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Battle Magic Assailment Battle Magic Magic Missile Battle Magic Hex Battle Magic Magical Vortex

Range: Combat Cast on 7+ Range: 24" Cast on 8+ Range: 21" Cast on 7+ Range: 12" Cast on 9+

0. Hammerhand 1. Fireball 2. Curse of Arrow Attraction 3. Pillar of Fire

As the Battle Mage chants an invocation, their fists With a cry and a flourish, the Battle Mage curses an enemy, The Battle Mage conjures a fireball which quickly grows
become like hammers, falling upon their foes with great With a snap of the fingers, the Battle Mage summons forth causing missiles to seek them out with almost to become a towering pillar. Loosed from their grasp,
and terrible power. a roiling ball of magical flame and hurls it at a nearby foe. sentient awareness. it advances towards the enemy.

A single enemy unit the caster is engaged The target enemy unit su ers 2D6 Strength 4 hits, Until your next Start of Turn sub-phase, you may Remains in Play. Place a small (3") blast template
in combat with su ers 2D3 Strength 4 hits, each with an AP of -. This spell has the Flaming re-roll any rolls To Hit of a natural 1 when shooting so that its central hole is within 12" of the caster.
each with an AP of -2. Attacks special rule. at the target enemy unit. Whilst in play, the template is treated as dangerous
terrain. The template moves D6" in a direction
of the caster's choosing during every Start
of Turn sub-phase. Any unit (friend or foe)
the moving template touches or moves over
su ers D3+3 Strength 3 hits, each with
an AP of -2. These hits have the Flaming Attacks
special rule.

Battle Magic Conveyance Battle Magic Enchantment Battle Magic Hex

Range: 15" Cast on 10+ Range: Self Cast on 7+ Range: 15" Cast on 9+

4. Arcane Urgency 5. Oaken Shield 6. Curse of Cowardly Flight

The Battle Mage summons a mighty spectral oak around As the war drums beat, the Battle Mage reaches
As the Battle Mage's allies march, time around them slows, themselves and their allies, protecting them from into the minds of the enemy, tapping into their fears
allowing them to cover great distance in the blink of an eye. the weapons of their enemies. and weakening their intestinal fortitude.

If the target friendly unit is not fleeing Until your next Start of Turn sub-phase, the caster The target enemy unit must immediately make
and has already moved during this and any unit they have joined gain a 5+ Ward save a Panic test. If the target unit automatically
Movement phase, it may immediately move again. against any wounds su ered. passes any Panic tests it is required to make for
any reason, it must still make this test and,
should it fail, it will Give Ground.
Daemonology Magic Missile Daemonology Conveyance Daemonology Hex Daemonology Assailment
Range: 18" Cast on 9+ Range: 15" Cast on 9+ Range: 12" Cast on 9+ Range: Combat Cast on 8+

0. The Summoning 1. Steed of Shadows 2. Gathering Darkness 3. Daemonic Familiars

At the Daemonologist's command, strange forms gather
From the Realm of Chaos, the Daemonologist summons Coal-black daemonic steeds materialise from the air, about the foe, their whispered taunts draining The Daemonologist's many familiars fall upon the foe,
forth daemonic beasts to strike at their foes. bearing warriors aloft on wings of shadow. the enemy's courage. slashing and biting with incorporeal claws and teeth.

The target enemy unit su ers 2D6 Strength 4 hits, This spell can only target friendly models Until your next Start of Turn sub-phase, the target A single enemy unit the caster is engaged
each with an AP of -1. whose troop type is infantry. If the target friendly enemy unit su ers a -2 modifier to its Initiative in combat with su ers 2D6 Strength 2 hits,
unit is not fleeing and has not already moved characteristic (to a minimum of 1), a -2 modifier with no armour save permitted (Ward
during this Movement phase, it gains to its Leadership characteristic (to a minimum of 2) and Regeneration saves can be attempted
the Fly (12) special rule until your next Start and cannot use their General's Inspiring Presence as normal).
of Turn sub-phase. special rule. This spell may target an enemy unit
engaged in combat.

