Microbiology Parasitology Q A

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_____ is an intestinal nematode capable of Class 1

vertical transmission and potential cause for
12. Which biological safety cabinet sterilizes the air
congenital infections.
that flows over the infectious material as well as air
Ancylostoma duodenale to be exhausted; also it is the most commonly used
biological safety cabinet which has a fixed opening
2. _____ is the predominant microorganism that
and 70% of the filtered air is recirculated.
causes bacon to spoil despite being stored in
vacuum-packed containers. Class 2a
Lactobacillus 13. _____ first demonstrated the handwashing can
prevent the spread of diseases.
3. Before collection of hair, nails or skin scrapings
for fungal culture, the area must be first _____. Ignaz Semmelweis
Cleanse area with 70% alcohol 14. _____ is utilized to demonstrate the presence
of diffuse capsule surrounding the bacteria. Best
4. After determining a strain of Staphylococcus as example is India ink.
coagulase negative, _____ would confirm the
identification as S. saprophyticus and novobiocin Negative staining
susceptible would confirm the identification as S.
epidermidis. 15. In _____ microorganisms are most susceptible
to antibiotics.
Novobiocin resistant
Log phase
5. The adult of _____ possesses a cephalic cone
and a well-developed (prominent) shoulders. 16. The aseptic collection of blood cultures requires
that the skin be cleansed with _____.
Fasciola hepatica
70% alcohol and then 2% iodine or an iodophor
6. _____ is characterized by extensive branching
17. Opthalmia neonatorum is caused by N.
aerial hyphae in tap water agar.
gonorrhoeae as the newborn passes the birth
Streptomyces spp. cannal, AgNO3 drops (Crede’s prophylaxis) were
one used. Nowadays, _____ is more commonly
7. _____ is the color produced by acid fast bacilli used for treatment.
after staining.
18. Sodium polyanethanol sulfonate (SPS) may be
8. It is considered the most common and earliest
used as an anticoagulant in blood cultures because
serological test to detect antibodies to VZV.
Prevents phagocytosis
9. Mycobacterium tuberculosis is best differentiated Neutralizes the bactericidal effect of human serum
from M. bovis by _____ .
19. _____ is best suited for the recovery of Yersinia
Niacin and nitrate reduction tests
enterocolitica from a patient with gastroenteritis.
10. _____ is considered the most commonly Cefsulodin-Irgasan-Novobiocin (CIN) agar
identified species of filarial worms that infect
humans, characterized by a sheath and nocturnal 20. When testing aminoglycosides and
periodicity. tetracyclines against P. aeruginosa, elevated
concentrations of _____ can result to diminished
Wuchereria bancrofti
activity of the antibiotics.
11. Which biological safety cabinet allows room air Divalent cations
to pass through and within the cabinet and only
sterilizes the air exhausted?
21. _____ is used in infection associated with 32. The mycelia form of _____ (dimorphic mold)
Group A Streptococcus wherein the positive result produces thick-walled, rectangular or barrel shaped
is redness of the skin alternate arthroconidia.
Dick’s test Coccidioides immitis
22. In the carbohydrate utilization test using CTA 33. _____ is the most common viral syndrome of
medium, _____ fails to produce acid from glucose, pericarditis, myocarditis and pleurodynia (pain upon
maltose, lactose and sucrose. It is catalase, breathing).
oxidase and DNase positive.
Coxsackie B virus
M. catarrhalis
34. When a delay in processing cannot be avoided,
23. An isolate of E. coli recovered from the stool of specimens for viral isolation must be _____.
a patient with severe bloody diarrhea should be
Held at 4 degrees Celsius and snap-frozen to -70
tested for _____ before sending it to a reference
degrees Celsius.
laboratory for serotyping.
35. Which of the following is incorrectly matched?
Echinococcus granulosus – routine ova and
24. _____ identifies late lactose fermenters.
parasite examination
ONPG test
36. The following are considered STAT procedures
25. _____is the only species of Haemophilus which in diagnostic parasitology:
does not require V factor.
CNS specimens for examination of free-living
H. ducreyi amoebae
26. In order for a sputum specimen to be Blood films in a potential malaria case
acceptable for culture, _____ must be seen.
37. The specific gravity of the solution used in the
<10 epithelial cells and >25 pus cells zinc sulfate flotation method is _____.
27. The Fire-Faraco acid-fast stain is different from 1.18
other acid-fast stains because it uses _____.
