Potential Flue Gas Desulfurization Gypsum Utilization in Agriculture

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Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 82 (2018) 1969–1978

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Potential flue gas desulfurization gypsum utilization in agriculture: A MARK

comprehensive review

Jinman Wanga,b, , Peiling Yangc
College of Land Science and Technology of China University of Geosciences, 29 Xueyuanlu, Haidian District, 100083 Beijing, People's Republic of China
Key Laboratory of Land Consolidation and Rehabilitation, Ministry of Land and Resources, 100035 Beijing, People's Republic of China
College of Hydraulic and Civil Engineering, China Agricultural University, 17 Qinghua Donglu, Haidian District, 100083 Beijing, People's Republic of China


Keywords: Over the past few decades, there has been wide interest in developing strategies for the utilization of flue gas
Flue gas desulfurization gypsum desulfurization gypsum (FGDG), a by-product of scrubbing sulfur from combustion gases in coal-fired power
Agriculture generation plants. FGDG has applications in agriculture due to its function in the remediation of soil quality and
Soil reclamation crop growth. It is often economical to use FGDG as a soil amendment; however, compared to other industries,
Soil erosion
the utilization of FGDG in agriculture is very limited. A comprehensive review of numerous studies in the last
Plant growth
few decades was conducted in this paper, which systematically covered the importance, scope, function, effect
and risk regarding the utilization of FGDG in agriculture. As a remediation material, FGDG has many benefits in
agriculture applications, such as improving soil physicochemical properties, controlling soil and nutrient loss,
supplementing trace elements for soil and increasing crop yield. However, FGDG also contains a number of
toxic trace elements. Therefore, proper attention should be paid to some important areas related to FGDG
utilization, such as long-term studies of the impact of FGDG on soil health, heavy metal uptake, crop growth and
quality, and continuous monitoring of the health of soil and water. The problems of salt accumulation and heavy
metal toxicity due to excess application should also be addressed when FGDG is used in agriculture. Moreover,
some measures and standards for the practical application of FGDG need to be proposed to promote the
utilization of FGD gypsum in agriculture.

1. Introduction amount of FGDG in the world is increasing, the comprehensive

utilization rate is still relatively low due to the continuous increase of
The application of industrial wastes to agricultural land has been a its production. The disposal of such a huge quantity of FGDG is a big
topic of considerable interest in recent years. Flue gas desulfurization problem in an area around the plant. Therefore, new and innovative
gypsum (FGDG) is a by-product of sulfur (S) removal from fuel strategies are needed to reduce the negative impacts of FGDG on the
combustion gases in the flue gas desulfurization (FGD) system in environment. FGDG is mostly utilized as a soil amendment in
coal-fired power generation plants [1]. The removal is generally agriculture by supplying Ca and S for plant nutrition [3,5], improving
achieved through a wet scrubbing process that injects a lime or physicochemical properties [6], increasing water infiltration and move-
limestone reagent into the flue gas path to capture SO2 as CaSO3, ment through the profile, reclaiming saline and sodic soils [7],
which is then converted to CaSO4 through forced air oxidation [2]. In mitigating subsoil acidity and Al toxicity [8,9], reducing soil erosion
recent years, an increasing number of coal-fired power generation and nutrient loss [10], etc. Sakai et al. [11] developed an evaluation
plants have used the SO2 scrubbing process to satisfy environmental model for assessing the complete economic and environmental impact
standards that aimed to limit the atmospheric acidity caused by SO2 of the application of FGDG on agriculture and found that it caused a
emission. The composition of FGDG shows that, it is a good source of reduction in SO2 emissions and increases in GDP and agricultural
Ca and S, which can be beneficial for crop growth and production, production following soil reclamation.
especially for soils with very low Ca levels [3]. There are strong indications that FGDG production will continue to
In China, approximately 70 MT (million tons) of FGDG are increase in the coming years due to the air quality regulations for
produced each year (Table 1) [4], and in the USA, the amount is environmental protection, making it an attractive fertilizer (Ca and Ca
approximately 20 MT [2]. Although the comprehensive utilization and S) and conditioner for various types of degraded soils. Many

Corresponding author at: College of Land Science and Technology of China University of Geosciences, 29 Xueyuanlu, Haidian District, 100083 Beijing, People's Republic of China.
E-mail address: wangjinman2002@163.com (J. Wang).

Received 26 October 2016; Received in revised form 8 April 2017; Accepted 9 July 2017
Available online 14 July 2017
1364-0321/ © 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
J. Wang, P. Yang Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 82 (2018) 1969–1978

Table 1
Generation and utiliazation of FGD gypsum in China and USA.
Source:Watts and Dick [2], Pan [4].

Country Year FGD gypsum production (MT) Utilization (%) Country Year FGD gypsum production (MT) Utilization (%)

