Psy 101 L 1 - 8 Imp Mcqs

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Psy 101 Imp Mcqs

Lesson 1-8
1. Who presented a comprehensive theory of motivation?
Abraham Maslow
2. All of the following are the areas of interest for Behaviorists EXCEPT:
Unconscious desires
3. Who gave the concept of Tabula Rasa?
John Locke
4. All of the following are the sources of data collection in the surveys EXCEPT:
Physical traces
5. Rogers maintained that the therapist must possess all of the following qualities EXCEPT:
Counter transference
6. Who presented the concept of Cognitive Maps?
Edwards Tolman
7. Which of the following field psychology mainly deals with likes and dislikes preferences
of people?
Consumer psychology
8. Which of the following research methods was used by functionalists?
Longitudinal research
9. Which of the following approaches rejects the idea that biological forces, unconscious
processes,or environment behavior?
Humanistic approaches
10. Who among the following discovered the speech center in the brain?
Paul Broca
11. All of the following are the types of drugs EXCEPT:
12. Which of the following approaches emphasizes an individual's freedom and will power?
13. Who among the following is the author of the book The Origin of species?
Charles Darwin
14. Which of the following need as proposed by Maslow is fulfilled through marriage and
Love and belongingness.
15. Who among the following gave the first classification system of mental disorder?
Emil Kroeplin
16. Who gave the concept of geographical versus behavioral environment?
Kurt Koffka
17. Which of the following therapies was introduced by Albert Ellis?
Rational-Emotive Behavior Therapy
18. According to which of the following theory, people make changes in their behavior by
watching or imitating others?
Observational learning theory
19. Which perspective of psychology emerged out of a desire to understand the conscious
mind,free,will,human dignity,and the capacity for self respect:
20. Which of the following approaches rejects the idea that biological forces, unconscious
processes or environment determines behavior?
Humanistic approach
21. In which of the following therapy of brief electric current is sent through the brain of the
anesthetized patient?
Electro-convulsive therapy
22. According to psychosexual development stages, which of the following stages lasts from
1.5 to 3 years of age?
The Anal stage
23. Which of the following refers to the perceptual tendency to fill in the gaps and complete
the contours?
24. According to wundt, which of the following is the subject matter of psychology?
Immediate experience
25. A branch of psychology that studies the psychology in action at the workplace is known
as which of the following?
Industrial/ Organizational psychology
26. Who among the following gave the concept of social learning?
Albert Bandura
27. According to Imam- Ghazali, there are six powers of Sell which of the following is NOT
one of them?
28. During which development stage of personality as proposed by Freud, the genital area
becomes the erogenous zone for the child?
Phallic Stage
29. Who among the following gave the concept of insight?
Wolfgang Kohler
30. Which of the following means negative correlation?
High values of one variable are associated with low values of the other
31. Who is considered the father of Gestalt psychology
Max wertheimer
32. During which stage of development, the Oedipal and Electra complex takes place?
The Phallic stage
33. A psychiatrist has —-- degree?
34. In Which of the following teachique, the successive approximations of desired response
are reinforced until that response is fully learnt?
35. Which branch of psychology is interested in studying the diagnosis and treatment of
abnormal behavior?
Clinical psychology
36. According to Freud, which of the following is the part of personality that we are aware of
in everyday life?
37. Which of the following defense mechanisms expels disturbing wishes from conscious
38. Ivan Pavlov's name is associated with Which of the following schools of thoughts?
39. Which of the following defense mechanisms is involved in refusing to acknowledge the
painful reality?
40. Dr Usman is interested in how long term stress can affect physical health, which type of
psychology is Dr Usman ?
Health psychologist
41. Who formulated the law of Effects?
42. Which of the following statements best describe the survey research method?
A sample of people are asked question
43. Forensic psychology takes interest in all of the following fields Except?
Affect of crowd on performance
44. The synapse of a neuron releases the special chemicals known as what?
45. Which branch of psychology studies the influence of physical settings on an individual's
Environmental psychology
46. Which of the following psychologists refers that environment and external would shapes
and determines behavior?
J.B Watson
47. Which of the following law given by Thorndike,states that all responses that are followed
by satisfaction are stamped into an individual and he learnt those responses?
Law of effect
48. Modern psychology takes interest in which of the following?
49. Which of the following theory was given by Pavlov?
Learning by Conditioning
50. From which of the following age a person goes through a phallic stage?
3 years to 5 years
51. Which among the following presented the concept of classical conditioning?
Ivan Pavlov
52. According to psychosexual development stages which of the following stages lasts from
puberty to end of life?
The Genital stage
53. A researcher stops people at the mall and asks them questions about their attitude
toward love marriages. Which kind of research technique?
54. Which of the following neurotransmitters is involved in emotion and stress?
55. The more time you spend on jogging, the more calories you will burn, it is an example of:
Positive correlation
56. Which of the following personality theories was given by Alfired Adler?
Individual psychology
57. Sara feels fearful at the thought of visiting the dentist. This is an example of the
Classical conditioning
58. All of the following are the nature of Correlation EXCEPT:
Standard Correlation
59. Which of the following is NOT the goal of psychology?
To understand the influence if spirits on the behavior of man
60. Psychology was once defined as the science of mind but psychologists rejected it
because of all the following reasons EXCEPT:
61. Observable phenomena
62. Who gave the concept of Survival of the Fittest?
Charles Darwin
63. Identify who among the following developed the system of psychotherapy called Client-
Centered Therapy?
Cart Rogers
64. Which of the following terms means Look into the self or internal observation?
65. According to jung, Which of the following tends to be sociable, outgoing and interested in
parties and group activities?\
66. All of the following are demerits of biological model EXCEPT:
Objectivity in research work
67. All of the following are the subject matter of sport psychology EXPECT:
Human buying behavior
68. Who was the founder of operant conditioning?
B.F Skinner
69. Experiments performed in natural settings with less control than laboratory settings are
known as what?
Field experiments
70. According to the muslims philosophers at which stage of Nafs man is satisfied physically,
mentally, and spiritually?
Nafs e mutaima
71. In which of the following research a researcher may use milk cartons and tissue boxes in
the garbage for obtaining data?
Use traces
72. Which of the following statements best describe the survey research method?
A sample of people are asked question
73. Which among the following gave the first classification system of mental disorder?
Emil Kroreplin
74. According to Maslow, which of the following is the highest-order need?
Self actualization

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