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 Dr. Sally
Your assignment for this week is to read the novella The Turn of the Screw then answer the
questions (3-4-8-10) in the Activities section at the end of the novella.

The Activities
3) What are the names of these people?
a) The housekeeper at the big house
 Mrs. Grose
b) The child with gold hair
 Flora
c) The beautiful boy
 Miles
d) The man with the strange eyes
 Peter Quint
4) Answer these questions:
a) Who shows the governess round the house and garden?
 Mrs. Grose shows the governess around the house and garden
b) Why does the head at Miles's school want Mites to leave the school?
 The head at Miles's school wants Miles to leave because he has been suspended due to
troubling behavior
c) Where is the strange man when the governess first sees him?
 The strange man is on a tower of the house when the governess first sees him.
d) What is he doing the second time she sees him?
 The second time she sees the strange man, he is standing on the road outside the house.
e) How do we know that he is a ghost?
 We know that he is a ghost because the governess recognizes him as Peter Quint, who
had died some time ago under mysterious circumstances.

8) Before you read, in these last two chapters, one person dies.
Who do you think it will be?
‫اجابة السؤال ده ممكن تختلف من طالب لطالب عادي ألنه بيسألك عن توقعك الشخصي ولو كتبت اجابة مختلفة عادي‬
 I would say that the governess herself may die due to the dangerous situation she finds
herself in.
10) The governess writes a letter. What happens to it?
 The governess writes it and seals it to send it off to the children's uncle, but Miles steals it
from her before she can do so. He reads the letter and then burned it.

1 Mr. Hani 1st Year Specialized W.A.V.E TEAM NOVEL (TEXTS)


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