China 2005 5.0 10.0 USA 2004 10.9 75.2

2006 9.5 20.0 2005 10.9 77.1
2007 17.0 33.0 2006 11.0 79.1
2008 35.0 45.1 2007 11.1 75.6
2009 43.0 55.8 2008 16.1 60.2
2010 52.3 68.8 2009 16.3 49.7
2011 67.7 70.9 2010 20.0 48.5
2012 69.0 71.7 2011 22.7 47.1
2013 72.1 72.3 2012 23.5 47.0

studies on the effect and potentiality of FGDG as an amendment in technologies used to remove S [18]. Moreover, stabilized FGDG
agricultural applications have been conducted by various agencies and generally has higher pH, calcium carbonate equivalent values, and
research institutes at dispersed locations all over the world. In this concentrations of mineral elements that are essential to plants com-
study, the utilization of FGDG as a beneficial product of agriculture is pared to non-stabilized FGDG [19]. The major exception is lower S in
reviewed with the objective of helping to increase the application of stabilized FGDG compared to non-stabilized FGDG, which is expected
FGDG and reduce the environmental and economic impacts of since most stabilizing materials added to FGDG contain relatively low S
disposal. The present review covers the positive and negative aspects [20]. An extensive physicochemical properties investigation of 59 dry
of FGDG utilization in agriculture. This review also discusses the FGDG samples collected from 13 locations representing four major
accumulation of toxic trace elements, especially heavy metals in the FGD scrubbing technologies showed that FGDG was dominated by Ca,
plants and their response to the application of FGDG into the soil. The S, Al, Fe, and Si and that there was strong preferential partitioning into
control and reduction of negative effects of FGDG is important for its the acid-insoluble residue for Al, Ba, Be, Cr, Fe, Li, K, Pb, Si, and S, Ca,
sustainable utilization in agriculture. and Mg, which occurred primarily in water- or acid-soluble forms
associated with sorbents or scrubber reaction products [18,21]. Chen
et al. [22] found that applying non-stabilized FGD-CaSO3 was also safe
2. Physicochemical properties of FGDG
for growing plants as the FGD-CaSO3 rapidly oxidized to SO42- on the
field surface during the first week and that much of the SO42- and Ca
FGDG has a similar moisture content and is a major component,
moved downward into the 0–50 cm soil layer during a field experi-
CaSO4·2H2O, of natural gypsum and has better technical character-
mental period of two months.
istics than natural gypsum [12]. The final FGDG is often > 95% pure,
Compared to other solid waste from the coal-fired power plant, fly
and the crystals are mainly of a rhomboid shape. A microprobe analysis
ash, the source of FGDG, had higher levels of Ca as well as S. Fly ash
showed that the concentration of CaO and SO3, which were the main
contained lower Ca concentrations but higher concentrations of K, Mg,
components of the FGDG from Florina in North West Greece, ranged
Fe, and most trace elements compared to those in FGDG (Table 3).
from 31.9% to 32.5% and from 45.90% to 46.40%, respectively [13].
FGDG may contain higher levels of metals than some mined solid
FGDG and natural gypsum have similar chemical composition also in
wastes, but the concentrations are lower than the background levels
terms of minor constituents, among which Mg and Si oxide, both in the
stipulated for soils in Table 4 [26,27].
range of 3–4%, were the most important [14]. Moreover, it generally
In summary, FGDG has the physicochemical properties that make
has finer, more uniform particles than natural gypsum sources [2,5,15].
them suitable for beneficial use in agriculture.
After crushing, the particle size of natural gypsum is approximately
140 µm, whereas it is mainly in the range of 30–50 µm for FGDG
[16,17]. The chemical compositions of FGDG and natural gypsum are 3. Effects of FGDG on developing degraded soil properties
showed in Table 2.
The chemical composition of FGDG varies depending on the design FGDG can reclaim both saline-sodic soil and acid soil [28]; more-
of the power plant, operating conditions, and materials used. The over, some degraded soils, e.g., mined soils and eroded soils, can also
physicochemical properties of FGDG are more closely associated with be reclaimed using FGDG. Soil physicochemical properties that are
the quality of the coal than the major combustion and scrubbing affected by FGDG application have been reported by some researchers
when utilizing it as a soil amendment [7,29,30]. The physicochemical
Table 2 properties of soil due to FGDG addition vary according to the original
Chemical composition of FGD gypsum, natural gypsum and fly ash, mass %. properties of soil and the FGDG, but certain generalization can be
Source: Telesca et al. [14]. made in most cases [2]. The mechanisms and effects of various
Chemical composition FGD gypsum Natural gypsum Fly ash
degraded soils reclaimed by FGDG are showed in Fig. 1.

SO3 36.90 36.20 0.77

CaO 31.90 30.10 4.34 3.1. Developing sodic soils
MgO 3.80 3.66 2.06
SiO2 3.30 3.00 48.48 Sodic soils are characterized by the occurrence of excess Na+ to
Al2O3 1.00 0.85 24.44 levels that can adversely affect the soil structure and disturb the
Fe2O3 0.30 0.25 8.43
TiO2 0.05 0.04 1.08
availability of some nutrients to plants [54]. Sodic soil reclamation
P2O5 0.01 0.01 0.77 involves an increase in Ca2+ on the cation exchange sites at the expense
Mn3O4 – – 0.05 of Na+ [55,56]. FGDG is a good Ca2+ source, which was effective in
Na2O – – 1.22 crusting-prevention and sodic soil reclamation [41]. The application of
K2O – – 1.86
FGDG significantly increased the concentrations of Ca2+ and SO42- in
l.o.i 22.40 24.60 6.50
Total 99.66 98.71 100.00 the leachate compared to the levels seen in the unamended soil and the
leaching of Mg2+ and K+ were also greater from FGDG amended