38. An Entamoeba histolytica trophozoite has
Hematoxylin rather than methylene blue as a _____.
counter stain
Central karyosome, ingested RBC, clear
28. _____ is a characteristic growth pattern of C. pseudopodia
perfringens in litmus milk broth.
39. _____ is pathognomonic for Giardia lamblia
Stormy fermentation _____.
29. _____ is associated with with Q fever and can Ventral sucking disk, trophozoite
be transmitted via inhalation of aerosols from
infected animals. 40. What differentiates modified acid-fast staining
from regular AFB staining?
C. burnetti
The decolorizer is weaker in modified acid-fast
30. Mycoplasma pneumoniae causes _____. staining than the acid alcohol in regular AFB
Primary atypical pneumonia
41. Autofluorescence requires no stain and is
31. _____ is the yeast enzyme detected using recommended for the identification of _____.
birdseed (niger seed) agar.
Cyclospora cayetanensis oocysts
Phenol oxidase
42. Eye infections with Acanthamoeba spp. Have
been implicated in _____.
Use of contaminated lens care solutions Scotochromogens
43. Primary Amoebic Meningoencephalitis (PAM) is 55. An organism that is (+) in niacin, nitrate
commonly caused by _____. reduction, appears to have a serpentine cording on
culture and grows in Tween 80 Hydrolysis after 5
Naegleria fowleri
days is suggestive of:
44. _____ is the hemoflagellate form that can be M. tuberculosis
found in humans in cases of Leishmaniasis
(diagnostic stage). 56. Which of the following can be used as positive
control in Gram staining?
Staphylococcus aureus
45. _____ possesses the characteristic “thrown
ball” motility. 57. Which organism is used for the quality control
of positive results in Kovac method for indole
B. coli
46. _____ is capable of exhibiting multiple ring E. coli
forms and marginal/applique forms.
58. Which test is used to diagnose Giardia lamblia
P. falciparum
infection from duodenal specimens?
47. Plasmodium vivax and Plasmodium ovale are
similar because they _____.
59. What is NOT considered a panic value in a
Exhibit Schuffner’s dots and have a true relapse in Microbiology laboratory?
the life cycle.
Negative blood smear for malaria
48. The positive result in the Sabin-Feldman dye
test is when _____. 60. A lesion from the buccal mucosa of a patient
with C. albicans in exudate shows _____.
Toxoplasma loses its affinity for the methylene blue
dye. Blastoconidia, chlamydospores
49. The rhabditiform larvae of Strongyloides 61. Which substance interferes with stool sample
stercoralis have _____. testing?
Short buccal capsule and large genital primordium Mineral oil
50. Trichinella spiralis adults are found in _____. 62. Which nematode egg requires a warm humid
environment in order for the embryonated ovum to
Small intestine
mature and become infective and is transmitted
51. Zinc sulfate concentration may NOT allow through oral fecal route?
detection of _____.
A. lumbricoides
Infertile ova of Ascaris lumbricoides
63. Nucleic acid amplification test for detection of
52. A trematode with male and female adult forms suspicious Bordetella, Chlamydia or Neisseria
is _____. infections require a sample of _____.

Schistosoma spp. DNA

53. Which protozoa should be reported to the 64. An emulsifying agent that stains nuclei of
clinicians? parasites and other structures to make them easily
visible is _____.
Dientamoeba fragilis
Lugol’s iodine
54. Nontuberculous colonies that develop pigment
in the dark or light, and take longer than 7 days to
appear on solid media are known as _____.
65. Anaerobic bacteria that has no definitive 76. Select the type of bacteria that can use oxygen
virulence factors known and is associated with as terminal electron acceptor in respiration.
inflammatory process in acne is _____.
77. An organism that causes chancroid and which
66. The gold standard serologic test for appears as small gram negative coccobacilli is
rickettsioses is _____. _____.
Indirect immunofluorescent antibody assay H. ducreyi
67. Which of the following is NOT true of virions 78. How will you know if an N95 mask works
Snug fit
68. Which order of events should be followed at the
conclusions of the shift of a laboratory worker to 79. What type of organism demand special and
prevent the spread of blood borne pathogens? enriched nutritional environment?
Disinfect area, remove gloves, wash hands remove Fastidious
lab coat.
80. What bacteria is MOST susceptible to changes
69. Contact with feline feces in cat litter is a primary in temperature?
source of ____.