Daemonology Enchantment Daemonology Magical Vorte Daemonology Enchantment

Range: Self Cast on 10+ Range: 15" Cast on 8+ Range: 15" Cast on 9+

4. Daemonic Vessel 5. Vortex of Chaos 6. Daemonic Vigour

At the Daemonologist's bidding, otherworldly entities rush
forth to take possession of their allies, filling their bodies A swirling tear in reality opens, through which daemonic As the Daemonologist mutters verses aloud from
with unnatural ferocity. beasts grasp at those that venture too close. a proscribed text, their allies fill with a daemonic vitality.

Until the end of this turn, the caster, their mount Remains in Play. Place a small (3") blast template Until the end of this turn, the target friendly unit
and any unit they have joined, gain a +1 modifier so that its central hole is within 15" of the caster. gains a +1 modifier to its Movement, Toughness
to their Strength and Attacks characteristics Whilst in play, the template is treated as di cult and Initiative characteristics (to a maximum of 10).
(to a maximum of 10), and improve the Armour terrain. The template moves D6" in a random
Piercing characteristic of their weapons by 1. direction during every Start of Turn sub-phase.
Any unit (friend or foe) the moving template
touches or moves over su ers D6+1 Strength
3 hits, each with an AP of -.
Dark Magic Magic Missile Dark Magic Hex Dark Magic Assailment Dark Magic Conveyance
Range: 24" Cast on 8+ Range: 18" Cast on 10+ Range: Combat Cast on 8+ Range: 12" Cast on 10+

0. Doombolt 1. Word of Pain 2. Stream of Corruption 3. Infernal Gateway

At the Dark Mage's bidding, a bolt of black lightning tears The Dark Mage chants incomprehensible syllables, From the fingertips of the Dark Mage corrupted magic The Dark Mage reveals a hidden passageway through
from the heavens and stabs at the earth. each more torturous than the last. flows, flaying the flesh of the enemy. the Realm of Chaos.

Place a small (3") blast template so that its central Until your next Start of Turn sub-phase, Place a flame template so that the narrow end This spell can only target friendly characters,
hole is directly over the centre of the target enemy the target enemy unit su ers a -1 modifier touches the caster's base edge and the broad end but may target characters engaged in combat.
unit. Any enemy model whose base lies underneath to its Strength and Toughness characteristics is over a unit they are engaged in combat with. If the target friendly character is not fleeing,
the template risks being hit and su ering a single (to a minimum of 1). This spell may target Any model (friend or foe) whose base lies you may immediately remove it from the battlefield
Strength 3 hit with an AP of -2. an enemy unit engaged in combat. underneath the template risks being hit and replace it anywhere within 12" of its original
and su ering a single Strength 3 hit with location, but not within 6" of any enemy models.
an AP of -1.

Dark Magic Magical Vortex Dark Magic Enchantment Dark Magic Assailment
Range: 12" Cast on 9+ Range: 12" Cast on 9+ Range: Combat Cast on 7+

4. Phantasmagoria 5. Battle Lust 6. Soul Eater

Dark visions beset the enemy ranks, driving warriors The builds within those near to the Dark Mage, filling them The Dark Mage reaches out a taloned hand to tear
into blind panic or suicidal rage. with a terrible lust for bloodshed. at the very soul of their enemy.

Remains in Play. Place a small (3") blast template Until the end of this turn, the target friendly unit A single enemy model the caster is engaged
so that its central hole is within 12" of the caster. gains the Frenzy and Hatred (all enemies) in combat with su ers a single Strength 3 hit
Whilst in play, the template does not move special rules. with the Multiple Wounds (3) special rule
and is treated as dangerous terrain. Enemy units and with no armour save permitted
that end their movement within 12" of the template (Ward and Regeneration saves can be attempted
must immediately make a Panic test. as normal).
Those that fail will Fall Back in Good Order or flee
directly away from the template. Those that pass
(or that do not have to make the test) become
subject to the Impetuous special rule whilst
they remain within 12" of the template.
Elementalism Hex Elementalism Assailment Elementalism Hex Elementalism Magical Vortex
Range: 12" Cast on 7+ Range: Combat Cast on 8+ Range: 21" Cast on 9+ Range: 15" Cast on 9+

0. Storm Call 1. Flaming Sword 2. Plague of Rust 3. Summon Elemental Spirit

The Elementalist channels the fury of a storm towards As the Elementalist utters a curse, the armour of
their foes, causing strong winds and icy rains to batter With a simple gesture, the Elementalist summons a great, the enemy loses its lustre, corroding and crumbling The Elementalist summons forth a powerful spirit of earth,
against them. flaming sword with which to strike at their enemies. from their bodies. wind, water or fire to do their bidding.