J. Wang, P. Yang Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 82 (2018) 1969–1978

Table 3 and sodium adsorption rate (SAR). The application of FGDG signifi-
Comparison of physicochemical properties in FGD gypsum, Natural gypsum and fly ash. cantly increased the stability of macro-aggregates ( > 0.25 mm), IR,
hydraulic conductivity and water-holding capacity of the saline-sodic
Physicochemical FGD Fly ashb Natural Coald
properties gypsuma gypsumc soils [31,35], and slightly improve bulk density and porosity
[29,35,61]. The FGDG treatment for soil carbon sequestration held a
pH (1:5) 7.5 8.8 6.5 — promise when it was applied to slightly soidic soils [62]. The improve-
EC (ms cm−1) 2.6 7.6 7.5 —
ment of soil physical properties facilitated the leaching of Na+ and
Organic carbon (%) 0.16 1.2 1.29 —
Total nitrogen (%) 0.01 0.02 0.13 1.2 salts, which led to significant decreases in soil salinity and sodicity
Total phosphorus (%) < 0.01 0.06– < 0.01 — [31,36,40]. A soil column leaching experiment conducted by Wang
0.12 et al. [6] and Amezketa et al. [41] presented the fast reductions of EC
Total potassium (%) 0.44–0.65 < 0.01 0.05 0.02– and SAR in their leachates after the application of FGDG. The research
from Xiao et al. [63] showed that after the application of FGDG in a
Major elements (g kg−1)
Ca 163–272 < 0.01 247 5.0–26.7 saline-sodic soil, the Na+ content, EC, SAR, and pH were reduced near
S 104–167 — 207 3.8–53.2 the surface layers, but the trend was reversed in deeper soil layers.
Si 0.56–0.64 — 1.2 5.8–60.9 With the increase of the applied FGDG, there was no significant
Mg 6.5–22.8 < 0.01 1.3 1.0–2.5
difference in the reclamation effect. Therefore, when the small amount
Fe 1.7–14.9 3.0–6.1 0.9 3.2–43.2
Al 5.5–12.3 < 0.01 1.5 4.3–30.4 of FGDG was added, a better leached effect of Na+ was achieved [63].
Trace elements (mg kg−1) However, Buckley and Wolkowski [29] found that FGDG application
Mn 90–403 500–750 31 6–181 had a negative effect on aggregate stability at sites tested in Wisconsin,
Mo 0.5–14.7 — 0.80 < 1–73 but the mechanism of FGDG decreasing aggregate stability was not
Zn 2.5–14.3 9.7–23.7 6.1 < 1–
clear. Some research showed that the application of FGDG resulted in
Cu < 0.1–7.6 32–54 < 0.8 1.8–185 the decrease of soil EC [6,31,41]; however, some research showed that
Cr 65–91 144–488 4.8 < 1–610 applying FGDG increased soil EC [34,37]. With the application of
Cd < 0.01 5.0–10.0 0.30 < 1–6.5 FGDG, the salt content in the soil will increase [7,64]. Therefore,
Pb 3–218 26.5– 1.2 4–218
salinity should be controlled by leaching when sodic soils are reclaimed
Ni 1.5–17.3 33.3– 2.3 0.4–104
with FGDG [65]. The increase of soil EC may be from poor drainage
69.8 conditions or lack of leaching after applying FGDG [64]. Under field
As < 2.6 1.0–4.0 < 2.6 0.5–106 conditions, the salts should be immediately removed by constructing
Se 2.1 0.6–2.6 < 1.2 < 0.1– good drainage conditions [7,66]. Moreover, some materials used to
capture SO2 contain sufficient Na such that end-products could
Hg 0.25 — 0.02 0.01–1.6
B 98–175 17–38 168 — enhance Na dispersion of clay particles and reduce soil water infiltra-
tion. Caution is needed when using high-Na FGDG on sodic soil
Baligar et al. [19], DeSutter et al. [23],b Singh et al. [24], Mupambwa et al. [25]. c
reclamation [67].
DeSutter et al. [23], d Baligar et al. [19]. Some scholars also combined FGDG with other materials to reclaim
saline and sodic soils. For instance, Nan et al. [32,68] carried out a 3-
Table 4 year field experiment in a saline-sodic soil in coastal area of north
Concentration of heavy metals regulated by national standard of China (mg kg−1).
Jiangsu Province of China and found that application of FGDG with
Heavy metals Pb Cd Cr As Se Ni Cu Hg humic acid decreased soil pH, SAR, and ESP, and increased the EC and
saturated hydraulic conductivity; moreover, the effect of combing
GB8173–1987a 250 5 250 75 15 200 250 5 FGDG and humic acid was better than that of single FGDG.
Soil backgroundb ≤ 35 ≤ 0.2 ≤ 0.2 ≤ 15 — ≤ 40 ≤ 35 ≤ 0.15

