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2024 年本周重点预测 ........................................................................................................... 3
机考专用题(历史上只在机考出现) ................................................................................... 9
近期难题 ............................................................................................................................. 12
高频题 ................................................................................................................................ 16
次高频 ................................................................................................................................ 20
其余 .................................................................................................................................... 23
G 类题目............................................................................................................................. 28

2024 年本周重点预测
题目 参考观点
现代完美理想社会 Throughout history,
people have dreamed of living in a perfect
A 公平 B 人们都有机会提高自己的生活,
society, but they have not agreed on what an
实现自己的梦想 B 完美的社会
ideal society would be like.What do you think
A 经济发展 B 社会富裕 C 完美的社会
is the most important element of a perfect
A 努力成为优秀的人 B 给社会献力 C 让
society in the modern world?
How can people work towards achieving an
ideal society?
A 习惯打字或者打电话的人 B 可能不会察颜观
色,揣测对方的情绪 C 这个面对面交流的能力
More people are using mobile phones
and computers to communicate.
A 习惯打字或者打电话的人 B 不熟悉各种交流 2404
Therefore people are losing the ability to
的场景 C 面对面交流的能力会下降
communicate with each other face to
A 即便使用现代交流工具 B 视频聊天,和现实
face. To what extent do you agree or
聊天是差不多的 C 技能也不会失去
报纸影响人的看法和观念 A 信息时代 B 新闻到处可见 C 受到影响
Newspapers have an enormous influence A 报纸影响人的看法和观念 B 人们如果盲目
on people's ideas and opinions. Why is 相信,没有批判思维 C 可能被误导 2402
this the case? Do you think it is a positive A 报纸影响人的看法和观念 B 增加知识 C 提
or negative trend? 高决断能力
公共场所是否禁用手机 A 手机应用广泛 B 交流必须 C 不应该禁止
Some people argue that cell phones A 手机科技不断发展 B 使用的时候可以不造
should be banned in public places. To 成影响 C 不应该禁止 2401
what extent do you agree or disagree? A 手机影响别人 B 不够道德,导致矛盾等 C
The increasing demand for oil and gas A 去边远地区找石油 B 破坏当地环境 C 对
has made it necessary to look for these 人与自然和谐造成破坏
sources of energy in remote and A 在自然区开采石油天然气 B 过分依赖能源
untouched natural places. Do you think 能源 C 没有长远考虑,未来能源枯竭
the advantages of locating oil and gas in A 去边远地区找石油 B 开采更多石油资源 C
these areas outweigh the disadvantages 满足需求
of damaging these places ?
A 鼓励小孩从小玩体育 B 很多小孩形成运动
Many countries spend a lot of money
习惯 C 少生病,对国家经济有帮助
preparing competitors to take part in
A 鼓励小孩运动 B 对运动有兴趣, 不断训
major sports competitions such as the 2401
练 C 以后成为优秀的运动员
Olympics, the football world cup etc, but it
A 支持运动员 B 体育产业不断发展 C 收入可
would be better to spend this money
encouraging children to take up sport

from a young age. To what extent do you
agree or disagree?
Some people think that it is necessary to
A 出国旅行 B 亲身感受 C 了解更深
travel abroad to learn about other
A 出国旅行 B 自己求证 C 避免被误导
countries, while other people think that it
is not necessary to travel abroad because
all the information can be seen on TV and
A 看新闻和上网 B 从专家的信息了解 C 了解
the Internet. Discuss both views and give
your opinion.
名人对年轻人的影响是不是坏的 A 名人以财富和奢华的生活著名 B 人们会模
Nowadays, celebrities are more famous 仿生活方式 C 过分花费
for their glamour and wealth than for their A 名人以财富和奢华的生活著名 B 人们想一
achievements, and this has set a bad 夜暴富,想成为明星 B 不脚踏实地学习工作
example for young people. To what A 名人以财富和奢华的生活著名 B 大家努力
extent do you agree or disagree? 希望获得财富 C 事业不断发展
暴力电影和游戏该禁止吗?Films and
computer games containing violence are
popular. Some people say they have A 长期接触暴力信息 B 对暴力麻木,也会用暴
negative effect on society and should be 力 C 需要禁止 2402
banned. Others say they are just A 成年人可以分清楚现实和故事 B 知道暴力
harmless relaxation. Discuss both views 是不对的 C 不需要禁止
and give your own opinion.
Space travel has been possible for some
time. Some people think space tourism
太空旅游,激发年轻人对外太空的兴趣,关心 2404
would develop in the future. Do you think
space tourism is a positive or negative
More and more people in the city live in A 小的地方比较省空间 B 城市可以建更多房子 C
homes with small space or without 容纳更多人 2404
outdoor areas. Do you think it is a positive A 小的地方 B 各种健康问题 C 对身体不好
or negative development?
博物馆的目的是娱乐还是教育 A 博物馆娱乐年轻人 B 引起年轻人的兴趣 C
Some people think museums should be 年轻人更加愿意去博物馆
enjoyable places to attract and entertain A 博物馆教育年轻人 B 使年轻人将更多的注
young people. Other think the purpose of 意力放到展品上 C 让年轻人更好的从博物馆 2404
museums is to educate, not to entertain. 中获得启发
Discuss both views and give your own A 博物馆娱乐年轻人 B 年轻人找到乐趣,可能
opinion. 交费 C 增加博物馆的收入,可以收支平衡
工作是不是应该提供社会生活 第一个立场的观点:
Some people think a job provides not only A 工作进行社交 B 相互之间更加了解 C 工作
income but also social life, 的时候更能够合作

while others think people have to develop 第二个立场的观点:
a social life with those who A 工作外社交 B 增加知识开拓视野 C 职业发
they do not work with. Discuss both views 展更好
and give your own opinion. A 工作外社交 B 更可能找到志同道合的人 C
Some people say that it is important for 第一个立场的观点:
parents to read and tell stories to their 知识角度:A 父母讲故事 B 会给小孩解释和帮
children, while others argue that with 助 C 更好的理解,提高词汇
other sources of stories such as books, 感情角度:A 父母讲故事 B 增加和小孩的互动
TV and movies, parents do not need to C 有助于小孩的社会技能发展
read stories. Discuss both views and give A 依赖其他媒体 B 比较有趣 C 能够吸引孩子
your own opinion.
Some people believe that the charity
organisations should give aid to those in
A 救助贫穷国家最需要帮助的人 B 解决一些
greatest need,wherever they live. Some
贫困问题 C 促进世界和平,也会对本国有帮助
people believe that the charity 2401
政治角度:A 救助本国的人 B 解决问题 C 社区
organisations would better concentrate
on helping people who live in own country
instead. Discuss both views and give
your opinion.
政府是否有责任解决小孩健康问题 A 小孩的饮食习惯受很多社会因素影响 B 政
In many countries, children are becoming 府有各种手段干预 C 政府负责
overweight and unhealthy. Some people A 小孩的健康问题会增加医疗系统负担 B 会
think that the government have the 影响纳税人的利益 C 政府负责
responsibility to change the situation. To A 小孩的健康问题和家长有关系 B 家长需要
what extent do you agree or disagree? 进行约束和教育 C 家长负责,不应该政府负责
A 很多发布信息的人是专家 B 信息都已经核
Anyone can post information on the
实 C 准确
Internet. Some people say most of what 2401
A 网络很难审核每个人的专业能力 B 他们表
we read on the Internet is inaccurate. To
达的是观点,很难证明对错 C 不一定准确
what extent do you agree or disagree?
家庭人数变小的原因和影响 A 收入增加 B 不需要依赖家人 C 一个人住
As countries develop, their populations A 一个人住 B 对各种东西需求更高 C 经济发

tend to live individually or in small family 2401
units. what are its causes? What effects A 一个人住 B 各种疾病增加 C 社会的医疗费
does it have on the society? 用增加
A 人口增加 B 需要更多食物 C 食物的需求增

Demand for food is increasing worldwide.
A 浪费很大 B 很多食物没有吃就扔掉 C 食物
Why has it happened? What measures 2404
could the international community take to
A 分享技术 B 提高农田的种植产出 C 解决需
improve the situation?