Until your next Start of Turn sub-phase, the target A single enemy unit the caster is engaged Until your next Start of Turn sub-phase, the target Remains in Play. Place a small (3") blast template
enemy unit su ers a -1 modifier to its Movement in combat with su ers D6+1 Strength 3 hits, enemy unit su ers a -2 modifier to its armour value. so that its central hole is within 15" of the caster.
and Initiative characteristics (to a minimum of 1). each with an AP of -. These hits have This spell may target an enemy unit engaged Whilst in play, the template is treated as dangerous
If this spell is cast, the e ects of any other Hex the Flaming Attacks special rule. in combat. terrain over which no line of sight can be drawn.
previously cast on the target unit immediately The template moves D6" in a random direction
expire. during every Start of Turn subphase. Any enemy
unit the moving template touches or moves over
su ers D3+3 Strength 4 hits, each with an AP of -1.

Elementalism Enchantment Elementalism Magic Missile Elementalism Conveyance

Range: 15" Cast on 10+ Range: 15" Cast on 8+ Range: 9" Cast on 10+

4. Earthen Ramparts 5. Wind Blast 6. Travel Mystical Pathway

Tapping into the power of the Geomantic Web,
At the Elementalist's summoning, mighty earthen ramparts A mighty wind rips enemy warriors from their regiments, the Elementalist opens a portal through
rise up about their allies. dashing them against the hard earth. which their allies can travel.

Until your next Start of Turn sub-phase, the target The target enemy unit su ers D3+3 Strength 5 hits, If the target friendly unit is not fleeing
friendly unit gains a 5+ Ward save against each with an AP of -1. Once these hits have been and has not already moved during this Movement
any wounds su ered and counts as being behind resolved, the unit must Give Ground. phase, you may immediately remove it from
a defended low linear obstacle if charged. the battlefield and replace it anywhere within 12"
However, whilst this spell is in play the target unit of its original location, but not within 6"
cannot march or charge. of any enemy models. The target friendly unit
cannot move again during this Movement phase.
High Magic Hex High Magic Conveyance High Magic Magic Missile High Magic Magical Vortex
Range: Self Cast on 9+ Range: Self Cast on 10+ Range: 18" Cast on 10+ Range: 12" Cast on 9+

0. Drain Magic 1. Walk Between Worlds 2. Fiery Convocation 3. Tempest

As the High Mage draws the Winds of Magic to themselves, The High Mage causes their allies to drift in and out
other Wizards find themselves struggling to access of reality, enabling them to pass through terrain At the High Mage's bidding, a roiling storm of fire erupts The High Mage summons forth a tempest of rain and sleet,
their powers. as if it was not there. within the midst of the enemy line. the centre of which is all but impenetrable.

Remains in Play. Whilst this spell is in play, enemy Until your next Start of Turn sub-phase, the caster Place a large (5") blast template so that Remains in Play. Place a small (3") blast template
Wizards that are within 24" of the caster's model and any unit they have joined gain the Ethereal its central hole is directly over the centre so that its central hole is within 12" of the caster.
when attempting to cast a spell must increase and Reserve Move special rules. of the target enemy unit. Once placed, Whilst in play, the template does not move
that spell's casting value by 2. the template will scatter D3+1". Any enemy model and is treated as dangerous terrain.
whose base lies underneath the template's final Whilst within 6" of the template, enemy units
position risks being hit and su ering treat open ground as di cult terrain
a Strength 4 hit with an AP of -2. These hits and di cult terrain as dangerous terrain.
have the Flaming Attacks special rule.

