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Fantasy Character
With Instructor Hathaway
St. Mary, 5th grade
What is a character?
A character is a person, animal, being, or entity that is represented in a

Popular characters you might recognize could be:

- Harry Potter
- Ash Ketchum
- Jack Sparrow
- Darth Vader
- Mickey Mouse

…And much more!

What is Shape Language?
Shape Language is a concept used in art and animation to communicate
meaning based on shapes we are familiar with.

Used to provoke an emotional response in the viewer without using any


Triangles, Squares, and Circles are the simple shapes used most often.
Can you spot Shape Language being used in these designs?
Key Terms
Key Terms are used to start thinking of what you want to show not tell with
your Character’s design.

To describe a character in mind using Key Terms, I might think of the words:



Creating our characters together
- Pick 3 words from the hat and write them on your Think Sheet
- Think about what kind of character you want to create and begin to fill out
your sheet.
- Discuss with your classmates and connect your character’s story to at
minimum 1 other student. ( Adventuring party, family, best friends.. Or enemies?)
- Once you finish your Think Sheet, draw 3 thumbnails of different ideas
to decide between.
What are Thumbnails?

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