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TEAM – 05

Software Project: Bank Management
Section 1

Requirement of clients
In bank management the client’s requirements are:

1. Trust
2. Terms and condition
3. Digital services
4. Customer services
5. Financial advice

Now let us work on Digital service


 The required documents are

1. Aadhar Card
2. Pan card
3. SSLC Result Report Card
4. Photos
5. Address proof
 These data/documents softcopies are stored in the server of our bank to create ID for the client
 The documents will be stored in the form of
a) Spread sheets
b) Data base
c) File copies

These documents are reviewed by the other employs and manager weather they match the

a) Identity criteria
b) Eligibility criteria
Acceptance by clients.
 After reviewing the documents the policies criteria’s the client have to sign the documentation
 Client has rights to question or recheck and edit in his data
 After all the query’s the process is taken further

Section 2

Identify 2 risk associated with the given problem

The risks associated with bank management are:

1. UPI (online transaction)

2. Risks related to Loans (credit risk)

 UPI (online transaction)

Nowadays people do use online payment than cash transactions, sometimes due to the server problems in
the bank’s the clients meet issues while online transaction and there are chances of the payment done by
the client 1 and not received by client 2 where the blame is put on bank

Solution: this is one of the major issues faced by the employs of bank, so nowadays banks are developing
there servers and do keep a double backup to ensure security and keeps the record of the transactions
exactly and make clients clear to get passbook entered once in a month

 Risk related to loans (credit risk)

Banks run on the base of credits and implementing interests on it, here the risk are in two ways one is when
a client one takes a lone and doesn’t pay the interests on the taken lone this puts the bank into depth and
second risk is based on gold loans as we all know the gold prices do go up and down in the market every
often if the bank gives loan on the gold on the present value and later when the gold rate is down then the
banks can’t meet the shares value and can fall to depth

Section 3

Create epics, user stories and draw UML diagram


1. Applying for credit card

2. Create UPI account
3. Transaction done through online (UPI)
4. Transaction done through credit/Debit card (NFC)
Sprint Planning Excel Sheet
Project Digital Service
Scrum Team Venom
Created By Wizard

Epic User Story ID Features/Titles User story Story point sprint

As a user
I want to make sure that I
US_001 Account login/check have created 1 1
a account and logged into it
so that I can process further

As a user
I want to do a payment of Rs
US_002 Transaction 1 1
1200 so that I can buy the
Transaction done As a user
through online make sure that you scan the
online payment (UPI) UPI or enter the phone
US_003 Scanner/Phone number number 5 1
So that bank can transfer the
amount from your account to
the other one
As a user
make sure you enter the UPI
pin so that the bank can send
US_004 Acknowledgement 3 1
the acknowledgement as
"payment done " to your
Product Backlog Excel Page
Project Digital Service
Stake holders/Customers/UsersVenom
Created By Wizard
Epic User Story ID Features/Titles User story Status Acceptence Criteria
As a user Scenario- Account login/check
I want to make sure that I Given user to login his account
have created an account when he wants to make the payment
US_001 Account login Completed
and logged into it through online
so that I can process and make sure he has connected to the
further Internet then he can move further
Scenario- Transaction to do
Transaction done through online

As a user given user1 should transfer amount of

I want to do a payment of 1200
US_002 Transaction completed
online payment (UPI)

Rs 1200 so that I can buy to user2

the product when he transfers the given amount
and show the acknowledgement then
As a user Scenario- Scanner/Phone number to do
make sure that you scan the payment
the UPI or enter the given user to scan the scanner or enter the
US_003 Scanner In progress
phone number phone number
So that bank can transfer when he is ready to make payment
the amount from your and type the UPI pin
As a userto the other one then transfer
Scenario- the money from his account
make sure you enter the given user after once the transaction is
UPI pin so that the bank done
US_004 Acknowledgementcan send the New when he recives the acknowledgemnt as
acknowledgement as "payment done" and then he can show
"payment done " to your that to the shopkeper and then take the
mobile product home

Section 4

Create test suit {group of test case and run}

Test Case Excle sheet
Test Case ID BM-TC-2 Test Case Title Account login
Created By wizard Tester's Name wizard and co

Slno Prerequisites:
1 Before login make sure he holds the
account in our bank

Test Scenario/Description User login to his account

No. Step Data Expected Results Pass / Fail / Not executed

/ Suspended

user name
user id
1 To login google pay password He/she login to google pay Suspended
account number

TEAM – 05
Software Project: College Admission Portal
Section 1

Requirement of student
In a college the requirements of students are :

1. Campus
2. Faculty
3. Infrastructure
4. Co curricular Activities
5. Campus Recruitment
6. Fest
7. Libraries
8. Labs

 The required documents by the students are:
1. He/she marks card
2. Transfer certificate
3. Cast certificate
4. Income certificate
5. 5 current photos
6. Health certificate
7. Adhar card
 These data/documents softcopies are stored in the server of our college to create ID for the student
 The documents will be stored in the form of
a) Spread sheets
b) Data base
c) File copies

These documents are reviewed by the authorities and principal weather he/she match the

a) Identity criteria
b) Eligibility criteria
Acceptance by clients.
 After reviewing the documents the policies criteria’s the student have to sign the documentation
 Student has rights to question or recheck and edit in his data
 After all the query’s the process is taken further

Section 2

Identify 2 risk associated with the given problem

The risks associated with bank management are:

1. Financial Risk
2. Improper documents

Financial risk is one of the major risks faced by students during admissions as many of them are not
financially stable, and could not get loans as some doesn’t have collateral to submit it for bank

