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About vili

Vili was so small when I met him when I first held him he was so happy he loved me he licked me he was
so exited but when my dad and brother held him he was like meh they are ok but he did love me he
loved his toys but now he started to grow up it makes my happy and sad and I just want to make this
memory so beautiful and happiness he was too cute when he was little but when time has past he grew
up he love following me he made me so happy but he still tries to attack me so much but I still love him I
think he just wanted to play with me but he is still learning on how to go potty outside but not inside but
he still does go potty inside but I am trying to have him learn but he was so cute when he plays with me
and also we haven’t trained him yet so now I really want to train him but he is not old enough to be
trained yet but he is still so adorable he will still be my little angel my little champion this picture of him
was when he was 3 weeks old and he was sleeping all the time and I miss when he still would take my
pillow because he loved the pillow I still can’t believe that he is still growing I still do love him whatever
he does still does make me happy because he is my little one so vili if you are hearing this I want you to
know that I will be there for you to make you so happy vili is so kind sweet like sugar

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