Yersinia pestis
81. What does a desiccator do?
70. The mode of transmission of this organism is
Preserve moisture-sensitive items
direct skin penetration. Which organism is referred
to? 82. The required preventive maintenance of
centrifuge is _____.
Strongyloides stercoralis
Check rpm every 6 months
71. Which organism can cause granulomatous
disease in animals? 83. In thioglycolate broth medium, where do you
find obligate aerobe?
At the top of the tube
72. In the life cycle of Paragonimus, migration of
_____ (also the infective stage) through muscle 84. Elongated embryonated, operculated ova with
and tissue causes local pain and immune response terminal spine seen in a urine specimen is
to tissue damage. indicative of _____.
Metacercariae Schistosoma haemotobium
73. How can anaerobic indigenous flora become 85. Which of the medically important streptococci is
pathogenic? characterized by beta-hemolysis, bacitracin
sensitive and PYR test positive?
Impairment of blood supply
Streptococcus pyogenes
74. A single-stranded RNA genome having a helical
capsid with envelope is a characteristic of ____. 86. What is an appropriate action if the diameters of
Filovirus the zones of inhibition are too large or too small
with all the antimicrobials being tested?
75. Which method of susceptibility testing involves
Ensure that plates are incubated immediately after
subjecting the isolate to a series of concentrations
application of discs
of antimicrobial agents in a broth environment?
87. What is blood agar made of?
Nutrients and 5% sheep blood
88. A device used to incubate, agitate and monitor 98. Animals that harbor parasites and serve as an
blood culture bottles for microbial growth is a _____ important source of infection are known as _____
system. host.
Blood culture Reservoir
89. An organism appearing as small gram negative 99. On BA plate, a non-lactose fermenter that
coccobacilli that causes chancroid is _____. shows round, smooth, convex, colonies, appearing
as black or very dark purple and has ammonium
H. ducreyi
cyanide odor is suggestive of _____.
90. Which is transmitted by a black fly by laying its
Chromobacterium violaceum
eggs in running water and where the larvae attach
to the rocks? 100. Amniotic, peritoneal, synovial, pericardial fluids
should be transported to the laboratory within
Onchocerca volvulus
_____ minutes.
91. What is NOT considered Personal Protective 30
Hand sanitizer
92. Sputum sample from a female teenanger with
cystic fibrosis and diagnosed with pneumonia
shows gram negative bacilli with yellow, smooth
columbium. Further testing gave the following

• Oxidase (+)
• TSI alkaline/alkaline
• Glucose oxidized.
• Fluorescence
• Lysine decarboxylase (+)
What is the most likely organism involved?
Burkholderia cepacian
93. Which type of tapeworm is characterized by
pollen grain like appearance of the proglottids?
94. Which is NOT a strategy in Parasitology Quality
Dispatch test results for ER immediately
95. Positive cultures of yeast and filamentous fungi
are reported with the _____.
Organism identification
96. Identify the cause of Loeffler’s syndrome?
Hypersensitivity reaction
97. What type of growth can an agar slant
Minimum inhibitory concentration
1. Which of the following media identifies species of 11. A clear medium used to identify M. tuberculosis.
Czapek’s agar
12. All of the following are RNA viruses EXCEPT:
2. Which of the following parasite larva can be
isolated in sputum?
Ascaris lumbricoides 13. Roundworm that inhabits small intestine and
usually demonstrated as rhabditiform larva.
3. The third Taenia spp.:
Strongyloides stercoralis
T. asiatica
14. Staphylococcus aureus can be isolated from
4. The definitive host to Plasmodium is the: stool cultures by?
Mosquito (Female Anopheles) Medium with 7.5 salt
5. How many samples are required to be submitted 15. Which of the following is the color of non-acid
for DSSM? fast bacilli?
2 Blue
6. A medium that aids in the presumptive 16. What is the composition of an iodophore?
identification of organisms based on their
Iodine and detergent
appearance on the medium is called:
Differential 17. Gram-negative, coffee bean shaped diplococci
with adjacent sides flattened is descriptive of which
7. Which of the following is a test to differentiate of the following?
Staphylococcus epidermidis from Staphylococcus
18. Campylobacter requires how many % of CO2?
Novobiocin Disk Test
8. A medical technologist cultured a specimen from
a suspected cystic fibrosis patient. After 24 hours of 19. What virus has the affinity for CNS?
incubation, the MT noticed colonies which were
spreading and flat, with serrated edges and a Rabies virus
metallic sheen. There was a characteristic corn 20. Cause of diarrhea in infants during winter
taco-like odor. Identify the bacteria. period
Pseudomonas aeruginosa Rotavirus
9. Which of the following bacteria is the most likely 21. Cause of adult gastroenteritis.
identified by the following characteristics:
Norwalk virus
Catalase: Negative
22. Which of the following can be used as a quality
Coagulase: Negative control in a parasitology laboratory?