Solution: students can write a letter addressing to principal, asking extra installments to pay the fees, they
can also apply for educational loan in banks

Improper documents is another major risk faced by the students and the managements, some students
doesn’t have original documents to submit for and some do submit fake documents which creates a big
issues in the management

Solutions: students are requested to submit the original documents, and those documents should be
verified by the management and then only give the admission to the student

Section 3

Create epics, user stories and draw UML diagram


1. College publicity
2. College course
3. Student admissions
4. Hiring best lectures
5. Upgrading college campus
Product Backlog Excel Page
Project college admission
Stake holders/Customers/Users Loki
Created By Loki and co
Epic User Story ID Features/Titles User story Status Acceptence Criteria
As a student Scenario- Enquiry
I want to enquire given student need to enquire
US_001 Enquiry about the college so Completed about college when he/she
that I can select the wants to join college and then
college to join for they can get admitted
Student admission portal

Scenario- Application
As a student given student after selecting
I want tofill up the the college when he/she is
US_002 Application completed
application to get ready to join the college and
admitted to college then they can fill the
Scenario- Submitting
As a student Documents
I want to submit all given student submitting
US_003 the documents In progress documents during the process
required during the of admission when he is ready
process of admission to join college and then he can
proceed further

As a student Scenario- Admission process

I want to pay the fees given student paying the fees
US_004 so that I can get New when is in the process of
admitted to this admission and then he can get
college into the college
Sprint Planning Excel Sheet
Project college admission
Scrum Team Loki
Created By Loki and co

Epic User Story ID Features/Titles User story Story point sprint

As a student
I want to enquire about the
US_001 Enquiry 1 1
college so that I can select the
Student admission portal

college to join for

As a student
US_002 Application I want tofill up the application 1 1
to get admitted to college

As a student
submitting I want to submit all the
US_003 5 1
documents documents required during
the process of admission

As a student
admission I want to pay the fees so that I
US_004 3 1
process can get admitted to this
UML Diagram:

Test Case Excel sheet
Test Case ID CA-SE-1 Test Case Title student admission
Created By Loki Tester's Name Loki and co

Slno Prerequisites:
Make sure the student has completed
1 his 10th standard with 70% of marks
and has got a valid TC

Test Scenario/Description Processing of Student getting admitted into college

Pass / Fail / Not executed /

No. Step Data Expected Results
student enquires about
1 Enquiry seniors Pass
the college he wants
student completely filling
2 applicaton marks card pass
up the application
phone number
marks card
submitting adhar card student submittin all the
3 pass
documents TC required documents
study certificate

student gets admitted
4 admission process chalan pass
into the college

TEAM – 06

Software Project: Textile Industry
Section 1

Requirement of clients
In Textile Industry the client’s requirements are:

1. Quality
2. Cost
3. Quantity
4. Colors
5. Design and patterns


 The required documents are

1. Weaving License
2. License for wholesale market
3. National permit
4. International Permit
5. Machinery License
 The documents will be stored in the form of
a) Spread sheets
b) Data base
c) File copies

After the production of sarees the manager reviews the product weather it is proper, no damage found and
other quality testing process

Acceptance by clients.
 After all the testing process the manager declares product for export and later it gets ready to dispatch
 The client has the rights to check the product
 In this process if the client finds any defect in the product, the client can refuse the product and can ask for
Section 2

Identify 2 risk associated with the given problem

The risks associated with Textile Industry are:

1. Damage in the Saree

2. Power cuts

 Damage in the Saree

Damage in the saree is the major risk faced by the Textile Industries as the damaged saree are not accepted
by the clients and it can’t be sold in the wholesale market the major causes for damage in saree are design
over printing which is done by the overloading of design chipset, and drunken labors who makes mistakes
while weaving

Solution: Having highly skilled labors who can manage the machines and checking the labors weather they
are drunk or not before letting them into the Factories

 Power Cuts
Power Cuts is the other major problems faced by the textile industries, as the machines run with electricity
and if there is a power cut then the work stops and the exporting of product gets late, by which there are
the chances of cancel in contract which causes huge lose for textile industries

Solution: installing a generator is the best way to get rid of this problem.

Section 3

Create epics, user stories and draw UML diagram


1. Purchasing and processing of Raw materials

2. Production of Silk Saree
3. Checking and packing of Silk Saree
4. Marketing of Silk Saree
5. Exporting of Silk Saree
Product Backlog Excel Page
Project Textile Industry
Stake holders/Customers/UsersRajlakshmi
Created By CNR
Epic User Story ID Features/Titles User story Status Acceptence Criteria
As a manager
Scenario- Purchase of raw silk
Purchasing and processing of Raw materials

I want to purchase
given amount to purchse raw silk
US_001 Raw Silk Raw Silk fo my factory Completed
when there is a new order and
so that I can send them
then send them to reelin
for reeling
Scenario- Reeling
As a manager
given raw silk is needed to be
I want to send raw silk for
US_002 Reeling completed reeled when you want to send
reeling so that I can send
that for dyeing and then report it
the for dyeing
to the manager he/she will take
As a manager
Scenario- Dyeing
I want to send the silk for
given silk for dyeing when it is
US_003 Dyeing dying and choose the In progress
ready and colored then export
required colour so that
that to factory
labours can start weaving
As a maintainer
Scenario- Weaving
I want to instruct the
given instructor should instruct
weavers to weview the
the labor when there is a new
US_004 weaving saree according to the New
order and make sure they weave
without any mistakes and then
so that we can export
exporth that to outlets
that in wholesale market
Sprint Planning Excel Sheet
Project Textile Industry
Scrum Team Rajlakshmi
Created By CNR

