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Gautam Buddha University

Mid Semester Examination, Even Semester 2021
Program Name: Bachelor of Arts (Hons.) Semester: IV
Course Name: Contemporary International Relations Maximum Marks: 15
Course Code: PS 206 Total Time: 1.00 Hour

Attempt any five questions in 100 words. All questions carry equal marks. (5x3=15 marks)

Q.1 Discuss the major pillars of the concept of Responsibility to Protect (R2P).
Q.2 ‘Humanitarian interventions are not exclusively humanitarian’. Comment.
Q.3 Describe major characteristics of Post-9/11 world order.
Q.4 How Realists and Liberals approach to the process of globalisation?
Q.5 Do you agree that the end of the Cold War was the ‘triumph of Liberal Democracy’?
Q.6 Examine the transformation in the concept of security in global politics.
Q.7 How contemporary international relations is different from Cold War tight bipolarity?

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