Control Standards for Pollutants in Fly Ash for Agriculture Use, GB8173-87.
3.2. Developing acid soils
Environmental Quality Standard for Soils, GB15618-1995.
Acid soils exist due to their formation from parent materials or
from the application of ammonium-based fertilizers [69]. The reclama-
compared to the unamended soil [57]. It indicated that a high loading tion of acid soils is commonly accomplished using liming materials.
of Ca2+ due to addition of FGDG appeared to displace and leach other The oxide anions from the dissolution of the liming material react with
cations, such as K+ and or Mg2+, from the soil [57]. The ion solution H+ to form carbonic acid or water, hence neutralizing active soil acidity
composition of sodic soils also plays an important role in the reclama- [70]. Moreover, the cations from liming materials help replace
tion process. After the FGDG and leaching, the soil soluble salts were exchangeable Al3+ from the soil exchange sites, which react with OH-
transformed from sodic salts containing Na2CO3 and NaHCO3 to to form an insoluble compound, thus reducing the effects of acidity and
neutral salts containing NaCl and Na2SO4 [6,58]. Kukier et al. [59] toxicity of the Al for plants [71–73]. Due to the unspent sorbent
reported that application of FGDG resulted in a change in the component during desulfurization, FGDG is usually highly sodic and
distribution of exchangeable cations. There was an increase in ex- has significant neutralization potential. FGDG as a soil amendment is
changeable Ca in the zone of incorporation and in the subsoil according as effective as gypsum for inhibiting soil crusting, improving water
to a field experiment. The downward movement of Ca was dependent infiltration, and promoting the movement of Ca2+ into acid subsoils
on soil texture and on the rate of the FGDG applied. In two soils with [42]. The unstable FGDG (CaSO3·0.5H2O) is fairly insoluble and can
higher clay content, Ca moved downward much more slowly [59]. Chun decompose to release SO2 under highly acidic soil conditions; however,
et al. [60] conducted a field experiment in the semiarid region of it can also oxidize to form gypsum. Therefore, the autumn surface
Kangping in northeast China and found that the application of 23.1 Mg applications of unstable FGDG in no-till systems should permit ample
ha−1 FGDG significantly increased electrical conductivity (EC), ex- time for oxidation/dissolution reactions to occur without introducing
changeable and soluble Ca2+, SO42- and decreased CO32-, exchangeable biocidal effects related to oxygen scavenging, and soil and annual crops
Na+, and soluble Na+. can thus benefit from additions of soluble Ca and SO4 if FGDG is
The FGDG addition altered several soil physicochemical properties applied in advance of spring planting [74].
such as its bulk density, water-holding capacity, hydraulic conductivity, The four mechanisms by which soil acidity can be reclaimed using
infiltration rate (IR), pH, EC, exchangeable sodium percentage (ESP), FGDG are summarized as (i) the self-liming effect; (ii) precipitation of

J. Wang, P. Yang Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 82 (2018) 1969–1978

Fig. 1. Mechanisms and effects of degraded soils reclaimed by FGDG [33,46,47,51].

solid phases; (iii) co-sorption of SO42- and Al3+; and (iv) ion pair the pH of mine soils in a greenhouse column study and that leachate
formation [75]. The liming capacity of FGDG makes them suitable for pH, EC, dissolved organic C, Ca, Mg, and S tended to increase with the
increasing pH in acid soils [45]. High application rates of FGDG increase of FGDG application rate. The application of FGDG increased
effectively alleviated the subsoil acidity syndrome with a decrease in the soil pH from 4.5 to approximately 7.5 [50].
exchangeable Al and/or increase in exchangeable Ca [59]. By applying Bacterial populations and diversity and microbial biomass in the
FGDG, the acidity of the red and crimson soil caused by weathering and reclaimed coal mine plots significantly increased compared to the
leaching and chronic acid rain in southern China was neutralized or adjacent untreated area and were generally similar among different
balanced. Field water capacity and bulk density were observed as reclamation treatments [77]. Mycorrhizal symbiosis may be partly
increasing and decreasing, respectively. Due to the addition of the responsible for the increased productive capacity of the reclaimed sites.
FGDG, the enhancement of the soil pH value and the reduction of Al Wilson et al. [78] found that the reclaimed sites using FGDG had 2.4
toxicity in acidic soil were also observed [44]. times the number of mycorrhizal spores, 5.1 times the root colonization,
The correct application amount of FGDG didn’t exhibit negative and 2.2–28 times the inoculum potential of the abandoned sludge. In
impact on acid soil microbial activities. Soil enzyme activities can be reclaimed sites, 82–100% of all plants became mycorrhizal compared to
used as indicators of soil quality, especially as related to the biological 30–67% of plants in abandoned sites [78]. FGDG addition increased
functioning of the soil that pertains to nutrient cycling. FGDG can be microbial biomass, which indicates improved soil health and could
applied to soil at rates ranging up to 1.12 Mg ha−1 without affecting the contribute to increased crop yield [38]. However, microbial properties
potential cycling of nutrients associated with soil enzymes [43]. No did not show linear trends with FGDG concentrations, which requires
significant differences in the activities of urease, β-glucosidase, alkaline further studies on threshold values and potential negative effects on soil
phosphatase, or arylsulfatase were observed compared to an untreated health in case of excessive application of FGDG. Soil microbial properties
control for an acid Platea soil with a pH of 4.0 [42]. Chen et al. [48] presented a strong change over time, the future research should also
found that after 17 years of reclamation using FGDG at a 280 Mg ha−1 focus on the longer term dynamics of microbial biomass, activity, and
application rate in a field study, β-glucosidase activity had increased at community composition in response to the FGDG addition.
0–5 cm and 5–10 cm depths compared to an adjacent untreated area.
Furthermore, β-glucosidase activity more than doubled in the treat- 3.4. Controlling soil and nutrient loss
ments with FGDG compared to the conventional soil treatment at 0–
5 cm depth. The Ca in FGDG reduces the dispersion of soil particles by
promoting the flocculation and aggregation of clay particles. The highly
3.3. Developing mined soils erodible Na-affected soils can be remediated with the addition of
FGDG. Runoff and soil loss decreased and infiltration increased as the
Abandoned mined land is a worldwide concern due to their FGDG application rate increased [10,52], which also led to the
potential negative environmental impacts, including erosion and the significant increase in aggregate stability and the decrease in surface
development of acid mine drainage. The use of FGDG as a substitute crusting [26,53]. There was a 71% increase in total infiltration, a 36%
for agricultural limestone represents a potential beneficial use alter- decrease in total runoff, and a 77% decrease in soil loss at the
native to landfill disposal of these materials. Chen et al. [76] investi- 13.44 Mg ha−1 rate relative to the 0 treatment in the soil with a SAR
gated the use of FGDG for the reclamation of abandoned coal mined of 48 [53]. In addition, the decrease in soil loss and the reduction in
land in a field study in Ohio of USA and found that use of FGDG for erodibility were evidenced by the increase in sediment sizes greater
remediating acidic surface coal mined sites could provide effective, than the 125–53 µm range and the accompanying decrease in the
long-term reclamation. Soil pH at 0–20 cm depth increased from 3.1 to percentage of sediment in the 5–2 µm and sizes less than 2-μm [53].
approximately neutral and was sustained at this level for 15 years in the Therefore, the use of FGDG can improve the success rate of erosion
treatments included FGDG at a rate of 280 Mg ha−1 FGDG [48]. control structures installed in dispersive soils and aid in the develop-
Stehouwer et al. [49] reported that FGDG was effective in increasing ment of approaches to remediate streambank erosion problems [19].