High Magic Assailment High Magic Enchantment High Magic Enchantment

Range: Combat Cast on 8+ Range: 12" Cast on 9+ Range: 18" Cast on 9+

4. Corporeal Unmaking 5. Fury of Khaine 6. Shield of Saphery

White light bursts forth from the High Mage's outstretched
The physical forms of the High Mage's enemies The High Mage beseeches Khaine, God of Murder, hands, clinging to armour and arcing overhead to form
begin to unravel, turning to dust on the wind. to bestow his fury on the High Mage's allies. a protective barrier around their allies.

A single enemy unit the caster is engaged Until the end of this turn, the target friendly unit Until the end of this turn, the target friendly unit
in combat with su ers D3 Strength 5 hits, gains the Extra Attacks (+1) special rule. This spell gains a 5+ Ward save against any wounds su ered.
with no armour or Regeneration saves permitted may target a friendly unit engaged in combat. If this spell is cast, the e ects of any other
(Ward saves can be attempted as normal). Enchantment previously cast on the target unit
immediately expire.
Illusion Enchantment Illusion Magic Missile Illusion Conveyance Illusion Magical Vortex
Range: Self Cast on 8+ Range: 15" Cast on 7+ Range: 12" Cast on 8+ Range: 9" Cast on 10+

0. Glittering Robe 1. Mind Razor 2. Shimmering Dragon 3. Column of Crystal

Shimmering light radiates from the Illusionist's garb, Torturous illusion grips the enemy. Only those with An incorporeal Dragon materialises over the battlefield, The Illusionist conjures forth an illusory column of crystal.
dazzling and confounding the enemy. the strongest of wills can resist. stooping low to bear aloft a mighty champion. All that see it believe it to be utterly impenetrable.

Until your next Start of Turn sub-phase, enemy The target enemy unit must immediately make This spell can only target friendly characters. Remains in Play. Place a large (5") blast template
units su er a -1 modifier to any rolls To Hit made a Leadership test. If this test is passed, it su ers If the target friendly character is not fleeing so that its central hole is within 9" of the caster.
against the caster and any unit they have joined. D3 Strength 3 hits, each with an AP of -. and has not already moved during this Movement Whilst in play, the template does not move
If this spell is cast, the e ects of any other If, however, this test is failed, it su ers D3+3 phase, it gains the Fly (10) special rule until and is treated as impassable terrain over which
Enchantment previously cast on any of the a ected Strength 4 hits, each with an AP of -3. the end of this turn. no line of sight can be drawn.
models immediately expire.

Illusion Hex Illusion Assailment Illusion Hex

Range: 9" Cast on 9+ Range: Combat Cast on 9+ Range: 15" Cast on 11+

4. Confounding Convocation 5. Spectral Doppelganger 6. Miasmic Mirage

The enemy is bombarded by wild and disorienting images Like the surface of a mirror struck a mighty blow, Around the feet of the enemy, the earth itself shifts
and dancing lights that render them all but blind the Illusionist's image fractures, revealing myriad and blurs, causing warriors to trip and stumble
to the world around them. doppelganger likenesses. upon half-imagined obstacles.

Remains in Play. Whilst this spell is in play, A single enemy unit the caster is engaged Until your next Start of Turn sub-phase, the target
the target enemy unit becomes subject in combat with su ers 2D6 hits, resolved using enemy unit su ers a -2 modifier to its Movement
to the Stupidity special rule. the characteristics and special rules of the caster characteristic (to a minimum of 1) and cannot
and of any weapon they carry. march or charge. If this spell is cast, the e ects
of any other Hex previously cast on the target
unit immediately expire.
Necromancy Assailment Necromancy Enchantment Necromancy Magic Missile Necromancy Magical Vortex
Range: Combat Cast on 7+ Range: Self Cast on 10+ Range: 15" Cast on 8+ Range: 12" Cast on 11+

0. The Dwellers Below 1. Deathly Cabal 2. Unquiet Spirits 3. Spiritual Vortex

From beyond the veil of death, unquiet spirits
Beneath the enemy the cold dirt parts, gather protectively around the Necromancer,
revealing spectral hands that reach to grasp their presence causing the foe to recoil in fear Evil spirits gather around the enemy, their spectral The Necromancer gestures and dark energy swirls,
at the foe and pull them into the underworld. and dready. talons creeping beneath armour to tear at flesh. opening a vortex into the realm of Morr, god of death.