Epic User Story ID Features/Titles User story Story point sprint

As a manager
Purchasing and processing of Raw materials

I want to purchase
US_001 Raw Silk Raw Silk fo my factory 1 1
so that I can send them for

As a manager
I want to send raw silk for
US_002 Reeling 1 1
reeling so that I can send the
for dyeing
As a manager
I want to send the silk for
US_003 Dyeing dying and choose the required 5 1
colour so that labours can
start weaving
As a maintainer
I want to instruct the weavers
to weview the saree according
US_004 weaving 3 1
to the order
so that we can export that in
wholesale market
UML Diagram:

Test Case Excel sheet
Test Case ID TI-RL-1 Test Case Title Raw materials
Created By CNR Tester's Name CNR and co

Slno Prerequisites:
Make sure you plan the requirements
1 and colours(dyeing) accourding to the
order/requirement of client

Test Scenario/Description Processing of Raw materials

Pass / Fail / Not executed /

No. Step Data Expected Results
purchasing Raw silk as
1 Quality Raw silk purchased Pass
much required

sending raw silk for

2 Raw Silk reeled Yarn pass

sending yarn/silk for
3 Quality coloured silk pass

sending the silk for transportation

4 labour start weaving pass
factory assorting
TEAM – Team 4

Vighnesh M
Sourav Shinde R
Rakesh S
Shiva K
Vishnu shakthi
Section 1
Requirement of client
i. Instagram login

i. Facebook account
ii. Google account
iii. Phone number
iv. Password

i. These documents are reviewed by the server

Accepting by the client

i. After reviewing the document by the server of Instagram and acknowledged by the employee for

Section 2

Identify 2 risks associated

i. Incorrect username
ii. Incorrect password

Incorrect password or username

Sometimes you might be getting a wrong password/username message even though you are using the correct
password and username.
Try resetting your password on the Instagram website by following this link here:
It’s important you reset this way and not just update it on the Instagram app.
If it still doesn’t work, try this:
• Write your password in your Notes app
• Copy and paste it to log in

Section 3

Create epics, user stories and draw UML diagram

i. Instagram login
Product Backlog Excel Page
Project Airport check in
Stake holders/Customers/Users Vighnesh
Created By Serpent

Epic User Story ID Features/Titles User story Status Acceptence Criteria

Scenario:-Creating Facebook account
As a user
Given the user to create the Facebook
I want to create a Facebook account
US_001 Creating Facebook account Completed account
So that I login Instagram using
And check the given details to create the
Facebook account
then you can proceed further
Scenario:-Creating google account
As a user
Given the user to create the google account
I want to create a Google account
US_002 Creating google account completed And check the given details to create the
So that I login Instagram using Google
then you can proceed further

Instagram login
Scenario:-Installing Instagram
As a user
Given the user to download the Instagram
US_003 Installing Instagram I want to install Instagram Completed
When he want to create a account
So that I create a Instagram account
Then you proceed further

As a user
Scenario:-Login or sign up
I want login or sign up using
Given the user to login to Instagram
US_004 Login in or sign up Facebook account or google account In progress
And to use Facebook or google
So that I can link the account with
accountThen you can use the
Facebook or google account
Sprint Planning Excel Sheet
Project Instagram login
Scrum Team Vighnesh
Created By Serpent

Epic User Story ID Features/Titles User story Story point sprint

As a user
I want to create a Facebook
US_001 Creating Facebook account account 1 1
So that I login Instagram using
Facebook account

As a user
I want to create a Google
US_002 Creating google account account 1 1
So that I login Instagram using
Google account

Instagram login
As a user
I want to install Instagram
US_003 Installing Instagram 2 1
So that I create a Instagram

As a user
I want login or sign up using
Facebook account or google
US_004 Login or sign up 5 1
so that I can link the account
with Facebook or Google account
Task Page
Quality Assurence Test Developer Tasks

Reviewing the User Story Reviewing a User story

Creating Test Case Setting up the Developer Environment
Reviewing the Test Cases Developing the Program
Setting up Test Environment Code review
Creating the Test Data Creating Unite Test Case
Executing the Manual Test Executing Unit Tests
Automation Setup Merging The Code
Automating the Test Case Fixing the Bugs
Retesting Bugs
Regression Testing
Demo User Story
UML diagram for Instagram
Test Case Excle sheet
Test Case ID IL-TC-1 Test Case Title Instagram login
Created By Serpent Tester's Name Serpent and co

Slno Prerequisites:
1 Instagram login

Test Scenario/Description Creating Instagram account

No. Step Data Expected Results Pass / Fail / Not executed /

Email id
Phone number
1 Creating Facebook account User name Proceed to create Pass

Phone number
OTP Email
2 Creating Google account address Proceed to create Fail

3 Installing Instagram Google playstore Proceed to create Suspended

4 Login or Sign in Proceed to create Not Executed
Google account







Problem statement :
The customer wants to withdraw the money as per their needs.

1. Touchscreen or keypad to access.
2. Language requirement according to client.
3. The display should be in a pictorial form so that it will be user
4. Faster process.
5. User friendly.

1. Insert your card in the ATM slot.
2. Select your preferred language.
3. Enter the 4digit pin.
4. Select the service.
5. Select the account type.
6. Enter the transaction amount.
7. Collect the cash disbursed.
8. Request to print a receipt.
9. Choose to make /not make another transaction.

10.Collect your atm card.

Identify two risk associated with the given problem :
1.Invalid pin.
2.ATM machine not having enough balance in it.

