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Structure of the registration dossier in Ukraine:

1. Structure of the dossier for new registration. In accordance with valid legislation in Ukraine simultaneously two types of the registration dossier are acceptable for submission to the State Pharmacological Centre of Ministry of Health of Ukraine for state registration: simple (also called simplified or old) and CTD (Common Technical Documentation ) formats. Below you will find the structure of the every format. Structure of Registration Dossier Full registration dossier consists of four parts: Part I. Summary of dossier I A. Administrative data Table of contents of registration dossier Application form Samples of the medicinal product (sample in final immediate (interior) and secondary (outer) packages. If not available a sample in final immediate (inside) package without final labeling shall be submitted. In this case a sample in final immediate (inside) and secondary (outer) packages should be given additionally as soon as it is available. Further on, for approval of methods of quality control of the medicinal product the additional samples, reference substances with batch certificate, including date of production, shelf life and storage conditions, could be requested. Quality certificate for three production batches of the medicinal product or one certificate for one produced batch with obligations to present certificates for two other batches as soon as they are available (any certificate shall be submitted for each declared manufacturing site). I B. Summary of product characteristics, labelling and package leaflet/insert. I B1. Summary of product characteristics. I B2. Proposals for samples/mock-ups of packaging, labelling, package leaflet/insert. I_B3. Copy of summary of product characteristics already approved in applicant/manufacturer-country. I C. Expert reports. I C 1. Expert report on chemical, pharmaceutical and biological documentation. I C 2. Expert report on pharmaco-toxicological documentation. I C 3. Expert report on clinical documentation. Part II. Chemical, pharmaceutical and biological documentation. Table of contents.



II A.. Composition. II A 1. Formula of the medicinal product. II A 2. Container (short description). II A 3. Clinical trial formula II A 4. Development pharmaceutics II B. Method of preparation (flow-chart of technological process or draft of technological regulations) II B 1. Manufacturing formula II B 2. Manufacturing process II B 3. Process validation II C.Control methods of starting materials* II C 1. Active substance* II C 1.1. Specifications and standard tests* II C 1.2. Scientific data* II C 1.2.1. Nomenclature* II C 1.2.2. Description* II C 1.2.3. Manufacture* II C 1.2.4. In-process control of quality* II C 1.2.5. Development chemistry* II C 1.2.6 Impurities* II C 1.2.7. Batch testing* II C 2. Auxiliary substances (excipients) II C 2.1 Specifications and approved methods of quality control II C 2.2 Scientific information II C 3. Packaging material (immediate/outer package) II C 3.1 Specifications and approved methods of quality control II C 3.2 Scientific information II D. Methods of quality control of intermediate products (if necessary) II E. Methods of quality control of the finished medicinal product II E.1. Specifications and approved methods of quality control



II E 1.1. Specifications and approved methods of in-process control, specific standards II E 1.2. Methods of quality control II E 1.2.1. Methods for identification and quantitative expression of active substance (-s) II E 1.2.2. Identification and expression of excipient (-s) II E 2. Scientific information II E 2.1 Validation of analytical methods and comments, standards (working standards) II E 2.2. Batch analysis II F. Stability II F 1. Methods of stability testing of active substance (-s) II F 2. Methods of stability testing of finished medicinal product II G. Bioavaialability/bioequivalence. Refer to appropriate sections of Part IV, if necessary II H. Data related to the environment risk for products containing genetically modified organisms (GMO) II Q. Other information Part III. Pharmacological and toxicological documentation Table of contents III A. Single dose toxicity and repeated dose toxicity III A. 1. Single dose toxicity III A 2. Repeated dose toxicity III B. Reproductive function (fertility and general performance of reproductive function) III C. Data on embryo toxicity and teratogeneity III D. Mutagenic potential III E. Carcinogenic potential III F Pharmacodynamics III F.1. Pharmacodynamic effects with respect to proposed indications III F.2. General pharmacodynamics III F.3. Drug interactions III G. Pharmacokinetics III G.1. Pharmacokinetics after a single dose III G.2. Pharmacokinetics after repeated administration