Place a small (3") blast template so that Until your next Start of Turn sub-phase, The target enemy unit su ers 3D6 Strength 2 hits, Remains in Play. Place a large (5") blast template
its central hole is directly over the centre of the caster and any unit they have joined gain with no armour save permitted so that its central hole is within 12" of the caster.
a unit the caster is engaged in combat with. a 6+ Ward save against any wounds su ered (Ward and Regeneration saves can be attempted Whilst in play, the template does not move
Once placed, the template will scatter D3+1". that were caused by a non-magical enemy attack. as normal). and is treated as dangerous terrain.
Any enemy model whose base lies underneath In addition, whilst this spell is in play, Whilst within 8" of the template, enemy units
the template's final position risks being hit the a ected models gain the Fear special rule. su er a -1 modifier to their Leadership
and su ering a single Strength 3 hit If they already have the Fear special rule, they characteristic (to a minimum of 2) and cannot use
with an AP of -. instead gain the Terror special rule. their General's Inspiring Presence special rule.

Necromancy Hex Necromancy Conveyance Necromancy Hex

Range: 15" Cast on 10+ Range: 12" Cast on 9+ Range: 18" Cast on 8+

4. Curse of Years 5. Spectral Steed 6. Spirit Leech

As dead things draw near, they feed hungrily upon As the Necromancer chants words of dark power, Chill winds gust and long shadows gather, sapping
the vital energy of the living, ageing them rapidly. a ghostly steed forms from the night air. the enemy's will and sowing seeds of dread.

Until your next Start of Turn sub-phase, Remains in Play. This spell can only target friendly Until the end of this turn, the target enemy unit
the target enemy unit su ers a -1 modifier characters whose troop type is infantry. su ers a -2 modifier to its Leadership
to its Movement, Weapon Skill and Toughness Whilst this spell is in play, the target friendly characteristic (to a minimum of 2) and cannot use
characteristics (to a minimum of 1). If this spell character gains the Ethereal and Fly (10) their General's Inspiring Presence special rule.
is cast, the e ects of any other Hex previously special rules. This spell may target an enemy unit engaged
cast on the target unit immediately expire. in combat.
Waaagh! Magic Assailment Waaagh! Magic Magic Missile Waaagh! Magic Conveyance Waaagh! Magic Hex
Range: Combat Cast on 9+ Range: 21" Cast on 8+ Range: 18" Cast on 7+ Range: 15" Cast on 10+

0. Fist of Gork 1. Vindictive Glare 2. Hand of Mork 3. Bad Moon Rizin'

In response to the Shaman's frantic hopping Their brows furrowed and their teeth clenched, The Shaman summons a great pale moon above
and gesticulating, a great green fist materialises from the Shaman's glare is so intense that their enemies A huge green hand appears from above and, with great care, the battlefield. Trembling under its baleful gaze,
the air and wallops the foe! visibly wither. flicks a hero across the battlefield. the enemy can barely lift their weapons!

Place a large (5") blast template so that its central The target enemy unit su ers a single This spell can only target friendly characters, Until the end of this turn, the target enemy unit
hole is directly over the centre of a unit the caster Strength 7 hit with the Multiple Wounds (D3) but may target characters engaged in combat. su ers a -D3 modifier to its Weapon Skill
is engaged in combat with. Once placed, special rule and with no armour save permitted You may immediately remove the target friendly and Initiative characteristics (to a minimum of 1).
the template will scatter D3"+1. Any model (Ward and Regeneration saves can be attempted character from the battlefield and replace it
(friend or foe) whose base lies underneath as normal). This spell may target an enemy unit anywhere within 2D6" of its original location,
the template's final position risks being hit engaged in combat. but not within 3" of any enemy models. However,
and su ering a single Strength 4 hit if a double 1 is rolled, the character lands badly
with an AP of -1. and loses a single Wound.

