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1. Pre-class: So that everything can be much easier for students

when listening to the audio. We must ensure that the
audio is heard clearly and at the appropriate volume.
Check the internet so that there is no type of
interruption and everything flows as it should.

2. In class: Lead-in: We start the class by telling them an anecdote about

an experience that happened to me so they don’t feel
shy and feel free to talk about their own experiences.
I will put some images in reference to the anecdote
and ask them to make some questions.

3. Set up the activity: T explains the activity in a clear way and gives the
appropriate instructions , In groups of three / In pairs ,
for instance. So by doing this they can do it much
better. Then , ask someone randomly the following
question: With your own words tell me, what do we
have to do? to check information.

4. Run the activity: Teacher monitors students in the break out rooms to
check if they are working , if they have some doubts
Ss can ask T about them. It’s important to let
students work in a free way so they can talk by
showing themselves.

5. Close the activity/ feedback: Ask for volunteers to answer the questions made in
the activity , make them feel comfortable to answer.
T verify if the answer is correct or not and make
comments about that answer.

6. Post activity: Teacher make a kahoot game so they can prove what
they learned and in another slide put a page with the
question "why are those the correct answers?" and
they will have 6 min to do it.

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