A 政府宣传 B 节约食物 C 需求下降
环境角度:A 买家电 B 消耗能源和产生垃圾 C
家庭用品越来越普遍 More and more
people buy a wide range of household
社会需求:A 买家电 B 宅在家里 C 社会生活
goods like television, microwave ovens 2401
and rice cookers. Do you think this is a
基本需求:A 买家电 B 提高效率 C 节省时
positive or negative development?

Nowadays in many countries household
A 生活节奏快 B 图方便 C 垃圾增加
waste e.g. food packaging is increasing 2402
A 政府介入 B 立法和宣传 C 减少垃圾
day by day. What are the causes for that?
How can this problem be solved?
A technological change B improved transport
Today, foods often travel thousands of
and refrigeration C longer food miles
miles from the farm to customers. Why 2401
A longer food miles B more emissions C
has this happened? Is this trend positive
or negative?
A more women enter the workforce B act as
男的在家照顾孩子,女的工作 In many
breadwinners C men stay at home as house
countries, more and more fathers are
staying at home to look after children, 2402
A changes in gender roles B equal
while mothers work full-time. What are
opportunities for women C unlock women's
the reasons? Is it positive or negative?
Economic progress is often used to
measure a country's success. However,
A 社会平等 B 培养团结意识 C 提高生活满意度,
some people believe that other factors
are more important. What other factors 2401
A 社会平等 B 更好地发掘每个公民的潜力 C 为
should also be considered when
measuring a country's success? Which
factor do you think is more important than
A evolution of technology B increase
广告影响力不如从前 transparency C less influenced by advertising
Nowadays, consumers are much less A less influenced by advertising B make
influenced by advertising than in the past. well-informed decisions C push businesses to
Why? Is this a positive or negative trend? focus on quality and use more ethical and
honest advertising tactics
21 世纪的生活是否更好
People living in the 21st century generally
A 科技发展 B 很多问题解决 C 生活更好
have a better quality of life than people 2404
A 科技发展 B 反而有很多问题 C 生活不好
who lived in previous centuries. To what
extent do you agree or disagree?
垂直城市和水平城市 A 城市高楼多 B 容纳更多人 C 人们生活更

Some people think that the vertical city is 好
the best, where people live and work in A 水平城市 B 保持城市一些建筑特色,以及相
tall buildings. Others think that the 关的文化传统 C 保持城市的特点
“horizontal” city is better, where there are A 垂直城市 B 减少资源的使用 C 更加环保
few tall buildings. Discuss both views and
give your opinion.
重要 A 努力和艰辛的磨练 B 不断进步,提升技能
Some people think success in life comes C 成功
from hard work and determination, but A 努力和有决心 B 遇到困难和挫折不放弃
others think there are more important C 成功
factors like money and appearance. A 有钱和漂亮的人 B 人脉更好 C 更容易
Discuss both sides and give your own 成功
孩子犯罪孩子还是父母受到惩罚 Some
people believe that children that commit A 外部因素影响了孩子的行为 B 这些因素比父
crimes should be punished. Others think 母教育更有影响 C 父母不应承担责任
the parents should be punished instead. A 孩子把父母视为榜样 B 父母养育不善导致不
Discuss both views and give your own 当行为 C 应该承担责任
In some countries, small town-centre
A 汽车增加, 大商店增加 B 人们可以在大商
shops are going out of business because
店买很多东西 C 生活更好
people tend to drive to large out-of-town
A 开车购物 B 一站式购物增加 C 效率提高,
stores. As a result, people without cars 2402
have limited access to out-of town stores,
A 开车去大商店 B 尾气排放增加 C 破坏环
and it may result in an increase in the use

of cars. Do you think the disadvantages
of this change outweigh its advantages?
父母给孩子很多压力的原因和好坏 A 社会竞争激烈 B 父母希望孩子生活好 C 给
Nowadays, some parents put a lot of 孩子压力
pressure on their children. Why parents A 社会变得物质 B 人们用以后的收入作为评
the reason for doing that? Is this a 判的标准 C 给孩子压力
positive or negative development for the A 孩子压力大 B 每天担心达不到父母的要求
children? C 有心理问题
Some people believe that the best way A economic equality B reduce conflicts and
to produce a happier society is to ensure tensions C a happy society
that there are only small differences A accept income disparities B smart people
between the richest and the poorest work harder C a prosperous society, happier
members. To what extent do you agree
or disagree?
赚钱的公司都应该有社会责任 As well as A 使用各种资源去赚钱 B 和当地社区有相互 2402

making money, businesses also have 依存的关系 C 应该有社会责任
social responsibilities. A 社会责任需要额外的费用 B 对生存构成威
Do you agree or disagree? 胁 C 不应该付社会责任(对于小企业)
A human activities B habitat destruction,
动物灭绝的原因和解决方法 pollution and hunting C Animal species are
Animal species are becoming extinct as becoming extinct
a result of human activities on land and in A enforce strict regulations and laws B protect 2403
sea. Why has this happened? What's the natural habitats and restrict activities that
solution? contribute to habitat destruction C prevent
A 消耗资源 B1 开采资源 B2 温室气体的排放
The world's natural resources such as
C 造成污染
oil, forests and fresh water are being
A 消耗资源 B 资源价格提高 C 影响生活质量
consumed at an alarming rate. What
A 投资科技 B 开发可替代资源,循环利用材料
problems does it cause? How can we
C 减少消耗
solve these problems?
组织去远的地方旅游的好坏处 A organised tours B generate income C
Organised tours to remote places and improve standards of living for locals, provide
communities are becoming more and money for environmental protection
more popular. Is it a positive or negative A organised tours B increased human activity
development for local people and the C disrupt local life and damage the
environment? environment
网络是不是最重要的发明 A the internet B people are highly connected C
There have been many inventions in better cooperation and productivity
human history, such as wheels. Some A.The internet B amass data C pave the way
people think the most important thing is for other innovations
the Internet. To what extent do you agree A machines B promote industrialization C
or disagree with this opinion? contribute to the invention of the Internet
A 科技发展 B 完成工作更快 C 空闲时间
科技对空闲时间的影响 更多
It is predicted that with the development 反对的观点:
of technology, people in the 21st century A 科技发展 B 通讯更加容易,下班后也要进行 2402
have much more free time. To what 工作交流 C 空闲时间减少
extent has the prediction come true? A 科技发展 B 工作越来越复杂和技术化,人
们需要不断学习 C 空闲时间减少
A 机器人做事情 B 提高效率 C 人们有更多时
机器人做很多工作的优缺点 间休闲和工作
Today, there are many tasks at home or A 机器人做事情 B 减少劳动力不足问题 C 经
work that have been done by robots. Is 济发展
this a positive or negative development? A 机器人做事情 B 取代人类 C 人们失去工作
没素质和不礼貌行为的原因和解决方法 A 大家以自我为中心 B 强调自己的感受和表达
Many people believe that today there is C anti-social and disrespectful 2404
a general increase in anti-social A 大家都用网络 B 接触和模仿不好的行为 C

behaviour and lack of respect for others. anti-social and disrespectful
What might have caused this situation? A 教育 B 分辨对错 C 懂得礼貌,遵守社会规
How to improve it? 则

题目 范例答案
Some people think children should be A 有些决定小孩没有任何经验,也不知道后果 B
allowed to make decisions independently 做错了可能会影响一辈子 C 成人要介入
from a young age. To what extent do you A 有些决定小孩可能有经验,后果影响不大 B
agree or disagree? 无论错误准确都有好的影响 C 独立做决定
A 做一下重复的工作 B 减少对医生和护士的依
Some people argue that hospitals should
赖 C 减少成本,表现稳定,可以多投入
spend more money on robots and
A 机器人交流能力不行 B 很难和病人共情 C
machines than on doctors and nurses. To
what extent do you agree or disagree?

