Rhetorical Analysis

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Schuebel 1

Chloe Schuebel

English 130

Steven Rand

Rhetorical Analysis

For my public writing piece, I designed and constructed a fact sheet to bring light to our

team’s project and ideas in an informative manner. Using segments and bullet points, I achieved

the idea of visual communication to achieve effectiveness. Furthermore, I used specific

rhetorical devices to keep the reader engaged and to personalize the piece to them to help

promote involvement.

As a pilot program, outreach is key to the success and sustainability of the project.

Explaining further the idea of it being a pilot program, the current community that will be

benefiting from this project is students at the University of North Dakota. While they are the

main group that will receive these specific benefits, the hope is that the project expands past

the university to the entire Grand Forks community. By making the fact sheet tailored to UND

and the Grand Forks community by adding statistic under the issues addressed heading of the

writing piece it will allow for information on the project to be spread and to allow for further

curiosity and interest. Since the partnerships with Sanford and Gateway City Bank are a key

component to our project, making the entire Grand Forks Community a key audience in the fact

sheet will allow for both publication for them, eventually allow route to more partnerships in

the future, and more community involvement.

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This type of informative genre (fact sheet) portrays a different purpose than other

genres I have conducted in the past. When writing my literature review, I focused more on

analyzing already existing research and provide an overview to allow for education on the topic

without the persuasive factor. While the fact sheet’s universal objective is to persuade and

convey specific information.

Since the purpose of the fact sheet is to persuade, inform, and educate about the

Stronger Community Development Program, I had to change the use of rhetorical devices and

strategies used. In the literature review, to achieve credibility, I used specific reputable sources,

journals, and research institutions. Whereas in the fact sheet to represent and prove credibility,

I implicated certain statistics, data, and authoritative statements to persuade the reader of

accuracy and reliability of the presented information. For example, under the “issues

addressed” section the fact sheet both bullet points contain statistics. The second bullet point

specifically displays a much more representative statistic by say “one in five”. This permits a

more conceptual understanding of the importance of the statistic through comparative context,

thus relaying a sense of credibility.

Throughout the fact sheet, blocks of text with bolded correlating headings were

implicated. This was done with intention after reading through the toolkit and examples of fact

sheets given in How Writing Works by Jake and Pryal. When looking over examples, I noticed a

big use of bold headings and bullet points that directly drew my eye to those pieces and made

them feel less overwhelming. With that, throughout my piece I represent emphasis and

hierarchy through four bolded headings that contain key topics to direct the reader’s attention.

Beyond the bullet points and headings, much more detail was put into the layout to achieve the
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feeling of accessibility, readability, and emphasis while still achieving the informative and

persuasive aspect of the genre. In the background of the sheet, I created a design that allowed

for flow using lines on the left side of the sheet that aligned with the text boxes. This assists in

engagement and readability. Along with that, the visual appeal evokes positive feelings or

impressions making audience more enticed to read the sheet. Accompanied by the lines is the

use of colors. Pastel pink and blue are proven to relay a calming and relaxing effect. Therefore,

they were used throughout to bring emphasis to the text and to convey and correlate a positive

feeling. Those same lines further the flow through the correlation of visual appeal and layout

and convey credibility and professionalism.

In further effort to reach the audience and achieve purpose of this piece, I implicated

various uses of rhetorical strategies and devices. Word choice was something that I really

focused on in attempt to deliver the most effective fact sheet for this project specially. Under

the “Plan of Action” aspect of the piece I displayed Logos by presenting the goal of the stronger

community development project as crafting courses to enhance practical skills, ignite creativity,

and foster growth. This appeals to the logical argument that offering these courses within

residential halls can lead to the desired outcomes of skill enhancement. Expanding on the “Plan

of Action” section, I paid close attention to detail related to the word choices to make the piece

appeal to the audience and make it more effective. Within the first bullet point I used the

parallelism device which is parts of a sentence, or multiple sentences are grammatically similar

in structure, sound, or meaning. By saying, “Craft courses within residential halls that enhance

practical skills while also igniting creativity and fostering social growth” I aimed to highlight the

two objectives of the project making the message more cohesive and memorable through this
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device. Additionally, both ethos and pathos were presented within the second bullet point

under the “Plan of Action” section. By using “By (action)” at the beginning of each sentence it

adds emphasis to the actions being taken by the project, better known as a use of repetition.

This helps the rest of the statement made in the second bullet point establish the importance of

a strong community and need for affordable housing making the project seem committed to the

addressing the issues. Additionally, Ethos and Pathos are used when talking about making sure

everyone has a place to call home. Not only does it ignite the feelings of inclusiveness, but also

emphasizes the dedication to the projects goals and therefore enhances the credibility.

Within my literature review, it was essential to reiterate and summarize the author or

conductors’ data. I advanced this knowledge when it came to the fact sheet. Using specific

rhetorical devices within my literature review created a gateway to summarization in a manner

that also kept it brief enough for proper understanding. While my informative piece contained

more information from our personal project, it was still necessary to summarize and analyze the

information and construct it in a way that makes the key information more enhanced. Each

point contains no more than three sentences. This allows the reader to be able to brief over the

important components, thus intended to foster in engagement and curiosity.

All things considered, using certain rhetorical devices and layout design I was able to

create a piece that allowed for clear understanding of who we are and the projects goals. Each

rhetorical strategy was specifically implicated allowing for more flow and to mitigate the

overwhelming feeling that could be caused by abundant information. Along those lines,

strategically using those devices allowed for me directly get the point across while still evoking

emotions. Throughout my time in English 130, I was able to write and design many different
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genres that were far out of what I was used to. I aim to use all these strategies going forward. As

a Graphic Design and Marketing major, proposing ideas is going to be very important in my

future. Along with the creation of my resume before this course I had no idea where to start. I

used multiple class discussions and applied them tot his project as well. One specific day is

when we reviewed the ads, this allowed for me to understand how to analyze work in a

different manner. Not only that but expanded my knowledge on how to layout the design to

reach top effectiveness.

Works Cited:

“New Standards for CPR, First Aid and Bloodborne Pathogens.” American Health

Association, americanhealthassoc.org/. Accessed 2 May 2024.

“Poverty Guidelines.” ASPE,

aspe.hhs.gov/topics/poverty-economic-mobility/poverty-guidelines. Accessed 2

May 2024.
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What is it? Issues Addressed:

 The Stronger Community
Development project is a  The American Health Association's
gateway to easier access to report reveals a stark reality: in 2018, a
resolving community staggering 24% of individuals were left
issues. adrift, unable to access vital mental
 It aims to educate, direct, health services amidst the maze of
and provide support for uncertainty about where to turn for help.
those who aspire for  According to HHS Poverty Guidelines,
inclusivity and navigation. one in five Grand Forks residents face
poverty, making it hard to find
affordable housing.

What can Plan of Action:

you do?  The goal of the Stronger Community
Do you want to support this Development project is to craft courses
project or learn more? within residential halls that enhance
 Contact us at practical skills while also fostering
strongerbond@und.edu social growth.
or by phone at  This project understands the
(701) 555-8177 importance of a strong community and
the need for affordable housing. By
starting on campus, it’s committed to
making sure everyone has a place to
call home, regardless of income. By
offering affordable housing options, it
hopes to lay the foundation for a
nurturing community.

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