J. Wang, P. Yang Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 82 (2018) 1969–1978

Phosphorus (P), nitrogen (N), and carbon (C) are implicated in recommended S application rate was about 22 kg ha−1 [99]. The plant
eutrophication of surface waters [79]. After the addition of FGDG, the tissue content of S in fescue and alfalfa was increased through FGDG
reduction in finer size fractions means that runoff from soils will amendment [50,94].
transport lower concentrations of chemical contaminants in a sorbed Other trace nutrients were also supplied by FGDG. FGDG has been
state. Some research results have shown that the use of FGDG as a soil used as a source of B for maize [40,100], alfalfa [45,101], white clover
amendment has the potential to reduce P, N, and C losses in runoff [101], and fescue [101]. Se, Mn, and Mg are the trace elements
through increased infiltration and/or the formation of less soluble required by many plants and can be supplied by FGDG. Mg deficiency
pools [10,53,80]. Converting soil P to less soluble forms with the symptoms were induced in the leaves of plants grown with low Mg and
application of FGDG may reduce the release of soil P to runoff [81–83]. the Mg to Ca ratio. Mg increased and Ca decreased in maize shoots in
FGDG application to pastures and crops showed promise as an an acid soil amended with FGDG [102]. Shoot concentrations of Mg
economical soil amendment to reduce dissolved P loss in runoff [84]; and Mn in alfalfa, white clover and tall fescue increased as the levels of
on grassed soils, the high application rate of FGDG reduced P in runoff soil in applied FGDG increased [93]. Feldhake and Ritchey [103] found
by 35% [85]. Treatment of high P soils with FGDG decreases water- that the application of high FGDG to pastures in Appalachia has the
extractable P by conversion to soil inorganic P fractions that are stable potential to improve root growth and functioning in acid subsoil
with time, does not decrease plant production [86]. Chen et al. [87] horizons and that the Mn content of leaf tissue increased significantly.
reported that FGDG reduced the P loss through soil incubation tests He and Shi [104] found that application of FGDG was effective in
and that a greater decrease in water-extractable P occurred with a increasing soil available P, K, Mg and Si in acidic soil and that the
greater dosage of FGDG. Compared to conventional coarse gypsum, application rate of 1.125 Mg ha−1 offered the best efficiency, which
nano FGDG further reduced water-extractable P by providing a much increased rice grain yield by 21.6%. The elemental concentration of the
greater specific surface area, higher solubility, better contact with the maize tissues indicated a characteristic elevation of B and Se after 56
fertilizer and soil particles, and superior dispersibility. Although FGDG days of FGDG application [105]. Applying FGDG as soil ameliorant
readily lowers P solubility in soils, their impact on P losses in the runoff increased the total yield as well as the safety and quality of sweet
can be undermined by erosional processes [88,89]. A 3-years field plot potatoes due to the enhancement of the soil mineral composition
experiment showed that FGDG lowered dissolved P in runoff by up to contained in FGDG [106].
47% below the untreated control in the first year; however, the effects However, some research also showed that the application of FGDG
did not persist into the remaining years of the study. Total P losses had no significant effects on crop yield. DeSutter et al. [23] found that
were not significantly affected by FGDG, which was likely because of wheat grain yields were not affected by FGDG treatments. Applications
elevated particulate P losses. Water-extractable P was reduced by up to of 2.2, 4.4, or 8.8 Mg ha−1 CaSO3 to the pH 6.2 soil produced no effect
40% in treated soils compared to untreated soils across the 3 years. on wheat growth or the uptake of N, P, Ca2+ and Mg2+ [42]. Although B
Alva et al. [90] investigated the effect of FGDG on the transport of is essential to plants, the differences between sufficiency and toxicity
nitrate (NO3-) and ammonium (NH4+) in a Candler fine sand in a are narrow. B toxicity can be a problem for plants grown in soils
leaching column experiment and found the application of FGDG at amended with FGDG containing high B. After the FGD-stabilized
4.5 Mg ha−1 decreased the leaching of NO3- from NH4NO3 by 22% materials were leached, B toxicity is commonly alleviated [100].
compared to that without the application of FGDG, and total-N
recovery with or without FGDG accounted for 62–67% and 69–78% 4.2. Improving plant physiology
of total N applied as Ca(NO3)2 and NH4NO3, respectively.
Stabilized FGDG normally contain many soluble salts. Soil saliniza-
4. Effects of FGDG on improving plant growth tion in arid zones is a major factor that resulted in the reduction in the
yield and quality of many important crops. Plants vary in sensitivity to
4.1. Promoting plant growth soluble salts and, if inappropriate levels are present, seed germination,
plant establishment, and growth may be reduced. High doses of FGDG
Since FGDG is a good source of Ca and S and contains many useful has been reported to adversely affect the biochemical composition as
trace elements, it may be beneficial as an amendment to improve plant well as the yield of many crops. Shahandeh and Sumner [107] reported
growth and increase crop yield for agricultural soils. Some studies are that after the application of FGDG in a greenhouse experiment, the
available related to the use of FGDG as a soil amendment for the growth of weeping lovegrass and lespedeza was poor due to the
benefit of a large number of field crops. FGDG application can improve presence of high levels of soluble salts. Wang et al. [7] reported that
the yield and quality of high Ca-requiring plants, such as peanuts, the improvement effects had no positive correlation with FGDG rate in
tomatoes, maize, wheat and citrus trees [19,91]. Effects of FGDG on a pot experiment, and the effect of a high leaching level was better than
plant growth and nutrient uptake are shown in Table 5. The application that of a low leaching level. Initially, the increase of FGDG application
rate of 4.48 Mg ha−1 FGDG significantly increased the citrus fruit yield rate resulted in soil improvement, but beyond a certain application rate
and fruit quality in sandy soils that contain low levels of extractable Ca threshold, the improvement effects began to decrease. Salinity should
[92]. The shoot concentration of Ca in alfalfa, white clover and tall be controlled by leaching when sodic soils are reclaimed with FGDG
fescue generally increased as the level of FGDG increased in the soil because sunflower growth is very sensitive to salinity during its
[93]. Ca increased in topsoil and subsoil at the high rate of 20 Mg ha−1 seedling stage [7].
in FGDG in soils typically found in eastern Ohio and western Mao et al. [108] analyzed the potential mechanism of FGDG-
Pennsylvania [91]. The plant tissue content of Ca in fescue and alfalfa mediated amendment of sodic soils in an oil sunflower model by
was increased by FGDG amendment [50,94]. FGDG increased alfalfa accessing the Ca2+ distribution and Ca2+-ATPase activity in leaf cells,
dry matter yield by as much as 14%, and in the subsoil, the soluble Al and found that the Ca2+ ATPase activity caused cytosolic Ca2+ efflux,
decreased and the Ca content and Ca: Al ratio increased [95]. that the Ca2+ influx occurred through the Ca2+-channels, and that
S fertilization is required for many crops, and FGDG can be an increasing the cytosolic Ca2+ concentration might benefit the stability
effective source of S [19,96,97]. FGDG improved alfalfa and soybean and the integrity of the cell membrane and cell wall and sequentially
yields when applied to agricultural soils [98]. The application of FGDG alleviate the injury of oil sunflowers against sodic stress. Wang et al. [7]
(33 kg S ha−1) promoted maize growth and the uptake of N in a silt conducted a pot experiment to study the union response of sunflower
loam soil of Ohio [5]. Canola yields were more variable and depended biological indicators (height, leaf area and dry matter weight), physio-
significantly on the S rate but not the S source; therefore, FGDG logical indicators (photosynthesis rate,transpiration rate and stomata
appears to be a viable S fertilizer source for dryland canola, and the conductance) and yield to soil water content, soil salinity and soil