政府应该花钱在课外活动上 Government
A 竞争激烈 B 社会需要全面发展的人 C 应该
spends much money for education. More
money should be spent for free time
A 学校资源有限 B 专注学生的学习成绩已经
activities. To what extent do agree or
不容易 C 不应该投资课外活动
高薪水该不该管控 In many countries, a
small number of people earn extremely
A 更高的收入 B 鼓励人们更努力地工作 C 国家
high salaries. Some people believe that
this is good for the country, but others
think that government should not allow
A 实行工资上限 B 更好地重新分配财富 C 促进
salaries above a certain level. Discuss
both these views and give your own
In some countries, more and more people A 老建筑越来越少,越来越珍贵 B 大家重视保
are becoming interested in finding out 护文化 C 研究历史
about the history of the house or building A 电子化 B 房子的数据政府提供或者网络提供
they live in. What are the reasons for this? C 人们容易获得相关信息
How can people research this?
谁负责教垃圾回收 A 学校教 B 更加系统 C 不会做错
Some people think children should learn A 家长教 B 言传身教 C 小孩更有可能形成习
how to recycle waste at school, while 惯
some believe that parents should do that. A 家长教 B 惩罚或者奖励 C 更有可能改变小
Discuss both views and give your opinion. 孩行为
领导是不是要聪明 A 聪明 B 快速学习 C 企业更加容易成功
Some people think intelligence is the A 社会能力 B 凝聚人 C 企业更加容易成功

most important quality of a successful A 情商和逆商 B 保持乐观,不断坚持 C 企业
leader. To what extent do you agree or 更加容易成功
A 网络看病 B 及时 C 避免不必要的死亡
Some people go to the Internet to get
A 网络看病 B 省钱 C 方便普罗大众
advice on medical problems. Do you think
A 网络看病 B 看的不准 C 耽误病人
advantages outweigh disadvantages?
Some people think that children should
A 学习设计东西 B 获得技能 C 有助于职业发展
learn to design and make things in
A 学习传统的核心科目 B 有坚实的基础 C 为学
school. Others believe that there are
better things to learn. Discuss both views
and give your own opinion.
雇员喜欢在大公司工作的好坏处 In the
past employees worked for small
A 为大公司工作 B 工作保障 C 生活舒适
businesses but now many are working for
A 为大公司工作 B 大机器上的螺丝钉 C 发掘个 2402
large businesses. What are the
advantages and dis advantages of this
A 还给原来的国家 B 有助于文物的保存 C 用
博物馆归还藏品给原来的国家 Historical 于教育等目的
objects should be brought back to their A 还给原来的国家 B 友好的象征 C 有助于国
country of origin. 家之间关系的提升
To what extent do you agree or disagree? A 还给原来的国家 B 某些国家没有能力维护 C
A 赞助体育 B 增加收入 C 吸引更多人参加体
Large companies use sports events to
promote their products. Some people
A 企业赞助 B 过度商业化 C 对体育的完整性和真
think this has a negative impact on sports.
To what extent do you agree or disagree?
科技进步导致犯罪率下降 The crime rate
A 科技发展 B 可以预防和震慑犯罪 C 犯罪率
nowadays is decreasing compared to the
past due to advances in technology.
A 社会发展 B 人们生活满意度提高 C 犯罪率
To what extent do you agree or
A 单一系统 B 更一致 C 更有效地阻止国际犯罪和
Some people think it is better for one
single legal system throughout the world.
A 自己的法律体系 B 与各自的价值观和传统相匹
Others say countries should have their
配 C 保留文化认同感和遗产
own law. Discuss both view and give your
A 单一系统 B 融入世界 C 实现繁荣
将绿地用作种菜的好坏处 A 把绿地变成花园 B 更好地控制食物数量和质量
People have turned green spaces into C 有益于健康 2403
gardens for growing fruit and vegetables.

Is it a positive or negative development? A 将绿地变成花园 B 资源浪费或低效利用 C 破坏
Nowadays it is easy to get a credit card.
However, some people experience A 信用卡 B 过分借贷 C 影响生活
problems when they are not be able to A 信用卡 B 信息被盗 C 损失钱
pay debts back. Do the advantages of A 信用卡 B 方便 C 对生活好
credit card outweigh the disadvantage of
个人信息被网络公司持有的优缺点 A 收集个人信息 B 获得个性化服务 C 使用体
The personal information of many 验更好
individuals is held by large internet 缺点的观点:
companies and organisations. Do you A 收集个人信息 B 信息被盗用 C 造成个人损
think the advantages of this outweigh the 失或者其他伤害
disadvantages? A 收集个人信息 B 用户偏好被分析 C 用户可
A 用钱奖励高分 B 学生过分关注结果 C 忽视
Some parents offer their school-age
A 用钱奖励高分 B 学生注重钱 C 忽视了其他
children money for each high grade
(mark) they get in school. Will this do
good or harm to children?
A 用钱奖励高分 B 学生努力学习 C 短期内有
体力活的人是不是和高文凭人士同酬 A 很多人现在去读大学 B 做体力活的人减少
Some people think that those who work C 应该获得高收入
physically hard should be paid as much 反对的观点:
as those who have high level A 高文凭的人有知识 B 能够创新,给社会带来
qualifications. To what extent to you agree 突破 C 应该获得高收入
or disagree? A 高文凭的人懂技术等 B 可以解决普通人不
具备的问题 C 应该获得高收入
A 母亲和孩子都比较脆弱 B 需要照顾 C 父亲
父亲休产假 休陪产假
All fathers should be entitled to some time A 母亲受到歧视 B 需要公平对待 C 父亲休
off from work after having a child. 陪产假
To what extent do you agree or disagree? 反对的观点:
A 父亲是唯一的赚钱者 B 需要保证收入 C 父
工作勤奋的唯一原因是赚钱 支持的观点:
The only reason for people to work hard is A 经济条件不好 B 需要收入 C 为金钱而工
to earn money. To what extent do you 作勤奋

agree or disagree? 反对的观点:
A 工作满意度很高 B 希望继续做这个工作 C
A 喜欢公司的氛围 B 希望成为公司的一部分
C 工作勤奋
很少人用笔写东西 A 科技发达 B 大家都用电脑手机等 C 不
Fewer people today write by hand using 再手写
pens, pencils, and brushes. What are the 第二问的观点: 2403
reasons? Is this a positive or negative A 不再手写 B 交流更快 C 效率更高
development? A 不再手写 B 写字能力下降 C 对学习和工作
义务教育减轻贫困 The best way to
reduce poverty in developing countries is
by giving up to 6 years of free education A 义务教育 B 提高工作能力 C 减少贫困
to children, so that they can at least read, A 义务教育 B 为进一步教育打下基础 C 成为
write and use numbers. To what extent 高素质人才,对国家脱贫有帮助
do you agree or disagree with the
A university courses are specialised B more
读大学难的原因和解决方法 Many
abstract and difficult-to-comprehend concepts
students find it is harder to study at
C harder
university or college compared to when
A university education gives more autonomy B
they were in grade school.
expect self-management of students C harder
Why is this?What are some possible
A run workshops B teach skills C transition to
solutions for this problem?
university life


富裕最重要的事情是不是去有机会帮助别 A 有钱 B 生活更好 C 沒有经济的困扰

人 A 即便没钱 B 也可以通过各种方式帮助人
Some people think the most important C 不需要等到有钱才帮助
thing about being rich is that it gives them
the opportunity to help other people. To A 有钱 B 有资源去做公益 C 可能能够帮助更
what extent do you agree or disagree? 多人
现代完美理想社会 Throughout history,
people have dreamed of living in a perfect
A 公平 B 人们都有机会提高自己的生活,
society, but they have not agreed on what an
实现自己的梦想 B 完美的社会
ideal society would be like. What do you think
A 经济发展 B 社会富裕 C 完美的社会
is the most important element of a perfect
A 努力成为优秀的人 B 给社会献力 C 让
society in the modern world?
How can people work towards achieving an
ideal society?
国际差异减少的优缺点 优点:

