Family Day Celebration Script

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Family Day Celebration Script

December 18, 2023

Note: (Five-minute warning)

Ladies and gentlemen, the LCJCA’s Family Day Celebration this 2023 will begin momentarily.
Please begin to take your seats and get ready for today’s event.

Throughout our busy lives filled with learning, teaching, and working, it is easy to allow
ourselves to lose sight of what should always be most important—our children, parents, and
other loved ones. Celebrating family day in school is a great way to bond with parents, children,
and their teachers.

Guardian and Students
Ladies and Gentlemen
Here are your hosts, Miss Eunice M. Macatula and Sir John Lawrence S. Mariano
Opening Statement:
Welcome to Little Child Jesus Christian Academy-Family Day 2023 with a theme
“Demographic, Trends and Families.
Opening Prayer
To formally start our program this morning, please all rise and let us seek divine intervention.
May we request the Toddler and EPK-Red adviser, Ms. Laarni C. Taguinod to lead us all to an
opening prayer.
Philippine National Anthem
Please remain standing as we give honor to the Philippine National Anthem.
You may be seated.
To set the tone for today’s celebration, let’s welcome on stage the ever-supported school
principal, Ms. Fernanda M. Santos, for the opening remarks. Let us welcome her with a warm
round of applause.

Community Song
At this juncture, let’s have our community song facilitated by Sir Jesryl L. Carpio, Miss Nicole
E. Dela Cruz, and Miss Juliet Mendoza.
We request that the preschool advisers and teachers assist your pupils.
Splitting of Sections
As we all know, dear parents, the level and section of the preschool department are divided into
two groups during this momentous celebration.
The toddler and kindergarten levels will go upstairs to proceed to their respective venues in the
function hall. While the nursery and EPK levels will remain here on the ground.

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