Solution for risk :

1.Invalid pin :
Send SMS to the bank's number which is dedicated to the PIN
change facility. Enter details like debit card number or bank
account number requesting PIN change. An OTP or temporary PIN
that is valid for a few hours is sent. You can go to the ATM, log in
with the temporary ATM PIN and change it.

2.ATM machine not having enough balance in it :

If your ATM fails to dispense cash despite having sufficient
balance then there can be multiple reasons such as technical
error, suspicious transactions, debit expiry, withdrawal limit,
mismatch in AVV and CVV .


Create user stories and draw UML diagram :

User stories under Touch screen with faster process :
1.As a customer
I want a touch screen pad to access the transaction
so that I can withdraw money easily.

2.As a client
I want fast process to withdraw
so that it can useful to transact.

3.As a regular transactor

I want keypad on ATM machine
so that I can withdraw money by
using keypad to enter the pin and
the amount.

4.As a customer
I want faster transaction to withdraw money
so that it can useful to avoid waiting of the customer.
Acceptance criteria under products purchasing user
1.scenario- touchscreen
given touch pad
when we want to view the steps
on the screen
and then we want the steps to be displayed on the screen so it is
helpful for transaction.

2. scenario- faster process

given faster speed transaction
when we want to transact our money
faster and then we can avoid the queue
in front of ATM.

3. scenario- keypad
given keypad
when we want to withdraw the
money from ATM
and then we can enter the PIN and amount
by using the keypad.

4.scenario- faster transaction

given faster speed transaction
when we want to transact money
faster and then we can save the time.
UML DIAGRAM : (sequential UML diagram)
Product Backlog Excel Page
Project ATM transaction
Stake holders/Customers/Users asypn
Created By cove

Epic User Story ID Features/Titles User story Status Acceptence Criteria

scenario- touchscreen
given touch pad
As a customer when we want to view the
I want a touch screen pad to steps
US_01 Touch screen pad access the transaction Completed on the screen
so that I can withdraw money and then we want the
easily steps to be displayed on
the screen so it is helpful
for transaction
scenario- faster process
given faster speed
As a client
when we want to transact
US_02 Fast process I want fast process to withdraw In Progress
our money
so that it can useful to transact
faster and then we can
avoid the queue
Touch screen with faster process infront of ATM
scenario- keypad
As a regular transactor
given keypad
I want keypad on ATM machine
when we want to
so that I can withdraw money
withdraw the
US_03 Keypad by New
money from ATM
using keypad to enter the pin
and then we can enter the
PIN and amount
the amount
by using the keypad
scenario- faster
As a customer
given faster speed
I want faster transaction to
US_04 Faster transaction withdraw money so that it can New
when we want to transact
useful to avoid waiting of the
faster and then we can
save the time
Sprint Planning Excel Sheet
Project ATM transaction
Scrum Team aspyn,web designer,data analyst,product owner
Created By cove

Epic User Story ID Features/Titles User story Story point sprint

As a customer
I want a touch screen pad to
US_01 Touch screen pad access the transaction 1 1
so that I can withdraw money
As a client
US_02 Fast process I want fast process to withdraw 1 1
so that it can useful to transact
As a regular transactor
I want keypad on ATM machine
Touch screen with faster process
so that I can withdraw money
US_03 Keypad by 5 1
using keypad to enter the pin
the amount
As a customer
I want faster transaction to
US_04 Faster Transaction withdraw money so that it can 3 1
useful to avoid waiting of the
Task Page
Developer Tasks Quality Assurence Test

Reviewing the User Story Reviewing a User story

Setting up the Developer Environment Creating Test Case
Developing the Program Reviewing the Test Case
Code review Setting Up Test Environment
Creating Unite the Test Case Creating Test Data
Excecuting the unit Test Executing the Manual Tests
Merging The Code Automation Setup
Fixing The bugs Automating the Test Case
Retesting Bugs
Regression Bugs
Demo User Story
Title of the project
Triangle or Not

Team members:





Requirement of client:

1. Three sides.
2. Three angles.
3. Three vertices.


1. A triangle has 3 sides, 3 angles, 3 vertices.

2. The sum of all angles of triangle is always equal to 180.
3. The sum length of any 2 sides of triangle is greater than a length of third side.
4. The opposite to the largest angle of a triangle is largest side.


Rechecking all 3 sides, 3 angles, 3 vertices in triangle


After reviewing is completed it is said to be a triangle

Identify two risk associated with given problem

1. When a figure is not possible to form a triangle.

2. When sum of two vertices are not equal.

Solution for risk:

1. When a figure is not possible to form a triangle.

When figure is not possible to form a triangle.
The sum of length of any two sides of a triangle must be greater than the
length of third side.
There must be 3 sides, 3 angles and 3 vertices to form a triangle.

2. When sum of two vertices are not equal.

When sum of two vertices are not equal.
If the angle between both vertices are 120 then both vertices sum must be
equal to either of them but both vertices should also have to be equal.