III G.3. Distribution in intact (normal) and pregnant animals III G.4 Biotransformation III H. Local tolerance III Q. Other information (alergenicity data etc.) III R. Assessment of the environmental risk potential/ecotoxicity (not resulting from GMO) Part IV. Clinical documentation Table of contents IV A. Clinical pharmacology IV A..1. Pharmacodynamics IV A..2. Pharmacokinetics IV B. Clinical experience IV B.1. Clinical trials IV B.2. Post-registration experience (if available) IV B.3. Published and unpublished experience IV Q. Other information If some parts of documentation are not included to the materials, the reason should be indicated in an appropriate place under corresponding (appropriate) heading. For medicinal products of animal origin in Part II C.1. the following additional information should be presented: species, age and diet of animals used as raw stock; nature (category) of tissue taken as raw stock for production of medicinal product pertinent to its safety for prions; flow-chart of stock processing with indication of extragents, temperature regimen etc.; control tests of output raw stock including methods for detection of prions in finished product (if any). e registration of medicinal products, medicines,
pharmaceutical products in Ukraine. Marketing authorization of medications, remedies, pharma products. Regulatory affairs legislation of health and medical products. Ukraine, Kiev, Cratia Ltd. State registration of healthcare products, medicines, pharmaceuticals. Dossier on medicinal product (CTD format). State registration of vitamin, herbal, pharma, generic products in Ukraine. Ukraine, Kiev, Cratia Ltd.

Structure of Registration Dossier (format of common technical document CTD) Full registration dossier consists of 5 modules: Module 1. Administrative information: Application form;

Comment: common Application; we will translate it and prepare in accordance with the specific of the Application (generic/original, type of Application and so on);
Comprehensive table of contents;



Comment: we will prepare it by ourselves; Suggested summary of product characteristics for Ukraine; Comment: we will translate it and prepare instruction/leaflet; Labeling; Comment: we will prepare the text that should be presented on the package or we can edit Corel Draw or PDF files; Package leaflet/insert;

Comment: it is not necessary, you can send SmPC only;

1.3.4. Mockups and samples of finished product in localized package design (if samples of trade packages are not available a sample in final immediate (inside) package without final labeling shall be submitted. In this case a sample in final immediate (inside) and secondary (outer) packages should be given additionally as soon as it is available. Further on, for approval of methods of quality control of the medicinal product additional samples, reference substances with batch certificate including date of production, shelf life and storage conditions could be requested; Comment: import of the samples will be initiated only after submission of the dossier; UKRAINE Summary of product characteristics approved in manufacturer/applicant country

Information on experts: 1.4.1. Information on quality expert 1.4.2. Information on pre-clinical expert 1.4.3. Information on clinical expert

Certificates: - GMP certificate; - Manufacturing license; - Certificate of pharmaceutical product

Comment: preferable, but not necessary;

- Certificate of registration in manufacturers country;

Overseas regulatory status: - List of countries where the product is registered (or submitted for registration) with mentioned date of first registration;



- Copies of the registration certificate from mentioned countries;

Comment: preferable, but not necessary;

Environmental risk Module 2. Summary of CTD 2.1. Table of contents of modules 2.2 Introduction to CTD 2.3 General summary on quality 2.4 Review of preclinical data 2.5 Review of clinical data 2.6 Summary of pre-clinical data 2.6.1. Summary of pharmacological data in text format 2.6.2. Summary of pharmacological data in tabular format 2.6.3. Summary of pharmacokinetics data in text format 2.6.4. Summary of pharmacokinetics data in tabular format 2.6.5. Summary of toxicological data in text format 2.6.6. Summary of toxicological data in tabular format 2.7. Summary of clinical data 2.7.1. Summary of biopharmaceutical studies and related analytical methods 2.7.2. Summary of clinical pharmacology studies 2.7.3. Summary of clinical efficacy 2.7.4. Summary of clinical safety 2.7.5. Copies of used literature sources 2.7.6. Short reviews of individual trials Module 3. Quality 3.1. Table of contents 3.2. Relevant data



