Industrial Gases-Acetylene and Oxygen Production

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INDUSTRIAL GASES: ACETYLENE oxygen, a process referred to as "thermal

PRODUCTION cracking" or "pyrolysis" of hydrocarbons.


• Ancient times - Acetylene's origins trace PRODUCTION
back to ancient times, Throughout
history, acetylene was unintentionally • Calcium carbide +H2O - The primary
generated during the burning of organic method for producing acetylene involves
substances like wood. reacting calcium carbide (CaC2) with
• 1836 - Acetylene's initial discovery is water.
attributed to Edmund Davy, observed a • Hydrocarbons and electric arc -
novel gas formation during water passing a hydrocarbon (such as
electrolysis, dubbing it methane) through an electric arc. The
"OXYHYDROGEN." This gas comprised intense heat of the arc breaks down the
a mixture of hydrogen and oxygen, hydrocarbon molecules, resulting in the
capable of reacting to produce acetylene formation of acetylene.
under specific conditions. • Partially combusting methane -
• 1860 - Acetylene was rediscovered in partially combusting methane (CH4) with
1860 by French chemist Marcellin air or oxygen. In this method, methane is
Berthelot, who introduced the term not completely burned, leading to the
"acétylène" to describe it. formation of acetylene.
• 1862 - German chemist Friedrich Wöhler
achieved the synthesis of acetylene by MANUFACTURING PROCESS
combining calcium carbide with water—
groundwork for industrial-scale acetylene
• 1892 - Pioneering development of a
practical method for producing
commercial - scale acetylene is credited
to Thomas L. Willson.
• 1895 - Canadian inventor Thomas L.
Willson (Father of Carbide)
independently devised a cost-effective
technique for manufacturing calcium
carbide, a breakthrough that
revolutionized the industrial production of
• Early 20th century - Acetylene GENERATION - Calcium Carbide is loaded to the
experienced widespread adoption in acetylene generator using the hopper filling cart.
various industrial sectors The calcium carbide is mixed with water, instantly
• 1920 - Cellulose acetate was employed producing acetylene. This reaction is facilitated
for the production of synthetic fibers and by a carbide feed mechanism, which operates by
video films. Concurrently, Julius sensing the pressure inside the generator body.
Nieuwland's synthesis of vinyl acetylene As the pressure drops after the carbide is added,
additional carbide is introduced to sustain the
• Mid to late 20th century –
reaction and ensure a continuous flow of
WORLD WAR 1 - acetylene served as a
acetylene in the process stream.
precursor for the creation of butadiene,
Unit Equipment Involved: Acetylene Generator
serving as a substitute for natural rubber.
Advancements in Chemical Engineering
and industrial processes spurred the
The Acetylene is cooled down in the cooler
emergence of new methods for acetylene
condenser and moisture is
extracted in the L.P Drier.
• Modern day - Presently, the primary
1.Cooling and Drying
method for acetylene synthesis involves
- The gas produced in the process is
the partial combustion of methane with
passed through the cooler condenser,
which uses pipes surrounded by water to
cool the acetylene stream. WASTE TREATMENT
- The low pressure drier is then used to
extract moisture until the correct amount Treating Carbide Lime Involves Different
needed for the purification process is left. Methods:
Unit Equipment Involved: Cooler Condensor, 1.)Drying
Low Pressure Drier 2.)Neutralization
The Acetylene is passed through a Purifier to 4.)Solidification
remove its impurities and remove the ammonia 5.)Lime Pods
by a scrubber. 6.) Decanting
7.)Membrane Filtration/Filtration
2. Purifying and Ammonia Scrubbing 8.)Centrifugal Action
- The dried acetylene is passed through
the acetylene purifier, where impurities In acetylene plants, carbide lime is generated as
such as phosphine, arsine, H2S are a byproduct. Carbide lime is further processed to
removed from the gas. If industrial make it useful in other industries or be safe for
acetylene is needed the purification disposal.
process can be bypassed.
- The ammonia scrubber uses water to Regardless of the treatment method used, it's
remove 99% ammonia in the acetylene essential to ensure that the treated carbide lime
stream. meets regulatory requirements for disposal or
Unit Equipment Involved: Purifier, Ammonia reuse. This may involve testing the material for
Scrubber various parameters such as pH, heavy metal
content, and leaching potential.
COMPRESSION - Acetylene enters compressor
to boost the gas up to cylinder filling pressure and PLACES CARBIDE LIME CAN BE DISPOSED:
remove left moisture by H.P. Driers.
Compression and Moisture Removal Landfill Disposal: Carbide lime can be disposed
- The acetylene then enters the of in properly permitted landfills designed to
compressor and is raised from inlet handle non-hazardous industrial waste. Before
pressure to desired final cylinder. disposing of carbide lime in a landfill, it's essential
- The High Pressure Driers removes any to check with local authorities to ensure
left moisture and filter out particles. compliance with waste disposal regulations and
Unit Equipment Involved: Acetylene to verify that the landfill accepts this type of waste.
Compressor, High Pressure Driers
Specialized Disposal Facilities: Certain
CYLINDER FILLING - Acetylene is filled directly specialized facilities may accept carbide lime for
to the cylinders. disposal, particularly if it contains hazardous
- The acetylene is compressed into a contaminants or requires specific treatment
cylinder that has liquid acetone and a methods. These facilities may include hazardous
porous monolithic mass filler. waste treatment plants or facilities equipped to
Unit Equipment Involved: Cylinder Filling Ramp handle specific types of industrial waste.