Create epics, user stories and draw UML diagram

1. Verify that the figure has exactly 3 sides
2. Verify that the figure has exactly 3 angles
3. Verify that the figure has exactly 3 vertices
4. Verify the sum of angle of figure is 180
5. Verify that no two sides are parallel to each other
Product Backlog Excel Page
Project Triangle or Not
Stake holders/Customers/UsersAsypn
Created By cove
Epic User Story ID Features/Titles User story Status Acceptence Criteria

scenario- 3 sides
As a user I want exactly
Whether figure having 3 sides, 3 angles, 3 vertices

given figure
US_001 3 Side 3 sides in figure so that I Completed
when it has 3 sides than it is
can say that it is triangle
said to be a triangle

scenario- 3 angles
as a user I want exactly 3
given figure
US_002 3 Angles angles in figure so that I completed
when it has 3 angles than
can say that it is triangle
itbis said to be a triangle
as a user I I want exactly scenario- figure
3 vertices in figure so given vertives
US_003 3 Vertices In progress
that I can say that it is when it has 3 vertices tha it
triangle is said to be a triangle
as a user I want exactly 3
scenario- figure
sides, 3 angles and 3
given figure
US_004 Triangle vertices in figure so that New
when it has 3 sides, 3
I can say that it is a
angles, 3 vertices than it
Sprint Planning Excel Sheet
Project Triangle or Not
Scrum Team Asypn
Created By cove

Epic User Story ID Features/Titles User story Story point sprint

As a user I want exactly 3

Whether figure having 3 sides, 3 angles, 3 vertices

US_001 3 Side sides in figure so that I can 1 1

say that it is triangle

as a user I want exactly 3

US_002 3 Angles angles in figure so that I 1 1
can say that it is triangle

as a user I I want exactly 3

US_003 3 Vertices vertices in figure so that I 5 1
can say that it is triangle

as a user I want exactly 3

sides, 3 angles and 3
US_004 Triangle 3 1
vertices in figure so that I
can say that it is a triangle
UML Diagram:

Test Case Excle sheet
Test Case ID TS-TRN-1 Test Case Title Triangle or Not
Created By Cove Tester's Name Cove and Co

Slno Prerequisites:
make sure the given figure is a
1 closed figure and no two sides are
parallel to each others

Test Scenario/Description The given figure is triangle or not

Pass / Fail / Not executed /

No. Step Data Expected Results
3 lines
1 exactly 3 side 1/2*b*h given figure is a triangle Pass

3 angle
2 Exactly 3 angle equilateral triangle given figure is a triangle pass

3 Exactly 3 vertices 3 Vertices given figure is a triangle pass

sum of the angle of the

4 angle = 180 given figure is a triangle pass
figure 180
1.Hemant Shet
4.Sanket Gowda
Software project: Hospital management

Section 1

Requirement of clients

In hospital management the client’s requirement:

1. Ambulance
2. Driver
3. Doctor
4. Nurse
5. Facility’s for emergency patient in ambulance
6. Spair driver


The required documents are

1. Driver license
2. Doctor license
3. Nurse certificate
4. Driver contract


1. Rash driving
2. Spair driver
3. Good quality doctor
Acceptance by clients

1. Drivers skill
2. Equipment’s required for patient

Section 2

Identify 2 risk associated with the given problem

The risks associated with bank management are:

1. In time ambulance
2. Health issue of driver

1. In time ambulance:
For emergency patient the ambulance which is allotted, it
should be in given time because of patients condition is getting
To overcome this risk keep continuous communication with
ambulance driver it can prevent the patient’s condition good so
that the ambulance should be in time.

2. Health issue of the driver:

The driver is working towards patient’s condition but he
never take care himself so every week should have minimum
two(2) health test for driver in case of any sudden causes
To overcome this risk we can assign a spair driver for ambulancE
Product Backlog Excel Page

Project hospital
Stake holders/Customers/Users hari
Created By hemant

Epic User Story ID Features/Titles User story Status Acceptence Criteria

As a user
we want
Scenario- when patient
are taken in the
oxygen facility in
ambulance they need the
US_001 oxygen facility ambulance so Completed
oxygen tank to breathe, it
that it can help
will help them in their
the patients in
emergency condition
Scenario- when the
As a user
patient are taken in
we want good
ambulance they need a
bed facility in
very good bed so that
ambulance so
US_002 Bed facility completed while taking them in to
that it can help
the ambulance and out of
the patient to
the ambulance there
carry to the
facilities in ambulance should be no hurt for
As a user Scenario- Driver plays an
we want important role in
experience ambulance because if we
driver so that it get good trained driver he
US_003 expert driver In progress
can help to take will be able to drop to
the patient to nearby hospital as early
hospital as soon as possible from this
as possible patient life can be saved.
As a user
we want all Scenario- Every
emergency ambulance should have
requirement so the required emergancy
US_004 emergency requirements New
that it can help equipment kit so in
the patient one emergancy it will be the
whom to serious first priority for patients.
and emergency
Sprint Planning Excel Sheet

Project hospital
Scrum Team hari
Created By hemant

Epic User Story ID Features/Titles User story Story point sprint

As a user
we want emergency oxygen
US_001 oxygen facility facility in ambulance so that it 1 1
can help the patients in
emergency condition

As a user
we want good bed facility in
US_002 Bed facility ambulance so that it can help 1 1
the patient to carry to the
facilities in ambulance
As a user
we want experience driver so
US_003 expert driver that it can help to take the 5 1
patient to hospital as soon as
As a user
we want all emergency
US_004 emergency requirements requirement so that it can help 3 1
the patient one whom to
serious and emergency
Task Page

Quality Assurence Test Developer Tasks

Reviewing the User Story Reviewing a User story

Creatig Test Case Setting up the Developer Environment
Reviewing the Test Cases Developing the Program
Setting up Test Environment Code review
Creating the Test Data Creating Unite Test Case
Excecuting the Manual Test Executing Unit Tests
Automation Setup Merging The Code
Automating the Test Case Fixing the Bugs
Retesting Bugs
Regression Testing
Demo User Srory
Software project: Online Examination

Section 1

Requirement of clients

In online examination the client’s requirement:

1. Computer
2. Network source
3. Teacher/student
4. Camera
5. Web source


The required documents are

1. Hall ticket
2. Student device details
3. Computer documentation
4. Mail id verification


1. Hall ticket verification

2. Device and student id verification
3. Student verification
Acceptance by clients

1. Teacher verification
2. Student id verification

Section 2

Identify 2 risk associated with the given problem

The risks associated with Online examination are:

1. Test paper leak

2. Server down

1. Test paper leak:

In the online exam there is a problem such has the paper
leak that is some time the hacking group or a single person
hacker hack the test paper that for the we have to avoid the
hacking we have to make the last moment distributions and for
the a backup we should have the 2 or 3 question paper.

