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Subject : Math.-D
Topic : Statistics-1
Course Teacher : Imam Hossain (IH)

1. The temperatures, at noon, on five days were -2C, -1C, 1C, -2C, 5C.
(a) Find the median temperature.
(b) Calculate the mean temperature.
(c) The temperature, at noon, on another day was xC. The mean temperature for the six days
was 1.5C. Find the value of x.
Ans. (a) -1C (b) 0.2C (c) 8.
2. The diagram shows a gauge for measuring the water level in a reservoir. Readings, in
metres, taken over a certain period were as follows:
-2.3, -1.6, -0.4, 0.1, -0.5, 0.3, -1.2
For these readings
(a) find the difference, in metres, between the highest and lowest levels,
(b) find the median,
(c) calculate the mean.
Ans. (a) 2.6m (b) -0.5m (c) -0.8m.
3. (a) A TV programme list shows that a film begins at 21 55. The film lasts for 100 minutes.
At what time will it end? Express your answer using the 24 hour clock.
(b) The times taken by an athlete to run three races were 3 minutes 59.1 seconds, 4 minutes
3.8 seconds and 4 minutes 1.6 seconds. Calculate the mean time.
Ans. (a) 23 35 (b) 4 min 1.5 sec.
4. Some children were asked how many television programmes they had watched on the
previous day. The table shows the results.
Number of programmes watched 0 1 2 3
Number of children 7 3 1 y
(a) If the median is 2, find the value of y.
(b) If the median is 1, find the greatest possible value of y.
Ans. (a) 10 (b) 8.
5. Emma noted the number of letters in each of the 25 words in an examination question. The
results are given in the table below.
Number of letters 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Frequency 2 6 5 5 4 0 3
For this distribution,
(i) write down the mode, (ii) find the median, (iii) calculate the mean.
Ans. (i) 3 (ii) 4 (iii) 4.6
6. Potatoes are sold in sacks. One sack, picked at random, contained 260 potatoes. The
masses, in grams, of the potatoes in this sack are summarised in the table below.
Mass (m grams) Frequency
50 < m  100 4
100 < m  150 56
150 < m  200 84
200 < m  250 76
250 < m  300 36
300 < m  350 4

(a) (i) Calculate an estimate of the total mass of the potatoes in this sack.
(ii) Calculate an estimate of the mean mass, in grams, of a potato.

(b) (i) Identify the median class.

(ii) Identify the modal class.
Ans. (a) (i) 50300g (ii) 193g (b) (i) 150 < m  200 (ii) 150 < m  200.

7. On a certain stretch of road, the speeds of some cars were recorded. The results are
summarised in the table, Part of the corresponding histogram is shown alongside.
(x km/h)
25 < x  45 q
45 < x  55 30
55 < x  65 p
65 < x  95 12
(a) Find the value of (i) p, (ii) q, 4

(b) Complete the histogram.


25 35 45 55 65 75 85 95
Speed (km/h)
Ans. (a) (i) 40 (ii) 18.

8. Answer the whole of this question on a sheet of graph paper.

The ages of a sample of 40 students were recorded. The results are given in the table below.

Age (x years) 8 < x  10 10 < x  11 11 < x  12 12 < x  14 14 < x  16 16 < x  19

Frequency 7 8 6 10 3 6

(a) Using a scale of 1 cm to represent 1 year, draw a horizontal axis for ages from 8 to 19
years. Using a scale of 1 cm to represent 1 unit, draw a vertical axis for frequency densities
from 0 to 8 units. On your axes, draw a histogram to illustrate the distribution of ages.
(b) In which interval does the median lie?
(c) Calculate an estimate of the mean age of the students.
(d) Calculate an estimate of the number of students who were under 13 years old.
Ans. (a) widths: 2, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3 heights: 3.5, 8, 6, 5, 1.5, 2 (b) 11 < x  12 (c) 12.4 (d) 26.

9. Answer the whole of this question on a sheet of graph paper.

The masses of 80 parcels sent out by a garden centre are given in the table below.

Mass (m kilograms) 0<m2 2<m4 4<m6 6 < m  10 10 < m  15

Frequency 12 18 20 20 10
(a) Using a scale of 1 cm to represent 1 kg, draw a horizontal axis for 0  m  15. Choose a
suitable scale for the vertical axis and draw a histogram to represent this data.
(b) Estimate the number of parcels which had a mass greater than 9 kg.
(c) Calculate an estimate of the mean mass.
(d) One parcel was chosen at random and not replaced. A second parcel was chosen at
random from the remainder. Giving each answer as a fraction in its lowest terms, find the
probability that
(i) both parcels were chosen from the 6 < m  10 group,
(ii) one parcel was chosen from the 6 < m  10 group and the other parcel was not
chosen from the 6 < m  10 group.

Ans. (b) 15 (c) 5 kg (d) (i) (ii) .

10. In 2000 Esther went to a tennis tournament. Her ticket cost $35. At the tournament she
bought a programme costing $3 and an ice cream costing $2.
(a) This information is to be shown on a pie chart. Calculate the angle of the sector which
represents the amount she spent on ice cream.
(b) In 2001 the cost of a ticket was $36.75. Calculate the percentage increase in the cost of a

Ans. (a) 18° (b) 5%

11. A service station sells unleaded, super-unleaded and diesel fuel.

The pie chart represents the amounts of these fuels sold during one week
The total amount of fuel sold during this week was 54000 litres. Unleaded
(i) How many litres of diesel were sold?
(ii) The amount of unleaded fuel sold was of the total for the week. Super- Diesel
How many litres of super-unleaded fuel were sold?

Ans. (i) 13500 litres (ii) 4500 litres.

12. One hundred children were asked how far they could swim. The results are summarised
in the table.
Distance (d metres) 0 < d  100 100 < d  200 200 < d  400
Number of children 30 50 20

(a) The histogram represents part of the information.

Complete the histogram.

density 0.4
0 x
100 200 300 400
Distance (d metres)

(b) A pie chart is drawn to represent the three groups of children. Calculate the angle of the
sector that represents the group of 20 children.

Ans. (a) For 200 < d  400, height = 0.1 (b) 72°.

13. Answer the whole of the question on a sheet of graph paper.

The table shows the number of cars owned by each of 25 families.
2 0 3 4 1
0 1 1 2 3
2 3 6 1 0
1 2 0 3 2
3 4 1 2 1

(a) Draw a bar chart to represent the information in the table.

(b) Find
(i) the median number of cars,
(ii) the modal number of cars,
(iii) the mean number of cars.

Ans. (b) (i) 2 (ii) 1 (iii) 1.92.


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