3.2.S. Medicinal substance (for medicinal products containing more than one medicinal substance an information should be given in full with respect to each of them)*
3.2.S.1. General information* 3.2.S.1.1. Name* 3.2.S.1.2. Structure* 3.2.S.1.3. General properties* 3.2.S.2. Manufacture* 3.2.S.2.1. Manufacturer* 3.2.S.2.2. Description of manufacturing process and its control* 3.2.S.2.3. Control of materials 3.2.S.2.4. Control of critical stages and intermediate products 3.2.S.2.5. Process validation and/or its assessment 3.2.S. 2.6. Development of manufacturing process 3.2.S.3. Characteristics* 3.2.S.3.1. Demonstration of structure and other characteristics 3.2.S.3.2. Impurities* 3.2.S.4. Control of medicinal substance* 3.2.S.4.1. Specification* 3.2.S.4.2. Analytical methods 3.2.S.4.3. Validation of analytical methods 3.2.S.4.4. Batch analysis* 3.2.S.4.5. Substantiation of specification 3.2.S.5. Standard samples or substances 3.2.S.6. Container/closure system* 3.2.S.7. Stability* 3.2.S.7.1. Summary on stability and conclusions* 3.2.S.7.2. Report on post-registration stability study and stability associated obligations* 3.2.S.7.3 Stability data* 3.2.P. Medicinal product 3.2.P.1. Description and composition of the medicinal product



3.2.P.2. Development pharmaceutics 3.2.P.2.1. Constituents of the medicinal product 3.2.P.2.1.1. Medicinal substance 3.2.P.2.1.2. Excipients 3.2.P.2.2. Medicinal product 3.2.P.2.2.1. Development of composition 3.2.P.2.2.2. Overages 3.2.P.2.2.3. Physical and chemical, and biological properties 3.2.P.2.3. Development of manufacturing process 3.2.P.2.4. Container/closure system 3.2.P.2.5. Microbiological characteristics 3.2.P.2.6. Compatibility 3.2.P.3. Manufacture 3.2.P.3.1. Manufacturer (-s) 3.2.P.3.2. Composition for batch 3.2.P.3.3. Description of manufacturing process and process control 3.2.P.3.4. Control of critical stages and intermediate products 3.2.P.3.5. Process validation and/or its assessment 3.2.P.4.Control of excipients 3.2.P.4.1. Specifications 3.2.P.4.2. Analytical methods 3.2.P.4.3. Validation of analytical methods 3.2.P.4.4. Substantiation of specifications 3.2.P.4.5. Excipients of human and animal origin 3.2.P.4.6. New excipients 3.2.P.5. Control of medicinal product 3.2.P.5.1. Specification (-s) 3.2.P.5.2. Analytical methods 3.2.P.5.3. Validation of analytical methods



3.2.P.5.4. Batch analysis 3.2.P.5.5. Characteristics of impurities 3.2.P.5.6. Substantiation of specification (-s) 3.2.P.6. Standard samples and substances 3.2.P.7. Container/closure system 3.2.P.8. Stability 3.2.P.8.1. Summary and conclusions on stability 3.2.P.8.2. Report on post-registration stability study and stability associated obligations* 3.2.P.8.3. Stability data 3.2.A. Amendments 3.2.A.1. Technical devices and facilities 3.2.A.2. Safety assessment of foreign microorganisms 3.2.A.3. New excipients 3.2.R. Regional information 3.3. Copies of used literature sources State registration of medicinal products, medicines, pharmaceutical products in Ukraine. Mating authorization of medications, remedies, pharma products. Regulatory affairs legislation of health and medical
products. Ukraine, Kiev, Cratia Ltd. State registration of healthcare products, medicines, pharmaceuticals. Dossier on medicinal product (CTD format). State registration of vitamin, herbal, pharma, generic products in Ukraine. Ukraine, Kiev, Cratia Ltd.