Bacitracin: Susceptible Slides and photographs
Bile esculin: Negative 23. Which of the following bacteria have red
Streptococcus pyogenes colonies often exhibit a black center in XLD agar?

10. The lowest concentration of antibiotics that Salmonella

inhibits growth of a test organism is the:
24. Which of the following is the cause of urinary 36. Which of the following is diagnostic for
tract infection in young females? chromoblastomycosis?
Staphylococcus saprophyticus Sclerotic body
25. Which of the following eggs of Ascaris 37. Which of the following parasite through blood,
lumbricoides is lacking albuminoid layer? lungs, pharynx and then back to small intestines?
Decorticated 1. Necator americanus
26. Cytomegalovirus isolation is recommended 2. Ancylostoma duodenale
3. Strongyloides stercoralis
Human embryonic fibroblasts
1, 2, 3
27. Which of the following produces macroconidia
38. Rose gardener’s disease:
that are large, multicellular and club-shaped with
smooth walls? Sporotrichosis
Epidermophyton flocossum 39. The steam autoclave method sterilization:
28. What is the scientific name of the body of Uses 15 lbs of pressure for 15 mins.
40. The following are techniques used for detection
Strobila of parasitic infection and their corresponding
causative agent. Which of the following is correctly
29. Corn meal agar test is used to identify Candida
albicans through the organism’s production of:
Knott’s Technique and Microfilariae
41. The most sensitive substrate for the detection
30. Preferred medium for isolation of Bordetella
of beta-lactamase is:
Charcoal-Cephalexin agar
42. Proper collection of a sample for recovery of
31. Most Enterobacteriaceae gives what type of
Enterobius vermicularis includes collecting:
methyl red and vogues-proskauer reaction:
A scotch tape preparation from the perianal region
32. This presumptive test for Candida uses serum. 43. Which of the following is the most appropriate
organism and media combination?
Germ tube test
Yersinia enterocolitica – Cefsulodin-Irigasan-
33. Which of the following are often mistaken for Novobiocin
cyst of amoebae?
44. Diphyllobothrium latum adult resembles the
Blastocystis hominis adult form of:
34. In order to demonstrate of the encapsulated Spirometra
yeast Cryptococcus neoformans in wet
45. When performing a Kovac Indole Test, the
preparations of patient specimens, what should be
subtrate must contain:
India ink
46. Second intermediate host of Paragonimus
35. Which of the following is the vector of African
sleeping sickness?
Freshwater crab
Tse tse fly
47. What is the first step in the replication cycle of Cystine Glucose Blood agar
60. Prosthetic heart valve endocarditis is most
Attachment and penetration commonly caused by the Staphylococcus species:
48. What is the schistosomule? S. epidermidis
Cercaria minus a tail 61. Parasitic organisms that are most often
transmitted sexually include:
49. SPS is used as an anticoagulant for blood
cultures because it: Trichomonas vaginalis
Inactivates neutrophils and components of serum 62. A gram stain from a gum lesion showed what
complement appeared to be amoebae. A trichome smear
showed amoebae with a single nucleus and
50. What is the infective stage of Leishmania spp.
partially digested PMNs. The correct identification
to humans?
Entamoeba gingivalis
51.Which of the following factors would make an
63. Type of parasite that can exist in a free living
organism appear to be more resistant on a disk stage or can become parasitic when the need arise.
diffusion susceptibility test?
Too many organisms in the inoculum
64. Reservoir host of Paragonimus westermanui
52. It is the smallest RNA virus:
Field rats
65. Infective stage of Trichiuris trichiura
53. Diagnosis of typhoid fever can be confirmed
best by culture of: Embryonated egg
Bone marrow 66. Reagent applied on sputum to enhance
recovery a lung fluke
54. Enteroviruses can be differentiated from
rhinoviruses by: 3% NaOH
Acid resistance 67. Protein only produced by Plasmodium
55. Which of the following media can be used to
culture Campylobacter jejuni? HRP-2
Skirrow medium 68. Only species of Schistosomes which causes
human schistosomiasis in the Philippines.
