GEC 3 Analysis

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Advantage and disadvantage of implementing the Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program (4Ps) in the Philippines.

The Philippines, like many developing nations has been grappling with the issues of poverty and income inequality for decades. Various
policies have been implemented to address these challenges, with varying degrees of success. One of the most signifcant policies aimed
at reducing poverty is the poverty reduction strategy that locates poverty reduction within economic development planning, bridging
national and local poverty planning. To address this challenge, the government has implemented various policies which is one of those
policies is the Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program (4Ps), a Conditional Cash Transfer (CCT) Program. This program is designed to
alleviate poverty by providing financial aid to the poorest household.

The 4Ps was launched in 2008 by the Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD). This program provides cash grants the
poor households on the condition that they comply with certain requirements such as sending their children to school and bringing
them for regular check-ups.The Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program (4Ps) is implemented in the Philippines to address the issue of
poverty because of first is Poverty Alleviation: The primary goal of 4Ps is to alleviate poverty by providing cash grants to poor
households. These grants help meet their basic needs, such as food, education, and healthcare, and reduce their vulnerability to
economic shocks. Second is the Human Capital Investment: 4Ps aims to invest in human capital by providing conditional cash transfers.
The program requires beneficiaries to fulfill certain conditions, such as sending their children to school, attending health check-ups, and
participating in family development sessions. By incentivizing education and health-seeking behavior, 4Ps aims to break the
intergenerational cycle of poverty and improve the long-term prospects of the beneficiaries. Third is Social Protection: 4Ps serves as a
social safety net for vulnerable households. It targets the poorest of the poor and helps protect them from the risks and uncertainties
associated with poverty. The cash grants provide a buffer against economic shocks and help improve the overall well-being of the
beneficiaries. Lastly, Empowerment and Social Inclusion: By providing cash grants directly to women in the household, 4Ps aims to
empower women and promote gender equality. It recognizes the important role of women in managing household resources and
decision-making. Additionally, 4Ps promotes social inclusion by targeting marginalized groups, such as indigenous peoples and persons
with disabilities, and ensuring their participation in the program. Overall, 4Ps is implemented to address poverty, invest in human
capital, provide social protection, empower women, and promote social inclusion. It is part of the government's efforts to achieve
inclusive and sustainable development in the Philippines.

In terms of effectiveness, the 4Ps showing positive results because firstly, the program provides conditional cash transfers to eligible
families, which helps alleviate poverty and improve the living conditions of the beneficiaries. This financial assistance enables families
to meet their basic needs, such as food, education, and healthcare, leading to improved overall well-being. Secondly, the 4Ps program
has a strong focus on human capital development. It requires beneficiaries to comply with certain conditions, such as sending their
children to school and ensuring regular health check-ups. This emphasis on education and healthcare contributes to the long-term
development of individuals and communities, breaking the cycle of poverty. Furthermore, the program implements a comprehensive
monitoring and evaluation system to ensure accountability and transparency. Regular assessments are conducted to measure the
impact and effectiveness of the program, allowing for necessary adjustments and improvements.

The Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program (4Ps) has shown positive results in reducing poverty and improving the well-being of Filipino
families. However, there are several challenges and limitations associated with the program. One challenge is accurately identifying and
targeting the most deserving beneficiaries. Ensuring that the program reaches the intended beneficiaries and avoids inclusion or
exclusion errors can be a complex task. Additionally, consistent compliance with the program's conditions, such as sending children to
school and attending health check-ups, can be challenging, especially in areas with limited access to education and healthcare services.
The long-term sustainability of the program is also a concern, as it relies on government funding. Adequate administrative capacity,
including staffing, training, and monitoring systems, is crucial for effective implementation. Graduation from the program and reducing
dependency on cash transfers can be difficult for beneficiaries. Social stigma and discrimination may also affect the self-esteem and
social integration of program participants. Addressing these challenges requires continuous evaluation, adaptation, and improvement
of the program to ensure its effectiveness and long-term impact on poverty reduction and human development.

In conclusion, The beneficiaries of the Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program (4Ps) were selected among all the Philippines’ Provinces.
The beneficiarys’ assessment of the implementation of the 4Ps determines the extent of effectiveness and impacts of the policy on
their lives. From the reviewed research, it can be concluded that the impact of 4Ps in health is significant as it served its purpose. The
program has achieved its goal in health and nutrition although there’s no evidence that it improved the skilled birth attendance. In
terms of education, 4Ps also serve its purpose to the beneficiaries. Beneficiaries perform well in their academics and other aspects of
education like improved access to education, increased attendance, enhanced grades, are among of the improvements from the
beneficiaries. Although the results of the review show improvement and effectiveness of the 4Ps to the beneficiaries, problems like
claiming the financial assistance, financial literacy of the beneficiaries, unqualified beneficiaries who are not supposed to be in the
program, and beneficiaries not fully aware of the 4Ps, were also uncovered by the review materials.

The implementation of the Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program (4Ps) has resulted in several positive outcomes. These include a
reduction in poverty rates, improved access to education and healthcare, enhanced well-being of beneficiary households,
empowerment of women, strengthened social protection, and increased accountability and transparency. These positive results
demonstrate the effectiveness of the 4Ps program in addressing poverty and improving the lives of Filipino families.However, it is
important to recognize that the 4Ps program has its challenges and limitations. While it provides immediate relief, it does not address
the underlying causes of poverty. To achieve sustainable poverty reduction and income equality, comprehensive policies that tackle
structural issues such as job creation, education, healthcare, corruption, and infrastructure are necessary. By addressing these
challenges and limitations, policymakers can enhance the effectiveness of the 4Ps program and work towards achieving long-term
sustainable development for all Filipinos.

April 8 2024

Dear Jude Villaraza & Dale Armamento

I hope this message finds you well. I am writing this to inform you that I, Peah Yvonne Coronia, will not be able to fulfill my duties as a
aspirants on April 14 2024 and April 21 2024 due to some reasons.

I'm sorry but I won't be able to attend Sunday mass on April 14 2024 , because I have something important to do in our parish as a
lector/commentator and we also have a meeting as one of the SK official in our Barangay.

I also apologize for the coming April 21 2024, because it is our feast and as a SK official, our Barangay captain is asking for our presence
and cooperation in the feast that held by our patron which is the "Mother of perpetual help". After this is event , I promise that I will
return to serving here in Sta Rita Parish.

Thank you for understanding. I look forward to returning to my duties as soon as possible.

Sincerely yours,

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