Module 4. Reports on preclinical trials 4.1. Table of contents 4.2.1. Pharmacology Primary pharmacodynamics Secondary pharmacodynamics Safety pharmacology Pharmacodynamic drug interactions 4.2.2. Pharmacokinetics Analytical methods and their validation report Absorption Distribution Metabolism Excretion


350 Pharmacokinetic drug interactions (pre-clinical) Other pharmacokinetic studies 4.2.3. Toxicology Toxicity after a single dose administration Toxicity after repeated administration Genotoxicity Carcinogenicity Reproductive and ontogenetic toxicity Local tolerance Other toxicity studies Copies of used literature sources Module 5. Report on clinical trials 5.1. Table of contents 5.2. List of all clinical trials in tables 5.3. Report of clinical trials 5.3.1. Reports on biopharmaceutical studies 5.3.2. Reports on studies related to pharmacokinetics studies with use of human biomaterials 5.3.3. Reports on pharmacokinetic studies in human beings 5.3.4. Reports on pharmacodynamic studies in human beings 5.3.5. Reports on efficacy and safety studies 5.3.6.Reports on post-registration experience 5.3.7. Samples of individual registration forms and individual lists of patients. 5.4. Copies of used literature sources If some parts of documentation are not included to the materials, the reason should be indicated in appropriate place under corresponding (appropriate) heading. For medicinal products of animal origin in section 3.2.S. the following additional information should be presented: data on species, age, diet of animals used as raw stock; data on nature (category) of tissue taken as raw stock for production of medicinal product pertinent to its safety for prions; flow-chart of stock processing with indication of extragents, temperature regimen etc.;



control tests of final stock including methods for detections of prions in final product (if any). Note: strcutre of the CTD format is based on Rules governing medicinal product in the European Union, NTA, vol. 2B-CTD, 2001 (if other versions had been used, please, specify). * Minimum of information to be given in Part II C1. * Minimum of information which should be given in section 3.2.S.

2. Structure of the dossier for renewal of registration.

Structure of Registration Dossier for renewal of medicinal product in Ukraine (Download as MS WORD)

Application / administrative information. Cover letter (will be prepared by Cratia). Content of the dossier (will be prepared by Cratia). Information (CV) about responsible person for pharmacovigilance. Copy of GMP certificate. GMP recognition certificate, if applicable. Copy of the manufacturing license. List of countries where product is registered with mentioned date of first registration. List of reclamations (reclamations include side effects of the product and cases of withdrawal of medicinal product by Ukrainian authorities) during the last 5 years with detailed analysis of the reasons that caused such reclamations. If there were no reclamations respective Letter with statement. List of guaranties and responsibilities that were given to the Authorities during registration (or renewal of registration), or statement that there were no such promises. Information about the product: Copy of certificate of registration of medicinal product in Ukraine. Updated SmPC (Summary of Products Characteristics; for USA it is Core Data Sheet), updated package design (mock-ups), updated instruction for use (package leaflet). All changes should be highlighted. Previous (in other words version that was submitted during the last regulatory procedure in Ukraine) version of SmPC. Previous version of instruction, package design. Updated Specification and control methods of finished product. Copy of the adopted AND (control methods of finished product).



Copy of the adopted TND (we can use description of manufacturing process and validation of manufacturing process that was submitted during previous regulatory procedure instead). Updated description and validation of manufacturing process. 5 years PSUR.

Important! In the case if any changes (variations) should be implemented to the registration documentation they must be submitted as separate Application simultaneously with Application for renewal.



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