56. Which of the following is a suitable transport
medium for bacteria and virus? S. japonicum
Stuart’s medium 69. Which stage of Enterobius vermicularis has the
characteristic cuticular alar expansion?
57. The best medium for culture of Bordetella
pertussis is: Adult worm
Regan-Lowe agar 70. Causes “ground itch/dew itch”
58. Lysostaphin susceptibility is a test used to Necator americanus
71. Causes “creaping eruption”
Staphylococcus spp. from Micrococcus spp.
Ancylostoma caninum
59. The best medium for culture of Francisella
72. Biologic vector of Wuchereria
tularensis is:
Aedes, Culex, Anopheles Ascaris lumbricoides
73. Periodicity of filarial worms 83. What is the infective stage of the parasite
identified in question #82:
Embryonated egg
74. How can you differentiate Taenia saginata and
Taenia solium? 84. Method/s use for the diagnosis of the parasite
identified in question #87:
T. saginata has tree-like branches, T. solium has
fingerlike branches Direct Fecal Smear
75. Infective stage of broad fish tapeworm in 85. Common name of the parasite identified in
copepods question #82:
Procercoid larva Giant Round worm
76. General infective stage of trematodes in snails 86. Habitat of the adult worm of the parasite
identified in question #82:
Small intestine
77. “Achovy sauce like” liver aspirate
87. Black water fever is a special manifestation of
Entamoeba histolytica
malaria caused by:
78. Characteristic lobose monopseudopodium, Plasmodium falciparum
central nucleus, 2 flagella and pear shaped cell
body 88. After sporozoite gain entrance to human body it
undergoes developmental cycle first in liver than in
RBC, only after which fever is seen. This incubation
79. Infective stage of Leishmanial parasite period varies between plasmodium species, and
_____ species has longest incubation period.
Plasmodium malariae
80. Monocyte produced substance which is the
cause of malarial fever 89. Which of the following statement(s) regarding
Plasmodium falciparum are true?
Is the only malarial parasite causing greater than
81. The incorrect match between symptoms and 20% parasitaemia
disease is:
90. Which of the following statement(s) regarding
Myalgias and trichuriasis vivax malaria is (are) true:
82 – 86 May co-exist with falciparum malaria in the same
The only son of Mang Blue name Mr. Bubbles help patient
him in the farm after the strike if Bagyong Yolanda. 91. Antibiotic-associated pseudomembranous
Mr. Bubbles arrange all the downed plants and colitis and diarrhea is/are associated to.
clean all the muds inside the house. The mother
shouted to Mr. Bubbles and call him to have lunch C. difficile
because she prepared Nilagang baka. After 1
92. Test/s to differentiate gram (+) spore forming
month Mr. Bubbles experienced, diarrhea, severe Bacillus anthracis from Bacillus cereus.
abdominal pain and pain on the right side of his
body. They found out that Mr. Bubbles has Motility test
93. Culture media of choice for Francisella
82.What would be the parasite most significantly tularensis.
the cause of the following symptoms mentioned
Blood Glucose-Cystine Medium
above of the son of Mang Nestor:
94. Specimens used for diagnosis of
Mycobacterium tuberculosis is/are the following:
I. Secretions obtained from bronchoscopy
II. Pericardial fluid
III. Blood
IV. Urine
All of these options
95. Biotype of Vibrio associated with recent
widespread endemics.
El Tor
96. Disease caused by Burkholderia pseudomallei
I. Vietnamese timbe bomb disease
II. Glander’s disease
III. Melioidosis
IV. None of the choices
I and III are correct
97. Blood, eye and ear infections are associated
V. alginolyticus
98. Dirrhogenic strain of Escherichia coli
responsible for watery stool with mucus only.
99. Which of the following is the most appropriate
test/s to differentiate Proteus from Morganella and
Gelatin Liquefaction test
100. During the stationary phase, the bacterial
enzymes and metabolic processes are activated.