Differences between countries have 经济角度:A 享受相同的电影,品牌和电视节目
become less evident, so we can enjoy the B 大家的价值观和世界观差不多 C 更好共事
same films, brands and TV programs. To 缺点:
what extent do you think the 文化角度:A 享受相同的电影,品牌和电视节
disadvantages of this outweigh the 目 B 文化趋同 C 影响文化多样性,人们归属
advantages? 感
经济角度:A 享受相同的电影,品牌和电视节
目 B 某些大品牌占据整个市场 C 对于小国家
A 电子设备交流 B 减少使用文字信息
C 年轻人写作和阅读能力下降
Some people say that communication by
A 电子设备交流 B 注意力不集中, 对传统
using computers and phones will have
写作阅读失去兴趣 C 年轻人写作和阅读能力
side effects on young people's writing
and reading skills. To what extent do you
A 使用电子设备 B 人们交流更加频繁 C 提
agree or disagree?
A 政府投资艺术, 城市更漂亮 B 市民心情
Towns and cities are attractive places.
好,参加室外活动 C 城市更适合人居住
some people suggest governments
A 政府投资艺术,文化氛围 B 参加一些文化
should spend money putting in more 2401
和艺术活动 C 城市更适合人居住
works of art like paintings and statues to
A 政府投资艺术 B 没有资金去投资其他设
make them better places to live in. Do
施 C 城市没有吸引力
you agree or disagree?
保持传统还是随心所欲做事情 A 遵循传统 B 保持文化遗产 C 促进团结感
Some people think that young people
should follow traditions of their society, A 个人自由 B 发展才能 C 促进社会进步
and others think young people should be
free to behave as individuals. Discuss A 遵循传统 B 尊重共享价值观 C 维护社会秩
both views and give your own opinion. 序和稳定
减少环境污染和房屋问题去避免疾病 A 减少污染 和提高房屋质量 B 避免病毒感染
Some people say that to prevent illnesses C 减少疾病
and diseases, governments should focus A 减少污染 和提高房屋质量 B 让人们生活方
more on reducing environmental pollution 式更加健康 C 减少疾病
and housing problems. To what extent do A 政府加快医学科技发展 B 研究医疗手段 C
you agree or disagree? 减少疾病
Some people think the manufacturers or A 很多消费者追求好的生活标准 B 喜欢包装
shopping malls should sell less packaged 好,没有瑕疵的产品 C 只有商家改变,才可以
products and others argue that people 改变他们 2403
have the responsibility to buy products A 商家都是以赚钱为主 B 顾客喜欢什么他们就
with less packaging. Discuss both views 卖什么 C 消费者改变,才可以改变商家
and give your own opinion.
阅读是否提高语言能力和想象力 A reading for pleasure B no visuals C
Reading for pleasure can develop improves the ability to read between lines

imagination and language skills better and use imagination
than watching TV. To what extent you A reading for pleasure B expose them to
agree or disagree? more complex settings C expand vocabulary
and imagine different scenes and endings
Some scientists believe that studying the A 注意小孩的教育 B 小孩可以学习怎么控制
behaviour of 3-year-old children can tell 情绪,分辨对错, 知道罪责 C 不犯罪
which children would grow up to be A 注意小孩的教育 B 小孩成长后经济条件好
criminals. To what extent in your opinion C 减少因为经济而导致的冲动犯罪
is crime a product of human nature or is it A 天生比较情绪比较火爆 B 容易和别人有冲
possible to stop children from growing up 突 C 容易犯罪
to be criminals?
Many people today put personal
A 信息放在网络 B 大数据分析更快 C 人们更
information online for the needs of daily
加快获得信息 2309
lives (e.g., shopping, banking and social
A 信息放在网络 B 信息被盗取 C 造成损失
life). Is it a positive or negative
A 避免气候变化 B 在本质上解决问题 C 有助
Some people think instead of preventing
A 避免气候变化 B 开发新的科技 C 促进经济 范 文
climate change, we should find ways to
发展 库
live with it. To what extent do you agree
A 适应气候的变化 B 不至于采取一些激进的方
or disagree?
法解决气候变化 C 减少对经济的影响
A 艺术家强调感情的释放 B 人们需要通过艺
艺术能够告诉我们什么? 术来调节心情和消磨时间 C 而不是像科技一
Today, advanced science and technology 样强调效率和速度
have made great changes to people’s life, A 艺术家的作品体现了历史和文化 B 人们知
but artists such as musicians, painters 道世界的多样化 C 而不象科技和科学一样所 2403
and writers are still highly valued. What 有的发现和成果都是全世界一样的
can the arts tell us about life that science A 艺术家强调原创,不关注对和错 B 表达自己
and technology cannot? 的想法和对世界的看法 C 而不是像科学一样
A 推荐人制度 B 更了解候选人 C 更合理
面试是不是雇佣人比较好的办法 A 实习 B 候选人展示能力 C 更合理,并能安排
Some people think that the interview is 适合候选人的岗位
an unreliable way for a company to A 考试 B 测试技能,能力 C 符合岗位技
recruit new staff, and there are better 术要求-
selection methods. To what extent do you A 面试 B 面试过程中员工表现出来的部分能力
agree or disagree? 等可以在一定程度上代表员工的综合素质 C 是
保护全部还是部分野生动物? 第一个立场的观点:
Some people think that it is important to A 保护全部野生动物 B 生物链完整 C 保护自 2401
protect all wild animals, while others think 然环境

that it is important to protect some of 第二个立场的观点:
them. Discuss both views and give your A 保护部分动物 B 有足够的资源保护得更好
own opinion. C 避免灭绝
A 保护部分动物 B 减少对自然界的干扰 C
雇主是关注衣着,还是工作质量? A 关注员工衣着 B 影响着员工的精气神、责任
Some people think employers should 感 C 对员工工作表现有影响
not be concerned about how employees A 关注员工衣着 B 更加方便特殊行业的工作
dress at work, but the quality of work C 工作更加安全和舒适
only. To what extent do you agree or A 不关注员工衣着 B 员工更加自由 C 工作效
disagree? 果更好
Responsible tourists could preserve the A 去到一些地方旅游 B 人的出现肯定会对环
local culture and environment. Some 境和文化古迹有影响 C impossible
people think it's impossible to become A 提高意识 B 知道自己每个行为的影响 C 尽
responsible tourists. To what extent do 量保证旅游业的可持续
you agree or disagree?
A 水在生活中非常重要 B 满足生活所需, 保持
Some people think they have the right to
卫生 C 人有用水的权利,确保自己生活好
use as much fresh water as they want,
第二个立场的观点: 范 文
while others believe governments should
A 水是公共资源 B 你的过分使用会导致别人 库
tightly control the use of fresh water as it
用不了 C 政府要限制
is a limited resource. Discuss both views
A 政府限制用水 B 会节约用水 C 确保水资源
and give your own opinion.
A the rise of cultural tourism B promote
cultural attractions C attracting
tourists but not necessarily local people
Many museums and historic sites are
A budget-conscious B interested in a
mainly visited by tourists, not local 2403
unique experience C visiting other cities,
people. Why is it the case? What can be
rather than their own cities
done to attract local people?
A provide free entry B increase awareness
C attract locals
A 体育运动员艰苦训练 B 国际比赛中获得好
体育对社会重要,还是只是休闲活动 的成绩 C 给国家带来荣誉和国民带来成就感,
Some people think sports games are 让国家更团结
important for society, while others believe A 体育比赛作为一种休闲活动 B 人们在体育
they should be taken as leisure activities. 中获得乐趣 C 不会觉得很累和压力
Discuss both views and give your opinion. A 体育比赛吸引很多观众 B 带来工作和收入
C 对社会的经济发展有好处
科学研究是不是浪费钱和时间 A scientific research B expand
Some people think a lot of scientific understanding of the world C worth time and
research done today is a waste of time effort
and money. To what extent do you agree A scientific research B promote economic

or disagree? growth C worth time and effort
A (when budget is limited) spending on the
research on too radical ideas B achieve
nothing C a waste time and money
A as people age, their income, lifestyle and
消费和年龄有关,还是其他因素有关? family structures all change B these factors
People's shopping habits depend more affect their buying decisions C affect shopping
范 文
on the age group they belong to than any habits

other factors. to what extent do you agree A the world is materialistic B encourage
or disagree? consumer spending C shopping habits not
affected by age