2. Server down:
In the online exam there is problem network or a server
problem ,Network problem would be the main problem of the
online exam for that we should avoid the and we have some
strong wifi connection.
Product Backlog Excel Page
Project Online exam
Stake holders/Customers/Users Dar
Created By Hemant

Epic User Story ID Features/Titles User story Status Acceptence Criteria

As a user
Scenario- when the student login in
I want a proper login
OE_001 Login system Completed system then the login will be proper so
that student have no problem to login.
So that I can login properly.

As a user
I want student id which Scenario- when the student id is given
OE_002 Student id verification verified completed then the system have to see the id ,then
So that I can login to it is right then I will access to exam.

Login system in online examination As a user

I want a fine access of data
Scenario- when the student is writeing a
to login and answer the
OE_003 Network issue Completed exam then it should be a proper
connection of network.
So that I can write a exam

As a user
I want to logout without
Scenario- when the student is written
any risk or a issues
OE_004 Proper logout New the exam the It should be logout
So that I need a proper
properly, after a exam is ended.
Sprint Planning Excel Sheet

Project Online exam

Scrum Team dar
Created By hemant
Epic User Story ID Features/Titles User story Story point sprint

As a user
I want a proper login
OE_001 Login system 1 1
So that I can login properly.

As a user
I want student id which
OE_002 Student id verification verified 1 1
So that I can login to

Login system in online As a user

examination I want a fine access of data
to login and answer the
OE_003 Network issue 5 1
So that I can write a exam

As a user
I want to logout without
OE_004 Proper logout any risk or a issues 3 1
So that I need a proper
Task Page

Quality Assurence Test Developer Tasks

Reviewing the User Story Reviewing a User story

Creatig Test Case Setting up the Developer Environment
Reviewing the Test Cases Developing the Program
Setting up Test Environment Code review
Creating the Test Data Creating Unite Test Case
Excecuting the Manual Test Executing Unit Tests
Automation Setup Merging The Code
Automating the Test Case Fixing the Bugs
Retesting Bugs
Regression Testing
Demo User Srory
Test Case Excel sheet

Test Case ID OE-TC-1 Test Case Title Online examination

Created By Reaper Tester's Name Reaper and

Slno Prerequisites:
1 online examination

Test Scenario/Description Login system

No. Step Data Expected Results Pass / Fail / Not executed /


1 Login system Student id Login successfully Pass

Student name
Roll no

Student id Student id
2 Student id verified Pass
verification Database
Id verification

3 Network issue Proper network Network issue solved Pass


4 Proper logout Logout successfully Pass

Login id
exam ended
Online shopping cart

1.Requirements of clients
• Product purchasing
The required documents are:
1. Mobile number
2. Bank account details
3. Address proof
4. E-mail address
• This all data will be stored in a data center
• Data will be in the form of mysql (database).
These documents are reviewing by the clients/customer.
4 .Accepting by clients/customer
• After reviewing the documents the policy and criteria
are again reviewed and taken acknowledgement by
clients/customer for safety.
• If the clients are unsatisfied by reviewing the
document then the data will be rechecked.
• After all terms and conditions go to further work.
5.Identify two risk associated with the given
• Functional/quality risk
• Technical risk
6.create user stories and draw UML diagram
User stories under products Purchasing:
1.As a user
I want to login to Flipkart
so that I can process further .
2.As a user
I want to add product to cart
so that I can review my purchases before I check out.
3. As a user
I want to know the review of the product
so that I know how good the product is
4.As a user
I want to make payment process
so that I can order the product from cart.
Acceptance criteria under products Purchasing
user stories
scenario- login to account
given user to login her/him account
when he/she want to make order through Flipkart
and make sure you have filled given details
then you can proceed further

scenario- adding product to cart

given make sure that user has flipkart account
when he/she wants to add a product to cart
and then he/she can process further

scenario- consider the product review

given user
when he/she wants to buy the product make sure
he/she checks the review of the product
and then there will be no issues

scenario- make payment process

given user when he/she wants to purchase the product
and order it to the given address
make sure he/she selects the payment process then
he/she is able to order the product
Product Backlog Excel Page
Project Online Product Purchase
Stake holders/Customers/Users Jungkook
Created By Taeyoung

Epic User Story ID Features/Titles User story Status Acceptence Criteria

As a user scenario- login to account
I want to login to given user to login her account
US_01 Login Flipcart completed when he want to make order
so that I can process through Flipcart
further and make sure you have filled
As a user scenario- adding product to cart
I want to add product given make sure that user has
to cart flipcart account
US_02 Cart completed
so that I can review my when he wants to add a product
purchases before I to cart
check out and then he can process further
scenario- consider the product
Online Product Purchase As a user review
I want to know the given user
US_03 Reviews review of the product in progress when he wants to buy the
so that I know how product make sure he checks the
good the product is review of the product
and then there will be no issues

scenario- make payment process

As a user given user when he wants to
I want to make purchase the product and order
US_04 Payment Process payment process New it to the given address
so that I can order the make sure he selects the
product from cart payment process then he is able
to order the product
Sprint Planning Excel Sheet
Project Online Product Purchase
Scrum Team Jungkook
Created By Taeyoung