Dead debris is starting to accumulate during this
Second statement is correct
1. The following is an example of antiseptic 13. Substance responsible for acid-fastness of
EXCEPT: microorganisms
Lysol Mycolic acid
2. Enrichment media EXCEPT: 14. The mordant used in Ziehl-Neelsen acid fast
stain is:
3. Which of the following variables may change the
results of an MIC? 15. Rod shape
Inoculum size Bacillus
Incubation Time 16. Pertaining to the ability of the pathogenic agent
to produce a disease
Growth rate of Bacteria
4. Acid fast bacteria appear what color
microscopically? 17. Characterized by a Flagella surrounding the
5. Which class of antibiotics is used for the
treatment of serious gram-negative infections as 18. Type of carrier who has an overt clinical case of
well as infections with Mycobacterium tuberculosis? the disease
Aminoglycosides Active carrier
6. Serologic somatic “O” antigen is located in: 19. Define as the number of death due to a disease
in a population
Cell wall
Mortality rate
7. Define as bacteria multiplying in the blood
20. The ratio of the toxic dose to the therapeutic
8. Classification of disease that constantly present
Therapeutic index
in a particular population
21. Which concentration of ethyl alcohol is the most
effective germicide?
9. All are classified as sign EXCEPT
22. Inhibitory Substance to gram positive except:
10. Accept sputum for processing when gram stain Sodium azide
23. When collecting specimen for bacteriology
Less than 10 epithelial cells
which vial/bottle should be used for bacteriology
More than 25 PMN
2nd Microbiology
11. Minor antigenic changes as a result of mutation 24. The following statement are true except:
in pathogen strains and facilitate the pathogen
avoid host immune responses Sterile specimen are those which don’t normally
contain microorganisms such as CSF, joint fluids,
Antigenic shift
Blood, Urine and sweat.
12. Appear dark blue to purple after gram staining
25. Guidelines for proper specimen collection
Gram positive
Collect specimen using clean, appropriate 37. These are chemically modified natural drugs
containers with added extra chemical groups
26. All specimen should be stored at Refrigerator Semi-synthetic drugs
temperature EXCEPT:
38. Which of the following variables may change
CSF the results of an MIC?
27. Antimicrobial drugs that is considered as Inoculum size
Incubation Time
Growth rate of Bacteria
28. Lowest concentration of antibiotic that can
inhibit the microorganism 39. Which calls of antibiotics is used for the
treatment of serious gram-negative infections as
MIC well as infections with Mycobacterium tuberculosis?
29. Which of the terms of the normal Growth cycle Aminoglycosides
best describes a stage when bacteria are adapting
40. Indirect method of staining
to a new environment?
India Ink
Lag phase
41. Organism that used inorganic substance as
30. This type of antimicrobial drugs inhibit
electron source
transpeptidation of enzymes
Cell wall inhibitor
42. Carbon dioxide produced by a candle jar?
31. Broth dilution method’s standard inoculum size
in Antimicrobial Susceptibility Testing 5%
5x10 CFU/ml 43. The aseptic collection of blood cultures requires
that the skin be cleansed with:
32. What is the purpose of adding 0.025% - 0.050%
of sodium polyanetholsulfonate (SPS) to nutrient 70% alcohol and then 2% iodine or an iodophor
broth media for the collection of blood cultures?
44. Infections that develop slowly with milder but
It inhibits phagocytosis and complement longer-lasting symptoms
33. Cerebrospinal Fluid (CSF) should be cultured Chronic infection
immediately, but if delayed the specimen should be:
45. Obligate intracellular organism
Incubated at 37C and cultured as soon as possible
34. Chemicals used in McFarland Standard
46. Generalized/systemic infection is usually due
H2SO4 to:
Barium chloride Gram negative bacteria
35. The instrument used to measure the diameter 47. Most effective dilution of house hold bleach
of zone of inhibition around the disk is called:
48. Spores are colored green against red bacilli?
36. Protein synthesis inhibitor that results in the
inhibition of peptidyltransferase and inhibits peptide Writz and Conklin method
chain elongation 49. Selective medium best used in isolation of
Clindamycin Vibrio organism from stool?
TCBS 59. Meningitis is characterized by the acute onset
of fever and stiff neck. Aseptic meningitis may be
50. Ultraviolet lights kills bacteria by:
caused by a variety microbial agents. During the
Damaging Nucleic acids initial 24 hours of the course of aseptic meningitis,
an affected person’s cerebrospinal fluid is
51. An HIV-positive patient asks you if you can tell characterized by
him the chances of him progressing to symptomatic
AIDS. Which one of the following tests would be Polymorphonuclear leukocytosis
most useful?