题目 范例答案
上大学前旅游工作的优缺点 School A a gap year B better idea their weaknesses
leavers go travelling or work for a period and the demands of employers C study with
before they go directly to university. Are motivation 2401
there more advantages or disadvantages A a gap year B disconnected from academic
on their study? life C fail to adapt to university
广告的优缺点 A 被广告包围 B 大量购买东西 C 消费增加,
People are surrounded by many kinds of 影响生活
advertising which can influence their life. A 被广告包围 B 大量购买东西 C 对环境不好
Does the positive effect of this trend A 被广告包围 B 获得信息更多 C 买到性价比
outweigh the negative effect? 高的东西
A 物价飞涨 B 年轻人没有积蓄也没有养孩子
In some countries around the world men
经济能力 C 晚孕
and women are having children late in
A 男女平权 B 女性接受教育和工作 C 晚孕 2305
life. What are the reasons for this
A 生孩子晚 B 年轻人数量减少 C 养老问题
development? What are the effects on
society and family life?
Young people are often influenced in their A 被同龄人影响 B 没有自己的主 C 缺乏个性
behaviors and situations by others Of the A 被同龄人影响 B 染上不好的习 C 影响发展
same age. This is called “peer pressure". A 被同龄人影响 B 有压力遵守行为规范 C 形
Do the disadvantages of peer pressure 成好的习惯
outweigh the advantages?
设施训练顶级运动员,还是人人可用 A 专业设施获得成功 B 政府不关注普通人的体
Some countries achieve international 育设施 C 很多人缺乏地方锻炼
success by building specialized facilities A 投资体育设施 B 重视竞技体育 C 人们会 2301
to train top athletes instead of providing 觉得体育是为了荣誉,而不是为了健身和娱乐
sports facilities that everyone can use. Do A 专业设施获得成功 B 带动体育各相关产业的

you think it is a positive or negative 发展 C 对经济有帮助
In some countries, there has been an A 在家接受教育 B 教的东西不系统 C 效果不
increase in the number of parents who 好
educate their children themselves at A 在家接受教育 B 缺乏和小伙伴交流 C 影响 2303
home instead of sending them to school. 社会技能发展
do the advantages of home education A 在家接受教育 B 因材施教 C 效果更好
outweigh disadvantages?
A 提供免费住房 B 社会平等 C 稳定
As housing is a basic need for people,
A 提供免费住房 B 减低房价 C 生活质量上升
governments should provide free housing 2403
A 提供免费住房 B 被人利用 C 增加纳税人的
for everyone who can’t afford it.To what
extent do you agree or disagree?
踩单车为什么不流行?怎么解决? A 城市化 B 人们很难踩车去不同的地方,而且
Cycling is more environmentally friendly 不安全 C 不踩单车
than other forms of transport. Why is it A 生活节奏快 B 人们希望少花时间在交通上 2309
not popular in many places? And how to C 不踩单车
increase its popularity? A 政府介入 B 增加设施 C 更多人踩单车
Some people think the money in
developing technology for space
A 花钱在太空探索的科技 B 有些技术革新也
exploration is not justified. They think the
可以商业使用 C 有利于人们的日常生活
money should be used in other beneficial
A 花钱在太空探索的科技 B 长远来说有利于
ways. To what extent do you agree or
我们在宇宙中找到适合居住的地方 C 对人类有 2302
2023 年常出的类似题目:
A 花钱在太空探索的科技 B 短期受益的人很少
Money spent on exploration of space is a
C 经济的意义不大
complete waste, while it could be spent
on improvements of living for people. To
what extent do you agree or disagree.
A 生活压力大 B 不断工作赚钱 C 生活很难平
Many people fail to achieve a balance

between work and the other parts of life. 2301
A 政府介入 B 宣传或者立法 C 促使大家劳逸
What causes the situation? How to
overcome this problem?
Some people think there are not many A 个人没有资金和人力 B 发展不了科技和增
things Individuals can do to resolve 加设施 C 解决不了环境问题
environmental problems, while the others A 个人改变生活习惯 B 减少破坏环境的行为
believe that in order to tackle C 保护环境
environmental problems individuals also A 消费者可以改变消费习惯 B 让环保企业增加
need to take action. Discuss both views 收入 C 保护环境
and give your opinion.

A 住在大城市 B 污染严重 C 对身体造成伤害
住在大城市对健康不好 A 住在大城市 B 工作和生活压力大 C 身心
Living in big cities is bad for health. Do 不健康 2309
you agree or disagree? A 大城市医疗条件好 B 体检和治疗都容易 C
城市的问题和解决方法 The major cities in
A 大城市迅速发展 B 生活成本高 C 年轻人
the world are growing fast, as well as
their problems. What are the problems
A 政府给与一定的经济支持 B 年轻人生活费
that young people living in cities are
用不会太高 C 有更多提高自己的机会
facing? Give solutions to these problems.
A population growth B higher competition C 2308
城市扩张的问题和解决方法 Many major
young people are jobless and stressed
cities today are becoming bigger and
A adopt measures to develop small towns and
more crowded. Why is this happening?
rural areas B more balanced regional
What measures can be taken to solve this
development C provide more opportunities
家庭之外还是家庭的影响更大 A 家庭之外的因素 B 小孩每天观察 C 影响小
A family has a great influence on 孩的行为
children's development, but the influence A 家庭之外的因素 B 小孩每天接触信息 C 对 2309
outside the home plays a bigger part in 小孩的知识和人生有影响 2403
children's life. To what extent do you A 家庭 B 言传身教 C 对小孩的生活影响比其
agree or disagree? 他因素更大
公众地方能不能使用手机 正方的观点:
Some people say that mobile phones A 公共地方不使用电子设备 B 不影响其他人
should not be used in public places such C 有利于社会的秩序
as buses, trains, restaurants and 反方的观点:
cinemas. Others say that people should A 科技发展 B 手机可以不影响别人的情况下
be able to use mobile phones anywhere. 继续使用 C 不需要禁止
Discuss both views and give your own A 我们很多时候依赖手机 B 需要手机处理一
opinions. 些紧急事情 C 不需要禁止
Some people think that the government A 禁止极端体育 B 减少对医疗系统和救援系
should ban dangerous sports, but others 统的依赖 C 减少资源的浪费
think that people should have freedom to A 自由决定体育 B 带来征服感 C 获得快乐

do whatever sport activities they choose . A 自由决定体育 B 采取安全措施减低风险 C
Discuss both views and give your 和其他体育一样
以后传统教室是否会存在? A 传统教育老师可以监督学生 B 确保学生专心
Some people think a traditional 学习 C 传统教室会继续存在
classroom, in which a teacher teaches a A 教室允许大量的交流 B 有助于学生的社会
number of students at a time, will not 技能发展 C 传统教室不会消失
exist by the year 2050. Do you agree or A (对于成年人)网络学习方便 B 大家可以
disagree? 很容易学习 C 传统教室会消失
青少年犯罪是否和成年人一样惩罚 A 青少年严重犯罪被惩罚 ,进监狱 B 没有
Young people who commit serious crimes 机会过正常人生活 C 以后出狱后可能会再犯 范文

should be punished in the same way as A 青少年严重犯罪被惩罚 B 进监狱 C 给社会 套餐
adults 造成经济压力
To what extent do you agree or disagree? A 青少年(屡次)严重犯罪被惩罚 B 警示
社会 C 减少青少年犯罪的再发生
The housing shortage in big cities can A 政府可以提供更多的住房补贴和经济房 B
cause severe social consequences. 普通人也可以买得起房 C 住房紧张得到缓解
Some people think only government A 政府可以增加土地供应 B 可以多盖房子 c
action can solve this problem. To what 解决市中心的住房紧张问题
extent do you agree or disagree?
Some people think that older
A 学习不同科目 B 提升各种技能 C 有助于以
schoolchildren should learn a wide range
of subjects and develop knowledge, while
A 广泛学习 B 借用不同学科的 知识 C 可以 2403
other people think that they should only
learn a small number of subjects in detail.
A 关注某些科目 B 增加认识 C 成为专家
Discuss both views and give your own
A 老师决定了小孩每天的校外和校内活动 B 活
动影响各种能力的塑造 C 有助于智力和社会发

