. T/F
10.The question “how?” lets the reader know who the characters were.
11.The climax of an essay has the most action. T/F

D. Using the table below plan a report on the topic A Famous Local
Celebrity that includes the following:
a. Who was the celebrity that visited your school?
b. When did the celebrity visit your school?
c. Why did they visit the school?
d. What did they speak to the students about? (15 marks)

Main Idea Supporting Details

E. Using the lines provided below write a report based on the plan made
above. (40 marks)

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