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One day, John went to the gym with his friend Jane. They had been going to the gym together for
years now, but today was different.

As they were lifting weights, Jane suddenly stopped and asked him if he wanted to do some

John thought it was a good idea, so they moved on to the next room where there were mats laid
out for yoga stretches. They began

doing some simple poses when suddenly John felt a sharp pain in his right shoulder. Jane saw that
something was wrong and asked him

what happened.

John tried to shake it off but the pain persisted, so they left the gym. As they drove home, he
realized that this was the first

time he had ever experienced any sort of discomfort while working out.

That night, John woke up in the middle of the night with an even worse pain in his shoulder. He
tried to sleep through it but found

it difficult. The next day, John went to see a doctor who confirmed that he had sustained a rotator
cuff injury during his workout

session at the gym.

The doctor told him that this was most likely due to overuse of the shoulder muscles and that
resting for several weeks would be

required before any further rehabilitation could begin. John felt embarrassed by what had
happened, but he knew that it served as a

valuable lesson about taking care of one's body.

John had always been an avid gym-goer, but he never thought that his body could betray him like
this. It all started when he went to

the gym with his friend Jane. They had been going to the gym together for years now, but today
was different. As they were lifting

weights, Jane suddenly stopped and asked him if he wanted to do some stretching.

John thought it was a good idea, so they moved on to the next room where there were mats laid
out for yoga stretches. They began

doing some simple poses when suddenly John felt a sharp pain in his right shoulder. Jane saw that
something was wrong and asked him

what happened.

John tried to shake it off but the pain persisted, so they left the gym. As they drove home, he
realized that this was the first

time he had ever experienced any sort of discomfort while working out.

That night, John woke up in the middle of the night with an even worse pain in his shoulder. He
tried to sleep through it but found

it difficult. The next day, John went to see a doctor who confirmed that he had sustained a rotator
cuff injury during his workout

session at the gym.

The doctor told him that this was most likely due to overuse of the shoulder muscles and that
resting for several weeks would be

required before any further rehabilitation could begin. John felt embarrassed by what had
happened, but he knew that it served as a

valuable lesson about taking care of one's body.

He started doing regular exercises and stretching to prevent future injuries. He also learned how to
warm up properly before any

workout session so as not to strain his muscles too much.

John became more aware of his body and the signals it gave him, allowing him to make better
decisions when working out in the gym.

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