Epic User Story ID Features/Titles User story Story point sprint

As a user
I want to login to
US_01 Login Flipcart 1 1
so that I can process
As a user
I want to add product
to cart
US_02 Cart 3 1
so that I can review my
purchases before I
Online Product Purchase check out
As a user
I want to know the
US_03 Reviews review of the product 1 1
so that I know how
good the product is
As a user
I want to make
US_04 Payment Process payment process 5 1
so that I can order the
product from cart
UML diagram for product purchasing :
Airport check in

TEAM – Team 4

1. Vighnesh M
2. Sourav Shinde
3. Vishnu Shakthi
4. Shivakumar
5. Rakesh
Software Project: Airport check in

❖ Requirements of clients
Immigration officer to check the passport
1. Tickets checking
2. Passport checking
3. Visa checking
Now lets us work on passport checking

❖ Documenting
1. Pan card
2. Aadhar card
3. Voter id
4. Driving license

❖ Reviewing
These documents are reviewing by the Immigration officer

❖ Accepting by the passenger

1. After reviewing the documentation the policy and criteria and again reviewed and acknowledged by
the officer for safety
2. Recheck the passport
3. After all the terms and condition go to further verification
Identify 2 risk associated with the given problem
1. Photo identification
2. Minor and senior identification

Photo identification
As per the guidelines, it is mandatory to carry a Government issued photo identification (ID) proof along
with the E-Ticket for flights in India. The same is verified by the airport security as well as the airline at the
check in counter.

Minor and senior identification

TSA officers will consult parents or the traveling guardian about the best way to relieve any concerns
during the screening of a child. For children 13 years and older, TSA's standard screening procedures apply.
Accessible property of all travelers, regardless of age, must be screened.
Scheme is applicable for senior citizens above the age of 60 years. It is mandatory for the senior citizen to
carry a valid photo ID with date of birth and display it at the time of check-in at the airport. Failure in
producing proof will result in charging prevailing fares.

Epics :
1. Passport identification
2. Visa verification
3. After accepting all the documents the immigration officer will further let you board the plane
Product Backlog Excel Page
Project Airport check in
Stake holders/Customers/Users Vighnesh
Created By Serpent

Epic User Story ID Features/Titles User story Status Acceptence Criteria

As a immigration officer Scenario:-Passport checking

I want check the passport of the Given immigration officer to check the passport
US_001 Passport checking Completed
passenger When he want to check the visa
so that I can further check the visa then you can proceed further

As a immigration officer
Scenario:-Checking visa
I want to check the visa of the
Given Immigration officer to check the visa of
US_002 Visa checking passenger completed
the passenger is allowed outside the country
so that I check whether the passenger
then you can proceed further
in allowed outside the country
After accepting all the documents
the immigration officer will further Scenario:-Luggage checking
let you board the plane As a immigration officer Given Immigration officer to check luggage when
want to the passengers luggage he want to make sure the passenger is not
US_003 Luggage checking so that there is no illegal items and In progress carrying illegal item
weight of the luggage (which should And the weight of the luggage should not exceed
not exceed over 23 kgs) over 23 kgs
then you can proceed further

Scenario:-Boarding pass/ticket checking

As a immigration officer Given Immigration officer to check the
I want to check the passengers tickets Boarding pass/ticket
US_004 Boarding pass/Ticket New
so that I can send him to correct When he want to make sure the passenger is
platform sent to the correct platform
then he can board to the plane
Sprint Planning Excel Sheet
Project Airport check in
Scrum Team Vighnesh
Created By Serpent

Epic User Story ID Features/Titles User story Story point sprint

As a immigration officer
I want check the passport of the
US_001 Passport passenger 1 1
so that I can further check the
As a immigration officer
I want to check the visa of the
US_002 Visa 1 1
so that I check whether the
After accepting all the documents passenger in allowed outside the
the immigration officer will further country
let you board the plane
As a immigration officer
I want to the passengers luggage
US_003 Luggage checking so that there is no illegal items 5 1
and weight of the luggage (which
should not exceed over 23 kgs)

As a immigration officer
I want to check the passengers
US_004 Boarding pass/Ticket tickets 3 1
so that I can send him to correct
UML diagram:
Test Case Excle sheet
Test Case ID AK-TC-1 Test Case Title Passport checking
Created By Serpent Tester's Name Serpent and
Slno Prerequisites:
1 Passport and visa checking
Test Scenario/Description Boarding the plane
No. Step Data Expected Results Pass / Fail / Not executed /
Boarding pass
1 Airport check in luggage Proceed to board Pass
Title of the project
Bike purchasing

Team – 03
Team members :

• Puneeth
• Aditya
• Kishore
• Karthik CR
• Gurukiran
Requirements by client

• Faster bike
• High cc engine
• Milage more than 30
• Safety measures
• ABS brake system


• Aadhar card
• Pan card
• Legal documents
• Bank copy ( for cheque )
• Contract
• License (DL)

Bike suggested : access 125 Activa 6g
Client will check and finalize the decision

Acceptance by clients

• After reviewing the bike the client will sign the contract
• He can ask queries about the bike
• Once all the queries are solved bike is approved
• Further procedure

Identify two risk associated with the given problem

• Milage
• Engine life

• Milage
: the measurement of how much petrol the vehicle consumes
And the distance it can cover

solution : having stock blocked engine

• Engine life
:after years of usage the engine life gets depleted

Solution : having regular oil change and engine service will help in better life

Create Epics User stories and UML diagram

• Bike purchase
• High cc engine
• Milage more than 30
• Safety measures
• ABS brake system
Sprint planning excel

