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Lycée Pyrène/ année scolaire 2023-2024/ LLCER Anglais Terminale/ Madame Nathalie Fauré

Thématique 2 : Expression et Construction de Soi

Axe 3, « Initiation et Apprentissage »/ The Bildungsroman

*Axes travaillés dans cette thématique :

-Axe 1 : Expression des Emotions

-Axe 2 : Mise en scène de soi

-Axe 3: Initiation et Apprentissage

Step 3: Axe 3, Initiation et Apprentissage/ The Bildungsroman (Learning from

role Models)

Semaine 2

Document 1: Moon Palace, novel analysis : Marco Stanley Fogg et son « mentor » Thomas Effing,
pages 118-120 (“In order to do what Effing asked (…) it could be that he was simply getting used to
me”) (an introduction to Thomas Effing’s ideas)

Extrait similaire pouvant être ajouté au Portfolio pour l’épreuve orale:

The Blakelock’s painting, pages 133-135 (“I walked through several empty rooms before I found the
Blakelock (…) It was not a landscape, it was a memorial, a death song for a vanished world”)

Documents 2: Peter Weir, Dead Poets Society, 1989 (film analysis: Dead Poets society - Mr.
Keating’s Farewell (4’01)) L’extrait est déposé sur l’ENT. Il est aussi consultable sur Youtube via
le lien suivant:

Themes to help tackle this dossier:

*Learning from a mentor

*The Bildungsroman and the meeting of inspirational role models

*Growing-up/ Coming-of-age with a mentor

*Changing life with a mentor

Contextualising the documents and guidelines to read the documents:

Document 1: Moon Palace, Marco Stanley Fogg and his “mentor” Thomas Effing: p118-
120: The passage is in chapter 4. Marco Stanley Fogg works for Thomas Effing, an old taciturn
crippled blind man in a wheelchair. In the passage, Marco is introduced to the world of ideas by
Thomas Effing who asks him in his first everyday ride in New York to describe everything he sees to
him. The task is not an easy one since Thomas Effing is a blind man.

-On reading the passage, ask yourself: what does Effing teach to Marco.

-What kind of mentor Effing is? How can it help Marco in his quest for himself?
-Find similarities and differences between Effing and Dr. Keating (the teacher in the film
Dead Poets Society).

En entraînement: p 133-135: Marco is asked to go to the Brooklyn Museum to see a

painting, the Blakelock’s painting by Ralph Albert Blakelock and report to the blind Mr. Effing
every single detail of the painting.

-On reading the passage, ask yourself why did Effing ask Marco to do such a thing?

-Deduce about Marco’s learning from this experience.

Use your fiche: Le point de vue dans un récit + les figures de style travaillées dans les
dossiers précédents.

Document 2: Peter Weir, Dead Poets Society, 1989 (film analysis: Dead Poets society -
Mr. Keating’s Farewell (4’01))

The film is set in a boys’ school and tells the story of an English teacher, Mr Keating, who inspires his
students through his unorthodox teaching of poetry. He encourages the boys to call him “Oh Captain,
my Captain”. The scene takes place just after Mr Keating has been dismissed. As he returns to class
to collect his personal belongings, he meets his students again and is confronted to a “more
conventional” teacher with old-fashioned conservative teaching methods.

Characters in the passage:

*Mr Keating (the unorthodox/ unconventional teacher) starred by Robin Williams

*Neil Perry (a student) starred by Robert Sean Leonard

*Todd Anderson (a student) starred by Ethan Hawke

*The new teacher

On seeing the passage:

-Focus on the students at the start of the extract (attitudes, expressions) and deduce their
state of mind.

-Compare the attitudes of Mr Keating and the new teacher. Deduce their conception of role

-Then focus on the turning point in the video. Explain how Mr Keating has proved to be an
inspiring role model.

Use a few shots (=quelques plans) for your demonstration/ analysis

Use your fiche: Analyser un film

Vocabulary tool to exchange:

Nouns: a ‘mentor; a ‘groundbreaker; a ‘trailblazer = a pioneer

Adjectives: inspi’rational; up’lifting; ‘heartening = en’couraging; empowering

Verbs: to em’bolden = to give courage; to de’nounce = to criticise

Expressions: to pave the way for = to pre’pare the way/ to start the ball ‘rolling = to begin a trend/ to
look up to someone = to ad’mire

Work in Progress: 2 hours

I/ In groups of 3/4, read and browse the documents. Use the information given before
to contextualize the documents. Pick out elements about the dates, the author, the
passages you’d like to discuss since they seem appropriate to the general/ overall
theme Expression et Construction de Soi: Initiation et Apprentissage
(Expressing oneself and the making of the self: the Bildunsroman). That can be
details in a novel, blatant aspects in a performance that might attract your attention.
Exchange on each document with your group members and take notes.

II/ Keep in mind the main topic under study (= la thématique) The Bildungsroman
(Learning from role models) and try to find an issue (= une problématique) for this
dossier in the form of a question. It’s easier.

III/ Use the main ideas given on page one and find a plan for your issue. Keep the
issue in mind when you make your plan in order to stick to the subject. Each part of
your plan must help you to answer your issue. Try to be coherent and clear!

1/ Use your plan and sort out the documents. You can make a mind map/ a chart,
whatever suits you to pick out what is necessary for your exposé. It will help you to
have an overview of the documents and of the connections between them. This is the
last step before the synthesis.
2/ Report your answers/ proposals to the class in the form of an oral exposé
(EOC notée/ B2 vers C1)

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