• Welding and Cutting

• Flame Heating and
• Brazing
• Chemical Synthesis
• Thermal Spraying
• Carbon Nanotube Synthesis
• PVC plastic synthesis
• Ripening Agent
• Carbide Lamps
• 1774 - The English chemist Joseph 1. NATURAL OXYGEN PRODUCTION
Priestley made an independent Photosynthesis – OXYGEN
discovery of oxygen by heating 2. INDUSTRIAL OXYGEN
mercuric oxide and observing the PRODUCTION
emergence of a gas which he termed CRYOGENIC SEPARATION PROCESS
"dephlogisticated air." RAW AIR - consisting mainly of
• 1777 - French chemist Antoine nitrogen, oxygen, and trace amounts of
Lavoisier, in his research, identified other gases.
oxygen as a unique element and REFRIGERANTS - Liquid nitrogen or
designated it "oxygen," derived from liquid helium is used to cool the air to
Greek terms signifying "acid-former." very low temperatures, enabling the
• 1800 - William Nicholson and Anthony separation of oxygen from nitrogen
Carlisle made the groundbreaking through distillation.
discovery of electrolysis, a PRESSURE SWING ADSORPTION
phenomenon wherein water could be ADSORBENTS - Zeolite or Carbon
decomposed into hydrogen and Molecular Sieves are used as
oxygen through the application of an adsorbents to selectively capture
electric current. nitrogen from air while allowing oxygen
• 1801 - John Dalton, an English to pass through.
scientist, formulated the atomic theory, COMPRESED AIR - Atmospheric air is
offering a theoretical framework crucial compressed and fed into the PSA unit.
for comprehending the composition of MEMBRANE SEPARATION
gases, including oxygen. POLYMER MEMBRANES - These
• 1809 - Humphry Davy pioneered the membranes have selective
initial practical technique for oxygen permeability, allowing oxygen
production by subjecting a blend of molecules to pass through while
mercury oxide and mercuric nitrate to blocking other gases like nitrogen.
heat. COMPRESED AIR - Similar to PSA,
• 1810 - Louis Jacques Thénard and compressed air is used as the
Joseph Louis Gay-Lussac developed feedstock for membrane separation.
an improved method for producing
oxygen by heating potassium chlorate. OXYGEN MANUFACTURING
• 1874 - Carl von Linde developed a PROCESS
method for liquefying air, which allowed
for the separation of oxygen from other
components of air.
• WORLD WAR 1 - Oxygen became
increasingly important for medical and
industrial applications, leading to
further advancements in oxygen
production technology.
• Mid to late 20th century - In the mid-
20th century, with the development of
advanced technologies such as
pressure swing adsorption (PSA) and
membrane separation.
COMPRESSION - Air is filtered and
• Modern Era - Oxygen production compressed up to 5.5 - 6 bar pressure.
continues to evolve with advancements
in materials science, engineering, and
- Air from the atmosphere is suctioned OXYGEN CYLINDER FILLING - Oxygen will
and filtered using filters to remove dust be converted to gas using vaporizer coils and
and particles and hard impurities. distributed using cylinders.
- Air is compressed in a compressor, up - Oxygen is compressed to a prescribed
to 5.5 bar pressure, to make the air flow settled pressure by a liquid pump and
from the start to end process. is directly filled into cylinders.
Unit Equipment Involved: Air Compressor - Oxygen will be converted to gas using
vaporizer coils and distributed in
PURIFICATION - Air is cooled down then is cylinders.
passed through the purification units to
remove water, hydrocarbons, and CO2.
- The high pressure air is cooled in the
pre-cooling system to 10 degrees
Celsius using refrigerated water.
- Water, hydrocarbons, and CO2 are
removed in the purification units using
molecular sieves and activated
Unit Equipment Involved: Direct Contact Air
Cooler, Chiller Pump, Purification Units