A 老师对小孩进行教导和约束 B 影响小孩对
Once children start school, teachers have
不同事情的看法,譬如说学习习惯、学习方法和 2402
more influence than parents on their
交流手段 C 决定了智力和社会的发展的走向
intellectual and social development. To
A 家长在孩子回家后可能会有管教和互动 C
what extent do you agree or disagree?
对小孩的课外生活有影响 C 从而影响社会能力
A 没有好的教育和培训 B 没有工作能力 C 犯
惩罚也继续犯罪的原因和解决方法 罪
People continue to commit crimes even A 轻罪或首犯的人 B 不用入狱或者接受严厉的
after being punished.Why does this 惩罚 C 避免犯罪
happen? How can crime be prevented? A 政府多注意教育 B 提供高危险人群的就业能
力 C 避免犯罪
Detailed description of crimes on A 媒体的犯罪描述 B 有人模仿 C 对社会产生
newspapers and TV can have bad 不好影响,应该被限制
consequences on society, so this kind of A 媒体的犯罪描述 B 不利于社会成员的相互 2404
information should be restricted on 信任和社会生活 C 对社会产生不好影响,应该
media. To what extent do you agree or 被限制
disagree with this statement?
广告不影响人们买什么 Some people find A 广告影响人的价值观 B 人们觉得消费是个
advertisements amusing or annoying and 乐趣 C 影响大家的消费习惯
they are not influenced by this when they A 广告影响人的审美观 B 让人们注意自己的
shop. To what extent do you agree or 容貌 C 影响大家的消费习惯


A 资金用于新建建筑和修路 B 解决人口
钱是用来修老房子,还是新房子和道路 膨胀导致的住房短缺和道路拥堵 C 改善
The restoration of old buildings in major cities 市民居住环境和生活满意度
in the world costs enormous government A 资金用于新建建筑和修路 B 城市容易
expenditure. This money should be used in 吸引投资 C 收入更高
new housing and road development. To what A 老建筑修补 B 城市保持原有景观和特色
extent do you agree or disagree? C 本地居民更有身份 认同感,吸引游客参

A 大学教育 B 掌握知识 C 获得成功
Some people argue that the best way to have
A 大学教育 B 提高各种能力 C 获得成功
a successful life is to attend college, but
other people do not think so. Discuss both
A 有好的个人素质 B 遇到困难不断坚持
views and give your own opinion.
C 获得成功
A education B raising awareness about
the health risks associated with junk food C
Scientists say that junk food is harmful to
behavior change
people's health. Some say the way to ask
A a fast pace of life B fast food caters to the
people to eat less fast food is to educate 2307
needs C education doesn’t work
them, while others say education does not
A fast food is addictive B people cannot
work. Discuss both sides and give your own
change habits easily C education doesn’t
垃圾回收不够的原因和解决方法 A 缺乏意识 B 大家不知道回收的重要性 C
In some countries there is not enough 不回收
recycling of waste materials (eg. paper, glass A 缺乏设施 B 不好回收 C 不回收
and cans).What are the reasons and A 政府介入 B 提高意识和增加设施 C 回
solutions? 收
计算机比人更智能 Some scientists think it is A more intelligent B replace humans C
very soon that computers will be more improve productivity and quality
intelligent than human. Some people think it A more intelligent B self-aware C pose a
is a positive development, while others think threat to human society
it is a negative development. Discuss both A more intelligent B overreliant C become
views and give your opinion. lazy and stupid
A 18 岁全日制教育 B 年轻人有基本的
18 岁全日制教育是不是需要? Some people 知识和能力 C 独立工作,或者读大学
think young people should be required to A 18 岁全日制教育 B 保护青少年 C
have full time education until they are at least 不会受到社会不好的东西影响
18 years old. To what extent do you agree or A 18 岁全日制教育 B 不能够去技校等
disagree? 学习 job skills C 不好找工作,减轻家庭的负

A 长时间工作 B 产出更大 C 国家竞争力
Countries with a long average working time
金钱角度:A 长时间工作 B 多学习和提高
are more economically successful than those
技能 C 创新能力强,经济更有竞争力 2404
countries which do not have a long working
健康角度:A 长时间工作 B 没有时间休
time. To what extent do you agree or
息 ,损害身心健康, 事故增加 C 劳动力下
降, 经济影响
A 私人医疗服务 B 较为方便快捷 C 病
Some people think that good health is a
basic human need, so the medical service
A 私人医疗机构 B 收入更高 C 人们获 2309
should not be run by profit-making
得公立医院没有的一些服务 2403
companies. Do you think the disadvantages
A 私人医疗服务 B 收费高昂 C 很多贫
of the private health care outweigh the
A limited access to relevant facilities B stay
Even though doctors advise old people to
at home C inadequate exercise
get more exercise, many elderly people do
A provide more facilities B easy access C
not get enough. What are the reasons for
sufficient exercise
this? What are some possible solutions for
Taking care of children is important, so both A 父母上课 B 可以知道怎么和小孩玩和教
mothers and fathers should take childcare 育小孩 C 对小孩的智力和能力发展有帮助
training courses.Do you agree or disagree? A 父母上课 B 可以知道小孩的营养和运动
类似题:New parents should attend parenting C 对小孩的身体发育有帮助
courses to learn how to bring up their A 网络有很多信息 B 可以学习如何养育孩
children well To what extent do you agree or 子 C 不用上课
机器人是有利还是危险 A 机器人 B 人们少做体力活,重复性工作
Some people think that robots are very C 多做创意的工作
important to human’s future development, A 机器人 B 可以在恶劣环境下工作和处理
while others think they are dangerous and 数据 C 有助于科研
have negative effects on society. Discuss A 机器人 B 错误了解指令,或者过分智能
both views and give your opinion. C 对人产生伤害
A ambitions B push people to achieve their
Ambition is being emphasised in today's
goals and aspirations C reach full potential
society. How important do you think it is for 2309
A excessive ambition B foster a culture of
people who want to succeed in life? Is it a
selfishness C hinder collective progress
positive or negative characteristic?
工作和生活选择不工作 When asked to A driven by ambitions B work hard to
choose between a life without work and explore talents and achieve ambitions C
working most of the time, people would choose to work
always choose not to work. Do you agree or A overworking leads to lower life
disagree with this statement? Give your satisfaction B cause unhappiness C

opinion. choose not to work
大学生自己支付所有费用 Some people A 学生接受大学教育 B 学习专业知识发挥
believe that university students should pay all 潜能 C 社会发展有好处,政府应该支付学费
the cost of studies because university A 学生接受大学教育 B 开拓思维 C 对社
education only benefits the students 会承担不同的责任,政府应该应该支付学费
themselves not the society as a whole. To A 学生出于个人兴趣学习 B 满足个人的追
what extent do you agree or disagree? 求 C 对社会没贡献,自己承担
政府应该花更多钱在职业教育上而不是大学 A vocational training B acquire vocational
教育上 Nations should spend more money on skills C find jobs easily
skills and vocational training for practical A vocational training B limited innovative 2404
work, rather than on university education. capacity C miss out innovation-driven
To what extent do you agree or disagree? opportunities