60. Eastern equine encephalitis virus is associated
CD4 lymphocyte count with a high fatality rate. Control of the disease could
be possible by eradication of
52. The clinical picture if arbovirus infection fits one
of three categories: encephalitis, hemorrhagic Mosquitoes
fever, or fever with myalgia. One of the 61. Habitat of Schistosoma japonicum
characteristics or arboviruses is that they
Superior mesenteric plexus
Are transmitted by arthropod vectors
62. The preservative to be employed with the
53. Which one of the following statements best
trichrome stain is:
describes interferon’s suspected mode of action in
producing resistance to viral infection? Alcohol
It action is related to the synthesis of a protein that 63. Vector of Loa Loa
inhibits translation or transcription
Mango fly
54. Which of the following antiviral agents is a
64. When stained with trichrome stain, chromatoid
purine nucleoside analogue that has shown
bodies appear what color?
promise with Lassa fever, influenza A and B, and
respiratory syncytial virus (RSV)? Bright to red
Ribavirin 65. Vector of Trypanosoma brucei
55. Mumps virus accounts for 10 to 15% of all Tse-tse fly
cases of aseptic meningitis in the United States,
Infection with mumps virus 66. Trophozoite structures for protozoans, when
stained with trichrome stain, appear:
Is preventable by immunization
Glycogen – colorless
56. A 3-year-old child presents at the physician’s
office with symptoms of coryza, conjunctivitis, low- Nucleus – red purple
grade fever, and Koplik’s spot. The causative agent Charcot Leyden crystals – bright red
of this disease belongs to which group of viruses?
67. Vector of Wuchereria bancrofti
57. Which virus is the leading cause of the croup
syndrome in young children and, when infecting 68. What is the advantage of the sedimentation
mammalian cells in culture, will hemabsorb red method of concentrating stool specimens?
blood cells?
All eggs will sediment
Parainfluenza virus
Recovers operculated eggs
58. Hepatitis E, a recently characterized hepatitis
Fecal debris and soluble material can be removed
virus, is best described by which of the following
statements? 69. Infective stage of T. cruzi to man:
It is not a threat to the blood supply Trypomastigote
70. What color do chromatoid bodies of protozoan 82. What is the scientific name of the body of a
cysts stain in an iodine wet stool preparation? tapeworm?
Do not stain Strobila
71. Almond-shaped scolex with 2 lateral grooves: 83. Infective stage of coccidians:
D. latum Oocyst
72. What color does the cytoplasm of protozoan 84. Cercarial dermatitis, commonly known as
cysts stain in an iodine wet stool preparation? swimmer’s itch, is caused by:
Yellow-brown Cercariae of schistosomes
73. A term used to describe the disease incidence 85. Infective to definitive host in malarial infection:
that occurs simultaneously at very high frequency
throughout the world is called:
86. Which of the following is caused by the
ingestion of snails by humans?
74. Direct examination of stool specimen stained
Rat lungworm
with iodine make the trophozoite of the protozoa
stain what color? 87. Infective to intermediate host in malarial
Trophozoites are destroyed by iodine
75. The female sex-cell of malarial parasites
88. Which of the following causes a chronic cough,
pulmonary and artery obstruction but no invasion of
76. “Ground itch” occurs in infections of hookworms the heart in humans?
at the:
Dirofilaria immitis
Site of larval penetration of the skin
89. Which of the following persist in the liver and
77. Which of the following is not seen in blood cause a relapse by invading the bloodstream years
smears? after malarial infection?
S. mansoni Hypnozoites
78. A six-hooked embryo is known as: 90. Cutaneous larva migrans or creeping eruption
is caused by:
Filariform larvae of dog hookworm
79. Important parasites in man:
91. Which of the following describes Toxocara
1. Protozoa
2. Platyhelminthes
3. Nematoda Visceral larva migrans
4. Annelida
92. Which of the following is the eyeworm?
1, 2, 3
80. The gravid segments of a tapeworm are filled
93. The receptor of malarial parasite on red cells is:
MN – receptor for P. falciparum
81. Which species of malaria has the longest
incubation period? 94. Which of the following microfilariae does NOT
have a sheath?
95. Which of the following has a trophozoite and a
cyst form?
E. histolytica
96. Drancunculus infections cause ulcers that:
On contact with water, release larvae
97. Clonorchis sinensis lives inside some fish that
humans eat. The fish is considered as:
Secondary host
98. Dirofilaria immitis is the:
Dog heartworm
99. Parasetemia refers to:
Parasites in the blood
100. The intermediate host of the guinea worm is

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