Creation of Holder: Autodesk, Inc. September 22, 2011 Authored By: Vinayak Daiv

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Creation of Holder

Autodesk, Inc. September 22, 2011 Authored by: Vinayak Daiv

Creation of Holder
Revision History:
Document Detail Version: Date: Author: Contributors: 22-Sep-2011 Vinayak Daiv <Add names of anyone reviewing or providing information>

Change Control Issue Date 22-Sep-11 27-Sep-11 Version Details Working Draft Working Draft Author Vinayak Daiv Vinayak Daiv

Creation of Holder 9/22/2011

Scenario Details:

In this Scenario, we will create Holder. Its a mechanical component used to hold tyre inflator pipe.
Features used:

Unit Selection Solid: Extrude - Join, One direction Extrude, Distance, To Combine Shell Fillet Move / Rotate / Scale Insert Component Pattern Revolve Hole

Construction: - Workpoint creation Dimensions - Linear - Diameter Add 2D Sheet - Insert Views Apply Material Publish to AutoCAD WS
Creation of Holder | 9/22/2011

1. Launching 123D application:
1.1. Launch 123D Application, you will get Started Dialog 1.2. Click on Open button

Creation of Holder 9/22/2011

You will get a window to select a file. Select file Base.123D and click on open.

1.3 Select Millimeters as Unit. Move mouse point on scale where units are defined, and select MM as units.

2. Creating Base:
2.1. Activate the Base Plate component. Click on Extrude and select the circular sketch. 2.2. Extrude the sketch in Negative X-Direction by -5 mm.

Creation of Holder | 9/22/2011

2.3. Click OK to commit the changes.

3. Creating a Shell:
3.1. Click on Create -> Shell 3.2. Select the Left View and click on the face.

Creation of Holder 9/22/2011

3.3. Enter 1.5mm as the thickness of shell.

3.4. Click OK to commit the changes.

4. Creating hole:
4.1. Select the Right View. 4.2. Select Hole command and click on the workpoint.

4.3. Create a Hole of 4mm diameter .

Creation of Holder | 9/22/2011

5. Creation of Circular Pattern:

5.1. Select Home View. Launch Circular Pattern command. Select the cylindrical face as feature to pattern and select the X axis as the center of pattern.

5.2. Click on OK to commit the changes.

Creation of Holder 9/22/2011

6. Creating Hollow Shaft:

6.1. Hide the Base Plate component and activate the Hollow Shaft component. Launch Extrude command and select the profile. Extrude by 30mm distance.

Click OK to commit the changes. 6.2. Select Left View. Launch Shell command select the face. Enter shell thickness as 1.5mm.

Creation of Holder | 9/22/2011

Click OK to commit the changes.

7. Crating Hole and Applying Fillets :

7.1. Unhide the Base Plate component. Also, active the base component. The model will look like

Creation of Holder 9/22/2011

7.2 Click on Combine and select the base plate and the hollow shaft to Combine. Choose the join option. Note that now it will be a single Solid.

7.3 Create a workpoint at the center of the top face of shaft.

7.4 Create a hole of Diameter 20mm till distance of 5mm inside the shaft.


Creation of Holder | 9/22/2011

7.5 Create a fillet of 1.5mm at the base of the hollow shaft.

Creation of Holder 9/22/2011

8. Insert spherical ball:

8.1 Create a Sphere of radius13.5mm using the origin as center.


8.2 Select the sphere solid and move along positive X axis by 20mm.


Creation of Holder | 9/22/2011

The final base model will look like this

8.3 Save the document.

9. Create Attachment:
9.1 Open the file Attachment.123D. Select front view and activate Cup component. 9.2 Click on Rotate. Select the profile and axis as shown.


Creation of Holder 9/22/2011

9.3 Enter angle as 270 deg. Click OK to commit changes.

9.4 Select Top View. Select the solid and launch move / rotate / scale.

Click ok to commit changes.

9.5 Unhide the Pin component & activate it. Launch Extrude. Select the sketch as profile. Choose To option for length and select the outer face of cup.


Creation of Holder | 9/22/2011

Click OK to commit changes. You will get this result.

Creation of Holder 9/22/2011

9.6 Select left view. Select the rectangular face and launch move / rotate / scale command. Move the face downwards by -5mm.



Create Combine and Fillet:

10.1 Activate attachment component. Select the cup and pin to combine.

10.2 Apply fillet of 1.5mm at the four edges.


Creation of Holder | 9/22/2011

You will get the output as:

Save the document and close it.

Creation of Holder 9/22/2011



Insert Component & Combine:

11.1 Go back to Base document & activate Base component. 11.2 Select Insert component. Select the file attachement.123D. Insert such that the pin slightly merges with the sphere.

11.3 Select the component Attachment Copy 1:1 and launch move/rotate/command. Scale it uniformly by factor 1.25


Creation of Holder | 9/22/2011

11.4 Move in X and Z direction so that the pin slightly merges into the sphere. Click OK to commit the changes.

11.5 Create combine of Spherical body and the attachment. Hide all workpoints ans work axis.


Creation of Holder 9/22/2011


Add Dimensions:
Add dimensions as shown below.


Hide the dimensions by hiding the Annotation Planes in the browser.


Creation of Holder | 9/22/2011


Add 2D Sheet:
Add a 2d Sheet. Insert a Front view with 1:1 scale. Insert Iso-Top View with 2:1 scale.

13.1 13.2 13.3


Creation of Holder 9/22/2011


Apply Material:
Select the model > right click, on contextual menu, select Material.


Apply Aluminum 6061 as a material. Final look will be.

Creation of Holder | 9/22/2011


15.1 15.2 15.3

Publish to AutoCAD WS:

Goto Publish -> AutoCAD WS Enter Login and Password. Click on Upload.

Creation of Holder 9/22/2011

End of Test case.


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