J. Wang, P. Yang Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 82 (2018) 1969–1978

Table 5
Effects of FGD gypsum on growth and yield, and the sources of soil nutrients.

Plants Application rate Effects on growth and yield Sources of soil nutrients References

Alfalfa 75.2 Mg ha−1 Increase B Chen et al. [45]

67 Mg ha−1 Increase S Chen et al. [98]
2.5–10% Increase Ca, S, Mg, B and Mn Clark and Baligar [93], Clark and Baligar [101]
28 g kg−1 Increase Ca, Mg and S Stehouwer et al. [50]
18 Mg ha−1 Increase Ca Stout and Priddy [95]
Bean 1–1.5 Mg ha−1 Increase N and S Ivanoca and Pelovski [96]
Canola 22 kg S ha−1 Increase S Desutter et al. [99]
Citrus tree 4.48 Mg ha−1 Increase Ca Alva et al. [92]
Fescue 30–120 g kg−1 Increase Ca, Mg and S Stehouwer et al. [50], Stehouwer et al. [94]
2.5–10% Increase Ca, S, Mg, B and Mn Clark and Baligar [93], Clark and Baligar [101]
Maize 33 kg S ha−1 Increase S Chen et al. [5]
23 Mg ha−1 Increase B Chun et al. [40]
5 g kg−1 Increase B Clark et al. [100]
1–10% Increase B, Se and Mo Knox et al. [105]
20 Mg ha−1 Increase Ca and S Kost et al. [91]
Orchardgrass Saturated aqueous solution Increase Mg Feldhake and Ritchey [103]
Potato 1.5 Mg ha−1 Increase Ca and S Wang and Shi [106]
Soybean 67 Mg ha−1 Increase S Chen et al. [98]
Rice 1.125 Mg ha−1 Increase P, K, Ca, Mg and Si He and Shi [104]
wheat 22.4 Mg ha−1 No effect —— DeSutter et al. [23]
8.8 Mg ha−1 No effect —— Lee et al. [42]
White clover 2.5–10% Increase Ca, S, Mg, B and Mn Clark and Baligar [93], Clark and Baligar [101]