Space travel has been possible for some
time. Some people think space tourism 范 文
would develop in the future. Do you think 库

space tourism is a positive or negative

原因的观点:A 西方企业在全世界很普遍 B
影响不同地方的员工的穿着习惯 C 西方服
A 西方电影和连续剧,杂志在全世界普遍 B
In many countries, people wear more
年轻人模仿西方人的衣着 C 西方服饰流行
western-style clothes (suits and jeans) than 2212
影响的观点:A 传统服饰减少 B 我们对某些
their traditional clothes. Why? Is it a positive
or negative development?
C 世界文化是一种损失
A 统一服饰 B 人们知道某些场合的衣着 C
A 媒体影响 B 接触不好的信息 C 犯罪
In many parts of the world children and
A (小的犯罪)只是让他们做一下社区服务
teenagers are committing more crimes. Why 2309
B 有专人注意改变他们的行为 C 避免再次
is this happening? How should children or
teenagers be punished?
为什么明知道不健康还去做 A 生活太忙 B 不能形成健康的习惯 C 不
Scientists tells us some activities are good 注意健康
for our health and there are some unhealthy A 科技发展 B 导致我们很懒 C 不注意健
activities. But millions of people still do those 康
unhealthy activities. Why? What can we do A 制定法律 B 抑制不健康的行为 C 让人
to change this situation? 们注意健康
高管高收入是否好 A 管理收入高 B 大家都想做,努力工作 C
It is a good thing for people in senior 提高公司的效益 2301
management positions to get a higher salary A 管理收入高 B 吸引更优秀的人 C 更加

than other workers in the same company.To 好地发展
what extent do you agree or disagree? A 管理收入过高 B 很多人觉得不公平 C
A 富裕 B 人们会追求更大的成功,期望越
财富增加不会使人快乐 Some people think 高
that if a country is already rich, any addition C 反而不开心
in economic wealth does not make its A 富裕 B 追求奢侈品和炫富 C 攀比导致不
citizens happier. To what extent do you 开心
agree or disagree with this statement? A 富裕 B 多做对社会有贡献的事情 C 开

A 提高驾龄 B 减少年轻司机的事故 C 提
Some people think the best way to improve
A 增加教育和宣传 B 提高安全意识 C 道
road safety is to increase the minimum legal
age for driving cars and motorcycles. To
A 提高道路设施 B 让开车更加规范和容易
what extent do you agree or disagree?
C 提高道路的安全

国外旅游 Many people are travelling to A 全球化社会 B 出国方便,也有必要 C 出国
other countries. Why? Is it a positive or A 出国 B 开拓视野 C 愿意接受不同的想法
negative development? A 出国 B 依赖各种交通工具 C 污染增加
A 城市的人有很多健康问题 B 需要有地方锻
炼和调整生活方式 C 室外场地增加很重要
It is important for all towns and cities to
A 城市太多高楼 B 需要有更多的绿化 C 室外
have large public outdoor spaces, such
as parks and squares. Do you agree or
A 城市空间小 B 急需空间用于住宅和商业 C

A 寻求移居星球 B 定居在另一个星球 C 保护
寻找可以移居的星球 In the future, it 人类免受问题。污染、能源短缺、资源短缺、自
seems more difficult to live on the 然灾害、人为灾害
earth. Some people think more money A 寻求移居星球 B 引导技术突破 C 技术解决
should be spent searching for another 世界面临的问题
planet to live, such as Mars. To what A 寻求移居星球 B 需要投资,可能不具备技术
extent do you agree or disagree? 上的可行性 C 还不如将资金转移到解决地球
解决交通问题的最好办法是住在城市 A 发展不同城区和农村的经济 B 人们就近上
The best way to solve traffic and 班 C 解决交通堵塞问题
transportation problem is to encourage A 投资公共交通 B 人们坐公车地铁等上班 C
people to live in cities rather than suburbs 解决交通堵塞问题
and countryside. To what extent do you A 人们在城市生活,而不是在郊区或者是农村
agree or disagree? B 很多地方走路就可以去 C 解决交通问题(比

Scientists found that most crimes are
A 增加全社会的教育 B 年轻人可以找到工作
committed by people who lack education.
C 减少犯罪
Some people think that the best way to
A 如果犯罪了,可以使用保释 B 避免刑罚 C
reduce the crime rate is to provide
prisoners with education because it will
A 如果最后还犯罪,判刑+教育 B 找到工作 C
help them find a job when they leave
prison. To what extent do you agree or
越来越多人上大学的原因,影响 A 社会科技发展 B 越来越需要高科技人材和专
More and more people want to study at 业人员 C 需要年轻人获得文凭
university, so competition for university A 劳动力素质提高 B 处理的问题能力更强 C
places is increasing. Why do more and 对经济和社会有贡献
more people want to study at university? A 有些学生随大流,但是没有能力去完成学位 B
Is it a positive or negative development? 耽误自己时间 C 对职业发展没有好处
A 年轻人忙于工作 B 忽视家庭 C 和老人沟通
因和解决办法 In many societies, there is
less social contact between the elderly
A 政府介入 B 立法和提高意识 C 年轻人多和
and the young. What are the reasons and
what measures can be taken?
A invest more money in teaching science B
promoting innovations C promote social
Some people think that the government
A reduce spending on non-scientific subjects B
should invest more money in teaching
do not have a deep understanding of societies
science than other subjects to make
and human behaviour C limited social
progress. Do you agree or disagree?

Some people think getting old is bad for
them in the modern world, while others
think older people today live better lives A technological progress B fail to adapt to new
than in the past.Discuss both opinions technologies C feelings of isolation and
and give your view. exclusion
A advancements in healthcare and medical
类似题:Some people say that in the technologies B live longer, healthier lives C
modern world, getting old is entirely bad. A stronger sense of happiness
Others, however, say that life for the A economic prosperity B better elderly care B
elderly nowadays is much better than it live better lives
was in the past. Discuss both these views
and give your own opinion.

出国国外旅游更简单便宜 It has become A 去其他国家 B 促进不同文化的融合 C 更好

more easier and more affordable for 相处
people to travel to other countries. Do A 去其他国家 B 刺激旅游业 C 为一些地区的
you think it is a positive or a negative 经济发展带来好处
development? Give your opinion and A 去其他国家 B 借助各种交通工具 C 有一定
relevant examples from your experience. 的环境影响
联系外星人的好坏处 A 联系外星生命 B 对于了解宇宙的生命发展
Some scientists believe there are other 有更深了解 C 对于寻找适合人类居住的地方
intellectual life forms and people should 有一定帮助
send messages to them. Others believe it A 联系外星生命 B 相关科技会不断发展 C 在
could bring about dangerous 某些领域可以提升
consequences. Discuss both views and 反对的观点:
give your own opinion. A 联系外星生命 B 会被那些先进文明的外星人
发现 C 可能会导致人类的灭绝
Many different countries have most shops
and products as the same. Some A 东西都一样 B 选择少 C 不利于消费者
consider it a positive development A 东西都一样 B 批量生产 C 更加便宜
whereas others consider it negative.
Discuss both views and give your opinion.
A 城市变大,人口密集 B 绿地减少 C 人们出
Young people spend less time on
A 科技和社交媒体发展 B 留在室内 C 人们出
activities outdoors in the natural
environment. Why has it happened? How
A 提高城市规划 B 避免房地产过分开发 C 人
to solve it?
A 收取拥堵税来减少交通堵塞(但是公共交通没
有提高) B 很多人还是继续开车 C 问题没有
In some cities, governments have tried to
reduce traffic congestion. For instance,
A 收取拥堵税来减少交通堵塞 B 人们不开车
they have imposed a congestion tax
C 效率下降,经济受影响
during rush hour. Do you think this
A 收取拥堵税来减少交通堵塞 B 有钱投入到公
development is positive or negative?
共交通和拓宽道路 C 减少交通堵塞
丢旧东西不回收利用 Nowadays people
always throw old things away and buy
A 商家宣传和设计 B 产品使用寿命短 C 人们
news things, whereas in the past old
things were repaired and used again.
A 随便丢弃东西 B 造成垃圾 C 环境问题
What causes this problem? What effects
does the phenomenon lead to?