Waaagh! Magic Enchantment Waaagh! Magic Enchantment Waaagh! Magic Magical Vortex
Range: Self Cast on 9+ Range: Self Cast on 9+ Range: 15" Cast on 8+

4. Evil Sun Shinin' 5. 'Ere We Go! 6. Foot of Gork

The sun is out and there's an enemy army over there – it's The Shaman begins a simple chant which is quickly There's a massive green foot on the battlefield
a great day for a battle! 'Ave at it Boyz! and enthusiastically taken up by their friends. and it seems to be moving!

Until your next Start of Turn sub-phase, friendly Any friendly unit that is within the caster's Remains in Play. Place a large (5") blast template
units that are within the caster's Command range Command range during the Declare so that its central hole is within 15" of the caster.
may re-roll any rolls To Hit of a natural 1, Charges & Charge Reactions sub-phase Whilst in play, the template is treated
and improve the Armour Piercing characteristic of this turn increases its maximum possible charge as dangerous terrain. The template moves 2D6"
of their weapons by 1. range by 3" and, when it makes a Charge roll, in a random direction during every Start of Turn
may apply a +D3 modifier to the result. sub-phase. Any unit (friend or foe) the moving
template touches or moves over su ers D3+3
Strength 5 hits, each with an AP of -1.
Lore of Beasts Magic Missile Lore of Beasts Magic Missile Lore of Beasts Enchantment
Range: 15" Cast on 8+ Range: 15" Cast on 8+ Range: Self Cast on 8+

0. Viletide 0. Devolve 0. Mantle of Ghorok

The Shaman calls to the creeping things that nest Ghorok was a legendary Minotaur, ferocious as a storm.
in the decaying undergrowth, creating a vile wave Delving into their enemies' minds, the Shaman magnifies When possessed by his spirit-mantle, a Shaman becomes
of spiders, centipedes and slugbeetles that swarm the savage and animalistic parts of their psyche until they a terror on the battlefield, though to summon his rage
over the foe. are no more than growling beasts. is not without risk.

The target enemy unit su ers 5D6 Strength 1 hits, The target enemy unit must immediately make Until the end of this turn, the caster gains a +D6
with no armour save permitted (Ward a Leadership test. If this test is failed, it loses modifier to their Strength and Attacks
and Regeneration saves can be attempted a number of Wounds equal to the amount characteristics (to a maximum of 10). However,
as normal). by which it failed the test. if a 6 is rolled, this modifier is lost and the caster
instead loses a single Wound.
Lore of Hashut Magic Missile Lore of Hashut Hex Lore of Hashut Assailment
Range: 18" Cast on 9+ Range: Self Cast on 10+ Range: Combat Cast on 9+

0. Curse of Hashut 0. Storm of Ash 0. Flames of Hashut

Channelling the malediction that inflicts their own twisted
body, the sorcerer turns the dark curse of Hashut
upon their enemies, causing their bones to petrify The sorcerer summons forth a hellish storm of choking hot
and their flesh to grow grey and brittle, before crumbling ash, scalding and blinding anything and anyone unfortunate The fiery breath of Hashut erupts around the sorcerer,
to dust. enough to be caught in its path. engulfing their body and scorching their foes.

This spell can only target enemy characters. However, Until your next Start of Turn sub-phase, all enemy A single enemy unit the caster is engaged
it may target any enemy character that is within range units su er a -1 modifier to any rolls To Hit made in combat with su ers D3+1 Strength 4 hits,
and that the caster can draw a line of sight to, regardless whilst within 9" of the caster's model (rolls of each with an AP of -1. These hits have
of the usual rules for targeting characters, and may even
a natural 6 are una ected). the Flaming Attacks special rule.
target an enemy character that has joined a unit
or that is engaged in combat.
The target enemy character must immediately make
a Toughness test. If this test is passed, it su ers D3
Strength 2 hits, each with an AP of -. If, however, this test
is failed, it su ers D3+2 Strength 5 hits, with no armour
or Regeneration saves permitted (Ward saves can
be attempted as normal).
Lore of Daemons Magical Vortex Lore of Daemons Hex Lore of Daemons Magic Missile Lore of Daemons Hex
Range: 12" Cast on 7+ Range: 12" Cast on 10+ Range: 18" Cast on 8+ Range: 12" Cast on 8+/12+