Created By PANDA

Epic User Story ID Features/Titles User story Story point sprint

As a client I need all my
US_01 choice 1 1
requirements fullfilled
As a client I will complete all the
US_02 document legal documentation needed for 3 1
my purchase
As a client I want payment
Bike purchase
US_03 Payment options of both cash and 1 1
As a client i will finalize my
purchase once all my queries
US_04 Finalize 5 1
has been solved and iam
confident of my purchase
Product Backlog Excel Page
Project Bike purchase
Client Pallavi
Created By Panda

Epic User Story ID Features/Titles User story Status Acceptence Criteria

scenario- when a client

As a client I need all my enters our showroom he
US_01 Choice Completed
requirements full filled can provide all his

scenario- when the client

As a client I will complete all the
has made all the choice he
US_02 Document legal documentation needed for Completed
will complete all the legal
my purchase
documentation required

Bike Purchase
scenario- once client is
As a client I want payment
ready to pay he will have
US_03 Payment options of both cash and Completed
options for both cash and

As a client i will finalize my scenario- once the user

purchase once all my queries has completed all the
US_04 Finalize New
has been solved and iam necessary document he
confident of my purchase can finalize the choice
UML Diagram
Task Page
Quality Assurence Test Developer Tasks

Reviewing the User Story Reviewing a User story

Creatig Test Case Setting up the Developer Environment
Reviewing the Test Cases Developing the Program
Setting up Test Environment Code review
Creating the Test Data Creating Unite Test Case
Excecuting the Manual Test Executing Unit Tests
Test case excel

Test Case ID PAN-TC-3 Test Case Title Bike purchase

Created By Panda Tester's Name Panda and

Sl no Prerequisites:

1 Bike purchase

Test Scenario/Description Purchasing scenario

No. Step Data Expected Results Pass / Fail / Not executed /


1 Choice Colour Proper decision Pass


Aadhaar card
2 Document PAN card Legal verification Pass
Address proof

3 Payment Payment type Payment decision Pass

Payment mode
Payment id

4 Finalize Final delivery of bike Pass
Title of the project
Online credit card process

Team – 03
Team members :

• Puneeth
• Aditya
• Kishore
• Karthik CR
• Gurukiran
Requirements by client

• Web portal
• Credit card process model
• Safe block chain
• Customer services
• Terms and conditions


• Aadhar card
• Pan card
• Legal documents
• Bank approval for web portal access
• Contract
• Team document

These documents are reviewed by clients and project manager to provide
Eligibility criteria

Acceptance by clients

• After reviewing the documents the client will sign the contract
• He can ask queries about the procedure and the prototype
• Once all the queries are solved prototype is approved for
• Further development

Identify two risk associated with the given problem

• Server time-outs
• URL leakage ( data flow )

• Server time-outs
During simultaneous transaction servers become slow and
time out fast these might lead to payment failure and error in payments
solution : creating a fail-safe-mode will help user in payment process and safer transaction
even during server issues

• URL Leakage
Always busy server become vulnerable to data leakings
And could result in massive theft of user data in the portal

Solution : These attacks can be prevented by creating a stronger block chain

With the help of a cyber security analyst which will help us to keep our portal strong


Create Epics User stories and UML diagram

• Web portal
• Credit card process model
• Safe block chain
Sprint Planning Excel Sheet
Project Online credit card process
Scrum Team TEAM 3
Created By PANDA

Epic User Story ID Features/Titles User story Story point sprint

As a user
US_01 Login I want to login to portal 1 1
so that I can process further
As a user
US_02 Payment options I want to use my credit card for 3 1
my purchases
As a user
Credit Card payment Portal when I fill all my details I need
US_03 OTP and Message 1 1
to get an OTP to proceed
As a user
I want to make payment
US_04 Payment Process process 5 1
with my credit card to complete
my purchases
Product Backlog Excel Page
Project Online credit card process
Stake holders/Customers/Users Jhanvi Kapoor
Created By Panda

Epic User Story ID Features/Titles User story Status Acceptence Criteria

scenario- when a user
As a coustomer
visits our portal
when I visit a
US_01 Web Page Completed he will be granted options
webpage I nedd login
to login so he could
options so I can proceed further
proceed further
scenario- faster process
given faster speed
As a client
when we want to process
US_02 Fast process I want fast process to complete Completed
our payment
my transaction
faster and then we can
avoid the server timed-
Web Portal out
scenario- OTP when user
As a regular transactor tries to process payment
I need an OTP before payment he will be given an one-
US_03 OTP Completed
process to keep my account and time-use OTP to keep his
transaction safe data encrypted and his
card safe
scenario- Fail-Safe-Mode
As a user when I am processing when there is any error in
my payment I need a safe process the portal will
US_04 Safety Measures New
blockchain and a fail-safe mode enter a fail-safe-mode to
to keep my payment safe keep our user transaction
safe and secure
UML Diagram
Test case excel

Test Case Excle sheet

Test Case ID SUI-TC-! Test Case Title Web portal for credit card process
Created By Panda Tester's Name Panda and co

Slno Prerequisites:
1 Credit card and ph-number

Test Scenario Credt card payment

No. Step Data Expected Results Pass / Fail / Not executed /


user name
16-digit card number
1 Web portal for credit card process ph-number OTP payment with credit card Pass
bank account
Transaction name
Transaction id
Task Page
Quality Assurence Test Developer Tasks

Reviewing the User Story Reviewing a User story

Creatig Test Case Setting up the Developer Environment
Reviewing the Test Cases Developing the Program
Setting up Test Environment Code review
Creating the Test Data Creating Unite Test Case
Excecuting the Manual Test Executing Unit Tests

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