sodicity, and found that crop growth is simultaneously affected by soil FGDG with a large amount of available Si may increase Si content in
water content, soil salinity and soil sodicity in the process of soil roots and reduce the root absorption of heavy metals. It was reported
reclamation. Biological indicators and the yield of sunflowers decreased that the deposition of Si in the vicinity of the root endodermis might
with the increase of soil water content, soil salinity and soil sodicity. partially physically block the apoplast bypass flow across the roots [110].
The sunflower photosynthesis rate, transpiration rate and stomata The heavy metal sequestration and detoxification are attributed to the
conductance increased with the increase of soil moisture and decreased chemical and physical effects of Si on forming co-precipitation with
with the increase of soil salinity and soil sodicity. Soil salinity is the heavy metals and blocking the metal transfer in plants [111].
dominant factor affecting sunflower yield and biological indicators, and Concentrations of B, Se and As did not accumulate significantly in all
the effects of soil water content on the sunflower physiological of the plant species tested (cotton, corn, soybean and radish crops) in a
indicators were more clear than those of the other two factors [7]. greenhouse-based pot study and a large scale mesocosm experiment
[112,113]. No significant difference in the concentrations of Mo, Zn, Pb,
5. Risk associated with FGDG application Ni, Cd, Mn, Cr, and Cu in corn leaves was observed between the FGDG
addition and the control [40]. The contents of almost all of the metals (B,
5.1. Accumulation of toxic trace elements in plants Cr, Mn, Ni, Cu, As, Cd, Pb) in the corn grains in the FGDG plots were
almost the same or lower than those in the control plot [39]. The
The effect of FGDG on the uptake/enrichment of toxic trace concentrations of Cr, Pb, Cd, As, and Hg in the seeds of corn and alfalfa
elements (As, B, Cd, Cr, Cu, Hg, Mn, Mo, Ni, Pb, Se, Zn) in various grown in China were far below the tolerance limits regulated by National
crops have been investigated with the safe uses of crop produced for Food Standards of China [24]. After applying FGDG, the concentrations
human consumption [19,109]. Concentrations of toxic trace elements of Cd, Cr, Cu, Pb, and As in sweet potato were reduced by 31.34%,
added to land, regardless of the source, should be monitored and be 70.57%, 22.17%, 79.49%, and 100%, respectively [105]. Tissue Mn, Cu,
within established standard limits. The changes in concentrations of Ni, and Zn concentrations decreased from near phytotoxic levels to
trace elements found in plants are listed in Table 6. normal levels after applying FGDG in mined soils [114].

Table 6
Effect of FGD gypsum on accumulation of toxic trace elements in various plants.

Plants Toxic trace elements References

B As Cd Cr Cu Hg Mn Mo Ni Pb Se Zn

Alfalfa ↑ — — — — — — ↑ — — — — Sloan et al. [115]

— N N N — N — — — N — — Wang et al. [24]
Bean — — — — — N — — — — — — Briggs et al. [118]
Cotton N N — — — — — — — — N — Punshon et al. [112], Punshon et al. [113]
Fescue — — — — ↓ — ↓ — ↓ — — ↓ Bigham et al. [114]
Maize N — N N N — N — N N — N Chun et al. [40]
— ↑ — — — — — ↑ — — — — Knox et al. [105]
N N — — — — — — — — N — Punshon et al. [112,113]
N N N N N — N — — N — — Sakai et al. [39]
— N N N — N — — — N — — Wang et al. [24]
Potato — ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ — — — — ↓ — — Wang and Shi [105]
Radish N N — — — — — — — — N — Punshon et al. [112,113]
Soybean N N — — — — — — — — N — Punshon et al. [112,113]

Note: ↑ represents increasing the accumulation of the toxic trace elment in plant; ↓ represents decreasing the accumulation of the toxic trace elment in plant; N represents FGD gypsum
having no effect on the accumulation of the toxic trace elment in plant; — represents making no analysis on the accumulation of the toxic trace elment in plant.

