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Conscious Entrepreneurship Script

Hi my name is Alejandro, and If I could describe myself and what my project

is in 2 words would be, technology and medicine.
Did you know that in Mexico there’s more than 800,000 people that require a
prothesis or a bionic medical equipment as part of their treatment or to
maintain their life style? Well, this is a number that gets bigger year with year
because of the increase in degenerative diseases in all the world.
This fact sure is a tragedy, but let me tell you this. 9 out of 10 people in
Mexico that require a prothesis, do not have one. The reason behind this is
because most of these people suffer from economical problems, and they
cannot afford themselves to buy a prothesis on their own, neither they
That’s why I decided to come with this startup, BAT (bionic assist tool). BAT is
a project and product in which we create and manufacture accessible and
affordable bionic prothesis. A product that is aimed to all that part of the
population that requires a competitive and good prothesis but cannot afford
Here I show you the NABC canvas.
First, we start with the N, Need:
What does our customer want and needs? Well, first of all and most obvious,
a prothesis. A functionable prothesis, but most importantly, an affordable
and low cost one. Because remember that our customer doesn’t have a big
Then let’s go with the A, Approach:
What is or approach? How are we going to enter into this problem and what
are we going to present? Simple, just what our target client wants. A capable
and affordable prothesis that he can get right out of the market.
What’s in B, what are the benefits?
Well, he will soon see that this prothesis that he just acquires is just as
capable, comfortable and has a great utility just like the other high end
prothesis in the market. And that he didn’t have to spend a fortune to get it.
Let’s go with C, competition.
What is those other high end prothesis in the market that we are talking
about? Well, the prosthetic industry in Mexico isn’t as advance as other
countries. And it’s difficult for common people to get ahold of one at an
affordable cost. That’s why they’re so expensive and limited in the market.

And finally, you can see the prototype of visualization of the prothesis, it’s a
gif that I took from a video of mine from months ago.

Well, we continue by explaining and showing who are the stakeholders in this
project, obviously excluding the competitions we have various stakeholders
in here. First and most important is the primary beneficiary of the product,
the owner of the prothesis. He will be able to have most of the capabilities
that they used to have on a daily basis, as well is great for the family of the
owner because now he will be more independent for himself. As well as they
will not have to preoccupy of throwing away so much money in an expensive
Other stakeholders are the doctors of the patients, having more options in
terms of the treatment in which they decide to apply to their patient, that
being the owner. Will surely benefice them as well.

This is project that I have been working on and I’m sure it would have a
positive impact on my persona, as well as the target population that I intend
to help. I wish to launch this initiative in the following months or years as I’m
still studying. Of course, it would be challenging to do it as I’m still a student
but I see it as part of my formation and experience. I will learn so many

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