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type the title of your project

Johny 1738492034 of 2017 CS

College of Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence

A thesis submitted in partial satisfaction of the requirements for the

Degree of Bachelor
in Computer Science and Technology

Supervised by [Supervisor’s name]

[Month of Graduation] [Year]
I [name with capitalized] with student id [your id] hereby to declare that the
work presented in thesis was original and carried out by myself during the period
[from date] – [end date]. The work presented in this thesis has not been submitted for
any other degree and will not pass the work to anyone else.


[Your name]
[Your e-mail]

This is the abstract sample format, please write the abstract in one paragraph in
around 500 words to brief the background and requirements of the system, your
solutions and techniques to solve the problems. For all the following chapters, please

use the template format to replace with your own stuff. 此模板为留学生毕设所做,



部用 word 工具做好,目录可点击更新自动生成。

Keywords: keyword 1; keyword 2; keyword


This is the sample acknowledgement, please replace with your own. This
template is edited by Yandan Wang, Tong Changfei. However, the cover page is
provided by student Joshua Luhwago from 2018 CS.

LIST OF TABLES (OPTIONAL)...........................................................................................................i

LIST OF FIGURES (OPTIONAL)........................................................................................................ii

1 INTRODUCTION..........................................................................................................................1

1.1 Sections.......................................................................................................................................1

1.2 Pages...........................................................................................................................................1

1.3 Table of contents.........................................................................................................................1

1.4 Main body...................................................................................................................................1

1.5 Table format................................................................................................................................2

1.6 References format.......................................................................................................................2

1.7 Thesis organization.....................................................................................................................3

2 SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS ANALYSIS..................................................................................4

1.8 heading 2.....................................................................................................................................4

1.8.1 heading 3............................................................................................................................4

1.9 heading 2.....................................................................................................................................4

1.10 heading 3................................................................................................................................4

3 SYSTEM DESIGN.........................................................................................................................5

1.11 heading 2................................................................................................................................5

1.12 heading 2................................................................................................................................5

4 UI PROTOTYPE DESIGN...........................................................................................................6

1.13 heading 2................................................................................................................................6

5 IMPLEMENTATION....................................................................................................................7

1.14 heading 2................................................................................................................................7

6 TESTING........................................................................................................................................8

1.15 heading 2................................................................................................................................8

7 CONCLUSTION............................................................................................................................9



Table 1-1 sample table caption..............................................................................2


Figure 1-1 table of contents generating tools.........................................................1

Figure 1-2 update references..................................................................................3


This chapter is going to introduce the background, literature reviews and

structure of the thesis. For students who are doing the research related project may not
follow this chapter structure of the software development circle phases. Give 1.5 lines
space after the intro paragraph of each chapter. New chapter start with the new page.

1.1 Sections
Section Sub section headings give 0.5 lines space before. However, you don’t
have to set the space by yourself, it’s been set up under the Styles under Home menu
bar of Heading 2 and 3. The various sections of the thesis and the order in which they
should appear as follows:
1) Around 300 words for abstract in one paragraph with keywords tagged.
2) The thesis should at least have cover page, declare page, abstract with
keywords, acknowledgements, table of contents, main body and bibliography.

1.2 Pages
Pages before the main body shall be numbered sequentially as in “I, ii, iii…”, the
main body pages shall be numbered from 1, 2, 3…in center of the footer.

1.3 Table of contents

Table of contents should be generated directly by using word tools under the
References in menu bar as shown in Figure 1-1.

Figure 1-1 table of contents generating tools1

1.4 Main body

Main body use times new roman style font with 12pt size, the body style has
been set under Home of styles on menu bar, click on that for body font style. The
section headings should not be more than 3 levels. Avoid the thesis full of points lists,
use point lists properly. To allow automatically generate the table of contents, please
use the corresponding styles from the Home of styles on menu bar properly, e.g.
writing the body contents should use the Body style, level 2 headings using the

You have to right click on figure and choose insert caption for caption description

Heading 2 etc. Same as figures and tables, do not directly write the captions, but right
click on the table or figure and choose insert caption. Please justify the paragraph.

1.5 Table format

Table caption has to be on the above of the table. Table 1-1 sample table caption
shows the example

Table 1-1 sample table caption2

1.6 References format

Please manage all reference by click on add new resource of Insert Citation under
References on menu. There are two sample references managed in repository by using
IEEE style. After that, click Update Citations and Bibliography in final page of
references part as shown in Figure 1-2. If the sentences refer to the corresponding
reference, please insert the reference after the referred sentence by click on insert
citation under menu of References, e.g this sentence refer to first reference [1]. The
corresponding reference number will be inserted after the sentence. Give exactly line
spaces for reference paragraph line space setting.

Right click on table and choose insert caption, so that you can use word tools to automatically generate list
of tables

Figure 1-2 update references

1.7 Thesis organization

The rest of the thesis is structured as following. Chapter 2 will analyze problem
and the system requirement, it will etc. Chapter 3 will present etc. Chapter 4 will
demonstrate etc… …


Sample chapter, please type your own contents properly by using Body style.
This chapter to clarify what problems you are facing to solve, and give all the system
requirement analysis details.

1.8 heading 2
Description for section 2.1 etc. right click on the heading value allowing you to
reset the start value properly.

1.8.1 heading 3
some description for section 2.1.1

1.9 heading 2
1.10 heading 3


This chapter is going to use UML model flow chart, timeline charts, use case
diagram, entity relationship (ER) model etc to design your system.

1.11 heading 2

1.12 heading 2


This chapter is going to present your UI design, can use prototype tools etc.

1.13 heading 2


This chapter is going to show your details of implementation, if you give the
paragraph to describe how you implement it, the screen print code can be attached as
appendix. Otherwise you can also screen print all code and attached in this chapter.
However for each part of code, better give a description, what’s this part of code for,
and the logical description of the code.

1.14 heading 2


This chapter is going to give all testing cases to fully test your system. You have
to strictly follow the software engineering course, how to design the testing cases, and
how to show the testings of each case. Each feature of the system has to be given the
testing cases, which include case name, testing data prepared, functions tested, what’s
the expected out, and what’s the actual out (has to screenshots the actual out) etc….

1.15 heading 2


This chapter is going to give the conclusion and the unsolved problems for future
prospects and improvements. Also give your experiences of doing the project.


[1] F. M. a. C. Deisy, "Disease Detection and Classification in Agricultural Plants," in

6th Internationnal Conference on Signal Processing and Integrated Networks
(SPIN), New York, 2019.
[2] Jenny, "How to write a good thesis," pattern regconition, p. 20, 2020.


If you don’t have any appendix, the appendix page can be removed.


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