网络看新闻的影响 A 看网络新闻 B 获得信息更快 C 效率高,对

Many people no longer read newspapers 经济好
or watch TV programmes. Instead they A 看网络新闻 B 看到官方渠道之外的信息 C
get news about the world from the 更能起到监督政府的功能

Internet. Do you think it is a positive or A 看网络新闻 B 信息不准确 C 浪费时间,影
negative development? 响效率
父母给孩子很多压力的原因和好坏 A 社会竞争激烈 B 父母希望孩子生活好 C 给
Nowadays, some parents put a lot of 孩子压力
pressure on their children. Why parents A 社会变得物质 C 人们用以后的收入作为评
the reason for doing that? Is this a 判的标准 C 给孩子压力
positive or negative development for the A 孩子压力大 B 每天担心达不到父母的要求
children? C 有心理问题
In some countries celebrities complain
A 曝光私生活 B 带来流量,有经济价值 C 可
about the way media publicize their
private lives. Some people say that they
A 曝光私生活 B 侵犯隐私 C 不可以接受
should accept it as part of their fame. Do
you agree or disagree?
There are a large number of young A 没工作 B 没收入 C 生活不好,社会不稳定
people who leave school but cannot find A 没工作 B 没有机会增加自己的能力和经验 C
jobs. What effects youth unemployment 影响职业的发展,社会也利用不了年轻劳动力
causes on individuals and society and A 政府提供一些激励 B 鼓励年轻人创业或者企
what measures can be taken to solve the 业招聘年轻人 C 解决就业问题
A 对体育的过度投入 B 不平衡的生活方式 C 阻
孩子花时间认真运动 The children spend
A 对体育运动的过度投入 B 高期望 C 增加了压
most of their time taking part in sports in a
serious way not only for fun. Do you think
A 参加体育运动 B 灌输重要价值观 C 有益于他
it is a positive or negative development?

A 早点入学 B 早点学习早毕业 C 有竞争力

早点入学还是七岁入学/晚点入学 A 七岁入学/晚点入学 B 为学业做足够准备 C
Some think that children should start 更有可能成功
school as early as possible, while others A 早点入学 B 提高社会技能 C 全面发展
believe that they should start schools at 类似题:Some think that children should start 2404
the age of seven. Discuss both views and school as early as possible, while others
give your own opinion. believe that they should start schools at old
age. Discuss both views and give your own

和家人相处时间减少的原因和影响 A 追求事业成功 B 工作时间长 C 少花时间和

Nowadays, more and more people from 家人在一起
different cities are spending more time A 少花时间和家人在一起 B 缺乏沟通和
away from their families. What are the bonding C 家庭关系有影响,情绪有影响
possible reasons and the effects on the A 少花时间和家人在一起 B 享受更多自由 C
people themselves and their families? 生活满意度可能提高

国际合作保护环境还是有利于国际商务? 第一个立场的观点:
Some people think international 科技角度:A 国际合作 B 国家间交流环保先
cooperation has brought benefits to world 进经验、技术 C 有助于各国解决本国环境问题
environment protection, while some 立法角度:A 国际合作 B 立法, 惩罚不环保
people think more benefits have been 的行为 C 有助于各国解决本国环境问题
brought to international business. Discuss 经济角度:A 国际合作 B 贸易提升,都更加
both views and give your own opinion. 有钱 C 有助于各国解决本国环境问题
国际合作的好处 Some people think the
main benefit of international cooperation 第二个立场的观点:
is the protection of the environment, while 经济角度:A 国际合作 B 公司扩张 C 商机无
others think that the main benefit lies in 限,增加利润
global business.Discuss both these views 环境角度:A 国际合作 B 进出口越来越多 C 企
and give your own opinion. 业利润增加,虽然污染增加

A 看外国电视和电影 B 知道其他文化的特点
Some people think it is good for a
C 本国文化更加包容
country’s culture if people watch some
A 看本国文化的电影 和外国进口的电影都可以
imported films or TV programs while 范 文
B 可以知道一些好的价值观 C 本国文化可以
some people argue that it would be better 库
if people watch films of their own culture.
A 看本国文化的电影 B 知道自己的一些传统
Discuss both views and give your own
C 保护自己的文化遗产
除了正规学习,学校的责任是否应该教学 A 政府投资很多钱在教育上 B 学校有责任去
生好的行为 为了社会稳定做贡献 C 教好的行为
It is the responsibility of schools to teach A 大家生活很忙 B 无暇去管束孩子 C 学校应
good behaviors in addition to providing 该有责任
formal education. To what extent do you A 小孩的行为由很多因素造成 B 学校不可能
agree or disagree? 时时刻刻监督孩子 C 学校不应该负责
食物 In many countries, more and more A higher income B want more choices C buy
people choose to buy imported food imported food
rather than food produced locally. Why A raise awareness B keep people informed
people buy imported food? What could be about the benefits of eating local food C
done to encourage people to buy local change their habit
出国国外旅游更简单便宜 It has become A 去其他国家 B 促进不同文化的融合 C 更好相
more easier and more affordable for 处
people to travel to other countries. Do A 去其他国家 B 刺激旅游业 C 为一些地区的经
you think it is a positive or a negative 济发展带来好处
development? Give your opinion and A 去其他国家 B 借助各种交通工具 C 有一定
relevant examples from your experience. 的环境影响
带着家人出国 These days many people A 带家人出国 B 家人或者难以面对陌生环境
leave their country to work abroad and C 压力和矛盾增加
take their family with them. Do you think A 带家人一起在外工作 B 生活成本上升 C 增

benefits of this outweigh disadvantages in 加工作压力
terms of family development? A 和家人一起出国 B 没有很多顾虑 C 工作表

G 类题目
城市变大的问题和解决方法 A 城市面积大 B 破坏环境 C 造成环境问题
Nowadays, the size of many cities in the world A 城市面积大 B 交通不方便 C 去很多地方要很久
has increased. What problems will it cause? 解决方法的观点:
And how to address this problem? A 发展小城市和农村 B 让地区差异减少 C 避免大城
A 学校关注学生的成绩 B 关于健康的课程时间很少
Some people think that schools have not yet
C 做的不足够
done enough to teach young people how to look
A 学校关注学生的全面发展 B 关注学生的身体发育
after their health. To what extent do you agree
C 关注健康
or disagree?
体力劳动和高文凭的人应该同酬 A 给一样的钱 B 更多的人做体力活 C 避免体力活
People who work hard physically should be paid 缺乏劳动力
as much as those with high level qualifications. A 给一样的钱 B 社会可能少很多人去做脑力工作和
To what extent do you agree or disagree? 科研 C 社会发展变慢
旅游业产生的环境问题和解决方法 A 游客数目增加 B 各种活动增加 C 影响环境
The increase in tourism is causing A 增加宣传 B 告诉游客如何保护环境 C 减少环境问
environmental problems. What problems has 题
tourism brought to the environment? what can A 制定法律 B 惩罚一些行为 C 减少环境问题
be done to solve these problems?
A 做义工 B 小孩有责任感 C 以后工作有帮助,社区
Some people think teenagers should do some
unpaid work in the local community.
A 做义工,时间过长 B 小孩浪费时间 C 学习不好,
Some people believe that it benefits both young
people and society as a whole.
To what extent do you agree or disagree?
A 人们现在讲究排场 B 花费很多的钱去装
Some people believe that spending on
饰,食物大量浪费 C 浪费金钱
celebrating birthdays or weddings is a
A 花钱在生日和婚礼上 B 会让大家聚在一起 C
waste of money, but some argue that
these celebrations can benefit both
individuals and society. Discuss both
views and give your own opinion.
奥运会是否不再重要 A 体育已经产业化 B 很多人玩 C 奥运会不重
Some people think Olympics are no 要
longer important in the 21st century. To A 奥运会 B 运动员竞技 C 鼓励大家运动和推
what extent do you agree or disagree? 广运动
住冷的地方好,还是热的地方好? A 生活炎热地区 B 农业等行业比较发达 C 收
People have different activities and 入高,生活好

lifestyles in hot areas and cold areas, A 生活寒冷地区 B 四季分明 C 生活更加丰富
Some people think it is good to live hot
climates while some people like cold
climates.Discuss both views and give
your opinion.


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