J. Wang, P. Yang Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 82 (2018) 1969–1978

However, some studies also showed that the application of FGDG application of FGDG and that B also approached toxicity concentra-
could increase the accumulation of toxic metals, and using FGDG as a tions (≈ l mg l−1) in the leachate from the soil treated during the initial
soil amendment for the purpose of growing agronomic and horticul- leaching but that the concentrations tended to decline with time.
tural crops was not recommended. The elemental concentration of the Punshon et al. [113] conducted a greenhouse-based pot study and a
maize tissues indicated a characteristic elevation of B, As, Se and Mo large scale mesocosm experiment and found that leachate pH was
[105]. Alfalfa yields were unaffected by these rates of residue applica- unaffected by FGDG but that salinity rose sharply with increasing
tions, but shoot concentrations of B in the second cutting and B, Mo in application rates of FGDG. Moreover, leachates contained higher
the third cutting were increased by FGDG applications [115]. Cheng concentrations of B with small increases in Se and As. While concerns
et al. [116] evaluated the environmental impact associated with the about heavy metal leaching are not without basis, concentrations of B,
land application of FGDG by considering the overall mass balance of an Se and As do not exceed drinking water standards [112,122].
element in a life cycle starting from the coal combustion process to the For the effects on surface water, Chen et al. [76] reported that the
stage of land application. The author believed that considering only the concentrations of Ca, S and B in surface runoff generally increased by
amounts of trace element uptake in surface vegetation may under- the treatments with FGDG in both short- and long-term measurements
estimate the overall release of the trace elements from FGDG and that in a field plot experiment and that the concentrations of the trace
the mobility of trace elements varies when FGDG produced from elements were generally not statistically increased in surface runoff
different processes were used. over the 20-year period. Stehouwer et al. [49] reported that leachate
pH, EC, dissolved organic C, Ca, Mg, and S tended to increase with the
5.2. Accumulation of heavy metals in soils increasing application rate of FGDG in a leaching experiment of mine
soils, and with FGDG of 120 g kg−1 or less, leachate concentrations of
Although FGDG has become an effective soil amendment for soil most elements of environmental concern were less than the levels
reclamation, it might deposit extra heavy metals into the soil environ- mandated by drinking water standards. The amount of FGDG that can
ment. Some studies showed that FGDG does not contain significant be applied to mined soils is probably limited by soluble salts and
quantities of heavy metals and that the application of FGDG does not initially high pH levels rather than by the trace element loading of soil
cause soil contamination [117]. Briggs et al. [118] reported that total or water [49]. Jenkins et al. [123] reported that FGDG applications
Hg concentrations measured were similar for reclaimed and unclaimed may be a management practice that reduces microbial contamination
soils after FGDG application. Chen et al. [26] reported that As and Hg of surface waters from manure applied to agricultural fields in the
concentrations in the soils were found to be positively correlated with southeastern United States. Salmonella was not detected in the runoff,
FGDG added. Yang et al. [119] conducted a soil column leaching and after 3 years of FGDG applications, the highest rate of FGDG
experiment to analyze the changes in heavy metals from reclaimed tidal resulted in decreased flow-weighted concentrations and total loads of
flat soil that used FGDG and found that the highest removal rates of Cd Escherichia coli. Torbert and Watts [124] carried out a rainfall
and Pb in the upper soil layers (0–30 cm) were 52.7% and 30.5%, simulation to examine the impact of FGDG application on runoff
respectively. The application of FGDG (two times) and the extension of nutrient losses and found that a maximum of 61% reduction in soluble
the leaching interval time to 20 days increased the heavy metal removal reactive P concentration in runoff with the application of 8.9 Mg ha−1
rate in the upper soil layers. The heavy metals desorbed from the upper FGDG and the concentrations of heavy metals in runoff were all found
soil layers were re-adsorbed and fixed in the 30–70 cm soil layers to be below detection limits.
[119]. Although there might be a slight increase in heavy metals, the
concentrations of Cr, Pb, Cd, As, and Hg in the treated soils are far 6. Conclusions
below the background values stipulated by the Environmental Quality
Standard for Soils (GB 15618-1995) [27,120]. Chen et al. [45] reported Annual production of FGDG will increase considerably as more
that No soil contamination problems were observed even at high coal-fired power plants come online and as SO2 scrubbers are added to
application FGDG rates and that it can be safely applied to agricultural existing power plants to comply with the rules on clean air. The
soils. Chun et al. [40] also reported that no significant differences in the potential of FGDG as a resource material in agriculture is now a well-
concentrations of Mo, Zn, Pb, Ni, Cd, Mn, Cr, Cu, and Al in sodic soils established fact. In view of the fear of significant harm to the mind,
were observed between the FGDG addition and the control. Chen et al. such as the presence of toxic heavy metals in FGDG and leaching
[48] found that compared to the conventional reclamation, Ca, S, B, problems, it is necessary to involve FGDG more effectively in agricul-
and Zn concentrations at 0–20 cm depth were generally increased by ture to exploit its various physical and chemical properties fully, which
the treatments with FGDG at a 280 Mg ha−1 application rate in an are beneficial for soil and crop health. According to the above
abandoned surface coal mine in Ohio, while other trace metals discussion, the key points from this comprehensive review can be
measured were generally not increased in short or long term measure- summarized as follows:
As FGDG brings significant amounts of Ca2+ and SO42− to the soil, it (1) Advantages and benefits
could affect the Pb sorption by Ferrihydrite and humic acid in soil.
Therefore, FGDG has the potential use as an in situ Pb stabilizer in (i) The potentiality of FGDG for its utilization in agriculture is
contaminated soils. The previous study showed that FGDG effectively becoming popular because it contains a large number of essential
reduced the Pb leaching in two contaminated soils under leaching nutrients for plant growth, i.e., macronutrients including Ca, S,
conditions [121]. Fe, Mg and K and micronutrients such as Se, Mn, Zn, Cu, B and
5.3. Effects of toxic trace elements on water quality (ii) FGDG can effectively reclaim degraded soils, including saline and
sodic soil, acid soil and mined soil; however, it cannot be a
There are growing concerns regarding the effects of toxic trace substitute for chemical fertilizers or organic manure. Applying
elements on water quality when FGDG is applied to agricultural fields. FGDG can improve physicochemical properties of degraded soils,
Applying FGDG into acid forest soils has the potential to provide promote plant growth and improve crop quality.
growth benefits to a commercially important tree species (red oak), but (iii) The use of FGDG as a soil ameliorant can reduce net CO2 and SO2
care would need to be taken to avoid the release of toxic levels of B. emissions and thereby improve environmental quality and reduce
Crews and Dick [9] reported that S concentration increased from less global warming. Moreover, applying FGDG can reduce the move-
than 10 mg l−1 to 234 mg l−1 in the leachate in four months after the ment of sediment, nutrients, and agricultural chemicals to surface

J. Wang, P. Yang Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 82 (2018) 1969–1978

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