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Who’s who of the Second Persian War 480-479BC

Provide details about who each individual is, their position and any part they played in the Second
Persian War, making specific references to instances. Cite your sources so that you can easily refer to
them in essays.

Xerxes The reigning King at time of the Second Persian war. He wanted to invade
all of Greece as revenge for his fathers defeat at Marathon.

Themistocles He was an Athenian politician and naval strategist. Advocated for

increased Athenian navy. Commander at Salamis and Artimesium

Leonidas He was the Spartan king who was slaughtered at the Battle of
Thermopylae. He was chosen to lead the united Greek army in resistance
of the Persian invasion.

Mardonius He was a Persian general who stayed in Greece when Xerxes retreated
with most of his army. Nephew of Darius. Herodotus depicts him as an evil
advisor. He was at the battle of Thermopylae.

Pausanias He was the regent for Leonidas’ son, who led the Greek army into victory
at the Battle of Plataea. Credited with ending the war. Leader of Hellenic
armed forces league. Victor of battle of Plataea.

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