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KEY -Sexuality, romantic, and platon

Y = Yes ND = No Data -Use this chart as a tool to exam

M+ = Maybe Yes P = Preference -By understanding your own gen
trauma & misconceptions about
U = Unsure (neutral) T = Trauma Complicates This -Change doesn’t mean you lied a
M- = Maybe No H = History (I have dated/ect.) -The differences between sexual
N = No F = In Flux/ Feels like it is changing This spreadsheet separates them
BC= Brain Candy; my reaction -Emotionally Intelligent goal: be
NST = No strong comes from my biases- not how they
feelings wanna be perceived
Emotional ConnectioPlatonic "Squish" cruSquish that evolvRomantic Physical
Cis Men
Cis Women
Not trans but does drag (men)
Not trans but does drag (women)
Cisn't Men
Cisn't Women
Trans Men
Trans Women
Trans Femme and nonbinary
Trans Masc and nonbinary STO
Nonbinary (genderless) This is a public
Nonbinary (multigendered and/or genderfluid) Do not fill out
Nonbinary (gender only in presentation)
Trans 4 Trans In Google
Uses they/them pronouns 1. Go to FILE u
Uses multiple pronouns (she/he) (they/he) (she/they) 2. Select MAK
Uses neopronouns or pronouns other than she, he, and/or they 3. RENAME your
Straight Cis Men different as proo
Straight Cis Women editing the right
Closeted Queer Men 4. Delete this warn
Closeted Queer Women
Cis Lesbians
Binary Trans Lesbians
Nonbinary trans lesbians
Masculine Women
Feminine Men
"If it feels gay"
Fictional Men
Fictional Women
Fictional Queer Men
Fictional Queer Women
Men Crossdressing (theater)
Women Crossdressing (theater)
He/Him but identifies as a woman (Butches and Studs)
She/her but identifies as a man
Varies depending on the person
Gender Non-conforming women
Gender Non-conforming men

Ethnic/Spiritual Genders (and more because the line between sexuality and gender is blurred)
2Spirit (in gender)* Indigenous closed identity
Studs (Black closed identity)
Stems (Black closed Identity)
Please add more terms specific to your communities!
How to Use:
uality, romantic, and platonic attraction are complicated because they change over time.
this chart as a tool to examine your thoughts and feelings; Not to shame or judge others.
understanding your own gender, examining how your body responds to certain types of people, working through
ma & misconceptions about other gender identities, your responses on this chart will likely change!
nge doesn’t mean you lied about how you felt towards certain identities: attraction and sexuality are fluid!
differences between sexual, romantic, and platonic can feel very distinct for some people and very fluid for others.
spreadsheet separates them as a way to organize, not to declare one perspective as “correct”.
tionally Intelligent goal: be able to have an emotional connection with any gender.

Aesthetic (Gender Sexual PhysicaSexual (Would wan

Sexual (wouldSexual and Romant

This is a public file template!
Do not fill out this sheet!

In Google Sheets:
1. Go to FILE under the title
2. Select MAKE A COPY
3. RENAME your copy something
different as proof that you’re
editing the right spreadsheet.
4. Delete this warning in your copy
r is blurred)
ple, working through
uality are fluid!
nd very fluid for others.

Stictly SexualRomantic withou

Unsure if I w Unsure if I w I want to BE I want to BE Sexual interest
Sexual interest but only if I bottom

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