EXPANSION - The high pressure air is USES OF OXYGEN

expanded in an expansion turbine and a Joule
Thompson valve. MEDICAL USES:
- The adiabatic expansion results in a Respiratory Support
drastic drop from 10 deg to -120deg C. Anesthesia and Surgery
- The expanded air is passed to the Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy
fractional distillation column through
heat exchangers. INDUSTRIAL PROCESSES:
- Air is further reduced to -165degC. At Metal cutting and Welding
this temp. The oxygen in the column Glass Making
will get liquified with 40% oxygen Steel Making
content (rich liquid).
Unit Equipment Involved: Expansion Environmental Applications
Turbine, Joule Thompson Valve Wastewater Treatment
DISTILLATION - Air is liquified then is further Bioremedation
separated into its components. Liquified Aerospace
oxygen is accumulated at the bottom. Life Support System
- In between the lower and upper Combustion
column, there is a condenser which
acts as a reflux for the lower column WASTE TREATMENT
and as a re-boiler for the upper column.
- Due to differences in the boiling points, Carbon Dioxide (CO2) Removal: Carbon
the pure Nitrogen boils over and dioxide is separated from the air during the
accumulates at the top of the upper initial stages of the oxygen production process.
column and oxygen accumulates at the After the carbon dioxide is captured it can now
bottom of the upper column. either be stored or utilized.
Unit Equipment Involved: Distillation
Column, Heat Exchanger
CCS AND CCU The collected condensate may undergo further
treatment before disposal or reuse, depending
CARBON CAPTURE AND STORAGE on regulatory requirements and environmental
Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS): CCS considerations.
involves capturing CO2 emissions from
industrial sources, such as power plants or Reverse Osmosis (RO) Treatment:
cement factories, and storing them Reverse osmosis is a water treatment process
underground or in geological formations to that utilizes a semipermeable membrane to
prevent their release into the atmosphere. remove contaminants and impurities from
While not strictly a form of recycling, CCS helps water.
reduce CO2 emissions by capturing and
permanently storing them, thereby mitigating
their impact on climate change.


Carbonation: CO2 can react with minerals,
such as magnesium or calcium silicates, to
form stable carbonate minerals. This process,
known as mineral carbonation, permanently
sequesters CO2 while producing useful
materials for construction or other applications.


The treatment of hydrocarbon waste often

involves processes such as oxidation,
biodegradation, or chemical conversion to less
harmful substances. Oxidation processes
involve burning the hydrocarbons in controlled
conditions to convert them into carbon
dioxide and water. Biodegradation utilizes
microorganisms to break down the
hydrocarbons into simpler, less harmful

Once treated, the hydrocarbon waste can be

disposed of safely according to environmental
regulations or recycled if possible. Recycling
may involve reusing the hydrocarbons as fuel
or feedstock for other industrial processes.


In many oxygen production processes, such as

cryogenic distillation or pressure swing
adsorption (PSA), air is compressed and
cooled to remove moisture and other impurities
before the oxygen is separated from nitrogen.
During this cooling process, water vapor in the
air condenses into liquid form, which is then
separated from the purified air stream.

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