0. Plague Wind 0. Cacophonic Hymn 0. Pink Fire 0. Gift of Mutation

The Daemon's unnatural song peels away the enchantments The Daemon cackles maniacally as the warping magic
A debilitating cloud of noxious air forms, swirling around that protect its enemies and its perverse melody boggles As the cackling Daemon prances and gestures, pink flames of Tzeentch flows through its enemies, sending waves
the battlefield and infecting all it touches. their wits. rise from the earth to envelope its enemies. of mutation through their minds and bodies.

Daemons of Nurgle only. Remains in Play. Place Daemons of Slaanesh only. Remains in Play. Daemons of Tzeentch only. The target enemy unit Daemons of Tzeentch only. If this spell is cast with
a small (3") blast template so that its central hole If this spell is cast, the e ects of any enchantment su ers D3+3 Strength 3 hits, each with an AP of - a casting result of 8 or more, the target enemy unit
is within 12" of the caster. Whilst in play, spell previously cast on the target unit immediately and with the Flaming Attacks special rule. su ers a -D3 modifier to one of the following
the template is treated as dangerous terrain. expire. In addition, whilst this spell is in play, characteristics (to a minimum of 1, chosen by the
The template moves D6" in a random direction the target unit becomes subject to the Stupidity casting player). If this spell is cast with a casting
during every Start of Turn sub-phase. Any unit special rule. result of 12 or more, the target enemy unit su ers
(friend or foe, but not including Daemons of Nurgle) a -D3 modifier to two of the following
the moving template touches or moves over su ers characteristics (to a minimum of 1, chosen by the
a -1 modifier to its Toughness characteristic casting player). This spell lasts until your next
for the remainder of the turn. Start of Turn sub-phase:
Weapon Skill, Strength, Toughness
Lore of Lustria Enchantment Lore of Lustria Magical Vortex Lizardmen Magic Missile Lizardmen Magic Missile
Range: 24" Cast on 10+/12+ Range: 15" Cast on 8+ Range: 24" Cast on 9+ Range: 15" Cast on 8+

0. Apotheosis 0. Monsoon Solar Engine Engine of the Gods

Beam of Chotec Burning Alignment
Waves of pure magic infuse the caster's ally, healing Without warning, an eight-winded storm breaks about
their wounds and giving them a palpable aura of power the foe. Torrential rain drenches weapons and armour,
and dread. loosening bowstrings and soaking black powder. Bound spell, with a Power Level of 2 Bound spell, with a Power Level of 3

This spell can only target friendly characters Remains in Play. Place a large (5") blast template so that The target enemy unit su ers 3D3 Strength 5 hits, The target enemy unit su ers 2D6 Strength 4 hits,
whose troop type is infantry or cavalry, its central hole is within 15" of the caster. Whilst in play, each with an AP of -2. This Bound spell has each with an AP of -. This Bound spell has
but may target characters engaged in combat. the template is treated as dangerous terrain over which the Flaming Attacks special rule. the Flaming Attacks special rul
no line of sight can be drawn. The template moves D6"
If this spell is cast with a casting result of 10
in a random direction during every Start of Turn sub-phase.
or more, the target friendly model immediately Any enemy unit the moving template touches or moves
regains D3 lost Wounds. If this spell is cast with over becomes 'drenched' for the remainder of the game.
a casting result of 12 or more, the target friendly
model immediately regains D3+1 lost Wounds. A drenched unit su ers a -1 To Hit modifier during
In addition, the target friendly character gains the Shooting phase. A drenched model whose troop type
the Fear special rule. If they already have the Fear is 'war machine' must roll a D6 before shooting. On a roll
special rule, they instead gain the Terror special rule. of 1, the model fails to shoot this turn.

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